EGX 2016 Day 1

virtualrealityrunningmachinewizdishEGX 2016 Day 1

Aired 22 September 2016

Today I only had an hour or so at EGX since I was working, but I was very fortunate in that I bumped into a fellow Commander almost as soon as I entered the show and he very kindly shared his experiences and highlights of EGX with us. Following that I had the opportunity for a hands on demo of Battlezone in Playstation VR. Finally I stumbled across what I feel could be a gem in the show with the WizDish ROVR who can be found next to the FIFA stand in Zone 3.

Please remember that all of the audio was recorded in a noisy environment so I will apologise in advance for any audio issues!
Audio versions

Download the episode directly from here.

Crew Members
Head of Health and safety : Ben Moss-Woodward : Cmdr Eid LeWeise

Show Notes

New Lave Radio show, “Remote Outpost Games”

Cover for Episode 1 of Lave Radio Remote Outpost GamesNeed a podcast while you wait/travel for LaveCon? We have a prototype new show for your listening pleasure and in the absence of a main Lave Radio show this week, we though it was a good time to let you hear it!

Remote Outpost Games is a new Lave Radio interview show. Our guests are stranded on a remote outpost with only five games salvaged from the wreck of their ship. All Lave Radio escape pods automatically get Elite Dangerous and Tetris but the rest is up to the survivor. Which games would they choose and why?

In this pilot episode, John Stabler interviews one of our own – Christopher Jarvis – about his choice of five games, what he looks for in a game, howhe feels about current trends in gaming and – of course – Escape Velocity.

Download the episode directly from here.

Lave Radio Episode 101

New LR iTunes Cover

We’re on a mission from Chalker Landing to Lave to deliver blood crystals and help Lave Radio Network complete their Community goal… fancy coming along?

A Special Convoy episode to tickle your fancy with sprinklings of Dev News, newsletters and discussion on the announced Delay to Horizons 2.1

Aired 8th March 2016
Audio versions

Download the episode directly from here.

Crew Members

Host & 2nd Technician : Chris Forrester : Cmdr Fozza
Head of Entertainments : Chris Jarvis : Cmdr thane
Head of Health and safety : Ben Moss Woodwood : Cmdr EidLeWeiss
Head of station Archives : Colin Ford : Cmdr PhoniexDFire
Chief Bar steward : Grant Woolcott : Cmdr Psykokow

Show Notes:

  • Development News
    • Newsletter 114
      • Galaxy Map Bookmarks
        We can rename them, plot routes to them
      • ED 2.1 Delayed (see main topic)
      • Elite Dangerous 3D Printed Models
        • Eucl3D have created full-colour, 3D-printed sandstone models of some of your favourite Elite Dangerous ships. Prices for the models start at $29.99 – head over to Eucl3D’s website to get a glimpse of the Viper, the Anaconda and the Cobra.

          Eucl3D are going to be taking part in an AMA on the Elite Dangerous subreddit on Friday 11 March at 7PM GMT. So get your 3D printing-related questions ready!
      • Join the Elite
    • Dev Update
      • Consequences and Rewards
        • Improve BGS Communication
          • “With minor faction states we’re intending making their effects more noticeable on available missions, ship traffic and composition, and markets. At the moment these can be quite subtle, so beefing them up with add more drama to a star system.”
          • “authority response if they are attacked will be sharper.”
        • Wider range of rewards than just credits
          • Treasure Locations
          • Materials
          • Hard to find commodities / salvage items
            • Some may be mission rewards only and could tie into story events
        • Rewards will be more appropriate to the risk.
        • Rewards will also increase the more a faction likes you.
      • Cockpit gets a clock!
    • New paint job packs for the Imperial Courier and the Type 6
    • Naming ‘things’ in game being added to the Store
      • This week we want to share with you something we’ve been thinking about for some time, in response to the many requests we’ve had since the Kickstarter.

        Naming NPCs, renaming planets and even having a named surface marker to commemorate a special person, thing or event, are all things you’ve been asking for. We are considering adding these items and more to the Frontier Store, including star system naming and creation and naming of new surface starports. We would love to know your opinion on this, and gauge interest.

        In order to keep these items special we would limit the availability of each, and if it works well, we would have a batch in each future expansion too.
      • Arubeto – “Really? This is open to discussion? Guess we won’t be visiting “Sagittarius A*” anymore…”
      • Zac“Allow me to clarify. Everyone is very conscious about making sure that the naming of things are done in a way that does not ruin existing names. What I mean to say is that we want your feedback here to make sure that we consider everything, so even if things seem obvious, let us know your thoughts on what you would like or wouldn’t like as part of this process. We’ve seen some really great feedback already”
    • Trailer Competition – The winner has been announced for the trailer competition. Commander NOTONLYHERE came up with a blinder including timed delay shots of cities, coordinated ship launches, SRV races etc. The trailer can be found at :-
    • Main story “The furor surrounding FD’s delay of 2.1 and recent stock exchange news”
      • 2nd March Press Release
      • Translation from Finance Speak to Real Speak from Cmdr GTuk
        • 2.1 Engineers is was scheduled for release in April. “Release date?” “Not that we’re talking about just yet.”
        • Accounting-wise, Horizons will now “leave early access” and be considered “released” after 31st May.
        • Accounting-wise, revenue from the sales of Horizons will be deferred to FY2016-2017’s financials (starting June 1st), instead of being included in FY2015-2016’s financials (which ends May 31st).
        • FDev will pay less tax in FY2015-2016, choosing instead to pay more the following year.
      • Comment from DB
        “What it means is that 2.1 is pushed out by around 6 weeks. This is to push the quality up, which is a good thing for the game. It’s ready when it’s ready. It does mean you’ll have to wait a bit longer, but it will be worth the wait.”
      • Post by Zac
        Hey guys,
        This morning we released a trading update that we wanted to share with you.
        The update explains that our next instalment of the Horizons season of expansions (2.1 – The Engineers) which was previously planned for April will now move into the beginning of our next financial year. We’re aiming for to release the beta in May.
        We’re sorry to keep you waiting, but the Engineers is a truly colossal update and this additional time is being used to ensure that the new content is of the highest quality possible. We take great pride in all of the content we produce and we firmly believe that giving this additional development time is the right thing to do for the game, the studio and the fantastic community of players.
        You can read the update here:…l=edit&blk=275

Special 100th Show tonight – How Do I Listen?

Great question.
There are a number of listening choices for tonight,
Watch it:
Hear It: (range of client choices)


Get Involved by joining our chat #lave-radio on Quakenet IRC (can get to this on the chat tab at
The twitch Chat Channel..

Send messages via our facebook page
or via Twitter

We very much look forward to tonight and having you join us, we will be in game in open around Lave… Join us there

If you want to join our Discord chat then please follow this link
Or join us on teamspeak

And remember fly safe, and if you can’t do that… fly dangerous

Lave Radio – The Conclave – Episode 9

Conclave Cover
Join Fozza as he discusses the hits and misses of Elite: Horizons and the season 2 of updates.
Cmdr Snuffler, Cmdr Vingtetun, Goose4192, Nexus Reject & Colin Ford

Aired 2nd February 2016
Audio versions

Download the episode directly from here.

Please feel free to send in your feedback and thoughts on this episode,

Thanks for tuning in.

Lave Radio – Star Citizen Special


After all the Escapist article controversy and Citizencon, Allen Stroud and Ata Sergey Nowak talk about that other space sim game, Star Citizen.

As mentioned in the podcast, if you want us to cover this topic more, please let us know by commenting here or emailing the show –

You can find Allen Stroud’s critical articles on Star Citizen below:

Star Citizen: Condition Red
Star Citizen: Tackling the Escapists Part 1

Published 18 October 2015.
Audio versions:

Download the episode directly from here

Dataslate Episode 13

DataSlate Cover

Apologies for the delay in getting this to you folks!

After Lavecon, holidays and more, John Richardson and Allen Stroud return to talk books and writing.


Plus this episode’s book choices:

Download the episode directly from here.

Dataslate Episode 12

DataSlate Cover

After a week away to catch up on their reading homework, John Richardson and Allen Stroud return to talk books and writing.


Plus this episode’s book choices:

Download the episode directly from here.

Dataslate Episode 11

DataSlate Cover

Book news and reviews from John Richardson and Allen Stroud.

  • – Christopher Lee RIP.
  • – Publishers and Agents. A discussion on the commercial landscape part 2. Looking at ebook strategies.
  • – Irene Gallow and’s statement on the Sad Puppy/Rabid Puppy debate. Read it and the comments here.


Plus this episode’s book choices:

Download the episode directly from here.