Lave Radio Episode 103

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Allen Stroud conjures up a Re-animation spell to revive the DDF, but is it too late for this decrepit zombie to be of any use?

Aired 22nd March 2016
Audio versions

Download the episode directly from here.

Crew Members

Station Commander (Presenter): Allen Stroud : Cmdr Helaban Kel
Head of Health and safety : Ben Moss Woodwood : Cmdr EidLeWeiss
Head of station Archives : Colin Ford : Cmdr PhoniexDFire
Chief Barsteward : Grant Woolcott : Cmdr Psykokow

Show Notes:

Development News

  • Planet Coaster Alpha launches today – Released today
    • Advertise Lave Radio special stream for PC? – Alt Lave New Ad Hoc Show from the crew of the Orange Sidewinder that will focus on Movies, Video Games, Tv Shows, and Fiction. Indeed anything really that members of the crew feel is worthy of discussion outside the ED Universe. The first of these shows will focus around Planet Coast from Frontier Developments.

Newsletter 116

  • Community Goals will be available on the galaxy map.
  • Tracks on planets – Are they limited to your client, instance or are they permanent (probably not). How long until someone does a big tyre track penis and shares it on facebook? Grant Woolcott I am looking at you after last night!!!
  • New Utility slot type in Peek of the week?!
  • The Join the Elite Stream
    • Where Ed and Michael Brookes took people through how to do exploring, the necessary and helpful equipment required with hints and tips on how to explore showing there is more to exploring than HSJ (Honk, Scoop and Jump).
    • This thursdays’ stream is all about trading tips.
  • In game news
    • Poor  Ishmael Palin (the prominent Barnicle expert) so far has been attacked by pirates, kidnapped and finally rescued. However his bad luck has continued as he’s now contracted the  Cerberus Plague. You’d think someone has it in for him, he’s having so much bad luck. 😉
    • The campaign from the Canonn Interstellar Research Group to establish a new research outpost in the Col 285 Sector IX-T d3-43 system has been successful. A new outpost will be constructed ‘soon’ which will help with more research into the UA.
    • A rogue Farragut Battle Cruiser somewhere? There were reports last week of a Federal Battle Cruiser with Pirate markings in the LHS 3447.
    • Speaking of Farragut Battle Cruisers, the construction of the Latest Cruiser in the Beti Hydri system has the Empire worried. If more cruisers are constructed, sources close to Admiral Denton Patreus say that the empire might have to respond in kind.
    • In response to the New Battle Cruiser and rhetoric coming from the Empire; the Alliance has held a diplomatic summit at the Alliance Capital looking at possible responses.

Main Discussion – DDF Lazerus

  • Default In-game choices to be made by the DDF
  • “It’s been a long time, but we are finally able to move towards some of the things we discussed during the Kickstarter with respect to the DDF and the ability of members to decide together on significant actions within the game. There are some big events coming to the game later this year (in relation to an alien species – trying to minimise spoilers here!), and members will decide where these events first take place, and how the process moves on down the line. This will be by voting on the DDF forum with a choice of possible locations. As the events unfold, there will be further such choices going forwards.”

Community Corner

  • Allen’s Stroud AMA. –  A lot of questions about a possible sequel to Lave Revolution.
  • Mobius AMA – Erm… started off ok but then became a slagging match between people of the opinion that solo or private groups ruin community goals, powerplay etc and those that don’t.
  • Elite Racers who have their subreddit if you want to get along
    • Really impressed with the Imperial couriers’ canyon run. (Beggers Canyon anyone). Someone will have to do on in the fastest ship (Isn’t that a viper?) and see what’s that like.

Dataslate Episode 12

DataSlate Cover

After a week away to catch up on their reading homework, John Richardson and Allen Stroud return to talk books and writing.


Plus this episode’s book choices:

Download the episode directly from here.

Lave Radio Episode 65 – Powerplay HITS Release, and LaveHammer

Lave Radio

Powerplay is out now, we share some hints and tips to help you avoid the big turn offs. Also a chat about one of the events at this years Lavecon 2015.

Download the episode directly from here.

Originally Broadcast 9/6/2015

Episode 43 – Elite Dangerous Launch – LIVE Lave Radio Show

LRTwitchChannelCoverJoin the full team as they head to Lave in game to celebrate the launch of Elite Dangerous with any commander who can get there.
Joined by Kate Russell.

Download the episode directly from here.

Episode 40 – Premier Event, Were you there?

PACKSHOTIt happened, and it was amazing… Join the team as they try to capture the essence of the premier event and document wisdom from the Dev’s and guests after discovering the free bar.

Download the episode directly from here.