Lave Radio Episode 404 – …………

Position Crew Member CMDR Name He?d of He?lth and S?fety Be? M?ss-Woodw?rd Eid L?Weise St?ff Li?ison Officer Clare ?ood Psykit? Chi?f Archivist Colin Fo?d Pho?nix_Dfi?e (in)Hum?n R?sourc?s Dir?ctor Sh?n S?an Tech ………………. Cm?r Ven?ura C?dr V?ntur? Guests Download the episode directly from here. Development News – what have the devs…

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Lave Radio Episode 400 “Lavecon 2022” – 17/07/2022 (Live From Lavecon)

Team for this episode ✔/ X Position Crew Member CMDR Name Head of Health and Safety Ben Moss-Woodward Eid LeWeise Staff Liaison Officer Clare Good Psykit Chief Archivist Colin Ford Phoenix_Dfire (in)Human Resources Director Shan Shan Guests Lavecon audience Chief Bar Steward (On Tech) Grant Woolcott Psykokow Development News –…

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Lave Radio Episode 399 “Rest home for broken presenters, The Veterans” 16/07/2022

Station Commander Allen Stroud Heldaban Kel Head of Entertainment Chris Jarvis Thane Chief of Operations John Stabler Chief Bar Steward (Tech) Grant Woolcott Psykokow Introduction Resting home for Broken Presenters (Hot weekend)   10 Years of Lavecon  Lave Radio podcast the early years  Allen’s and Chris’s guitar medley With Great Power…

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Lave Radio Episode 331 “Do developers dream of Rubiks Cubs?” – 02/03/2021

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Deputy Trade AttachéSouvSouvarine
Tech MonkeyNorman MacArthurVentura_

Download the episode directly from here.

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  1. (1) EliteDangerous – Twitch. Arf tried to stream (personal account) from xbox on Thursday but I don’t know how that went.
  2. In Game Memorials
    Greetings Commanders,

    We’d like to revisit our approach to player memorials in-game.

    In the past, we’ve accepted requests to add locations or change location names to give players a place to remember and celebrate their loved ones. Unfortunately, this gesture could not be scaled to meet the large number of requests we received as time went on.

    We’re now ready with a solution that offers an equal and respectful way to honour all Commanders’ requests to memorialise friends and family that have passed. Our plan is to create memorial beacons in the following systems, each of which will feature an epitaph and a list of names:
    1. Sol
    2. Achenar
    3. Alioth
    4. Shinrarta Dezhra
    5. Colonia
    6. Asellus Primus
    7. Dromi

      The names will be updated periodically every few months at all locations. This will allow any visitor to see the full list at any beacon at any given time. The locations are expected to be added by the end of this month.
  3. Friday’s Q&A – Weapons​
  4. Tuesday Stream
      1. Arf’s in chat “telling” Bruce that he NEEDS to blur his background.
      2. 4pm on Thursday – Dev’s on, Twitch Drops, Big stuff

Main discussion

  1. We asked the community what they would like fdev to focus on after Odyssey, and the appropriate bug fixes; –
    1. We had 130 responses on the forum
    2. Twitter: Omni_Sensei: I hope there is some great fps content.
    3. Twitter: John Jameson: 
      1. Oceans that one can submerse in on Water Planets. 
      2. City’s on inhabited worlds along with carriers and stations that orbit closer to planets so that you can watch features moving by quickly on the planet. 🙂
    4. Twitter: Mistake Not: Making worlds with a full atmosphere, with weather, vegetation and ecosystems.
    5. Twitter: Camel Number 1: Five aside football matches in the fleet carrier docking bays.
    6. Twitter: Carrumba: 
      1. Functioning coffee maker. 
      2. A throwable rubiks cub. 
      3. Hang in there comedy kitten poster.
Subject1st Choice2nd Choice3rd ChoiceTotal Points
Walking around ships1112158
VR Walking around92334
More planet types landable101133
Colonisation Mechanics/base buildng33520
Galaxy Map improvements51118
New SRVs33217
Visible NPC Crew41014
Crime and Punishment22313
Stealing Ships30110
Interactive Space Phonomna2039
Cockpit Cats (Pets?)1218
Foliage and Fauna0328
Panther Clipper1116
Increase group instanceing1036
Missions overhaul1105
Explore Gas Giants and water worlds0215
Asteroid Clusters0204
Multiple commanders0204
Mech Suit1003
Offline Mode1003
Small seimic Chargets1003
Light Sources1003
More Combat Zones1003
Fleet Carriers Interroirs0102
Eject Passengers0102
Ship designer0102
Better AI0102
Moon Landings0011
Better Squadrons0011
Faction Fleet carriers0011

Community Corner

  1. LAVECON – Karen to talk about the possibility of a ‘Proper’ Con this year.
  2. Dark Wheel Initiative – We swept the war 4-0 in Ross154 and are climbing in influence in the system. This expansion to test Sol


  1. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at  or, for just the audio, at
  2. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
  3. For those who want a literary discussion about Sci-fi and fantasy books. Please subscribe to the Dataslate podcast created by station commander Allen Stroud. 
  1. We’re also giving a shout outs to the following Elite Dangerous podcasts which have appeared over the last year or are standard regular contributors;-
    1. Loose Screws
    2. Elite Week
    3. Flight Assist
    4. For Spanish Speakers there is the Elite Cast 
    5. Cannon Podcast
    6. Fatherhood Podcast.
    7. Squeaking Fuel
    8. The Guard Frequency (who do other space sims)
    9. Algorab AM: An Elite Dangerous Podcast
  2. Following this we have the latest Galnet News Digest as provided by Cmdr Wotherspoon and Cmdr BeatleJude.
  3. Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders

EPISODE 273 “Circumventing the Benedetti” – 17/12/2019

By Cmdr Beetlejude
PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
Chief Bar StewardGrant WoolcottPsykokow
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Lavian Space Program DirectorAndy BarnesKurgol
Deputy Trade AttachéSouvSouvarine
Inflatable Tech MonkeyNorman MacArthur Ventura
Queen of the ConKaren FishwickPolo

Download the episode directly from here.

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  1. Monday 16 December 5th anniversary livestream, jam-packed with developer guests, giveaways and the best Elite Dangerous content from the last five years!
  2. Festive Countdown 2019
    1. To show our appreciation, commanders who log in between 13 – 25 December will receive a number of free ARX each day, and the amount will increase the closer it gets to 25 December.
    2. These ARX will be in addition to your weekly cap
    3. Keep an eye on the store for time limited skins
  3. Year’s End Festivities in Reorte
    1. Bulk Trade : fish, fruit and vegetables, animal meat and beer
    2. Rare Trade : Lavian Brandy, Anduliga Fire Works and Eranin Pearl Whiskey – Was finished on Sunday.
    3. Bounty Hunting
    4. Ends on the 18th 
    5. Cobra Mk III Iridescent Gleam Paint Job!
  4. Celebrating 5 years of ED

Main Discussion

Review of the year.

  1. Lavecon
  2. Review of the Year
    1. 3.4 – People start using  the new exploration mechanics in anger with loads of stuff being discovered. Void Opals were discovered to be THE way to make money. Big Boom in the ‘Roids!
    2. 3.5 – Newbie Area, Advanced Docking Computer, Supercruise Assistant
    3. 3.6 – Tutorial, Arx. – Oops!!
    4. 3.7 – Beta 
    5. Interstellar Initiatives. 
    6. Everyone’s thoughts on 2019.

Community Corner

  1. Babylon 5 legend, Mira Furlan, has completed the script, and we’re set for a Christmas release!
  2. EDSM Have a Santa Tracker on your Dashboard
  3. ALP Video As recommended by the Pilot.
  4. 5th Anniversary Ship Chart
    1. Cmdr Arithon has done it again with a lovely (and very orange) ship chart


  1. Just a reminder that Loose Screws are having an end of the year Discord party/show. On December 27th at 7:30CST (this is 01:30 on the 28th GMT) They’re  doing a live stream and show and inviting all listeners and friends of the show. Feel free to drop in and say howdy to everyone.  
    1. Discord Server
  2. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at or, for just the audio, at
  3. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
  4. Stephen Benedetti

Lave Radio Episode 251: Seven Sisters reveal all to the Thargoids

Download the episode directly from here.

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardCMDR Eid LeWeise
Chief ArchivistColin FordCMDR Phoenix_Dfire
Chief Bar StewardGrant WoolcottCMDR Psykokow
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanCMDR Shan
Lavian Space Program DirectorAndy BarnesCMDR Kurgol
Deputy Trade AttachéSouvCmdr Souvarine

Tonight’s Lave Radio Network activity in game

Development News

In Game Events

  • Thargoids Leave the bubble…
    • Rumors are that the Thargoids are going to attack the stations which are at the center of the present community goals. Stay Alert Commanders!

Main Discussion

  • ARXs’s in game currency discussion..
  • Anything new for seasoned commanders..

Community Corner

  • Bucky Bally Racing Club presents the Seven Sisters Speedway
    • Ohm Horizons (HIP 29312) 13-JUL-3305 to 21-JUL-3305

      Welcome to the Seven Sisters Speedway: In a reimagining of one of the earliest BRC events, take off from Ohm Horizons in HIP 29312 near the edge of the bubble, and take a whirlwind tour around some of the stations and installations of the Seven Sisters in the Pleiades Nebula, then race back to Ohm Horizons.
    • Begin the race docked at Ohm Horizons in HIP 29312.
    • Visit the following nine locations in the Pleiades Nebula in any order:
    • The Seven Sisters are:
      • Asterope – Dock at Copernicus Observatory (83ls)
      • Atlas – Hip Hop only!
      • Celaeno – Dock at Artemis Lodge (46ls)
      • Maia – Dock at Obsidian Orbital (635ls)
      • Merope – Make a fly-past of the Listening Post orbiting Merope-1b (2100ls) – Note: listening posts, like other space structures, only appear on your Nav Panel when you approach to within 1000ls.
      • Pleione – Dock at Stargazer (1072ls)
      • Pleione – Make two tunnel fly-throughs at the Squirrel’s Nest space bar (265ls)
      • Sterope II – Hip Hop only!

Lave Radio Episode 250: Lavecon 2019

Download the episode directly from here.

Spidermind weekend update

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Director of Pest ControlAshley DevineCMDR DrToxic
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardCMDR Eid LeWeise
2nd TechnicianChris ForresterCMDR Fozza
Hiding in the ClosetGrant WoolcottCMDR Psykokow
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanCMDR Shan
Spidery ShillCmdr Shocken-Orr
Looking for loo PaperSimon Woolcott

Main Discussion

  • Weekend Highlights
    • Break Fozza
  • Frontier Panel
  • Dav awesome BGS stuff
  • September Update
    • New Player Experience
      • Voice Acted Content guiding new players
      • Fly through rings around an installation
        • Available as a separate training mission, so we all can try it
    • Store to ARX (FAQ)
      • Arx currency – platform specific – can’t be gifted
    • Change Livery in flight
  • Dec Update 
    • Fleet Carrier
  • LR Skins
    • Krait Mk2
    • Krait Phantom
    • Mamba