Lave Radio Episode 181

Firing After Burners… oh We’re burnt out!

Aired 01 Jan 2018
Audio versions

Download the episode directly from here.

Crew Members
Director of Pest Control : Ashley Devine – DrToxic
Chief Archivist : Colin Ford – Cmdr phoenix_dfire
Chief Bar Steward : Grant Woolcott – Cmdr Psykokow
(In)Human Resources Director : Shan – Cmdr Shanaeri

Show Notes

  • Development News

Lave Radio Episode 91

Horizons Splash ScreenThe Horizon has landed, and we cover the weekly news, and discuss our review of season 1 of Elite: Dangerous.

Aired 15th December 2015
Audio versions

Download the episode directly from here.

Show Notes:

  • Development News
    • ED:H “Early Access” on the 15th December
      • Hi Everyone,
        Beta is going very well – the team have been working hard and have made great progress. Thanks to all those that have been helping us – a great many improvements have been included already, with another update (Beta 5) expected tomorrow, with more tweaks and changes.
        We have worked very hard to ensure forward & backward compatibility so that all players of both seasons can play in the same galaxy together.
        After every Elite Dangerous release we have taken care to listen and reacted to all feedback, and Elite Dangerous: Horizons will follow exactly the same process. Included with Horizons will be multiple expansions of which Planetary Landings will be the first.
        All going well, we plan to launch Horizons with Planetary Landings on Tuesday (15th December – you heard it here first!). This will initially be termed an ‘Early Access’ release to highlight our normal process to our broad audience, some of whom have been with us since the start, but many have joined our community very recently.
    • And Trailer for the Expansion and this is the official one Also what is this??? (1:02)
    • Beta 5 Patch Notes
    • Beta 6 Patch Notes
    • Horizons 2.0 & Ships 1.5 Patch Notes
    • ED Blind Charity Auction for Special Effect
      • Auction Ends 17th December at 09:00 GMT
      • Name your own station
        An extremely exclusive item. Previously only available as a high-level Kickstarter reward, this item can now be bought in this charity auction. Please note: Frontier will decide on the station location and reserve the right to edit, adjust and veto names at their discretion.
      • Your Personal Unique Paint Job
        This prize is an exclusive one of a kind paint job only for you. You’ll get access to our designer, Tjaart, who will help develop the paint job and add it your account.
      • Every paint job in the Frontier Store
        This prize is for one of every single paint job, including paint packs, in the Frontier Store. This includes all Paint Jobs currently available but won’t include future paint jobs released.
      • Lifetime expansion pass
        Currently not available to purchase this item gives you every single expansion in Elite Dangerous starting with Horizons. It also includes access to every beta update that comes to Elite Dangerous…. forever.
      • Limited Edition Artwork
        Only roughly 100 of these were ever produced. We have one available in the closed auction and what’s more, ours will be signed by the artists. Please note that this does not come with a frame and will likely require a custom frame to fit.
      • VIP Community Golden Tickets (Pair)
        The Community Golden Tickets will grant you access to any and every community event for Elite Dangerous. This includes all live event meet ups, the CQC live final, front of queue for all public events and any other unannounced events happening in the future . What’s more it also includes standard admission into Lavecon and Fantasticon! Please note that only admission is granted to the events. Accommodation and expenses are not covered.
    • Ed’s 24 Hour Live Stream for Special Effect
    • Michael Brookes: “The military ranks is something we want to revisit at a later stage. I’d like to see them become more like a career.
    • DBOBE Reddit AMA Summary
    • Adam on Multicrew (as part of Ed’s live stream)
      • 1 person / ships seat I.E. Cobra up to 2 ppl
      • can hot swap roles
      • general interface is neural link (like the turret)
      • Helm
      • Fire Control (turret)
      • Tactical (Countermeasures, Shields, Sensors)
      • Engineering (power mgmt, repairs etc)
      • Pilot can give permissions
      • Deploy into SRV
      • Deploy into Fighter
      • No AI Crew yet
    • Chris Gregory and Ed
      • slips and Christmassy Ship Skins coming
      • SRV Skins maybe coming (maybe colour schemes since there’s not so much ‘hull’
    • Mike Evans and Ed Ship Launched Fighters
      • Gonna be able to have up to 4 Fighters ACTIVE at a time (in your ship etc)
      • Design Challenge – WHY would u go in to a fighter?
        • Probably be considered disposable
        • Glass Cannons
        • AI Controlled Fighter
        • Not all ships will be able to have them, maybe a Python Can’t but a T9 can
        • Are we neural linking or physically moving into the fighter? Still in debate but Mike is leaning towards Neural link since their considered disposable
        • Mark Allen is Mike’s favourite programmer 🙂
      • Ships of 1.5
        • Why is the cutter so bad? — Well that’s your opinion… No Ship can be the be all and end all though
        • Did they update the Cobra Mk 4 due to popular opinion? NO the Mk 4 has so much more going for it with it’s better power / weapons etc that boosting it’s speed and maneuverability would make it OP
        • Cutter maneuverability it’s very fast for its size but that speed comes at a cost (Best speed of 232 so it’s much faster than Conda and Corvette) It’s a very iterative design.
        • Doesn’t like his opinions on knee jerk reactions
        • Mike’s original favourite ship was the Eagle and likes the Viper Mk4. He likes the Corvette out of the bigger ships. He’s not a fan of the Empire’s curves more a Federal Man 😀
      • Sandy and Ed – Loot and Crafting
        • Personalise and Customise their ships. Makes them ‘Cooler’
        • Visit the ‘custom Mechanic’ (currently) to ‘pimp your ship’
          • Can upgrade Modules
          • He requests materials and resources
          • Upgrade FSD, Weapons, Shields
          • There’s a range of module upgrades
          • Could be some benefits – but ALSO a downside too
          • Some ‘awesome new effects’
          • Difficult to balance
          • More materials coming
        • The are considering ‘station based storage – but no time soon and no promises!
  • Newsletter 103
  • Main Discussion
  • Community Corner
  • Questions
  • Shoutouts
    • In Game Cmdrs
      • Cmdr Highbyte
      • Cmdr We Ye
      • Cmdr Archimbaust
      • Cmdr E Pilot 007
      • Cmdr Levofski
      • Cmdr Nyres
      • Cmdr Slapshot
      • Cmdr Steven McCreery
      • Cmdr Paine
      • Cmdr Mindwipe
    • IRC Chat
    • Twitch Chat


That’s it for another episode of Lave Radio. If you would like to get in touch with the show then you can email, facebook/laveradio, @laveradio on twitter, you can join the skype chat channel by adding Fozza101 to your skype contacts. Or you can join our TeamSpeak server where commanders come to hang out an chat:  Lave Radio is recorded live on a Tuesday evening at 20:30 and streamed out on

Thanks to [whoever], thanks to those commanders that have joined us outside Lave Station.
Until next time fly safe, and if you can’t do that…fly dangerous!

Lave Radio Episode 66 – Squeee 3, Xbox One, Lavecon 2015, Artemis… SOO MUCH

Lave Radio

Chock full of amazing information about Lavecon 2015 content, and WHY YOU HAVE TO GO!!!!!, also we chat about the E3 announcements, and Powerplay updates and all things Elite.

Download the episode directly from here.

Originally Broadcast 16/6/2015

Lave Radio Episode 65 – Powerplay HITS Release, and LaveHammer

Lave Radio

Powerplay is out now, we share some hints and tips to help you avoid the big turn offs. Also a chat about one of the events at this years Lavecon 2015.

Download the episode directly from here.

Originally Broadcast 9/6/2015