Lave Radio Episode 307 “Burning the Bread” – 08/09/2020

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
Chief Bar StewardGrant WoolcottPsykokow
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Deputy Trade AttachéSouvSouvarine
Tech MonkeyNorman MacArthurVentura_
Tech LemurChrisHatter

Download the episode directly from here.

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  1. News about News of Something happening With Galnet on Thurday’s Official Elite Dangerous
  2. Elite Dangerous – Update 3.7.05
    1. Crashes & stability
      1. Fixed an issue when reading inbox messages in Supercruise caused the game to crash
    2. Fleet Carriers
      1. Fixed a bug causing delays and disconnections when entering a location with Fleet Carriers present
      2. Fixed a UI focus issue which allowed players to sell ships in the background while using Carrier Management
    3. Mining
      1. Stopped depleted motherlode asteroids from respawning when a player flies a Ship-Launched Fighter beyond its maximum limit
  3. One of the things that we missed for the Discussion last week was that New Commanders will have a choice to start planet side (on foot) or in space. Does this mean if you start on foot, you have to run (or rather walk) missions in order to earn your sidewinder? 
  4. As a Side Note:- Dom from the Mission Development team has been on the Forums helping commanders who have been getting stuck with missions. So if you’ve been struggling with Bounty Missions  or Unidentified weakage missions, we’ve included the links in the show notes

In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?

  1. Peace in Leesti
    1. TX will respect (i.e. not intentionally work against) the Alliance BGS in Leesti, Diso, Reorte and any system that has been entered first by an active Alliance player minor faction. Special arrangements regarding particular systems may be made between each respective player group.
    2. The Alioth Council and its member groups will respect (i.e. not intentionally work against) the TerraEx BGS in any system that has been entered first by the TerraEx player minor faction.
    3. Both sides will inform their members and supporters about this agreement and ask to cease all hostility with immediate effect.
    4. This will assist in bringing a solution to the work TX and other Alliance factions involved in OWTO are doing.
    5. TX will retreat from Leesti after a successful expansion into Riedquat (or Orerve, in case the BGS mechanics don’t work) where they’re free to take control.
    6. Steps forward:
      1. A. TX will stop all BGS in Leesti and allow the Alliance to drop TX to about 10%
      2. B. TX will remain in Leesti until TX has expanded into the chosen and agreed system
      3. C. As soon as TX arrives in that system the Alliance is free to start the process of retreating TX out of Leesti
      4. D. From here TX will take care of the chosen system and the Alliance take care of Leesti with no opposition from either side
      5. E. The Alliance offers to assist in repairing the following TX systems that have suffered during the conflict:
      6. 1. Baris – bring TX to control again
      7. 2. Agatavun – bring TX to control again
      8. 3. Baijio – bring TX to control again.
  2. Turning the Wheel
    1. Gains in LTT 5455 today were significant. There is a strong chance they will trigger a conflict for control of the system with the next tick.
    2. TDW’s  expansion from HR 4979 should complete at the tick and the Rabid Hamsters, and Hamster-Lite forum commanders have prepared everything pretty much perfectly. There is little that can go wrong from here.

Main discussion

  1. With what looked like Galnet Logos on the Mugs of two certain community managers, does this hint for the return of Galnet ? 
    1. If so, what stories do you think they will cover?
    2. As, they’ve said that the old galnet will only cover items you can get involved with, does this mean the return of community goals?
    3. Or even better interstellar initiatives?
    4. I.e When is the Federal Election due?
    5. Reports on an increase of thargoid activity?
    6. Is this what the ‘B’ team have been up to since the fleet carrier’s have settled down.

Community Corner

  1. Congrats to down earth astronomy getting Married.
  2. Cmdr Exigious has done an incredibly detailed deep dive video into the Graphical settings in Elite Dangerous, showing all the settings and the performance hits they cause. Link
  3. SAGI is looking for more writers while you’re at it tonight?


  1. Greetings gents! Love the show!

    In the last two shows, guys have brought up the hope of high gravity worlds greatly affecting personal movement upto the point of not being able to move at all. The conversations make it seem like realistic gravity is a big deal. As it stands now, pun intended, all gravity does is make thrusters less effective. I’m not sure if gravity effects lateral movement or drive speed at all. If Fdev were to do more realistic gravity, wouldn’t we black out in our ships and SRVs before we had a chance to walk?

    Thanks for your time and efforts in the show and thanks for your consideration.

    CMDR SquirrellyPEZ


  1. Cmdr Jules Vern who works for the Charity “Everyone Can” is taking part in a 24 hour Charity Stream, Game Together.

    Everyone Can believes in a society that encourages every disabled person to realise their potential, so they are able to dictate the course of their own lives and play an active role in society. They believe in a society that includes disabled people and not exclude them.

    Game Together will be held from 10am on Saturday 26th September – 10am on Sunday 27th

    More information can be found at
  2. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at or, for just the audio, at
  3. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.

Lave Radio Episode 306 “The One with the Cobra MK IV Skin” – 01/09/2020

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Active Crew
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Tech MonkeyNorman MacArthurVentura_
Inflatable EditorMack WinstonMack Winston
Download the episode directly from here.

Tonight’s activity in-game

  1. The Dark Wheel have expanded out of Anyanwu into LTT5455.

    Immediately upon that expansion cool down dropping HR 4979 expanded as well as it had been above 75% the whole time. TDW  landed in 5455 and immediately won Our invasion in a sweep 4 to nothing.

    The Dark Wheel has a game plan in place to take control of 5455 within a week (with the obvious four day delay for the war) and will look to expand one more time which should take us to our target system to test capital Sol!!! Kai Zen keeps coming back to the fact that there’s only six factions in that Sol and who the hell is supposed to fill the seventh slot if not TDW.

    They are currently shaping the 4979 expansion to make sure that it’s in the direction of Lave. IIRC the NEXT jump after this puts us in the neighborhood so to speak. 

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  1. All Interviews were released 18th Aug with Gareth Hughes, Principal Designer of Elite Dangerous: Odyssey: and Jonathan Bottone, Art Director of Elite Dangerous: Odyssey:
  2. Twinfinite Interview
    1. “Planet ports are ports, as you see in the game already, they are a big sort of draw for a lot of players.

      A lot of commerce happens there… trading. This is where you buy your new gear, it’s where you’ll upgrade that gear. It creates a social space where for the first time players will be able to get out on foot and socialize”
      1. Sc𝐵𝑒𝓃: So ON PLANETS We can get out and walk about, interact etc? What about Star Ports?
    2. “Then, on the slightly smaller scale, we have what we call settlements but actually these are quite big. They range from fairly large industrial kind of endeavors, down to military bases, and to small outposts, almost like little villages right on the frontiers of space.

      Within those settlements, there will obviously be a human population that you will be able to engage with and do missions for. There’s also additional emergent gameplay that is supported there. If you want to raid these settlements as a pirate you can do that. If you want to take stuff that they need and trade with them you can do that.”
      1. 𝐵𝑒𝓃: Settlements give missions and can be killed??? Reminds me of Raids in WoW where we’d go off and kill all the quest givers 🙂
    3. Survival Features “We have navigation…but you might go too far and the journey back can be really intense! Am I going to make it? Or am I going to suffocate in my suit a hundred meters away? So there are some really cool, intimate, and intense moments that come from the foot gameplay”
      1. 𝐵𝑒𝓃: YAY! So long as you have enough time to do what’s needed and replenishing is easy! I.E. I get back to my ship / Enclosed SRV and my O2 quickly replenish… On the other hand if we get set a speeder bike, maybe it doesn’t? Or maybe the suit has connectors in it and the bike can make O2…
  3. Polygon Interview
    1. Developers are also considering allowing them to walk around inside starships, exploring the vessels they’ve owned for years for the first time. The feature won’t be available at launch when Elite Dangerous: Odyssey comes to PlayStation 4, Windows PC, and Xbox One sometime in early 2021.
    2. Also undecided is how players will transition from ships or wheeled vehicles to walking on foot. The team wants players to have their own “Neil Armstrong moment” Hughes said, of being the first person to step on a distant world. Trouble is that they’re just not settled on what that moment will actually feel like.
    1. Clarification from polygon. They got the bit about animals wrong but the lack of walking around ships they’re standing by.
  4. Destructoid–600816.phtml
  5. IGN Interview
  6. WCC Tech interview
    1. Chris Greggory and Luke Betterton
    2. Confirmation of NO Crossplay in Odyssey

Newsletter (every second show)

  1. News Letter #300
    1. Free ASP Skin
    2. We get a mention.

Main discussion

More discussion of the Dev Diary

Community Corner

  1. Apollo 11 50th Anniversary Reunion
    From Cmdr Yanick – Yes ladies, gentlemen, non binary folks and attendant Thargoids…it’s the event you’ve all been waiting for has finally arrived! The Apollo 11 Anniversary Expedition Reunion!
  2. Hopefully both of Allen’s videos will be up on youtube.
  3. Sagittarius Eye Issue 28 is going up as a podcast on Wednesday 2nd September at 
  4. Canonn are doing a film making contest. That expires this THURSDAY (3rd September) Its open to everyone and the prize is a very nice DiHydrogen Monoxide Cannon Containment Flask
  5. The Buur Pit dives into snippets from interviews that haven’t been mentioned by FD
  6. Elite Week Interviewed Elite Product Manager, Al Hibberd for their 33rd Episode
    1. Well worth a listen, and Al makes some interesting comments on his take on Lore and Story in Elite Dangerous. Community Setting the Narrative. And FD are “working on (story) things behind closed doors” — “Excite the community very very soon”


  1. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at or, for just the audio, at
  2. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
  3. Thanks to CMDR Karrde Sun (Excellent Timothy Zahn Ref there) for this thread :-
  4. Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders

Lave Radio Episode 298 “Pew Pew with Arf and Bru Bru” – 30/06/2020

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Active Crew
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
Chief Bar StewardGrant WoolcottPsykokow
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Bruce GarridoGambit
Arthur Tolmie

Download the episode directly from here.

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  1. Fleet Carrier Patch 2
    1. Ben – Fixed an issue which could cause Fleet Carrier landing pads to be displaced. – I’ve seen this when using FC, it was funny 😀
    2. Ben – Fixed some issues with bookmarking Fleet Carriers. – Hopefully this is means the weird “target FC A” Jump to supercruise and fly there, only to find yourself at FC B
    3. Surface and sub-surface deposits on asteroids will no longer immediately respawn when re-entering the instance or switching to a ship launched fighter.
    4. Fixed an Orange Sidewinder connection issue when dropping into an instance with a Starport and Carrier Vendor. — Nothing to do with us, honest guv!
    5. Fixed a bug which meant that selected Fleet Carrier paint jobs would be removed when entering an instance. — This’ll make folk happy
    6.  *Galactic average prices were updated.

In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?

  1. Operation IDA – 
  2. AXI Put on a Community Goal completely run by players
    1. Details –

      Anti-Xeno Initiative – The Anti-Xeno Initiative has announced its intention to provide its flagship fleet carrier – The Astras, with an experimental paint designed to hide it from the Thargoids. The carrier is to be a spearhead for anti-xeno operations and will act as a safe haven for pilots to restock and repair. The AXI Science Division issued the following statement: 

      “It was recently discovered that a sufficiently thick coating of Thargoid blood, combined with a mixture of various Thargoid materials, can provide effective camouflage for capital-class structures. Our experts believe that a combination of factors can cause the bio-mechanical systems of Thargoid ships to mistake a human-made vessel for one their own, and ignore it. We intend to test this using our flagship. If our hypothesis is true it will have a secure platform for offensive operations in hostile space. Unfortunately, our existing supplies of Thargoid Hearts and Meta-Alloys are tied up in other projects, so we do not have enough to effectively cover the entire vessel. We are also out of some other commodities that would allow us to further experiment with the formula.”

Main discussion

  1. CQC with Bruce and Tim

Community Corner

  1. Cannon Video Competition
    1. Cannon are running an open competition to create a video based on or around the Gnosis. The topic is completely up to you. It could be a documentary of the megaship’s history, It could be a completely fictional drama, a megastructures style documentary of all the technical features. How about a mockumentary or a music video? Perhaps you could do a better job of creating a commercial advertising the tour guide than we did?. You decide.
    2. Closes 3rd of September 3306
    3. Winner announced 10th September 3306
    4. Prize: The winning filmmaker will receive one of the fabulous water flasks shown in the picture. You will also be able nominate up to two other people for a flask so you can reward any commanders who assisted you with the video.

EPISODE 284 “White Knight Mirror” – 17/10/2020

Position Crew Member CMDR Name Vice President  of Health and Safety Ben Moss-Woodward Eid LeWeise Director of all beings Shan Shan Professional Trade Attaché Souv Souvarine Trade Magnate Mack Winston Mack Winston Chief Scientist Atrus 5060 Download the episode directly from here. Tonight’s activity in-game Meet us in game outside…

Continue reading

EPISODE 283 “We Seek Elite Feet” – 10/03/2020

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
Chief Bar StewardGrant WoolcottPsykokow
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Deputy Trade AttachéSouvSouvarine

Download the episode directly from here.

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  1. Clarification about the Galnet/CGs :- 
    1. Just wanted to jump in this here locked thread and clarify Stephen’s earlier post. Essentially, the plan has not changed for how we’re treating future GalNet articles, which (as we stated here) will be tied to in-game activity, significant narrative developments, new ships and modules and so forth. It is the ‘off-camera’ narratives, that we have previously published via GalNet, which we currently have no plans to return.

      The framework for Community Goals exist and while the regular cadence of Community Goals is not planned to see a return, we will still see some Community Goals in the future.

      Apologies for any confusion that was caused!
    2. Introduction to CMDR Bruce (Gambit)We got a ‘Brucie Bonus’ when introduced to New CM Bruce who said about Fleet Carriers that the new systems that came with them would change how they play the game. That’s got people really excited that it will be more than just a mobile space station. 
  2. Hoax announcement of Fleet Carriers being delayed until q4 has been debunked by Will on the Forums. Quite a nice mocked up but caused a little salt on the forums.
  3. Formula 1® Licence & additional publishing dealsFrontier to develop and publish management games annually for the FIA FORMULA ONE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP
  4. Frontier is pleased to confirm the signing of another two Frontier Publishing deals, taking the number of signed deals to five for the Company’s third party publishing initiative.Other deals are “in discussion”

In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?

  1. Operation IDA – They have successfully repaired Titan’s Daughter and are now focusing on Exodus Point in the Hyades Sector AB-W b2-2 System.
  2. Anti-Xeno – Again the Eagle eye network is quiet and there have been no sneaky incursions by the Thargoids. Scouts and interceptors continue to plague the Pleiades and the Witch-head Nebula if people want to take.


  1. New skins for the Clipper and the Anaconda.

Main discussion

  1. More Elite Feet and other games?

Community Corner

  1. The #OrionExpedition has left Waypoint 9 (waypoint Skylab). We continue to travel through the Conflux in a south-westerly direction. Stars, planets and moons are found and mapped. Discoveries abound! Spirits are high. The galaxy beckons us ever onward!
  2. Loose Screws have their own Expedition – Distant Screws – in progress at the moment, with Ty and Company running to Colonia.
  3. Hutton Orbital’s – Operation HOT Mess is continuing…
  4. If anyone can spare some time, Hutton Orbital Truckers are having an Infrastructure failure in Alpha Centauri which disables the Buy area of the Commodities Market and therefore mugs can’t be bought!  They urgently need Food and Machinery products delivered to Al-din to try and end this state.  Power Generators and Water Purifiers are in demand, and numerous source and return missions are available for various food products.  Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  5. Grats to Fuel Rats for 70k rescues
  6. Down To Earth Astronomy’s Mining Guide for March 2020
    1. TLDR Low Temp Diamonds and sell to a place with about 10x the demand you want to sell
  7. “Dear Stephen” a video from Herlev
  8. Drew talks about the Salome event
    1. YouTube Video


We’re going to ignore the salty ones but If you could write one story for Galnet what would the Headline be?


  1. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at or, for just the audio, at
  2. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
  3. Following this, We have the fantastic Galnet News as provided by the Iridescent Cmdr Wotherspoon.
  4. Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders

EPISODE 276 “A Shard of Transparency” – 21/01/2020

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Lavian Space Program DirectorAndy BarnesKurgol
Deputy Trade AttachéSouvSouvarine
Tech MonkeyNorman MacArthurVentura_

Download the episode directly from here.

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  1. January Update Patch 2
    1. We will be releasing the January Update – Patch 2 on 21 January at 12:00 PM (UTC) for PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4. This patch includes the stutter issue fix that we introduced in January Update – Patch 1 on PC, for players on console.
      1. CQC Fix – the CQCPs4 bug has been marked as Fixed on the FD tracker. Comment from Aesica : A few guys have reported better performance on CQC for PS4, we’ll be giving it a good test on Friday when our bi-weekly events start and know more then.
      2. Thargoid Heart Issue :- More logging has been added, so if you find the hearts have become invulnerable, please upload your logs to the Issue Tracker Issue at  
  2. Thargoid News 
    1. It appears that the Eagle Eye network is not as reliable as we thought; Stephen (y’know That friend of the show – Stephen) announced in the thargoid sub forum that – We have noticed some confusion around the most recent Thargoid Incursions and when they were supposed to appear. Typically (but not always), Eagle Eyes will alert players to potential Thargoid Incursion targets, warning commanders of a potential incoming threat. These signals follow Thargoid movements, and attempt to decipher where the Thargoids will strike next. In most cases, these attacks usually happen one week after new Eagle Eye signals appear. However, as we saw in Monday’s GalNet article, sometimes these attacks can come as a surprise and not always in a week’s time. We hope that clarifies any confusion around the most recent Incursions. Good luck, and keep up the fight against these encroachers! – TLDR – Although Eagle Eye can spot most Thargoid infestations, an incursion or two can slip by, regardless that all of the work AXI/Hive do to clear them. (Good job too because Incursions were not happening because AXI/HIVE are too good at what they do).

In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?

  1. Operation Hot-Mess

Main Discussion

  • Game Glass Interview

Community Corner

  1. Congratulations to Cmdr Plater for his work raising awareness of Thargoid Thyroid Cancer. The British Thyroid Foundation has announced “The Joe Plater BTF Thyroid Cancer Research Award 2020” which is a £20,000 award which can be used to supplement existing projects or to help get research ideas started.
  2. Mining Changes Explained
  3. Cmdr Ascorbuis (Him off the Bro-cast) was attempting to get as many SRVs into an instance as possible on Sunday Night as they attempted the BuckyBall Course Ben and Colin did but with added mine drops, fighter strafing and ship ramming. It was kind of like Chopper Sky-Surfing in Judge Dredd. They managed to get more than 12 SRV Commanders in the instance at one point (A new record), which didn’t seem possible before the latest patch.
  4. The Pilot on the Fer-De-Lance


  1. Also, Question to the listeners – Since the patch, I’ve noticed (Colin),  I’m getting 16 Thargoid Kills to 1 Deadly percentage point, regardless if I have an NPC Pilot or not? This happening to anyone else?


  1. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at or, for just the audio, at
  2. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
  3. Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders
  4. Coming up next is Cmdr Wotherspoon and his fantastic Galnet News.

Lavecon 2020

Lavecon is 3rd – 5th July 2019 at the Sedgebrook Hall Hotel, Northamptonshire. The first batch of Gold/Platinum tickets for Lavecon 2020 are going live on Thursday 19th December at 7pm. Silver/Bronze tickets will go live on Friday 20th December (to reduce the traffic on the website the night before).…

Continue reading

EPISODE 273 “Circumventing the Benedetti” – 17/12/2019

By Cmdr Beetlejude
PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
Chief Bar StewardGrant WoolcottPsykokow
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Lavian Space Program DirectorAndy BarnesKurgol
Deputy Trade AttachéSouvSouvarine
Inflatable Tech MonkeyNorman MacArthur Ventura
Queen of the ConKaren FishwickPolo

Download the episode directly from here.

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  1. Monday 16 December 5th anniversary livestream, jam-packed with developer guests, giveaways and the best Elite Dangerous content from the last five years!
  2. Festive Countdown 2019
    1. To show our appreciation, commanders who log in between 13 – 25 December will receive a number of free ARX each day, and the amount will increase the closer it gets to 25 December.
    2. These ARX will be in addition to your weekly cap
    3. Keep an eye on the store for time limited skins
  3. Year’s End Festivities in Reorte
    1. Bulk Trade : fish, fruit and vegetables, animal meat and beer
    2. Rare Trade : Lavian Brandy, Anduliga Fire Works and Eranin Pearl Whiskey – Was finished on Sunday.
    3. Bounty Hunting
    4. Ends on the 18th 
    5. Cobra Mk III Iridescent Gleam Paint Job!
  4. Celebrating 5 years of ED

Main Discussion

Review of the year.

  1. Lavecon
  2. Review of the Year
    1. 3.4 – People start using  the new exploration mechanics in anger with loads of stuff being discovered. Void Opals were discovered to be THE way to make money. Big Boom in the ‘Roids!
    2. 3.5 – Newbie Area, Advanced Docking Computer, Supercruise Assistant
    3. 3.6 – Tutorial, Arx. – Oops!!
    4. 3.7 – Beta 
    5. Interstellar Initiatives. 
    6. Everyone’s thoughts on 2019.

Community Corner

  1. Babylon 5 legend, Mira Furlan, has completed the script, and we’re set for a Christmas release!
  2. EDSM Have a Santa Tracker on your Dashboard
  3. ALP Video As recommended by the Pilot.
  4. 5th Anniversary Ship Chart
    1. Cmdr Arithon has done it again with a lovely (and very orange) ship chart


  1. Just a reminder that Loose Screws are having an end of the year Discord party/show. On December 27th at 7:30CST (this is 01:30 on the 28th GMT) They’re  doing a live stream and show and inviting all listeners and friends of the show. Feel free to drop in and say howdy to everyone.  
    1. Discord Server
  2. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at or, for just the audio, at
  3. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
  4. Stephen Benedetti

EPISODE 271 “High Sec Escorts!” – 3/12/2019
Christmas Snowflake from Reddit user DMC_RULEZ
PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
Chief Bar StewardGrant WoolcottPsykokow
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Inflatable VictimMack WinstonMack Winston
Inflatable AssailantArse Kikka Aesica

Download the episode directly from here.

In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?

  1. Alec Turner has a great summary of Decembery Stuff happening
    1. Buckyball Race – Total Recall 3
    2. Another Buckyball Race – Scully Powers 500 – 2
    3. Convoy to Colonia – Christmas Carriers Convoy
    4. Fix a Station – 2nd Annual Hauliday Haul

Main discussion

  1. If you were to Re-write Elite, what would you change?
    1. Cmdr Arithon – Twitter – Signposting. We have “space missions” we have “pinned blueprints”. So why are they not joined? Pinning a blueprint should start to trigger space (and board) missions that go “we hear you are looking for [blueprint ingredient material], so want this mission for it?” etc.
    2. Richard Lampitt – Twitter – The inadequate Crime and Punishment system

Community Corner

  1. Awesome Christmas Snowflake from Reddit user DMC_RULEZ (look closely)
  2. Operation Ida is holding it’s 2nd Annual HAULiday Haul which commemorates the 2 year of the initial attacks by Thargoids in 3303 & the 2nd Thargoid/Human War as well as our origin as a group. We’ll be fundraising for the cancer Research Institute and holding events during the 4 weeks of the Hauliday Haul including a one day station repair, convoys, races etc. last years Haul was a lot of fun and we were able to get the word out regarding what we do to the community, engage people in various activities and even raised over $1100 as well.
  3. The Christmas Carriers Convoy is having it’s 4th Christmas Convoy with the goal to create comfort for the colonists of Colonia by bringing gifts from the bubble, and some drugs. Actually, mainly drugs. Well, my ship anyway. Actually, my ship is full of nothing other than drugs, the finest onionhead (of both varieties) that money can buy.

    We launch on the 1st of December, which has become the tradition, and arrive on the 24th in Centralis. Right now we’ve got about 100 signups on EDSM. Waypoints have been chosen to kind of describe a 4 on the galaxy map, and take in some attractive sights along the way. There’s racing events and SRV-ball (I’m not entirely sure what SRV-ball is, but no doubt some SRVs will be harmed in the process) planned on the way.

    It’s organised by the SOTP  (Shadow of the Phoenix) in association with the CCN (Colonia Citizens Network). Launch system is Karbon (with a K)

    Direct link:
    Register on EDSM


  1. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at or, for just the audio, at
  2. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
  3. Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders