Crew Members Director of Pest Control : Ashley Devine – DrToxic Head of health and safety : Ben Moss-Woodward – Cmdr Eid LeWeise Chief Bar Steward : Grant Woolcott – Cmdr Psykokow (In)Human Resources Director : Shan – Cmdr Shanaeri
Special Guests
CMDR (Persera rescued)
Fuel Rats
CMDR Highwaywarrior
CMDR Abish
CMDR Theukn0wn1
Show Notes
Development News
New Aegis Gadget. Decontamination limpet controller. – Available at military, high-tech, refinery, industrial or extraction-level economies. planetary bases
Shan “Breaks” NPC Crew Payments. Shan has caused a negative value to be displayed on the crew payments total. It’s a display bug only, but a funny one.
Do you not own a Logitech series keyboard with an LCD inside? (G19s, G15, G13, G510 models) AWESOME! CMDR DrToxic has found (yet another) companion app for you.
Crew Members Director of Pest Control : Ashley Devine – DrToxic Chief Archivist : Colin Ford – Cmdr phoenix_dfire Chief Bar Steward : Grant Woolcott – Cmdr Psykokow (In)Human Resources Director : Shan – Cmdr Shanaeri
Three stations requiring evacuation and six still requiring repair (9 out of 20 AEGIS Stations out of action). Are the thargoids going to advance towards the bubble?
Shout out to Cmdr Factabulous for his Thargoid FAQ Threat on the Forums – Stickied in the Alien’s Sub-Forum. (Also Mention Alex Turner for his global summaries and EndoFury for his new player’s guide on Reddit. )
Crew Members Director of Pest Control : Ashley Devine – DrToxic Head of health and safety : Ben Moss-Woodward – Cmdr Eid LeWeise Head of Entertainment : Chris Jarvis – Cmdr Thane Chief Archivist : Colin Ford – Cmdr phoenix_dfire Chief Bar Steward : Grant Woolcott – Cmdr Psykokow (In)Human Resources Director : Shan – Cmdr Shanaeri
Colin – I have to apologize to Sandy. I always thought he was responsible for the Han Solo dance in Star Wars Kinect, something he denied on the stream!
Hailing the crew of the orange sidewinder!I’m doing the London Marathon in 2018 for my charity running club (Coco) so I need to raise £2000. I’ve got various ideas to get there but I also thought I could do a separate joint set of fundraising with SpecialEffect after hearing all about them on LaveRadio.
I tweeted the following which (by my very limited social media standards!) got loads of retweets and likes:
@EliteDangerous I’ve won a place in the @LondonMarathon with @TeamCOCO_run , I’m raising money for them and @SpecialEffect at Please can you help me raise £2000?The Virgin Money page splits 50/50 between special effect and Coco. Coco basically help teach or train children in africa so they can improve their situation. The running club is an online one and exists purely to raise money for the main charity. An example of their work:
I’ve been a fan of the show since about episode 6 (I went back and listened to episodes 1-5!) and usually listen while running. So there is a sort of link there. I started playing Elite in about ’87 on a BBC B and have played many versions from then on. So yes, I’m now over 40 (just!) and a fully qualified forum dad!
So, I was hoping I could get a shout out on the show? I’m up for doing something more involved if you’d like me to. Surely some other Elite players must be running it too? maybe you can help us get in touch with each other? Or if anyone has any fundraising ideas they’d like to share (I’m already thinking of a gin tasting party). Or maybe we can persuade Grant to take up running to fill his time now his bathroom traumas seem to be easing… (ok, maybe not that last one!)
Dave / CMDR Hoopy / @hooperdave
Elite Yuletube is coming from a group of wonderful Commanders. With three months in the making they are releasing a video everyday starting from December 13th, each following an overall story arch.
Crew Members Director of Pest Control : Ashley Devine – DrToxic Head of health and safety : Ben Moss-Woodward – Cmdr Eid LeWeise Chief Archivist : Colin Ford – Cmdr phoenix_dfire Chief Bar Steward : Grant Woolcott – Cmdr Psykokow (In)Human Resources Director : Shan – Cmdr Shanaeri
The Hutton Orbital Anaconda – Cmdr SpeedyBeBop had a little trouble with finding the Hutton Orbital Anaconda for 100Cr. (Now featured in Rock, Paper, Shotgun).
Top Shift 96 is out – However I have special prizes to give away on Top Shift 100 (Will include game codes, Book codes and two 3D printed models, Small Cobra and small Sidewinder).
Last year, the folks at SpecialEffect issued a special mission to Commanders asking them to provide a shot of their SpecialEffect Sidewinder (that’s the Sidewinder in the SpecialEffect colours that Frontier kindly gave away as part of last year’s Christmas Livestream).
The winning shot, that you can see here, was taken by the epic Peter Wotherspoon of the Hutton Orbital Truckers. It was used in SpecialEffect social media relating to Frontier and the Elite community and on their banner stands.
This year, they’re looking for their ‘Elite Image for 2018’.
Locate ONE image of one of your ships that you’d like to submit for the competition.
Deadline: 4th December
Interact with your email by attaching the image
Deliver image to SpecialEffect by emailing it to Please include your name, your Commander name and your group if you are part of one (e.g. Hutton Orbital Truckers)
You will receive a reward if you are chosen as the winner.
Good luck Commander o7If you are the winner, we will announce it on the Frontier Livestream on 11/12 December. We will contact you by email to let you know you’ve been successful and get an address to send your prize.
If you are not using the SpecialEffect paintjob or decal, we WILL superimpose the decal on your ship. The easier that is for us to do, the more chance you have of winning. Nice clear shots where we can show the decal would be ideal. The ultimate winner may have a better chance if they track down a fellow commander with the decal or paintjob and grab an action shot of them!
Any volunteers as “models” in their Specialeffect livery, put your hands up now!
It is important to note that because Baz Floyd of SpecialEffect is a Hutton Orbital Trucker, he will not be on the judging panel.
The judges’ decision will be final and non-negotiable.
Crew Members Station Commander : Allen Stroud Director of Pest Control : Ashley Devine – DrToxic Head of health and safety : Ben Moss-Woodward – Cmdr Eid LeWeise Chief Archivist : Colin Ford – Cmdr phoenix_dfire Chief Bar Steward : Grant Woolcott – Cmdr Psykokow (In)Human Resources Director : Shan – Cmdr Shanaeri Space Loach Mouthpiece : Sandro Sammarco
Main Discussion Crime and Punishment with Sandro Sammarco
This is a snapshot of the design process and thinking and is not representative of what may actually be delivered
Design principles behind C&P
What is the philosophy behind the C&P design? You have already mentioned it is to simplify, but more specifically is it to prevent certain sorts of play(if so what?), discourage other sorts of play, bring people back to open or to improve the criminal experience?
Two factors, There’s the simplification aspect. It’s not to re-invent the wheel.
We just want to shore up the consequences, and make them harder to avoid and more robust.
Not trying to please everyone, It’s not to “attack” a way of playing, discourage or encourage just to make it better and support the original intentions.
All roles need to be as fun as possible, just not equal in challenge.
What does success look like? How will Frontier measure how successful the changes have been in an empirical way?
Empirical success is that criminals still exist and accept consequences of their actions. Combat logging, Ramming etc cannot be fully solved by C&P and will need the karma system to address further.
Measured and reasoned Feedback is essential to measuring success, especially during these feedback phases
How close do you think you are to meeting those objectives at a design level?
Lots of excellent feedback and has “already” paid it’s way. Feedback has already identified gaps and improvements are being incorporated based on player feedback. So great progress has been made, and it’s probably got another couple of weeks.
Realising no ETA etc, will these changes come all at once or be phased over the beyond updates? E.g at frontier expo the ATR was mentioned for Q1
Likely to be a big bang launch in Q1. No ETA etc etc though
ATR fighters.
Lots of bravado re:ATR… Not going to be true for everyone. Superpowered but not insta-kill. They can bend the rules, not break them.
Imagine a fully engineered ship That’s the base level. For example, A cascade or drag muntion style beam laser..
The higher the notoriety the more intense the ATR response. They will aim to take out an individual and will be able to defend themselves
ATR may be able to be killed, but will keep coming and coming. The question it will ask the player is “How long do you want to stay around until you die”
Ways in which ATR can chase you across systems in the same faction are being investigated.
Impact on Community Questions
Do you think certain ways players play the game has historically been harmful to both the community and the number of players who now play or want to buy the game. If so, specifically, how will these changes improve this?
It’s a conundrum. Historically and intentionally the game has been left open to player interpretation and try to avoid judgement, That’s not to say there are no consequences and the game will respond to that
There is also a covenant between player and developer where the player has to abide by the rules. And we accept it’s not the full picture, but it should be an improvement from where we are now.
It’s a balance between locking down the game so it’s no fun or opening it too much.
Credit fines.
Not a huge amount of criminal players with huge amount of money, but data says being attacked and killed in open is rarer than the perception.
Previously the fines have been avoided, with the new system the impact will be higher because they are a lot harder to avoid and so eventually will have an effect.
Additional fines will increase the rebuy penalty so it all adds up. Other systems such as karma will also affect things
Player choice, open, Private Group or solo are all equally valid.
Can you explain how the new bounty hunting mechanic could work. What’s to stop friends kill trading or even selling their bounty for real money outside of game if the values become significant?
The bounty that is claimed and the rebuy bounty are different things. So while bounty hunting will be made more lucrative, it will be balanced to avoid this.
The concept of reducing a victim’s rebuy and increasing the attackers is at the moment fairly compelling as it increases the sense of justice.
Will any fines or bounties be commander based, rather than ship based(e.g interstellar bounties)
It’s an interesting debate. But there proba”thye devprebly wouldn’t be. One of the reasons why it’s on a ship is because it opens the player up to other professions, whilst still adding a penalty
interstellar bounties will be pretty horrifying, so probably no need for pilots federation bounties. But balancing will be needed.
The current system differentiates between player murders and NPC murders. The proposed system seems to dilute this distinction, why the change?
It’s felt that the consequences for ship destruction should be the same. It’s nicer it’s simpler whilst still recognising there needs to be a sense of justice for the player.
The hope is this system will reduce the instances of combat logging
Impact on Consensual PvP, player events, and criminality as a profession etc
Any chance of having CQC style arenas/pvp centric mega-ships etc in anarchy systems to assist in consensual PvP. I.e give consensual PvP outside of CQC some love?
Should be possible using existing assets although some assets are already in place already. So could be looked at, where players make their own rules .
Piracy and PvP in general have been mentioned as needing improvement. Is smuggling on the list also?
Smuggling is a core role in the game, but is being reviewed as part of beyond. They would like to be improved in two ways. The black market and mechanical changes to improve gameplay.
Other factors are involved in how successful your smuggling is such as your in system rep and how ‘prestigious” your ship is
How will player run events, such a demolition derbies be affected by these changes(frequent ramming, getting the station annoyed on purpose just for funsies. etc)
It’s fun seeing the crazy events players come up with. Report crimes off and anarchy systems will still work and should not be much difference. But will need to be looked at in case by case basis.
One can imagine how crimes are not affected in wings, could also apply in squadrons….
Possible exploits, loopholes etc questions
How are you going to prevent mischievous players “getting in the way of other ships’ weapons in order to get the other a bounty etc?
While the system is harsher. The friendly fire threshold will be increased, as as a new reckless weapons offense which will impose a fine, not a bounty.
Is there a potential issue in having a nice collection of freshly clean(and freshly poorer) players in a detention centre that are just ripe to being killed again and again in a place where other ‘naughty’ players have been sent?
Fastest possible ATR response will be present, may be worthwhile having instant attack function while being in your own instance until you jump away. In other words security in the detention system will be tight.
What would happen if you filled a detention ship up to the max number of ships you can store there(e.g filled it with sidewinders)
It’s an interesting idea. In theory there are several solutions from upping the limit, forced moving of ships all the way to giving the player a choice of what ship they want to lose to make room
For the first time perhaps(outside of the BGS). The size of my credit balance and rate in which I can earn credits can now affect others players. Is this a worry?
It’s an interesting question, that is quite a moral conundrum, but in general punishments based on assets
Power Play
Please could you explain again the power play changes, they seemed more complex than those currently in place.
Lightning Round
Accidentally shooting before a scan ends no hull damage. I.E. Shield Dmg Only. – Fine
Accidentally shooting before a scan ends with hull damage -Fine
Accidentally ramming a ship without destroying it – fine maybe bounty
Shooting a clean/non scanned ship with and inflicting hull damage – bounty
Killing skimmers – fine… bounty.. fine
Shooting people in an SRV – all of the above 😉
Smuggling illegal goods -fine
Loitering or docking without permission – All of the above 😉
Killing a clean NPC as part of a mission -Bounty
Carrying wanted passenger – Bounty
Killing clean player not PP aligned – Jail
Killing multiple clean players not PP aligned – All of the above 😉
Killing the same player repeatedly within a defined time period – All of the above 😉
First twin commander Basilisk kill. CMDR’s Tainted Wanderer & Cncmaster took roughly an hour to take the ship down and described the fight as “downright incredible”
The Trucker Dr Eros Madelung has done it again with an excellent video getting us all down as he talks about mass, density, gravity and the roche limit.
Crew Members Director of Pest Control : Ashley Devine – DrToxic Head of health and safety : Ben Moss-Woodward – Cmdr Eid LeWeise Chief Archivist : Colin Ford – Cmdr phoenix_dfire (In)Human Resources Director : Shan – Cmdr Shanaeri
Can be found in NHSS Threat level 6. Estimated 540m/s max speed(faster than cyclops), 5 hearts, swarm size of 64 rather than 32.. Needs at least a full wing.
First KIll Claimed by the Sovereignty -Took 12 of them to do it and it behaved “differently” to other Basilisks. They then found one with more usual behavior and got “hammered” The consensus is they are very hard, but also a great challenge and fun
Sandro Samarco discusses feedback from the crime and punishment proposals on Thursday 16th at 7pm. Frontier’s youtube channel
The discovery scanner episode the week after is scheduled to be about the inspiration behind Thargoid swarm, how came into being, how it works and the work behind creating it.
Congratulations to Cmdr Peter Perfect (D8veh on the forums) for being mental enough to get Triple Elite in a Sidewinder
432 hours from start, so not really a big deal, and I wasn’t too focused on it. I stopped to do the engineers for a bit, and when I wanted Imperial rank for one of them, I found a good spot, so I carried on to King. Also, I did a bit of griefer baiting in PvP when I wanted a break from the grind. I think, with what I know now, I could do it again in half the time. ~D8veh
For a number of years Drew Wagar has been supporting (both with time and 10% of the proceeds from his books) an organisation called the March Wood Project, that provides an alternative for youngsters who fall outside of school, college and work and helping them deal with mental health issues and rebuild their lives. Last weekend it was the victim of a robbery and arson attack in which the charity lost everything. Drew is helping them rebuild so their work can continue. Please head to to support them.
Crew Members Director of Pest Control : Ashley Devine – DrToxic Head of health and safety : Ben Moss-Woodward – Cmdr Eid LeWeise Chief Archivist : Colin Ford – Cmdr phoenix_dfire Chief Bar Steward : Grant Woolcott – Cmdr Psykokow (In)Human Resources Director : Shan – Cmdr Shanaeri The Mind of the Spiders : Jon Lunn The Spider’s Story : Oliver Hulme
PvP event. The Sovereignty [SOV] announced a PvP competition held by the Privateer’s Alliance from 8pm to 4 am (UTC). It will be held at Barjavel Station in HIP 33368. To enter you need a Viper Mk III and any modules you can buy at the station (I.e. no power play or engineered modules, enhanced performance thrusters or Heat Seeking Missiles (!)).
Hi @everyone. It’s been a long road for this server, but unfortunately it’s had to come to an end. The janitor team has decided to close the Fuel Rats discord server due to security concerns and overall effort required to effectively maintain what we want out of it. Effective immediately, the server will be going under read-only, and will be shutdown later tonight. Come join us on the official IRC servers at ( for those wishing to connect through browser) ~ CL4P-TN
Crew Members Chief Bar Steward : Grant Woolcott – Cmdr Psykokow Chief Archivist : Colin Ford – Cmdr phoenix_dfire (In)Human Resources Director : Shan – Cmdr Shanaeri Guest Jock : Dave “Selezen” Hughes
Show Notes
Development News
No much in the way of news at the moment.
In Game Events
AEGIS confirm that Capital Ships are vulnerable to thargoid attack due to the EMP effect. The new EMP counter does not scale to capital ship size. So it’s only us commanders in the smaller ships stand a chance in stopping the thargoids.
If you are wondering there the “How to Make A Galaxy” talk by Anthony Ross from frontier Expo is. According to ED on his lunchtime livestream , This will be redone and transmitted via live stream where it can also be more interactive and in better quality. No Eta, no guarantees etc. Ed Also mentions they are looking at doing more “TED” style streams in the future in the same vein.
Hutton Truckers break in me trade record broken… 79,624,800 in one sale. #ForTheMug Obsidian Orbital get’s completely trucked! – By delivering many Thargoids Probes and managing to disable the station, then they jumped to it and restored Obsidian Orbital to full working capabilities. Sadly not the trade record for the game, that is held by Cmdr Eldrich with 784 UA’S NETTING 210,188,048
Crew Members Director of Pest Control : Ashley Devine – DrToxic Head of health and safety : Ben Moss-Woodward – Cmdr Eid LeWeise Chief Archivist : Colin Ford – Cmdr phoenix_dfire Chief Bar Steward : Grant Woolcott – Cmdr Psykokow (In)Human Resources Director : Shan – Cmdr Shanaeri
Sale to tencent raised £17.7m and was to “improve and accelerate Frontier’s growth into the key Chinese market and help drive scale-up of the business.”
Elite had in excess of 2.7m cumulative sales from Dec 2014
Monetisation of both PC and Elite will NOT include pay to win features.
INRA Base Mega Thread – Stay away from the file dipping controversy. Also players have found what looks like the remains of a Thargoid scout at the base where maybe the Mycoid virus was used to test . base is Klatt Enterprises at Alnath A2 AA 4.0167 133.54
Dave Hughes RPG – Elite Encounters Has been APPROVED. It will be released soon (It also means that a version of Colin’s Miniatures Has been Approved!!)
DeskPins is an open source application that allows you to “pin” a window so that it remains “on top” of your Elite any full-screen borderless window (does not work with true-full screen)… Perfect for that trip to Hutton Orbital!
Thargoids are evolving again. – Seems they’re getting more maneuverable and now have a shut down attack, rendering you immobile while it beats a hasty retreat. (They are learning!!!)
New Weapons – Remote Flak Launcher, Anti Shutdown device coming (See previous point).
Last set of AX upgrades for now.
Lavecon 2018 – weekend of the 5th June. – Tickets will soon be available.
Game Music Packs .com have teamed up with Obsidian Ant to bring you a very unique music system for Voice Attack providing voice controlled music content for Elite Dangerous.
Head of health and safety : Ben Moss-Woodward – Cmdr Eid LeWeise Chief Archivist : Colin Ford – Cmdr phoenix_dfire Chief Bar Steward : Grant Woolcott – Cmdr Psykokow Snake Charmer : Ashley Devine – DrToxic NPC Taskmaster : Shan – Cmdr Shanaeri