EPISODE 272 “Thank fuck – Ben’s not here” – 10/12/2019

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Deputy Trade AttachéSouvSouvarine
Tech MonkeyNorman MacArthurVentura
Inflatable Victim Mack Winston

Download the episode directly from here.

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  1. 5th Anniversary Announcement

Main discussion

  1. If you were to Re-write Elite, what would you change? Part 2
    1. Michael Hughes – Facebook – Would have kept on top of and taken advantage of the early bugs that allowed people to rank up quickly.
    2. Matt ‘wally’ Walford – Facebook – Do away with engineers, game killer for me as I don’t have the time to grind the upgrades as my work schedule doesn’t allow much game time. its become a game now where despite reaching elite ranking in combat, my ships near useless. – Game is far to unbalanced for casual players
    3. Nopil3os – Twitter – direct economy like in X-BtF and its successors.
    4. Karl – Twitter – I would not rely on the huge amount of 2D interfaces that removes you from first-person view. Since they’re more easy to create, their numbers only grow with each update. Elite is getting very point-and-click heavy.
    5. CMDR Tictak – Twitter – Reduce the repetition and add content instead
    6. Stephen Usher – Facebook – As I talked about during the early Alpha, making the scanner properly linear. Even in the current “linear” mode it’s still actually logarithmic scaling.

      This makes true spacial awareness using the scanner impossible and I only use it as a direction finder, unlike in the previous games.
    7. Drew Wagar – Facebook – I would not have allowed the entire galaxy to have been visited, rather I’d have required players to unlock it bit by bit by working out navigable hyperspace routes to new star systems via some kind of gameplay. Biggest mistake they made IMHO.
    8. Swidhelm – Twitter – The ability to set way points on planets, and hud elements for optimal approach and landing. Kind of like the Nostromo landing scene in alien.
    9. EvilSnowball82 – Twitter – Give the DBX a class 5 slot for a fuel scoop. I love my DBX.
    10. David Gillum – Facebook – I would have made the Thargoids more active than passive. As it stands you can choose if you want to encounter a Thargoid, even in infested systems
    11. Michael Hughes – Facebook – Make it possible to map asteroids so you are not always trying to mine the same ones.
    12. Liam Greene – Facebook – The core gameplay “loop”
    13. Make Crime and Punishment much more harsh.
      1. Notoriety is only gained by Killing other players.
      2. High Security Systems should be safe, any player with Notoriety should be harassed by npcs as soon as they enter the system.
      3. Any Player in a civilised system with Notoriety should be visible on the Galaxy Map.
      4. More NPC pirate interdictions in Low Security / Populated Anarchy systems

Community Corner

  1. Loose Screws :- , I wanted to invite you and anyone else over at Lave Radio to the Loose Screws end of the year Discord party/show. On December 27th at 730CST we are doing a live stream and show. I’m inviting all of the listeners and friends of my show. Feel free to drop in and say howdy to everyone. I know it will be late in the UK. Thanks for supporting us and getting us started. We will keep moving the Biowaste for you guys. 😀
  2. HCS Voice packs just teased a Babylon 5 picture for future voice packs. No Boom today, Boom tomorrow!


  1. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at tv.forthemug.com/ or, for just the audio, at radio.forthemug.com/.
  2. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “discord.me/elitedangerouscqc”.
  3. Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders

EPISODE 271 “High Sec Escorts!” – 3/12/2019

Christmas Snowflake from Reddit user DMC_RULEZ
PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
Chief Bar StewardGrant WoolcottPsykokow
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Inflatable VictimMack WinstonMack Winston
Inflatable AssailantArse Kikka Aesica

Download the episode directly from here.

In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?

  1. Alec Turner has a great summary of Decembery Stuff happening
    1. Buckyball Race – Total Recall 3
    2. Another Buckyball Race – Scully Powers 500 – 2
    3. Convoy to Colonia – Christmas Carriers Convoy
    4. Fix a Station – 2nd Annual Hauliday Haul

Main discussion

  1. If you were to Re-write Elite, what would you change?
    1. Cmdr Arithon – Twitter – Signposting. We have “space missions” we have “pinned blueprints”. So why are they not joined? Pinning a blueprint should start to trigger space (and board) missions that go “we hear you are looking for [blueprint ingredient material], so want this mission for it?” etc.
    2. Richard Lampitt – Twitter – The inadequate Crime and Punishment system

Community Corner

  1. Awesome Christmas Snowflake from Reddit user DMC_RULEZ (look closely) https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/e49maj/merry_christmas_elite_community/
  2. Operation Ida is holding it’s 2nd Annual HAULiday Haul which commemorates the 2 year of the initial attacks by Thargoids in 3303 & the 2nd Thargoid/Human War as well as our origin as a group. We’ll be fundraising for the cancer Research Institute and holding events during the 4 weeks of the Hauliday Haul including a one day station repair, convoys, races etc. last years Haul was a lot of fun and we were able to get the word out regarding what we do to the community, engage people in various activities and even raised over $1100 as well.
  3. The Christmas Carriers Convoy is having it’s 4th Christmas Convoy with the goal to create comfort for the colonists of Colonia by bringing gifts from the bubble, and some drugs. Actually, mainly drugs. Well, my ship anyway. Actually, my ship is full of nothing other than drugs, the finest onionhead (of both varieties) that money can buy.

    We launch on the 1st of December, which has become the tradition, and arrive on the 24th in Centralis. Right now we’ve got about 100 signups on EDSM. Waypoints have been chosen to kind of describe a 4 on the galaxy map, and take in some attractive sights along the way. There’s racing events and SRV-ball (I’m not entirely sure what SRV-ball is, but no doubt some SRVs will be harmed in the process) planned on the way.

    It’s organised by the SOTP  (Shadow of the Phoenix) in association with the CCN (Colonia Citizens Network). Launch system is Karbon (with a K)

    Direct link: https://ccced.ga
    Register on EDSM


  1. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at tv.forthemug.com/ or, for just the audio, at radio.forthemug.com/.
  2. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “discord.me/elitedangerouscqc”.
  3. Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders

EPISODE 270 “Hands off Colin’s Chopper” – 26/11/2019

Image by Reddit User LucarioNinja88
Image by Reddit User LucarioNinja88
PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Operation Eye Duh! Zayn Till
Operation Ida Jagged Mallard
Tech MonkeyNorman MacArthurVentura_

Download the episode directly from here.

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  1. January Update and Beta Announcement
  2. January Update Beta Patch Notes

Community Corner

  1. Elite Streamer Cmdr Plater (That’s Joe Plater for all those that), has been made a patron of the Thyriod Cancer Charity who has managed to raise so much money for using a 24 hour Elite Stream.
  2. Operation Ida is holding it’s 2nd Annual HAULiday Haul which commemorates the 2 year of the initial attacks by Thargoids in 3303 & the 2nd Thargoid/Human War as well as our origin as a group. We’ll be fundraising for the cancer Research Institute and holding events during the 4 weeks of the Hauliday Haul including a one day station repair, convoys, races etc. last years Haul was a lot of fun and we were able to get the word out regarding what we do to the community, engage people in various activities and even raised over $1100 as well.
  3. The Christmas Carriers Convoy is having it’s 4th Christmas Convoy with the goal to create comfort for the colonists of Colonia by bringing gifts from the bubble, and some drugs. Actually, mainly drugs. Well, my ship anyway. Actually, my ship is full of nothing other than drugs, the finest onionhead (of both varieties) that money can buy.

    We launch on the 1st of December, which has become the tradition, and arrive on the 24th in Centralis. Right now we’ve got about 100 signups on EDSM. Waypoints have been chosen to kind of describe a 4 on the galaxy map, and take in some attractive sights along the way. There’s racing events and SRV-ball (I’m not entirely sure what SRV-ball is, but no doubt some SRVs will be harmed in the process) planned on the way.

    It’s organised by the SOTP  (Shadow of the Phoenix) in association with the CCN (Colonia Citizens Network). Launch system is Karbon (with a K)
    1. https://ccced.ga
    2. Register on EDSM
  4. Ghost Giraffe – Star within a Star
    1. i.e. HIP 24020 which is within HIP 24019 is a bug in ED
    2. BUT is also a REAL LIFE Feature called a Thorne-Żytkow Object https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/416173943519576064/648958706754519051/Thorne-Zytkow_Object.mp3
    3. It is when a Red Super Giant essentially swallows a Neutron Star, so that the Neutron Star resides within the Red Super Giant
      1. This is possible because the Red Super Giant is REALLLLY BIG i.e. if we had one in Sol, it would expand out past Jupiter!!! Neutron Stars are tiny (The size of a city) and really rather dense. So the Neutron just ‘plops’ into the Star and doesn’t really give a damn 🙂
    4. HIP 108876 may be one in the game, but so much is speculative!


  1. What is the one thing you would have designed differently in Elite Dangerous? – Send an email to us at info@laveradio.com


  1. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at tv.forthemug.com/ or, for just the audio, at radio.forthemug.com/.
  2. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “discord.me/elitedangerouscqc”.
  3. Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders

EPISODE 269 “Kerrashing into the Past” – 19/11/2019

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
Chief Bar StewardGrant WoolcottPsykokow
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Squueeeezzzzzer with FriendsJohn VirgoKerrash

Download the episode directly from here.

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  1. Frontier Trading Statement and Roadmap Update dated 15th November
  2. 2020 Still on track for 2020, despite Financial Results discussion 2021
    1. Financial Report
      1. “A new release for the group’s Elite Dangerous sci-fi simulation game is also planned for 2021.”
    2. Paige
      1. “Hey Commanders, we just wanted to take a moment to reassure you all that the 2020 update isn’t delayed and still on track for release. The article referred to in the OP is discussing the 2021 financial year. We hope this helps clear the situation up for you!”

In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?

  1. Week 2 of the Interstellar initiative. Who are you Empire, Fed or playing both sides against the other? Have either of the two powers got the right idea?

Main discussion

  1. 5 Years since Elite Dangerous when Live? Five Years since the launch party?
    1. The Future of Elite: Dangerous – From 7th November 2014!
    2. Premier Stream
    3. Elite: Dangerous Premiere – Fan Interviews
    4. Building a Cobra Mk III
    5. Official Launch Trailer
  2. Speculation time with Kerrash 🙂

Community Corner

  1. Would you have preferred it to exclusively sign up for Either the Federation or the Empire? By the time our next episode is released, the event will be over, so what did you think and what did you think they could do to improve on?


  1. Were were asked if there is going to be a fourth season of Escape Velocity. Chris has confirmed that it is in development but there’s nothing to say just yet.


  1. Next month Operation Ida is holding it’s 2nd Annual HAULiday Haul which commemorates the 2 year of the initial attacks by Thargoids in 3303 & the 2nd Thargoid/Human War as well as our origin as a group. We’ll be fundraising for the cancer Research Institute and holding events during the 4 weeks of the Hauliday Haul including a one day station repair, convoys, races etc. last years Haul was a lot of fun and we were able to get the word out regarding what we do to the community, engage people in various activities and even raised over $1100 as well.
  2. In addition, The Anti-Xeno-Initiative is also 2 Years old and on Thursday the 21st of November 10:00 and 23:00 UTC, they’re flying around Asterope, Calaeno and Sterope II in a Hyperdiction Hunt. Contact them on the Anti – Xeno Initiative Discord.
  3. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at tv.forthemug.com/ or, for just the audio, at radio.forthemug.com/.
  4. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “discord.me/elitedangerouscqc”.
  5. Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders

Lave Radio Episode 268 – Speed is my Firstborn – 12/11/2019

Download the episode directly from here.

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Deputy Trade AttachéSouvSouvarine
Tech MonkeyNorman MacArthurVentura_
Speed DemonPrimetimeCasual

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  1. Discovery Scanner – The Sounds of Space
    1. All about the audio captured from various real world radio telescopes that we now can hear when we listen to the FSS Scanner
    2. Featuring, Space Weather Research Scientist, Nigel Meredith from the British Antarctic Survey andPrincipal Audio Designer, Joe Hogan from Frontier.
  2. FDev AGM – https://twitter.com/InvestedGeordie/status/1189637919797104640
    1. All FD properties are DB’s babies, but ED Is David Braben’s “1st Born”
    2. Codebase will be renewed via paid expansion
      1. So what we have is essentially the product of years of code and 2020 will be a rationalised and refactored product
    3. Obsidian Ant covered this in his most recent 3305
  3. Interstellar Initiative – The Galconda – Overview of Phases
    1. Play https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nd1QubiIW4 as an introduction to it (Takes about 10 minutes so we can have a nice snooze)
  4. Frontier Close EEE
    “I wanted to take this opportunity to give you an update on what is happening with EEE; as you all know, we’ve not been able to provide much support to the EEE system since the start of the year. Originally, our vision for EEE was to have a server set up to bring groups together with Frontier to support your events and activities. After I took over, its original focus shifted slightly.

    And toward the start of this year, when I announced that we will not be able to carry on the monthly meetings, I spoke of revamping and redesigning EEE. As a team, we’re taking a wider look at all of projects, and as we manage multiple projects, I want to ensure that anything we run is given the care and attention it deserves.

    As this is not something I’m able to promise with EEE at the current time, rather than continue to keep it open, I will be closing EEE.

    It’s worth mentioning that supporting our player groups (and Squadrons) is something we obviously still care very strongly about and the community team are available. You can still contact us if you need our support, have an awesome ideas to share or need assistance.

    I’d like to also take the opportunity to thank each and every one of you who contributed here, be that in the form of our monthly meetings, discussions with the devs, feedback sharing sessions or when we just had randomly chatted about something.

    While EEE will be closed, we’re still contactable, and I implore you to reach out to myself, Paige (PaigeHarveyFDEV#9598) and Stephen (TheBenedetti#0835) whenever you wish!”

Community Corner

  1. SpeedBowl 3 – Chasing Sanderling Results
    1. Weekend of 9./10. November 3305
141120.1PhoebiaViper Mk. IIIpremae*jcxVALIDINVALIDVideo
241110.1VerminusViper Mk. IIIFoxbatVALIDINVALIDVideo
341090.7GerUAViper Mk. IIIRun. Forrest. Run!VALIDINVALIDVideo
441090.3Aken B.Viper Mk. IIISpirit Of ShenaniganVALIDINVALIDVideo
541060.2BanniniViper Mk. IIIPoison DwarfVALIDINVALIDVideo
641041.1Alien Hunter PLViper Mk. III[SoZ] Speedy Speed BoiVALIDVALIDVideo


  1. Shoutout for the new Buckyball Race. “Lava Loop” starts this Saturday (Nov 16th) and runs until the following Sunday (Nov 24th). Race starts and finishes at Conway City in LTT 4961 and requires competitors to visit five outposts, all in close orbit around lava worlds.
  2. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at tv.forthemug.com/ or, for just the audio, at radio.forthemug.com/.
  3. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “discord.me/elitedangerouscqc”.
  4. Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders

Lave Radio Episode 267 – Chaos Has Returned – 5/11/2019

Download the episode directly from here.

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Deputy Trade AttachéSouvSouvarine
Tech MonkeyNormVentura

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  1. The End of the Blight
    1. Galnet – Rockforth Corporation Releases Apology
  2. Headless Halloween Stream
  3. Paige is Back on Monday. It was implied that there are more than one Interstellar Initiative planned for the future

Main discussion

  1. Aspiration
    1. Do we need something to Aspire to?
    2. What things in game can we (do we) aspire to?
    3. What other things should we aspire to?
  2. Some people aspire to have 100% “Achievements”. Should these be a thing (for the PC version) What would we like to see? Why do we think they’ve not been added, since they’re already there for PS4 and XB1
    1. Multivex [AEDC]: I’d be fine with generic stuff. Kill 10 players, reach beagle point. I’d like some bgs ones but i don’t really see how they would do that since there aren’t any direct links between a player and faction…maybe do X amount of missions or hand in 100 million in bounties
    2. I think basic ones almost for a tutorial, i.e.
      1. You took off bling
      2. You landed bling
      3. You got a new <component>  bling
      4. You got a new Ship  bling
      5. Killed N enemies
      6. Mined N tons
      7. Jumped N LY
    3. As well as unique things like
      1. Fly to Beagle Point
      2. Fly to Sag A*
      3. Fly to Hutton
      4. Kill an Elite NPC
      5. Kill a Thargoid
      6. Visit Jameson’s old ship

Community Corner

  1. Christmas Carriers Convoy 4
  2. Episode 1 of Beyond Dockers is out – https://bs-dockers.com/
  3. Amazing Kudos to Reddit User Beef1213 for his crazyly detailed Lego Krait Mk II

Lave Radio Episode 266 – Delousing the safety office – 29/10/2019

Download the episode directly from here.

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Deputy Trade AttachéSouvSouvarine
Tech Monkey Norman MacArthur Ventura

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  1. PSA from CMDR_Remyzero: You can see when and how many Arx you have earned each session from the frontier user portal
    Open portal from https://user.frontierstore.net/ and click the “Log in” link (it’s different every time so hot linking is broken)
    Log in with your frontier credentials and click the “Your Arx” link https://user.frontierstore.net/arx/list (does not work unless you have logged in first)
  2. Looks like we finally have a new store web front at https://dlc.elitedangerous.com. Nothing official has been announced by Frontier yet, so I’m guessing it’s in a Beta stage. But your ARXs are available there. If you what to know how much things cost, remember £1 gets you between 1672 and 2222 ARX and $1 gets you between 1250 and 1667 dependant on the package you buy. (Thanks to Ben)
  3. The Scourge Stage 4
    1. And an issue with the decal (oops!)
    2. Opinion?
    3. Positives :-
      1. New BGS State – Blight.
      2. New Decal
      3. A coherent Buildup and Plot, including a story from 3 years ago.
    4. Negatives :-
      1. Four CGs over three and a half weeks.
      2. No Unique Event Gameplay.
      3. Linear Storyline,
    5. Overall I would have given this a C+ / B-. The initial slow build up using Galnet News and the BGS was good. However, there were people who would have supported the Onion Headers, due the Federation’s tactics in the previous storyline, so a competitive community goal might have spiced things up a bit and there was a lack of a dynamic event (like the evacuation of Palin’s Base and defence of his mega ship) which would probably deflected a lot of the criticism.

In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?

  1. Truckers Rescued from the Devilish Don, despite the loss of Will Flanigan. 😉

Community Corner

  1. Alec Turner’s Bug Countdown
  2. Down to Earth Astronomy test 5 million different shield configurations…


  1. CMDR Ventura_: Hi everyone , had a thought while catching up with the CQC episode of lave Radio…  If Fdev put the high ranked players on a scoreboard, would that not entice more ppl to play CQC to beat the top player? Your thoughts?
  2. CMDR Cortex-Vertex answered the community question on CQC. He suggests that CQC should be like a holographic video game (According to Premonition, it already is), which is available from the Station Dock Menu (or it might be a cabinet in the bar when space legs come in). Thanks Andy Spen
  3. Kirk Marshal wants to know why we don’t have Gankers on as Guests. CMDR Spawnsworth. He wasn’t to know why they do it, How they do it, Do they target certain people, if so , why? 
  4. CMDR Bolloxim on Discord says: Interesting podcast this week.   The announcement that frontier is spending time on bug fixes is likely a smoke filled cloud of misdirection.   Usually when running a policy of bug fixes the cadence should be push them live as soon as possible or, if the beta servers are up, continually pushing weekly bug fixes.   That they announced a 3-4 month release of bug fixes feels really wrong on this score, especially with an active beta community, if it’s in full swing. Something else that @Shan touched on.  There is a new massive release coming in a year. Usual development practices would mean that branch of code should sit off of master. Bug fixes usually on fix branches integrated into master.   Releases would be tagged/branched from master. I wonder though if all this activity on master will impact current 2020 development. Or if as some of you guys mentioned that its a new refactored codebase then this would be more pr stunts, that these fixes are bandaids for a year.     There is one other alternative.   The underlying code has been refactored and updated and it integrated the arx.   That September release was more than just arx but foundational changes preparing the way for 2020.   However I doubt this is the case, but, considering how much was touched some even not involving arx it’s a possibility.
  5. Loose Screws Podcast claimed to have trucked out all of our Biowaste from Lave. Can we just say, never underestimate the amount of poo we can create. We are the third highest producer of quality waste products in the Galaxy behind whatever is in Cubical 3 at Hutton Orbital and Slough! (Taking cover from the Hammers of Slough now!!)

Lave Radio Episode 265 – I’d rather be dead in a ditch, than release Fleet Carriers – 22/10/2019

Download the episode directly from here.

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Chief Bar StewardGrant WoolcottPsykokow
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Deputy Trade AttachéSouvSouvarine
Emergancy Blow Up GuestMark Winstone Mack Winston

In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?

  1. The Scythe of Panem! Brilliant reference to early game lore (the firebombing of Panem). 
  2. New CG: combat this time. 
    1. Destroy Scythe of Panem ships in the Quator system
  3. Many, many griefers at last week’s trade CG. 

Main Discussion 

  1. ANNOUNCEMENT Community Update (22/10)

Community Corner

  1. Featured Commander Alec Turner
  2. Featured Commander: SAGI
  3. Grats to Elite Aid: Bushfire for raising £2625 for Rural Fire Brigades Association for Queensland: http://bit.ly/EliteAidBushfire
    1. Thanks to Shan, Kurgle and Zorba Dundee for joining me for my segment on Saturday Morning, as well as to Brenner Soriah, MadCat, Icarus Smith and again Zorba for joining us at the end of the Stream! Finally thanks to FD for supporting the event as well as donating two copies of ED:Horizons.
      1. Dave’s who is Traceport26 on Discord and is the RFBAQ Coordinator who chatted on the Elite Aid stream. Told us “It all adds up, trust me. $2625 will buy a dozen UHF Radios to improve a brigade’s communication, maybe a couple of chainsaws, water tank and pump… List goes on. It’ll be well spent.
  4. The Hutton Truckers will be doing a Player-with-Player base assault on FDev’s Thursday stream. Will will be in command. We have been advertising for participants in the Hutton Facebook group.


  1. CMDR Bolloxim: Interesting, after last weeks cqc focus podcast, I thought I would try again. Now i’m not saying this was coded but might be an arx bug side effect (coz why not) bit i played on ps4 got two wins. Which, gave me two death match trophies. Of which one was 25 wins.   Good incentive for those ps4 trophy hunters to join cqc. Haven’t tried team deathmatch or cap flag. Mainly coz no one ever joined


  1. Cmdr Thane Hey guys can I ask a favour? Harry (FragLANd) is doing a special Elite Dangerous LAN on the 15th-17th November at his place near Peterborough. The idea is to get a LAN together and do group/wing co-op stuff for the whole weekend. Limited places as he’s max 16 people, but should be a great weekend if you can give it a shout out on the podcast and direct people to the Fragland Facebook page?
  2. Cmdr_starion Can I get a shoutout at show’s end for Cmdr Saber84, sqdn buddy of mine, who’ll be getting married on 27 October?
  3. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at tv.forthemug.com/ or, for just the audio, at radio.forthemug.com/.
  4. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “discord.me/elitedangerouscqc”.

Lave Radio Episode 264 – Don’t drink the bleach – 15/10/2019

Download the episode directly from here.

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Lavian Space Program DirectorAndy BarnesKurgol
Deputy Trade AttachéSouvSouvarine
CQC Pit Crew Cmdr MacCait Cmdr MacCait
CQC Pit Crew Cmdr Aesica Cmdr Aesica
CQC Pit Crew Cmdr Il Senato Cmdr Il Senato

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  1. September Update – Patch 3
  2. Full Throttle at Pareco – an official Frontier Developments race in conjunction with the Buckyball Racing Club Forum Page
    1. Full Throttle at Pareco

In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?

  1. The Scourge – Overview of Phases
    1. New BGS State of ‘Blight’ – It show’s systems that are suffering from Blight but they still seem to be able to export grain. No Fresh Produce in Lave, Diso, Orreve.

Main discussion

  1. CQC

Community Corner

  1. CMDR Zaetheus solo’s Cyclops with Imperial Courier
  2. The winners of the Buckyball/Frontier Full Throttle at Pareco time trial have been announced. Read all about it over here: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/full-throttle-at-pareco-an-official-frontier-developments-race-in-conjunction-with-the-buckyball-racing-club.525795/page-13#post-8085417

Questions for our listeners

  1. What would it take for you to take an Interest in CQC?


  1. Elite Aid “Bushfire”
    1. From BooTheHampster1: Hey guys, wanted to send you a huuuuge thank you for the shout out in last week’s episode about the upcoming Elite Aid  24 hour livestream to support the QLD Rural Fire Brigade. I live in Brisvegas (aka Brisbane), but have friends that have been impacted by the fires. You guys rock!

      o7 CMDRs
    2. Ben (and hopefully other hosts!) will be Live on Saturday morning from 8am In Game Time https://www.twitch.tv/Elite_Aid
  2. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at tv.forthemug.com/ or, for just the audio, at radio.forthemug.com/.
  3. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “discord.me/elitedangerouscqc”.
  4.  Top Shift 117 is now available.

Lave Radio Episode 263 – What’s in a name? – 08/10/2019

Download the episode directly from here.

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Station CommanderAllen StroudHeldaban Kel
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Chief Bar StewardGrant WoolcottPsykokow
Lavian Space Program DirectorAndy BarnesKurgol
Deputy Trade AttachéSouvSouvarine
Eastern IndianiMarc Winstone EICMack Winston

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  1. Patch 2 came in – Solved a few problems, caused a few more;-
    1. Positive.
      1. Changes to the store icon on the Station Menu Screen (less obtrusive and immersion breaking).
      2. Fixed the clipper ship kit issues and lots of other soft locks.
      3. Fixed a lot of Scarlet Kriat, Magenta Krait, Yellow Adder and Black Adder Errors.
    2. Negative
      1. Softlock Error on the Mission Board (Workaround issued)
      2. Setting Module Power Priority (This appears to have gotten worse).
  2. Voices from the Void Stream – Paige takes us through the process of how these scripts are created, inserted into the game and then performed (with a nice bit of improve at the end).
  3. Possible Interstellar Initiative – Fresh Food has disappeared from the Agricultural Markets around the old worlds (Unknown if it’s affecting all Agricultural worlds). Reidquat prices for the new fertiliser is skyrocketing (Soylent Green anyone)? What’s caused the Harvest failure? Is it;-
    1.  some kind of virus that the cmdrs unknowingly have transferred between worlds?
    2. A thargoid attack after we starved them out in the Witch Head’s Nebula?
    3. Some kind of Coordinated attack – For more information on how this could be done See Allen Stroud’s most excellent Lave Revolution Book and Audio Book, just one click away on AMAZON.
    4. TRUMBLES!!!!!!
  4. Frontier Tweeted Happy Monday, Commanders! We’re currently hard at work on Patch 03 for the September Update, which we expect to release for all platforms towards the end of this week! Check back later this week for the Patch Notes, confirmed date and estimated downtime.

Main discussion

  1. Allen tells us about Fearless, getting published

In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?

  1. Massively’s Coverage of the petition
  2. Update with regards to the petition mentioned on last weeks show  from Ryan_m17 from SDC has contacted us (Ben) and has given us assurances that no personal data has been shared with the petition organisers.
    1. Follow Up from the Organisers
    2. Open Letter to the Petition Authors obvious Tongue in Cheek mail from Agony Aunt


  • Congrats to Commander Roe Laren/transtechgirl for her expedition to Beagle point and beyond for Macmillan Cancer Support.
    She was streaming from 8am Sunday -> 8am Monday (LR was hosting her too)

    Find out how you can play your part and add to Commander Roe Laren’s fundraising today. https://gameheroes.macmillan.org.uk/fundraising/transtechgirl
    Join Roe’s Discord by going to: https://discord.gg/7yYZAs
    Forum thread congratulating her : https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/elite-dangerous-24-hour-charity-stream.525759/
  • Elite AID “Bushfire”

    East India Company are proud to present Elite Aid. This is to be a 24 hour long event starting at 23:00 UTC on 10/18/2019. During the event we will host a continuous live stream staffed by members from a variety of gaming groups. All proceeds will be donated to support the ongoing efforts in the Queensland bushfire emergencies.


    Lave Radio has a slot from 08:00 – 10:00 UTC

    Cmdr Icarus Smith who’s been on the show’s house was yards from being destroyed “my closest 5 neighbours are piles of ash”

    Please note this is NOT JustGiving because myCause is a top crowd-funding site in Aus and the only one which has a direct donation link to the Queensland Volunteer Rural Fire Brigades Donation Fund.

    The Rural Fire Service (RFS) is the volunteer arm of the QFES operating in rural, semi-rural and urban fringe areas where there is no urban fire service coverage. The RFS consists of approximately 35,000 volunteers from approximately 1,500 rural fire brigades across the state.
  • In Related news: Cmdr Gosht who’s been on the show and is a core member of HIVE lost his house, his dog, Titus, and just about everything in an unexpected (but unrelated to the bushfires), house fire.

    To help give him a slight smile, the Anti Xeno community  will be meeting up at SYNUEFE KU-F B44-4 to collect some Ancient keys from the Guardian Beacon on Friday the 11th, at 21:00 UTC. An Hour later the fleet will head toward HIP 14909 Planet 2 A  and use the Ancient Keys to spell out a message for Cmdr Gosht 
  • Frontier are about to start a new series of “Full Throttle” livestreams dedicated to RACING!

    To kick things off, this Thursday Alec Turner will be on the show with Will and Stephen to chat a bit about the Buckyball Racing club and to guide them around our new race “Full Throttle at Pareco”. Full details of the race (which is on NOW) can be found here:https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/full-throttle-at-pareco-an-official-frontier-developments-race-in-conjunction-with-the-buckyball-racing-club.525795/
  • Elite Cast