EPISODE 285 “Lock Down” – 24/03/2020

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
Chief Bar StewardGrant WoolcottPsykokow
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Lavian Space Program DirectorAndy BarnesKurgol
Deputy Trade AttachéSouvSouvarine

Download the episode directly from here.


  1. Ben – 13 Minutes to the Moon from BBC World Service

Community Corner

  1. vECM details
    1. We will be having a LIVE artemis bridge crew. All the rig we built will be on screen, with smoke machines and lights and are inviting a crew to keep Engineer Moof busy by flying the ship whilst havoc goes on around him on screen.
      1. TLDR People playing Artemis will be doing their best to set fire to Moof remotely 🙂
    2. Then we’re having some of the streamers join in during the day for their own bits. Already Psyche, Mr Benedetti, Kolo, Paige have volunteered to pop in
    3. We will hold the raffle during the afternoon.
    4. We WON’T be fundraising and chugging throughout like a charity stream. No totaliser, no constant message about giving. It’s about community and fun
    5. We will also be inviting people in via Skype/zoom to say hi and take part in shenanigans
  2. Message from the EIC
    1. Hello lovely customers and beautiful members of the EIC community. In light of all that is going on in the world and, in a very small way, to counter the selfishness of some people out there buying all the toilet rolls and leaving some of us to set up a hosepipe in the house.

      The EIC Trading Post is pleased to announce Operation: Helping Hand From 00:00 on 21st March 3306 (in about 15 or so hours) and running for at least 4 weeks ALL trades for engineer unlock commodities and rare goods will be ABSOLUTELY FREE to Cmdrs on PC!

      Just place your order as normal and you don’t have to pay a single Imperial Slave for your goods.

      We’re all in this together Cmdrs. All the best to you and your loved ones at this time and the EIC Trading Post team look forward to helping you unlock some more engineers..but this time for free.
      1. They’d love this to be on consoles too, but they don’t have the logistics in place over there to support it
  3. Message from Spidermind

    So you are staying at home?

    Why not self-isolate in the city of Saltdad, fighting the tyranny of the Iron King, or on the Independent Asellus Primus System, fighting crime as Police Detectives.

    You can now do both, with this little ‘at home’ gift bundle from Spidermind Games.

    Follow the links below to download a free pdf sample from The Valley of Bones, Book One in the Legendary Kingdoms Series. This is a choose your own adventure gamebook you play on your own. All you need is a pencil and some d6 dice.

    If you are at home with the family then why not take them through the Elite Dangerous Role Playing Game, standalone adventure ‘The Worst Intentions’. With 4 pre-made characters and simple to follow Games Master instructions, this fast paced adventure will have you out amongst the stars in the Elite Dangerous Galaxy.

    Stay safe and enjoy a little adventure whilst at home.

    Jon & Oliver
    Links here:
    Legendary Kingdom
  4. Kai from over at Loose Screws has spun off his “Elite Week” Segment from their main podcast into its own unique feed. Elite Week is a segment where they highlight, pretty much all and anything that’s happening in the Expanded Elite Dangerous Galaxy. 
  5. Drew Wager has written an ‘Unofficial’ Elite story in honour of CMDR Jellowiggler’s daughter, Evelyn Faye Roy 


  1. Question of the… when we get round to it… If you could write one story for Galnet what would the Headline be? Either reply here or send an email to info@laveradio.com (p.s. deliberately Salty ones will be ignored)
    1. TJ Twitter – NOT MY FAULT!!!!!
    2. Patrik Maass – Twitter – Galnetstrike in it’s third month! Pilots Federation denies progress in labor negotiations
    3. Frank EightSeven – Twitter – Hudson contracts Solarvirus.. Tj held responsible
    4. The Evil Snowball – Twitter – Ancient Earth Snack Recipe Found! Jaffa Cakes Making A Return?
    5. Kevin Hewitt – Facebook – Probably a small report on expansion fights that occur when trying to take over a system. Or a travel guide trying to get people to visit systems that are out of the way
    6. Neil Hatcher – Facebook – Commanders psychological conditions linked to excessive use of FSS.
    7. Ian Norton – Facebook – Oooh I’d write a short series, one tracking a distinctive thargoid ship nick-named “Red Baron”
    8. Stephen Usher – Facebook – Thargoids found to be terrible at fighting wars.
    9. Paul Sweet  – Facebook – Pirates are found to be really bad judges of their own abilities, as feared Pirate Lord in his Sidewinder demands all the cargo from a Commander piloting an Anaconda and then is surprised when the Commander destroys their Sidewinder.
    10. Dr Kaii – Twitter – Mysterious 26,000 year old radio wave burst detected from earth by The Event Horizon Science Relay – Scientists baffled
    11. Vaughan Anscombe Facebook – Tales of ordinary commanders and their space faring lives. From Sag A and Beagle to clones and bounty hunters.
    12. John – Twitter – Raxxla discovered just 10000ls further out from Hutton Orbital
      1. Ben – addendum – Simoof says “no it isn’t I’ve been there”
    13. Badmiker – Twitter – Dredger reappears from 1984. Aged crew say “We promised to return.”
    14. Sentinel Prime – Twitter – Mysterious seemingly uncrewed ships observed scanning and interfering with outposts in Witch head Nebula following Thargoid attacks.
    15. Morgan Persson – Facebook – Thargoids – friend or foe?
    16. Anthony Hunt – Facebook – “Formadine Rift: A real place, or a mis-translation of ‘mind the gap’ from the Guardian language?” This week our panel of linguists and philosophers discuss..
    17. Liam Greene – Facebook –  Is your waste purifier giving you THARGOID CANCER?
    18. Cwolfxuk – Twitter – CMDR unites the galaxy’s news outlets and other sources to create a new Galnet, one so involving as contains true stories taken from other CMDRs…
    19. InverseGalaxy83 – Twitter – Antique, yet seemingly intact “Cobra MkII” found just a few ls from Lave Station.
    20. David Gillum – Facebook – Humanity flees as the Thargoids “burn the bubble”
    21. Simon Knowles Winnard – Facebook – Pleasure slaves found in Dongkum sausage factory. Authorities say survivors look drained.
    22. Anthony Hunt – Facebook – It has become apparent that the Thargoid offensive was entirely to get social media coverage and now that Galnet is offline, they’ve quit.
    23. Kai Zen – Email – Unease about the Thargoids current random actions and tension mounting in the population that they think Tharg is amassing forces for a major offensive and demanding that Core Dynamics, Lakon, Gutamaya et al. Get their asses in gear and put into production the prototype Capital Ships they have been working on so that as in the days of old when Galcop called upon private citizens to defend against the alien threat we may be fully equipped to aid in all manor of combat and civil engineering activities as well as being prepared to explore deeper in our need to secure a location of the threat and deal with it.

      Followed by a week or 2 of responses from them then some “leaks” of production ramp ups all coordinated to hype the rollout of personal fleet carriers…

      You can even do commentary from luminaries… Mahon calling for traders, Halsey calling for exploration to aid her own search for the caretakers of the galaxy, Fed president looking for say combat ships…. maybe some engineers like wierdo mc pervyface ettiene dorne asking for a SAR ship, etc. You could throw in a half dozen updates easily without rocking any Lore Boats or treading on the over arching story lines in any way that do nothing but build hype for a product that Fdev want us to be excited for…   

    24. Dan Grubb – Facebook – Troops sent to front line against Thargoid threat complain forming any line in three dimensional space is meaningless.
    25. Cmdr Buur – Twitter – Colossal Thargoid hive ship orbiting Earth.  Cradle of humanity “reduced to smouldering ashes”.
    26. Buur adds ‘I’m also quite fond of “Alien Fabergé eggs hatched. “Their babies ate my face” claims faceless Veronica, mum of 3.’ 
    27. The Lounge Wizard – Twitter – Aisling Duval found to be an automaton & front, real ruler is an 85 year old mechanic from Hartlepool, Earth.
    28. Cmdr Spatula007 – Twitter – There’s a Barnacle in my soup! Testing reveals organic alien contaminants found in fast food franchise – Brabenburger.
    29. Cmdr ToCoSo – Twitter – Huge ships spotted! Not polkadots but gigantic ships seen at spacedocks around the galaxy.
    30. Cmdr TheEnglishGuyAsh – Twitter – The Thargoids have finally made contact, they say their dad can beat up your dad
    31. Ollie Clark – Facebook – Thargoid SWARMS coming to take YOUR jobs and houses!


  1. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at tv.forthemug.com/ or, for just the audio, at radio.forthemug.com/.
  2. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “discord.me/elitedangerouscqc”.
  3. Starion – What’s the chance in the shoutouts you could give me a plug for Friday? Birthday stream as of 11:00UTC
  4. Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders

EPISODE 281 “The Xeno Bunny Strikes Back” – 25/02/2020

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire Eaten by Xeno Bunny
Chief Bar StewardGrant WoolcottPsykokow
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Lavian Space Program DirectorAndy BarnesKurgol
Spider’s StoryOliverSithrak
Spider’s MindJonShocken-Orr

Download the episode directly from here.

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  1. Gameblast 24 hour stream. Elite Content :- SRV Racing, Buckballing, RPG Session (with a level up), Auctioning of various 3D printed Elite Ships £900 for Conda, £1200 for Corvette and £900 for Imp Cutter and Lil Willie (by Cmdt Nocti from the Hutton Truckers)
    1. https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/Frontier-Gameblast20
    2. Raised 26k compared to 46k in 2016? , >£53,000 in 2017 And £44,444 in 2018
  2. Who has Deposed David Braben.. :p
  3. No Monday stream due to the above.
  4. The forums have already started with the ‘Where is the FC info?” 
  5. Paige’s new twitch https://www.twitch.tv/arthremis

In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?

  1. AXI – All Thargoid incursions appear to have been cleared. Eagle Eye network is not responding.
  2. Operation IDA – Their repair target this week is the Watanabe Station (#2) in HIP 10492. They only require Tantalum, Lithium and Water Purifiers to complete this system

Newsletter (every second show)

  1. The Federal Gunship gets a Shipkit and lovely paintjobs for your terrahawks inspired ships.

Main discussion

  1. Spidermind!!!

Community Corner

  1. Message from royalderg on Discord
    I’m a Commander in the player group Post Disaster Evacuation Service or PDES for short, I’m relatively new to the whole scene but basically the group works with IDA and AXI to “fight” the thargoids however we focus on rescuing refugees from burning stations using the passenger board. I see us as the paramedics as the trifecta of the thargoid war while AXI would be the SWAT team and IDA would be the hospital.

    Anyways, the veterans in the group have done this way more then me and unlike AXI (who have a number of incursions to clear and have a clear impact on how the war is fought) or IDA (who have a set amount of commodities to deliver to a station to get it online).

    We can all agree the atmosphere of burning stations is very well done the floating debris, the heat issue that most pilots have to worry about, the random explosions that knock you off course occasionally, and the always urgent passengers or flight controller that is begging you to save people if you can and be careful.

    Currently we don’t know the impact that saving people from the station has. Below is a forums post made by Phill P. One of the coordinators for the group and a strong veteran in Elite and rescuing passengers.


    We are about 300 members strong however we just want to see what our rescues do. I personally find it frustrating to rescue tonight 2,000 people from the station and not being able to see it do anything. As stated in the forums post (which you don’t have to read unless you would like too) We would just like a simple goal to work with for example if we save a million passengers from the station maybe it cuts down on the repair cost therefore helping IDA or something like that.
    1. Please make Burning Station Rescues mean something
  2. Cmdr ToCoSo has released a new Album “Dreams from Beyond the Frontier”
    1. All the lyrics are on the soundcloud for Karaoke at Lavecon
  3. Cmdr Yanick lets us know that The #OrionExpedition has met at waypoint 7 (Waypoint Roscosmos). This beautiful planetary nebula nearby hanging over us, before our mass jump into its heart!
  4. Cmdr OrangePheonix from SPVFA has posted a beautiful and powerful video on Why We Fly Elite Dangerous
    1. Why We Fly

      Why do we do this…..?
      Why do we put ourselves into this most dangerous of places every day…?
      We choose to fly off into the deep Dark where the slightest thing can be our end…. again and again…. but why?

      As I find myself drifting off into oblivion my thoughts push towards the question of….. Why?

      Is it for adventure…. money…. the vistas…. or is it ….. to escape?
      If so to escape what?
      Do we choose this for our health?
      Do we find this hazardous life therapeutic…. do we do this to replace the void of life with the void of space?

      What does it give us that an average planetary life does not?
      Is it our way to cope with our past… our present ….or our unknown future.

      Many many Cmdrs make the decision to venture off away from the galaxy’s pockets of life instead of living in relative safety with a planetary job, a family and society but why?

      Could it be to escape the scars we have suffered, the experiences that we have endured….. Is it a better life?
      It seems many of us believe it is.

      Many of us use the deep Dark as a way to escape the pain of life, even though it is such a dangerous profession. But why?

      Only the individual Cmdr can really answer these questions for themselves.
      But I have my answer……

      Because it’s beautiful…. it’s humbling and awe inspiring.
      When out in the deep Dark we are free….
      Free to do what we want how we want….
      We fly free…. we blaze our own trail…. we find freedom and peace from our demons and….
      We find friends… (clunk as Repair limpet engages)
      With them we are stronger and we share our experiences of this vast galaxy. They help us to engage with the great Community of Cmdrs out there, they help us heal, and they help us to feel stronger, together.

      This is why…. we can escape the shackles of the humdrum and replace it with friendship, with action and adventure…. Together…

      This is why….

      This is why…


  1. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at tv.forthemug.com/ or, for just the audio, at radio.forthemug.com/.
  2. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “discord.me/elitedangerouscqc”.
  3. Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders

Lave Radio Episode 240: The Strain for Spidermind is over!

By Cmdr CT Funny
PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardCMDR Eid LeWeise
Chief ArchivistColin FordCMDR Phoenix_Dfire
Chief Bar StewardGrant WoolcottCMDR Psykokow
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanCMDR Shan
Deputy Trade AttachéSouvCmdr Souvarine
Water Cabinet MinisterJon LunnShocken-Orr
Pan PolisherOliver HulmeSithrak

Download the episode directly from here.

Development News

  • New Launcher???
    • What’s changed??!
    • Caused Mayhem with ppl not seeing horizons
  • April update live stream on Thursday 18th April 18:00 GMT
    • Will, will be showing the new training wheels and starter area
  • April Update will be on Tuesday 23rd April

In Game Events

  • DW2
    • Continuing to WP 11
  • Operation IDA
    • Zayn Till wants to say that the reception by the community and their enthusiasm in helping us with the repair cause has been overwhelming. With our friends and allies, groups and independent CMDRs both old and new, the past 2 weeks have been incredible. Repairing 2 stations and hauling 1.2 million tons of cargo in one day alone …it’s a testament to what the community can accomplish when we do it TOGETHER.
  • Planetary Navigation
    • Will be having a meetup near O’Donnell Settlement over the weekend
    • Two ideas for the meetup –
      • 1) the O’Donnell Leap, basically using the ramp to jump across the base and land on the crane and
      • 2) “hide and seek” – basically the nominated “seeker” parks in the middle of the base, turns off their sensors, closes their eyes and counts to 100 while everyone else drives off to find a hiding place within the base. The “seeker” then goes looking for them, recruiting other “seekers” as they are found. Last to be found is the winner.
    • Need to be careful of someone “accidentally” turning the base hostile (as has happened every single other time a few of us have spent much time there) – it will almost certainly be carnage!

Newsletter 265

Main Discussion

Community Corner

  • Dear All,
    Due to the ongoing hiatus of the Kickstarter Campaign, Frontier Developments have recently offered to help fund the manufacture of the Battle Cards outside of the Kickstarter platform and we have accepted their kind offer.

    The help has been offered as long as we can prove to them that there is a demand for this game and that the community wants to see it made. To get the backing of Frontier means the game can move to manufacturing as soon as the few final elements for the game are completed.

    What we will need to do is re-open the pre-order on the www.edbattlecards.com website and collect as many of you backers as we can. If we get enough to transfer across, then Frontier can see that there is a customer base for the game and we can get cracking.

    Whilst the game will be offered at retail for £60 / €70 / $80, as original backers, we will be offering you the opportunity to pick up a Season Box for the same price as offered through the Kickstarter Campaign. If you wish to be part of this discount offer, please head over to www.edbattlecards.com and make your pre-order purchase.

    We have posted a longer and more detailed explanation for our reasons on the ed battle cards blog but you can keep up to date on the progression of the manufacturing on the blog page at www.edbattlecards.com & social channels https://www.facebook.com/edbattlecards/ or https://twitter.com/edbattlecards

    Please help us make this game a reality,
    Thank you very much,
    Jon & Oliver
    (Spidermind Games)
  • Remind all that as well as the pre-order discount for ED Battle Cards there is also an ongoing 25% off all EDRPG products for the duration of Distant Worlds 2.  To benefit from this 25% discount, enter the code DW2-9642-1171-8348 at checkout on the EDRPG website. Expiration date is 13th May 2019, so get it while you can.


Some more images by CT Funny because I think they look awesome!

Cmdr CT Funny
Cmdr CT Funny

Lave Radio Episode 200 Part 2

Lavecon 2018!!!

Aired 29 May 2018
Audio versions

Download the episode directly from here.

Crew Members
Station Commander : Allen Stroud
Director of Pest Control : Ashley Devine – DrToxic
Head of health and safety : Ben Moss-Woodward – Cmdr Eid LeWeise
Chief Bar Steward : Grant Woolcott – Cmdr Psykokow
(In)Human Resources Director : Shan – Cmdr Shanaeri
The Mind of the Spiders : Jon Lunn
The Spider’s Story : Oliver Hulme
Anchor so you don’t have to : Peter Wotherspoon



Show Notes

    • Story Time with Allen – the real story of Lave Radio Episode 1
    • Thoughts on Lavecon 2018
      • Frontier’s Panel
      • Type 10!
      • Chieftain
      • What happens when you have a nap at Lavecon
      • Spidermind Games
    • Open Microphone to the floor
    • Group Photo by CMDR-Arithon

Lave Radio Episode 199

Windows 10 Pushes the Crew Down a Mountain.

Aired 15 May 2018
Audio versions

Download the episode directly from here.

Crew Members
Director of Pest Control : Ashley Devine – DrToxic
Head of health and safety : Ben Moss-Woodward – Cmdr Eid LeWeise
Chief Archivist : Colin Ford – Cmdr phoenix_dfire
(In)Human Resources Director : Shan – Cmdr Shanaeri
Lavian Space Program Director : Andy Barnes – Cmdr Kurgol
Hick with a Big Stick : Karen Fishwick

Show Notes

  • Development News
  • In Game Events
    • This weeks Eagle Eye Systems to defend are LTT 8648 and Lalande 4141 after another week of successful defence by the Anti Xeno Initiative. The AEGIS Ships in Aegis Mega-ships were dispatched to Coquim and LHS 1453 (neither of which were Eagle Eye targets) and wrecked Mega-ships were found in several systems nearby. Cannon’s Lab 69 AIX speculates that both Achenar and Sol are the intended destinations of current Thargoid Activity. (Possible biological attack to disable the governments? Payback for INRA?)
    • IDA is continuing to haul repair supplies to Titan’s Daughter.
    • As part of the Bucky Ball Base Jumping (where we are based tonight) at 19:00 game-time tomorrow (Wednesday) night quite a few people will be running the mountain (including folks from Fighter Club I believe). We have an idea to attempt a Gloucester Cheese run (not quite sure what, or who, the cheese will be yet). So even moar maddness bouncing down the hill!
  • Newsletter 227
  • Main Discussion
    • Karen on to talk about Lavecon
  • Community Corner
  • Questions
    • Commander Caractacus_Potts via email (info@laveradio.com)TLDR Is Horizon’s not pay to win too Shan? Guardian and Engineering require Horizons, which is paid for DLC.I sure do love your show, keep up the great work.  You have such a great mix of people, with fascinating guests, and I enjoy every episode.  Ok, enough fluff, on to the meat of things.I have really been surprised that in your discussions of open only Powerplay that a comparison to Horizons has never come up.
      Statements were made that open only would introduce a pay to win element to the game, as those on consoles would have to pay to participate in Powerplay.  If a console person wanted the weapons and such that are available only thru pledging to a power, it would cost.

      But does not the same hold true with Guardian technology?  To get any of that, you have to land on a planet, and that requires Horizons, which costs money. When Frontier released Horizons, did they break the pledges that Shan had researched, or at the later date when the Guardian tech dropped in the game?  Or did they sidestep it by doing it in two phases? I don’t recall hearing of a similar upset about that. Since it sounds like Guardian tech is almost a prerequisite for serious Thargoid hunting, and if open only Powerplay is pay to win, then needing Horizons to get Guardian tech certainly makes all the Beyond chapters pay to win as well.

      But I don’t consider any of that “pay to win”.  There is no win or lose in this game, just participation and progression.  If you want to engage in certain aspects of the game, these are the modes of play and costs associated.  No big deal. If I want to do any missions that require landing on a planet, I need Horizons. I want to do that, so I pay.  Seems reasonable to me, and I don’t see any fundamental principles broken.

      Personally, open only is what will settle my decision to engage in Powerplay.  I don’t PvP, but all 200 hours or so of my time has been in the open. It is the fact that I am in the galaxy with other commanders that makes Elite so appealing.  Listening to your Battle for Lave podcasts really opened my eyes to the intricacies of it, which I find fascinating, but it is the ability to team up with other commanders to accomplish shared goals that really hooks me.  But not if I am playing against people that I can’t counter. I understand that instancing and other technical issues won’t make this a perfect system, there will likely always be some sort of exploit, but in my eyes, the idea of engaging with other commanders is fundamental principle of Powerplay, and that necessitates open only.  If Frontier chooses to keep solo as an option, then I won’t participate. It is not a big deal, I have plenty of other things to do in this galaxy. But it seems to me that with solo players and bots making the efforts of commanders playing in open seem so futile, that the number of commanders willing to fight that hard for nothing will dwindle, and the bots will end up running the galaxy.  I, for one, welcome our new Borg overlords!!!

      All the best, Commanders.
      Commander Caractacus_Potts

    • CXXXS on Reddit
      Sorry if it’s been asked before, but is there any chance your podcast may one day be available on Spotify? I’ve recently made a switch to it as my primary podcast app. Just curious.

      • Ben has filled out a form to hopefully get LR into Spotify and Google Play (possibly only in the US)
    • From Eric E Devo on Twitter :- I love this cast, and this community. Perhaps you can recruit an optimist or two for the upcoming content reviews – it seems like the podcast has become about 20 minutes of good content with an hour of whinging tacked on. There must be some optimism among you, surely
  • Shoutouts

Lave Radio Episode 190

Nerf Wars : The RPG

Aired 13 March 2018
Audio versions

Download the episode directly from here.

Crew Members
Director of Pest Control : Ashley Devine – DrToxic
Head of health and safety : Ben Moss-Woodward – Cmdr Eid LeWeise
Chief Archivist : Colin Ford – Cmdr phoenix_dfire
Chief Bar Steward : Grant Woolcott – Cmdr Psykokow
(In)Human Resources Director : Shan – Cmdr Shanaeri
Knight Extruder Operator : Andy Barnes – Cmdr Kurgol
The Mind of the Spiders : Jon Lunn
The Spider’s Story : Oliver Hulme

Show Notes

Lave Radio – Role Play

Join the Lave Radio Crew as they embark on a dangerous adventure with Olive Hume of Spidermind Games, as he as our chief guide and games master runs us through an experience powered by his amazing Tabletop Role Play Game.

Download the episode directly from here.

Recently they crossed the line on Kickstarter but currently are working towards their multiple and spectacular stretch goals.

They also have provided a sample play along document to try before you back, but maybe this podcast will make your mind up for you.