Position | Crew Member | CMDR Name |
Active Crew | ||
Head of Health and Safety | Ben Moss-Woodward | Eid LeWeise |
Chief Archivist | Colin Ford | Phoenix_Dfire |
(in)Human Resources Director | Shan | Shan |
Tech Monkey | Norman MacArthur | Ventura_ |
Inflatable Editor | Mack Winston | Mack Winston |
Tonight’s activity in-game
- The Dark Wheel have expanded out of Anyanwu into LTT5455.
Immediately upon that expansion cool down dropping HR 4979 expanded as well as it had been above 75% the whole time. TDW landed in 5455 and immediately won Our invasion in a sweep 4 to nothing.
The Dark Wheel has a game plan in place to take control of 5455 within a week (with the obvious four day delay for the war) and will look to expand one more time which should take us to our target system to test capital Sol!!! Kai Zen keeps coming back to the fact that there’s only six factions in that Sol and who the hell is supposed to fill the seventh slot if not TDW.
They are currently shaping the 4979 expansion to make sure that it’s in the direction of Lave. IIRC the NEXT jump after this puts us in the neighborhood so to speak.
Development News – what have the devs said this week?
- All Interviews were released 18th Aug with Gareth Hughes, Principal Designer of Elite Dangerous: Odyssey: and Jonathan Bottone, Art Director of Elite Dangerous: Odyssey:
- Twinfinite Interview https://twinfinite.net/2020/08/elite-dangerous-odyssey-interview/
- “Planet ports are ports, as you see in the game already, they are a big sort of draw for a lot of players.
A lot of commerce happens there… trading. This is where you buy your new gear, it’s where you’ll upgrade that gear. It creates a social space where for the first time players will be able to get out on foot and socialize”- Sc𝐵𝑒𝓃: So ON PLANETS We can get out and walk about, interact etc? What about Star Ports?
- “Then, on the slightly smaller scale, we have what we call settlements but actually these are quite big. They range from fairly large industrial kind of endeavors, down to military bases, and to small outposts, almost like little villages right on the frontiers of space.
Within those settlements, there will obviously be a human population that you will be able to engage with and do missions for. There’s also additional emergent gameplay that is supported there. If you want to raid these settlements as a pirate you can do that. If you want to take stuff that they need and trade with them you can do that.”- 𝐵𝑒𝓃: Settlements give missions and can be killed??? Reminds me of Raids in WoW where we’d go off and kill all the quest givers 🙂
- Survival Features “We have navigation…but you might go too far and the journey back can be really intense! Am I going to make it? Or am I going to suffocate in my suit a hundred meters away? So there are some really cool, intimate, and intense moments that come from the foot gameplay”
- 𝐵𝑒𝓃: YAY! So long as you have enough time to do what’s needed and replenishing is easy! I.E. I get back to my ship / Enclosed SRV and my O2 quickly replenish… On the other hand if we get set a speeder bike, maybe it doesn’t? Or maybe the suit has connectors in it and the bike can make O2…
- “Planet ports are ports, as you see in the game already, they are a big sort of draw for a lot of players.
- Polygon Interview https://www.polygon.com/2020/8/18/21372562/elite-dangerous-odyssey-expansion-details-one-giant-leap-interview
- Developers are also considering allowing them to walk around inside starships, exploring the vessels they’ve owned for years for the first time. The feature won’t be available at launch when Elite Dangerous: Odyssey comes to PlayStation 4, Windows PC, and Xbox One sometime in early 2021.
- Also undecided is how players will transition from ships or wheeled vehicles to walking on foot. The team wants players to have their own “Neil Armstrong moment” Hughes said, of being the first person to step on a distant world. Trouble is that they’re just not settled on what that moment will actually feel like.
- Clarification from polygon. They got the bit about animals wrong but the lack of walking around ships they’re standing by.
- Destructoid https://www.destructoid.com/stories/elite-dangerous-odyssey-is-a-layer-across-the-whole-game–600816.phtml
- IGN Interview https://www.ign.com/articles/elite-dangerous-odyssey-space-content-not-done-new-players
- WCC Tech interview https://wccftech.com/elite-dangerous-odyssey-interview-from-the-darkness-of-space-to-the-light-of-uncharted-planets/
- Chris Greggory and Luke Betterton
- Confirmation of NO Crossplay in Odyssey
Newsletter (every second show)
- News Letter #300
- Free ASP Skin
- We get a mention.
Main discussion
More discussion of the Dev Diary
Community Corner
- Apollo 11 50th Anniversary Reunion
From Cmdr Yanick – Yes ladies, gentlemen, non binary folks and attendant Thargoids…it’s the event you’ve all been waiting for has finally arrived! The Apollo 11 Anniversary Expedition Reunion!
https://twitter.com/commader_yanick/status/1295795421474848783 - Hopefully both of Allen’s videos will be up on youtube.
- Sagittarius Eye Issue 28 is going up as a podcast on Wednesday 2nd September at http://podcast.sagittarius-eye.com
- Canonn are doing a film making contest. That expires this THURSDAY (3rd September) Its open to everyone and the prize is a very nice DiHydrogen Monoxide Cannon Containment Flask https://canonn.science/news/gnosis-competition
- The Buur Pit dives into snippets from interviews that haven’t been mentioned by FD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1sDUinh39d8
- Elite Week Interviewed Elite Product Manager, Al Hibberd for their 33rd Episode
- Well worth a listen, and Al makes some interesting comments on his take on Lore and Story in Elite Dangerous. Community Setting the Narrative. And FD are “working on (story) things behind closed doors” — “Excite the community very very soon”
- Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at tv.forthemug.com/ or, for just the audio, at radio.forthemug.com/.
- For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “discord.me/elitedangerouscqc”.
- Thanks to CMDR Karrde Sun (Excellent Timothy Zahn Ref there) for this thread :- https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/first-normal-coverage-ive-heard-regarding-odyseey.553455/
- Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders