Lave Radio Episode 265 – I’d rather be dead in a ditch, than release Fleet Carriers – 22/10/2019

Download the episode directly from here.

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Chief Bar StewardGrant WoolcottPsykokow
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Deputy Trade AttachéSouvSouvarine
Emergancy Blow Up GuestMark Winstone Mack Winston

In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?

  1. The Scythe of Panem! Brilliant reference to early game lore (the firebombing of Panem). 
  2. New CG: combat this time. 
    1. Destroy Scythe of Panem ships in the Quator system
  3. Many, many griefers at last week’s trade CG. 

Main Discussion 

  1. ANNOUNCEMENT Community Update (22/10)

Community Corner

  1. Featured Commander Alec Turner
  2. Featured Commander: SAGI
  3. Grats to Elite Aid: Bushfire for raising £2625 for Rural Fire Brigades Association for Queensland:
    1. Thanks to Shan, Kurgle and Zorba Dundee for joining me for my segment on Saturday Morning, as well as to Brenner Soriah, MadCat, Icarus Smith and again Zorba for joining us at the end of the Stream! Finally thanks to FD for supporting the event as well as donating two copies of ED:Horizons.
      1. Dave’s who is Traceport26 on Discord and is the RFBAQ Coordinator who chatted on the Elite Aid stream. Told us “It all adds up, trust me. $2625 will buy a dozen UHF Radios to improve a brigade’s communication, maybe a couple of chainsaws, water tank and pump… List goes on. It’ll be well spent.
  4. The Hutton Truckers will be doing a Player-with-Player base assault on FDev’s Thursday stream. Will will be in command. We have been advertising for participants in the Hutton Facebook group.


  1. CMDR Bolloxim: Interesting, after last weeks cqc focus podcast, I thought I would try again. Now i’m not saying this was coded but might be an arx bug side effect (coz why not) bit i played on ps4 got two wins. Which, gave me two death match trophies. Of which one was 25 wins.   Good incentive for those ps4 trophy hunters to join cqc. Haven’t tried team deathmatch or cap flag. Mainly coz no one ever joined


  1. Cmdr Thane Hey guys can I ask a favour? Harry (FragLANd) is doing a special Elite Dangerous LAN on the 15th-17th November at his place near Peterborough. The idea is to get a LAN together and do group/wing co-op stuff for the whole weekend. Limited places as he’s max 16 people, but should be a great weekend if you can give it a shout out on the podcast and direct people to the Fragland Facebook page?
  2. Cmdr_starion Can I get a shoutout at show’s end for Cmdr Saber84, sqdn buddy of mine, who’ll be getting married on 27 October?
  3. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at or, for just the audio, at
  4. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.

Lave Radio Episode 264 – Don’t drink the bleach – 15/10/2019

Download the episode directly from here.

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Lavian Space Program DirectorAndy BarnesKurgol
Deputy Trade AttachéSouvSouvarine
CQC Pit Crew Cmdr MacCait Cmdr MacCait
CQC Pit Crew Cmdr Aesica Cmdr Aesica
CQC Pit Crew Cmdr Il Senato Cmdr Il Senato

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  1. September Update – Patch 3
  2. Full Throttle at Pareco – an official Frontier Developments race in conjunction with the Buckyball Racing Club Forum Page
    1. Full Throttle at Pareco

In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?

  1. The Scourge – Overview of Phases
    1. New BGS State of ‘Blight’ – It show’s systems that are suffering from Blight but they still seem to be able to export grain. No Fresh Produce in Lave, Diso, Orreve.

Main discussion

  1. CQC

Community Corner

  1. CMDR Zaetheus solo’s Cyclops with Imperial Courier
  2. The winners of the Buckyball/Frontier Full Throttle at Pareco time trial have been announced. Read all about it over here:

Questions for our listeners

  1. What would it take for you to take an Interest in CQC?


  1. Elite Aid “Bushfire”
    1. From BooTheHampster1: Hey guys, wanted to send you a huuuuge thank you for the shout out in last week’s episode about the upcoming Elite Aid  24 hour livestream to support the QLD Rural Fire Brigade. I live in Brisvegas (aka Brisbane), but have friends that have been impacted by the fires. You guys rock!

      o7 CMDRs
    2. Ben (and hopefully other hosts!) will be Live on Saturday morning from 8am In Game Time
  2. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at or, for just the audio, at
  3. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
  4.  Top Shift 117 is now available.

Lave Radio Episode 263 – What’s in a name? – 08/10/2019

Download the episode directly from here.

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Station CommanderAllen StroudHeldaban Kel
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Chief Bar StewardGrant WoolcottPsykokow
Lavian Space Program DirectorAndy BarnesKurgol
Deputy Trade AttachéSouvSouvarine
Eastern IndianiMarc Winstone EICMack Winston

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  1. Patch 2 came in – Solved a few problems, caused a few more;-
    1. Positive.
      1. Changes to the store icon on the Station Menu Screen (less obtrusive and immersion breaking).
      2. Fixed the clipper ship kit issues and lots of other soft locks.
      3. Fixed a lot of Scarlet Kriat, Magenta Krait, Yellow Adder and Black Adder Errors.
    2. Negative
      1. Softlock Error on the Mission Board (Workaround issued)
      2. Setting Module Power Priority (This appears to have gotten worse).
  2. Voices from the Void Stream – Paige takes us through the process of how these scripts are created, inserted into the game and then performed (with a nice bit of improve at the end).
  3. Possible Interstellar Initiative – Fresh Food has disappeared from the Agricultural Markets around the old worlds (Unknown if it’s affecting all Agricultural worlds). Reidquat prices for the new fertiliser is skyrocketing (Soylent Green anyone)? What’s caused the Harvest failure? Is it;-
    1.  some kind of virus that the cmdrs unknowingly have transferred between worlds?
    2. A thargoid attack after we starved them out in the Witch Head’s Nebula?
    3. Some kind of Coordinated attack – For more information on how this could be done See Allen Stroud’s most excellent Lave Revolution Book and Audio Book, just one click away on AMAZON.
    4. TRUMBLES!!!!!!
  4. Frontier Tweeted Happy Monday, Commanders! We’re currently hard at work on Patch 03 for the September Update, which we expect to release for all platforms towards the end of this week! Check back later this week for the Patch Notes, confirmed date and estimated downtime.

Main discussion

  1. Allen tells us about Fearless, getting published

In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?

  1. Massively’s Coverage of the petition
  2. Update with regards to the petition mentioned on last weeks show  from Ryan_m17 from SDC has contacted us (Ben) and has given us assurances that no personal data has been shared with the petition organisers.
    1. Follow Up from the Organisers
    2. Open Letter to the Petition Authors obvious Tongue in Cheek mail from Agony Aunt


  • Congrats to Commander Roe Laren/transtechgirl for her expedition to Beagle point and beyond for Macmillan Cancer Support.
    She was streaming from 8am Sunday -> 8am Monday (LR was hosting her too)

    Find out how you can play your part and add to Commander Roe Laren’s fundraising today.
    Join Roe’s Discord by going to:
    Forum thread congratulating her :
  • Elite AID “Bushfire”

    East India Company are proud to present Elite Aid. This is to be a 24 hour long event starting at 23:00 UTC on 10/18/2019. During the event we will host a continuous live stream staffed by members from a variety of gaming groups. All proceeds will be donated to support the ongoing efforts in the Queensland bushfire emergencies.

    Lave Radio has a slot from 08:00 – 10:00 UTC

    Cmdr Icarus Smith who’s been on the show’s house was yards from being destroyed “my closest 5 neighbours are piles of ash”
    Please note this is NOT JustGiving because myCause is a top crowd-funding site in Aus and the only one which has a direct donation link to the Queensland Volunteer Rural Fire Brigades Donation Fund.

    The Rural Fire Service (RFS) is the volunteer arm of the QFES operating in rural, semi-rural and urban fringe areas where there is no urban fire service coverage. The RFS consists of approximately 35,000 volunteers from approximately 1,500 rural fire brigades across the state.
  • In Related news: Cmdr Gosht who’s been on the show and is a core member of HIVE lost his house, his dog, Titus, and just about everything in an unexpected (but unrelated to the bushfires), house fire.

    To help give him a slight smile, the Anti Xeno community  will be meeting up at SYNUEFE KU-F B44-4 to collect some Ancient keys from the Guardian Beacon on Friday the 11th, at 21:00 UTC. An Hour later the fleet will head toward HIP 14909 Planet 2 A  and use the Ancient Keys to spell out a message for Cmdr Gosht 
  • Frontier are about to start a new series of “Full Throttle” livestreams dedicated to RACING!

    To kick things off, this Thursday Alec Turner will be on the show with Will and Stephen to chat a bit about the Buckyball Racing club and to guide them around our new race “Full Throttle at Pareco”. Full details of the race (which is on NOW) can be found here:
  • Elite Cast

Lave Radio Episode 262 – ARX for Petitions – 01/10/2019

Download the episode directly from here.

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Deputy Trade AttachéSouvSouvarine
Tech Monkey Norman MacArthur Cmdr Ventura _

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  1. 35th Anniversary of Elite being released on the BBC
  2. Frontier has grown to 500 employees
  3. Rockford Fertilizer Reset
  4. Sally’s leaving Frontier ;(
  5. Discovery Scanner 7 – Voices of the Void
  6. Community Update (27/09)
  7. september-update-patch-2 More notes
  8. New Store Stuff
    1. Aloe Plant
    2. Cactus Plant
    3. Anemone Plant
    4. Braint Tree Plant
    5. Peduncle Plant
    6. 6450 ARX Each (Works out at £3.85 at Base level Arx Pack)
    7. Clipper Ship Kit (But Broke) See previous Patch.

Main discussion

  1. Open letter from community to Elite Dangerous
    1. Reddit Post
    2. Responses From Zac
    3. Petition
    1. CMDR_Reaper from the Children of Raxla writes: “I’d advise against signing this petition until it’s moved to another petition hosting site that’s less obscure, and onto a more well-known platform such as “” and ask yourselves why it’s being hosted on a more obscure site like iPetitions…”
    2. TLDR: iPetions asks for your  name, email address and stores your ip address.. SDC are asking for your Cmdr Name. “The information you provide and your IP address are stored on our servers but canalso be accessed by the petition host”

Community Corner

  1. Cmdr Plater’s Charity Stream – Just Giving Link
    1. 20:00 – £8,245.32
  2. Cmdr The Pilot has released another of his ship videos. This time on “The Asp Explorer”  [Video]


  1. Friend of the Lave Radio and Leader of the “Independence Seperatist Fleet” CMDR Roe Laren aka transtechgirl on Twitch, is doing a 24 hour stream raising Money for Macmillan Cancer Research.

    She’s going to go from Sol to Beagle Point without the neutron highway in one stream. She’ll be leaving from Sol on Sunday 6th October at 08:00 and going until Monday 7th at 08:00
  2. Speedbowl 3 Chasing Sanderling – 09./10. NOV 3305 – 61 Virginis 2
  3. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at or, for just the audio, at
  4. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.

Lave Radio Episode 261 – “Community Unsurprisingly Not Troublefree” Says Alec Turner – 24/09/2019

Download the episode directly from here.

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
Chief Bar StewardGrant WoolcottPsykokow
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Lavian Space Program DirectorAndy BarnesKurgol
Deputy Trade AttachéSouvSouvarine
Teeny Tiny Special GuestNot AnthonyObsidian Ant
Driving us in circlesOG Alec TurnerAlec Turner

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?

  • Lave Radio Breaks Elite Dangerous.. A new error code cursed players on Wednesday and it’s all Lave Radio’s fault

Main discussion

“Public reaction” to patch:

  • Alec Turner
    1) giving a uniform model for cosmetic purchasing across all three platforms
    2) allowing the store to be more easily integrated into the heart of the game by taking technical/legal coding complexities around actual financial transactions out of the equation
    3) alleviating the not insignificant overhead of individual fees for numerous small financial transactions which make paying small amounts for things with credit cards not cost effective for Frontier (which thereby enables the purchase of individual paintjobs rather than whole packs a viable option)
  • ARX Costs and breakdowns
  • Is the “community” too harsh on Frontier?

Community Corner

Lave Radio Episode 260 – Actual Physical Conte… oh hang on – 17/09/2019

Download the episode directly from here.

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Lavian Space Program DirectorAndy BarnesKurgol
Deputy Trade AttachéSouvSouvarine
Tech MonkeyNorman MacArthur Ventura

In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?

  1. Feed the galaxy Is this why famine states are so rare? More food that Aldi’s..


  1. Response to the Grind Question from Ryan P Bodfist :- 
    1. Hi Lave Radio Crew,

      You asked for some feedback grind in ED – here’s my take…

      ED is a great game and the ED Developers are incredibly good at what they do in so many respects so don’t want it become too much of a rant…. But there have been some odd decisions made in the game at times I feel….

      In terms of grind – I’d break it down into 2 categories;-

      1. Wild goose chases that make no sense.
      2. Repetitious game loops that have no variation in
    2. Wild goose chases that make no sense

      Now there are wild goose chases that make sense – for example searching for Alien ruins etc – that’s fine. But here are some examples
      of the case in point – though there are others ;-

      1. Searching for material traders.
        Firstly, it isn’t enjoyable to spend hours searching through probable systems where they might be – it’s simply not fun game play. Secondly, how does it make sense that material traders would not be advertising their location – they are selling a service and they want to make money. Why, why, mcwhy? (the last one was for the Scottish folk amongst the crew… ) It just feels like artificial difficulty for the sake of it. It becomes a grind. Furthermore – all people end up doing is using online resources to find them all – so it takes people out of the game as well and fails to achieve what it was trying to do anyway!

        1. Simply make them all visible in the galaxy map – I’ve
          still got to travel there after all
        2. If you really insist on make some game play out of finding these then make information a commodity that can be gained from factions etc –
          give me a way of finding the information out that makes some kind of sense.
      2. Randomly searching for ships and equipment

        Why do I have to fly around and dock at each station to find out if they are selling the thing I want – It not believable and it isn’t fun game play. Again I have to go out of the game to get this information and I don’t want to do that.


        Make this information visible to me within a radius in the
        game from stations.
      3. Searching for materials.

        Put some challenges in the game that make getting materials deterministic
        rather than just on a dice roll. I know missions do this to an extent, but I think there needs to be more ways. Make information a commodity – maybe a tip
        off on a base that has a stockpile of a particular materials that I can
        infiltrate. A tip off on a large ship giving me exactly what it’s carrying – so I don’t waste my time getting a criminal record and get none of the materials I wanted because of a dice roll.

        That not to say get rid of the lucky dice roll way of getting this stuff as well – but make it more involving. For example, a random find in a salvage wreck gives me a document that details a site on a planet with loads of material x, or a base that I can infiltrate or a reward for rescuing a ship under attack, or perhaps when I hand in a rescued escape pod etc.
      4. Only being able to pin one engineer blueprint…

        I understand the limitation of not being able to get the engineer bonuses without visiting them – fine. But why can I only pin one blue print? Again – is it believable and does it improve gameplay? No and No. Just feels like an artificial restriction for no obvious gameplay benefit.
    3. Repetitive game loops that have no variation in challenge

      The other aspect of the game that I find “grindy” is the repetitious loops that offer no variation in challenge or game play. In short these become a grind not just because of the amount of times I have to do it but because there’s no variation in challenge – it gets dull pretty quick.
      1. Missions

        Missions get a bit “grindy” for me because they are just a bit of a forgone conclusion. Mostly they are go somewhere, evade the NPC interdictions (which I never fail – when was the last time you failed an NPC interdiction?). I never get anything I don’t expect, no variation in challenge – it all just feels like I just have to turn up. Because of this it becomes a grind just to get credits/materials rather than something that could be exiting and have some tension/emotional content at the same time.
        1. Solutions:

          More variety in challenge – keep me on my toes. Make NPC interdictions an actual threat. Get rid of no fire zones around anarchy stations so I can get attacked whilst I’m docking / un-docking in some cases – opt in risk isn’t risk…. I need to feel some emotion – some tension then its exiting – I need to feel I’m not totally safe at all times (Other than getting “Ganked” of course – but that’s not the kind of risk I’m looking for….)
      2. Guardian sites

        Firstly, how am I supposed to know where these are in game?
        Secondly, why so far away? Why can’t I buy them for large
        amounts of money, or get them in other ways. 
    4. Hard missions perhaps when I become an ally with a faction etc. I hate having to do the same one or two things thing over and over and having to fly so far. Give me the option of harder less repetitive tasks to get this stuff – so I can choose the easy “grindy” way or several different hard challenging exciting ways – where there’s a real element of
      tension and risk (i.e. I accept I may fail but if I win it’s worth it…)
    5. Anyway – that’s my 10p worth.

      By the way – thanks for all the work in doing the Lave Radio
      show over the years its been running – much appreciated. Makes my drive into and out of Cambridge much less of a
      grind 🙂

      Best Regards,
      Commander Ryan P Bodfirst
  2. No response to the Question about Fleet Carriers? – CMDR Ade Mason in the Lave server:
    1. “Do you guys think that the Fleet Carriers should be given free to Lifetime Expansion holders, like me, and I assume the both of you?”
    2. Cmdr Ade Mason : “For my point and in addition, my understanding is that fleet carriers are almost a cosmetic, I know this was discussed in episode 257, so I don’t want to linger on it, I don’t think they’ll give any more than a transport/support option for your fleet of ships rather than having them stored at stations, also many players don’t play for credits, so they’d be priced out of potentially ever owning one if the hypothetical value of one is let’s say 5 billion for argument sake, it’ll then only be for the elite only players who already have billions, as the latest updates have been about getting new players into the game, I cannot see FDev releasing something that only a small percentage of players will afford to have access to! It’s not in keeping with the structure of the game, just some additional thoughts, so giving one free to a LEP holder wouldn’t be a game breaker, but would give them a nod and thanks for the support.”
  3. New Question – Cmdr Thane didn’t realise that the ship compass could be used to locate his landing pad. What piece of functionality did you miss, until someone pointed it out to you? (And maybe needs to be included in the new Tutorials)?

Main discussion

Arx PackBonusTotal ArxCostCost / Paint PackCost (in pence) / 1000 ArxBase Paint Pack cost
  • Decals – 50 to 150 ARX
  • Individual Fighter and SRV Paint Jobs – 460 to 3280 ARX
  • Individual Ship Paint Jobs – 620 to 5,520 ARX
  • Individual Bobbleheads – 2,450 to 6,450 ARX
  • COVAS – 8,850 ARX
  • Ship Kits (sold in Bundles) – 11,750 to 13,520 ARX
CosmeticMinimum Arx CostTime to earn at 400 CapMaximum Arx CostTime to earn at 400 Cap
Decal50< 1 week150< 1 week
SRV / Fighter Paint Job460~ 1 week3280~ 8 weeks
Ship Paint Job620~ 1.5 weeks5520~ 14 weeks
Individual Bobblehead2450~ 6 weeks6450~ 16 weeks
COVAS8850~ 22 weeks8850~ 22 weeks
Ship Kit11750~ 29 weeks13520~34 weeks

Community Corner

  1. We Have competition, the Loose Screws Elite Dangerous podcast is available covering similar topics as ourselves but in ‘merican. Hello to Dyrvol and Dravenous13

Lave Radio Episode 259 – Hands up Little Willie’s Muppet – 10/09/2019

Download the episode directly from here.

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
Chief Bar StewardGrant WoolcottPsykokow
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Deputy Trade AttachéSouvSouvarine

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  1. Developer Profile – Key Ross
  2. Jack Little and Little Willie appear on a Fabric Person Live stream.
  3. Community Managers Livestream.
  4. Annual Report

In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?

  1. Largest Heist In Galactic History Takes Place!
    1. EIC Official Response to Loss of Stock

Main discussion

  • Hardware Discussion

Community Corner

  1. The Lego Cobra (which is scale with the Lego Figures).
  2. 3D prints of every ship to scale (Not that I’m jealous much).
  3. Oliver Facey Photos of Lavecon 2019 up now


  1. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at or, for just the audio, at
  2. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
  3. I’m CMDR Wet Stapler and I run the Elite: Musicians group. We’re a bunch of space bards and we’re starting a big project to make a large album of music all about Elite: Dangerous. We would certainly appreciate a shoutout if you could spare us the time in an upcoming episode! If you do, please give them a link to our discord in the show notes: Thanks for your time! Fly safe! And if you can’t do that, fly dangerous. CMDR Wet Stapler

Lave Radio Episode 258 – Parallel Worlds – 3/09/2019

Download the episode directly from here.

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Deputy Trade AttachéSouvSouvarine
Tech MonkeyNormVentura

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  1. Brett C is leaving 🙁

Main discussion

  1. Parallel Worlds
    1. Souv and Allen’s new mag:,
    2. comparing ED to other things and what we can learn from them

Community Corner

  1. Cmdr Plater will be doing his 24 hour Charity Stream in aid of the Britsh Thyroid Foundation (Plater has terminal Thyroid Cancer) on the 28th September from 12 midday. Lave Radio, Hutton Orbital Radio, The Buurs and many others will be there to support him.


  1. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at or, for just the audio, at
  2. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
  3. Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders

Lave Radio Episode 257 – If It’s not got a cow skin, I don’t give a ^$%^! – 27/08/2019

Download the episode directly from here.

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
Chief Bar StewardGrant WoolcottPsykokow
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Lavian Space Program DirectorAndy BarnesKurgol
Deputy Trade AttachéSouvSouvarine

Greetings, Commanders, and welcome to Episode #257 of Lave Radio. The show about the universe of Elite, and the fantastic community that surrounds it.

If you can’t get in-game you can also join the Twitch chat channel, which you can access through “” and clicking on ‘live chat’; and on “”.

Tonight’s activity in-game

  1. Is Kurgol flying to Maia to see the new Thargoid?

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?


  1. Viper paint jobs.

Main discussion

  1. Fleet Carrier discussion. 
    • Single-player surprise? Like the player freighter in NMS.
    • 500 ly but Refuelled by what? New kind of fuel? Possible skimming from gas giants? Powered by Arx? (Hope not).
    • You can schedule jumps, how often will you be able to? 
    • Who would you allow to dock? (private, friends, squadron?)
    • One carrier per instance and they cannot be destroyed. Can you drive it off’ like other capital ships?
    • What will you use for your personal fleet carrier for?
    • How much should they cost?
    • Rumour has it, they will need to be maintained, and not just fueled.. Thoughts?
    • Refuel, rearm and repair but to get different functions, you have to add the right support ship?
      1. Trade – does this mean you can store commodities there?
      2. Bounty hunting
      3. Exploration
      4. Search and rescue
      5. Piracy? Base for griefers?
      6. Miner
      7. Mercenary
      8. Smuggler
      9. No anti-Xeno though.
    • 4 large pads, 4 medium pads, 4 small pads. Once all the pads have been used, no-one else can dock
    • How big are those support ships? And are support ship and modules the same thing?

Community Corner

  • Best video of the carrier announcement has to be the ‘ghost giraffe’ s drunk Review. 


Someone posted on the ED forum that you guys could use some ideas re:The Grind.

My ED copilots and I have one glaring Grind issue, and that is Raw mats.  The issue is, we are purely combat pilots, and there is only one way to gather Raw mats for engineering, SRV surface prospecting.  None of us want to drive SRVs in circles picking stuff up, yet we have to do so for many hours. It’s really irritating. Miners and Explorers can gain Manufactured/Encoded/Raw mats from their normal tasks and missions. Combat pilots must step away from their normal tasks/missions to get Raw mats. 

The fix is simple.  Add Raw mats as mission reward options, and make NPC Mining/Trading ships drop some Raw mats just like ships drop Manufacture mats. 

The credit grind is gone, now it is just the mat grind.

What Do you think of Fleet Carriers? Have you got idea about the Role you want to do?


  1. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at or, for just the audio, at
  2. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
  3. Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders

Lave Radio Episode 256 – No Elite’s Sky – 20/08/2019

Download the episode directly from here.

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  • Stephen Benedetti posted a response from Ian Dingwall about the latest from Galnet. It appears that we are losing a little content but that is because interstellar Initiatives requires a lot of work. 
  • What was interesting was that even though they’ve just hired a new writer, there is an ‘aggressive production schedule’ which means that things are repositioned. What does everyone think of that? 
  • Fdev is at Gamescom in Germany at the moment. It’s planet zoo’s time but there is an elite meet. 

In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?

  1. Dav did the Background presentation. 
  2. Stephen managed to upgrade his combat rank to Novice on Monday. 
  3. Fdev staff was at Fantasticon last weekend. Nothing was announced but they had many interesting chats with the community. 
  4. There is a photo competition as well. 
  5. People annoyed that they can’t enter the above competition on the forum and so are accusing Fdev of ignoring the forums. 

Main discussion

  1. With NMS being upgraded to beyond this week, how does it compare to ED? Is it ED light? 
  2. Rebel galaxy Outlaw was released as well, this feels also more Elite like but you are following someone else’s narrative I. E. Freelancer, dark star one & X-Rebirth. 
  3. Both of these games have a lot less grind (NMS has reduced theirs). Should Elite do the same? I. E. Reduce travel time somehow? Rebalance credits? 

Community Corner

(thanks to AXI and Gluttony Fang for that) 

  • The folks at Operation Ida are working on Kaiser Terminal – Wayutabal
    • HAUL:
    • Indium 80% 56,383 (-3,360)
    • Gallium 24% 72,294 (-3,658)
    • Copper 29% 23,641 (-0,696)
    • Aluminium 34% 26,180 (-3,920)
    • Synthetic Fabrics 61% 142,568 (-48,423)
    • Overall 321,066 (-60,057)
    • Next Milestone 250,000
    • 24h Total: 99,557
  • Alec Turner’s has the new Hot off the Press Buckyball run in progress at the moment. (in association with SAGi)
  • Sagittarius Eye going quarterly with Issue 25


  1. Shall we put out a community question? Should ED reduce the grind and how? 


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