EPISODE 279 “Colin Gophers’ it” – 11/02/2020

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
Chief Bar Steward✔✔Grant Woolcott✔✔✔Psykokow✔✔✔✔✔✔
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Deputy Trade AttachéSouvSouvarine
Tutorial God Exigeous
Download the episode directly from here.

Development News – what have the Devs said this week?

  1. Frontier’s Charity Auction for GameBlast20
  2. Paige Confirms Cheese Loss Theory – One of the biggest oversights in the commodities market is a lack of cheese or Dairy products in general (Blue Milk at Leesti doesn’t count). Turns out there isn’t a Cow left in the Elite Universe. All Cows, or Coos from my native Dialect, went udderly extinct when world war III happened on Earth. No amount of Cam-moo-flage was able to save them from the moo-copolisys. Last I heard, some were even being accused of cow-ardice during wartime and executed by use of a Defra Bolt Gun. This has left Humanity beefless for more than 1000 years. So we pray for our missing bovine (and tasty) friends :- We will miss you, for heifer and heifer; Amen! When contacted to confirm the above, paige responded with :- Oh god… LET ME BE CLEAR, MY NONSENSE IS NOT OFFICIAL Lore. – Turns out it was a load of Bull….. 
  3. Sort of – The Benedetti Brandy Ball

In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?

  1. Frontier Featured commander with Lave Radio.. What was it.. How did it go. And what was people highlights?
  2. Operation IDA – They have a new repair target this week. Irens Dock in Tamit. However, with the repair of Hooke Gateway, that is the 100th Station that they’re planning an event. Starting on valentines day (Because they Love fixing things) and running the whole weekend, with patches and stickers.
  3. Anti Xeno Initiative – The thargoids have upped their game. There are still three systems which are in Incursion at the moment, which is unusual as they’re normally cleared within two days.
    1. HIP 16813
    2. Evangelis (Witch-Head).
    3. Lembass (Witch-Head).

Main discussion

  1. ED Tutorials and resource gathering
  2. Has High Mining rewards ruined the game?
  3. Grant gushes over his new VR

Community Corner

  1. Cmdr Exigeous on ED Tutorials
  2. Escape Velocity News – I had a quick chat with Cmdr Thane this week, and he’s confirmed that the Season 4 is still being worked on but there are two issues at the moment, i.e. full time job and the fact the cast have disbursed to the far ends of the country.
  3. Game Glass update
    1. Custom Themes
    2. Supercruise buttons on the Exploration Shard
    3. By far the most requested feature has been the ability for GameGlass to work with your custom keybind setup. We’re making this happen in March.
    4. And funnily enough a video from Exigeous 🙂
  4. Operation HOT-MESS
  5. Spidermind games Level up is now over half a million :- https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/thelevelup/the-leveup?ref=discovery&term=Level%20Up
  6. CMDR Exigeous – Has an interview with CMDR Grakus – Jerry Farris a disabled gamer who uses voice attack to control his ship.
    1. https://www.gofundme.com/f/new-gear-for-disabled-elite-player-jerry-farris


  1. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at tv.forthemug.com/ or, for just the audio, at radio.forthemug.com/.
  2. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “discord.me/elitedangerouscqc”.
  3. Following this we have the Latest Galnet News By Cmdr Wotherspoon.
  4. Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders

EPISODE 272 “Thank fuck – Ben’s not here” – 10/12/2019

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Deputy Trade AttachéSouvSouvarine
Tech MonkeyNorman MacArthurVentura
Inflatable Victim Mack Winston

Download the episode directly from here.

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  1. 5th Anniversary Announcement

Main discussion

  1. If you were to Re-write Elite, what would you change? Part 2
    1. Michael Hughes – Facebook – Would have kept on top of and taken advantage of the early bugs that allowed people to rank up quickly.
    2. Matt ‘wally’ Walford – Facebook – Do away with engineers, game killer for me as I don’t have the time to grind the upgrades as my work schedule doesn’t allow much game time. its become a game now where despite reaching elite ranking in combat, my ships near useless. – Game is far to unbalanced for casual players
    3. Nopil3os – Twitter – direct economy like in X-BtF and its successors.
    4. Karl – Twitter – I would not rely on the huge amount of 2D interfaces that removes you from first-person view. Since they’re more easy to create, their numbers only grow with each update. Elite is getting very point-and-click heavy.
    5. CMDR Tictak – Twitter – Reduce the repetition and add content instead
    6. Stephen Usher – Facebook – As I talked about during the early Alpha, making the scanner properly linear. Even in the current “linear” mode it’s still actually logarithmic scaling.

      This makes true spacial awareness using the scanner impossible and I only use it as a direction finder, unlike in the previous games.
    7. Drew Wagar – Facebook – I would not have allowed the entire galaxy to have been visited, rather I’d have required players to unlock it bit by bit by working out navigable hyperspace routes to new star systems via some kind of gameplay. Biggest mistake they made IMHO.
    8. Swidhelm – Twitter – The ability to set way points on planets, and hud elements for optimal approach and landing. Kind of like the Nostromo landing scene in alien.
    9. EvilSnowball82 – Twitter – Give the DBX a class 5 slot for a fuel scoop. I love my DBX.
    10. David Gillum – Facebook – I would have made the Thargoids more active than passive. As it stands you can choose if you want to encounter a Thargoid, even in infested systems
    11. Michael Hughes – Facebook – Make it possible to map asteroids so you are not always trying to mine the same ones.
    12. Liam Greene – Facebook – The core gameplay “loop”
    13. Make Crime and Punishment much more harsh.
      1. Notoriety is only gained by Killing other players.
      2. High Security Systems should be safe, any player with Notoriety should be harassed by npcs as soon as they enter the system.
      3. Any Player in a civilised system with Notoriety should be visible on the Galaxy Map.
      4. More NPC pirate interdictions in Low Security / Populated Anarchy systems

Community Corner

  1. Loose Screws :- , I wanted to invite you and anyone else over at Lave Radio to the Loose Screws end of the year Discord party/show. On December 27th at 730CST we are doing a live stream and show. I’m inviting all of the listeners and friends of my show. Feel free to drop in and say howdy to everyone. I know it will be late in the UK. Thanks for supporting us and getting us started. We will keep moving the Biowaste for you guys. 😀
  2. HCS Voice packs just teased a Babylon 5 picture for future voice packs. No Boom today, Boom tomorrow!


  1. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at tv.forthemug.com/ or, for just the audio, at radio.forthemug.com/.
  2. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “discord.me/elitedangerouscqc”.
  3. Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders

Lave Radio Episode 184

Beta for Everyone (on PC)

Aired 30 Jan 2018
Audio versions

Download the episode directly from here.

Crew Members
Director of Pest Control : Ashley Devine – DrToxic
Head of health and safety : Ben Moss-Woodward – Cmdr Eid LeWeise
Chief Archivist : Colin Ford – Cmdr phoenix_dfire
Chief Bar Steward : Grant Woolcott – Cmdr Psykokow
(In)Human Resources Director : Shan – Cmdr Shanaeri

Special Guest
Chief Engineer : Cmdr Rrah

Show Notes

Lave Radio Episode 135

lave fdl
I put on my vac suit and Remlok

Aired 6 December 2016
Audio versions

Download the episode directly from here.

Crew Members
Station Commander : Allen Stroud
Head of health and safety : Ben Moss-Woodward – Cmdr Eid LeWeise
Chief Archivist : Colin Ford – Cmdr phoenix_dfire
Chief Bar Steward : Grant Woolcott – Cmdr Psykokow
Special Guests : John Lunn, Oliver Hulme

Show Notes

  • Development News
    • Q&A Hot Topics Stream
      • 2.2.03 Q&A Livestream notes – Dec 6
      • New Beta 7th Dec for 2.2.03
      • Release in the New Year.
      • Changes to Weapons, Blueprints and a Little updates to Powerplay.
      • Dropping Engineering Cargo after 2.2.3
      • Karma system, pilot federation bounties being considered for Crime and Punishment
      • Combat logging are going to be monitored, you combat log too much that is detected and flag as suspicious behaviour which will hook into the karma system.
      • Problem with the above two items, they need development time, not a quick change.
      • Ed is obsessed with 50ps!
      • Gimbal in main game is about, in CQC it’s 8 degrees for a fixed but only 0.5 of a degree in the main game. Gimbaled ranges from 30 degrees to 22.5 depending on your chosen weapon.
    • Keelback Paint Jobs
      • Military
      • Tactical
      • Vibrant
    • Formidine Rift, the Confluence and Hawkins Gap. Commanders have been working hard to find ‘things’ in these areas.  Things have been found, however nobody knows what’s there because of a bug in the game.  Zac Antonaci has confirmed there are issues and the have a fix ready to go but it needs a client update.  So those cmdrs over 8000 ly from the bubble, don’t approach (spoiler spoiler spoiler)  until the next update. – Formidine Rift – Fix in 2.2.03
  • Newsletter 153
  • Main Discussion
  • Community Corner

Lave Radio Episode 133

notmybalanceUpdate Git Gud #NotMyBalance

Aired 22 November 2016

Audio versions

Download the episode directly from here.

Crew Members
Head of Health and safety : Ben Moss-Woodward : Cmdr Eid LeWeise
Head of Entertainment : Chris Jarvis : Cmdr Thane
Head of Station Archives : Colin Ford : Cmdr PheonixDFire
Test Pilot : Andre Marshall : Cmdr M.A.R.S.H.A.L.L. (Paladin Consortium)

Show Notes

Lave Radio Episode 114

Lave Spoilers

Two weeks of updates, more speculation on the future and WAR in Lave! To the War Machines..

Aired 28th June 2016
Audio versions

Download the episode directly from here.

Crew Members
2nd Technician : Chris Forrester : Cmdr Fozza
Chief Bar Steward : Grant Woolcott : Cmdr Psykokow
Head of Health and safety : Ben Moss-Woodwood : Cmdr Eid LeWeiss
Head of Station Archives : Colin Ford : Cmdr PheonixDFire

Show Notes:

Lave Radio Episode 111

LR AI Debate

It’s fight night in the Orange Sidewinder as we argue if the AI represents the start of our Machine Overlords.

Aired 31st May 2016
Audio versions

Download the episode directly from here.

Crew Members

Head of Entertainments : Chris Jarvis : Cmdr thane
Chief Bar Steward : Grant Woolcott : Cmdr Psykokow
Head of Health and safety : Ben Moss-Woodwood : Cmdr EidLeWeiss
Head of Station Archives : Colin Ford : Cmdr PheonixDFire

Show Notes:

Lave Radio Episode 110


More Engineers Chat, and announcement on Xbox Horizons release date!

Aired 24th May 2016
Audio versions

Download the episode directly from here.

Crew Members

Station Commander : Allen Stroud : Cmdr Heldaban Kel
Head of Entertainments : Chris Jarvis : Cmdr thane
Chief Bar Steward : Grant Woolcott : Cmdr Psykokow
Head of Health and safety : Ben Moss Woodwood : Cmdr EidLeWeiss

Show Notes:

        • On June 3, Elite Dangerous: Horizons comes to Xbox One featuring both Planetary Landings and The Engineers at launch.
          • £19.99 ($29.99, €24.99, 1,489 RUB) for the expansion
          • £39.99 ($59.99, €49.99, 2,999 RUB). Deluxe edition
        • We’re very pleased to announce that we’re planning to release The Engineers 2.1 update on Thursday May 26th for all those who own the Elite Dangerous: Horizons expansion pass on PC.
          • With the launch of The Engineers on Tuesday, we wanted to celebrate with a launch livestream. We’ll be inviting a number of Elite Dangerous developers to come and chat on the stream during the expected server down time on the day. Join us from 1PM BST on May 26 on our official YouTube channel.
        • Get specific mods by ‘Calling in Favours’ with Engineers – Quote from Sandy


  • “Hello Commanders!
    For the clarity!
    When you call in a favour – YOU GUARANTEE THE EXPERIMENTAL EFFECT YOU WANT *and* YOU GUARANTEE THAT THIS EFFECT IS GENERATED FOR THE UPGRADE . Nothing in this procedure is random .

    This is regardless of what the crafting process initially resulted in.

    For example, if you did not get an experimental effect – calling in a favour gives you the one you want.

    On the other hand, if you generated an experimental effect that you did not want – calling in a favour gives you the one you want.

    Also, this option is available AFTER you have generated an upgrade, so you can decide whether you want to call in a favour after you have seen what the primary and side effect results were.”


  • Main Discussion
    • Rise To Power: Dangerous Games, WILDCARD CORRECTION
    • From ZAC
      • Basically EG pilots aren’t through to the final. The top 5 from the votes will have a mini CG tournament and the winner will go through to the final.
      • – EG Pilots – 25.5
      • – Wolves of Jonai – 15.5%
      • – Adle’s Armada Coalition – 15.3%
      • – Black Birds Squadron – 10.7%
      • – United German Commanders Coalition – 9%
      • – The Imperial Inquisition – 8.5%
      • – Achenar Immortals Coalition – 7.3%
      • – Planet Express – 3.6%
      • – Black Omega – 2.3%
      • – Pileus Libertas – 1.6%
      • – Battle Vortex – 0.7%
    • Truckers and Pirates beta CG Snafu
    • Elite Dangerous due this week RPS Article
  • Community Corner

McLave Radio McEpisode 109

Engineers Base

Beta 2.1 updates continue and McColin Ford leads a McScottish episode with McPsykokow and McDave McHughes for chat about beta and the RPG Elite Encounters…

Aired 17th May 2016
Audio versions

Download the episode directly from here.

Crew Members

Chief Archivist : Colin Ford : Cmdr PheonixDFire
Chief Bar Steward : Grant Woolcott : Cmdr Psykokow
Special Guest: Dave Hughes

Show Notes:

  • Development News
    • Beta 2.1.4 Patch Notes
    • Beta 2.1.5 Patch Notes
        • Grants picks
        • Comms chat history no longer disappears
        • For piracy flag targets, if the target is not a mission target, check if it has a leader and whether that leader is a mission target
        • Add a faction government test so the pesky democracies don’t make my greedy corporation shout “For Democracy!”
        • Fix the method that determines whether we can see planetary missions
        • Added popup explaining where pinned recipes can be found
        • Recipes should now be referred to as blueprints
        • Stop hitmen being sent after the player for no reason
        • Rebalance the tutorials to be reasonable with the new AI
        • Adjusted the shield-down flee behaviour to be less frustrating
        • Everybody docked at Jaques Station has retreated to a safer distance
        • – Fixed issues with recalled ships boosting when trying to land
        • Everybody docked at Jaques Station has retreated to a safer distance
  • – Feedback tweaks to torpedos:
    • – Torpedos now have a 2.5 second arming time rather than their previous 0.5 second. When hitting a target before arming they will deal no damage and self destruct in a small puff
    • – Torpedos now inherit the speed of their launching ship for the first few seconds of flight, before dropping to a 250m/s cruising speed. These two changes give them an effective minimum range of about 700m+ depending on ship speeds, and also means that you won’t be running into the back of your own torpedos!
    • Halve firing heat from missiles
      • Could this mean stealth missile boats?
    • – Added ship voice notification when a mission specific USS has spawned
      • Nice to get an audio cue for it
  • Newsletter 124
    • “From the desk of lead designer Sandro Sammarco”:  is very interesting
  • Main Discussion
    • Rise To Power: Dangerous Games, WILDCARD vote is over
  • URGENT CORRECTION TO SHOW (from the desk of Zac Antonaci)
    • EG pilots aren’t straight through to the final. The top 5 from the votes will have a mini CG tournament and the winner of that will go through to the final.

For the past week player factions have been campaigning for your votes in the first stage of the Dangerous Games to decide which five groups will battle it out in a mini-series of CGs in their bid to become an official Power in the game.

      • The results have been counted and checked and they are as follows:
      • – EG Pilots – 25.5
      • – Wolves of Jonai – 15.5%
      • – Adle’s Armada Coalition – 15.3%
      • – Black Birds Squadron – 10.7%
      • – United German Commanders Coalition – 9%
      • – The Imperial Inquisition – 8.5%
      • – Achenar Immortals Coalition – 7.3%
      • – Planet Express – 3.6%
      • – Black Omega – 2.3%
      • – Pileus Libertas – 1.6%
      • – Battle Vortex – 0.7%

We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for voting, and all of the groups for their amazing effort! We will have more news on the next phase of the games shortly where the qualified groups will be looking for your help to complete the Community Goals and help their campaign.