Lave Radio Episode 229: The Little Update That Could

Crew Members

Head of health and safety : Ben Moss-Woodward – Cmdr Eid LeWeise
 Chief Archivist : Colin Ford – Cmdr phoenix_dfire
(In)Human Resources Director : Shan – Cmdr Shanaeri
Deputy Trade Attaché : Souv – Cmdr Souvarine
Space Game Hunter : Cmdr Nats Wright
Big Game Hunter : Cmdr Obsidian Ant
Distant Worlds Photographer : Cmdr Ray Tracer
Tech Monkey : Cmdr Ventura

Download the episode directly from here.

Development News

In Game Events

  • DW2 Gets to T11 for the mining CG, but leaves the system in a state of civil war!
  • DW2 Newsletter 2
    • We (DW2) made the PRINT EDITION of New Scientist, 26th January 2019. Guys, nearly one million scientists and science enthusiasts the world over are reading –    `    –        about what we are doing.
    • Rare objects in the Milky Way: Pop II ancestral stars by Dr Sarah Bosman (CMDR Shobah)
      • Nice little article about K and M type stars who’s expected life span is currently longer than the age of our universe!
    • Space Porn with Raytracer – Review of DW2 photo contests and GalPhoto partnership
    • Sailing Amongst the Stars – The Universe is More Than Just Big

Newsletter 260

Main Discussion

Rampant speculation of what we’re hoping will the next big update will be, when they might announce it and when it might be released

Community Corner

  • Anti-Xeno Initiative had to deal with 4 incursions last week (doubled) but the eagle eye network say no new infestations (Quick explanation about the new states).
  • Our first major Cross-platform AX Combat event will take place this weekend: [Wild Hunt’s Overture]! It will take place for this entire weekend (Feb 1st 5PM UTC – Feb 3rd 5AM UTC), make sure to sign up early before Friday February 1st!
  • Operation IDA – They are still working on Cleaver Prospect with Indium 43% ,
    Titanium 22%, Aluminium 58%, Polymers 52% and Energy Grid Assembly 94%. There still seems to be a bug where only 4 out of 5 tonnes are counted against the total. Frontier says they’re investigating.
  • Sagittarius Eye Special featuring Obsidian Ant
  • Elite Dangerous Ship & Vehicle Blueprints “3305 Edition”
  • To Help Celebrate Frontier’s 25th Birthday on the 28th Cmdr Arithon has released his 3305 blueprints, which contains corrections to data and the hard point / utility numbers.
  • The Little SRV That Could
    • SRV achieves orbital velocity (646m/s@13.8km) at “Quantum World” (Flyiedgiae QN-T d3-17 AB 1 b) aka the smallest stellar body we’ve found in the galaxy
    • SRV Drifts at ~ 700 m/s away and other ships can’t catch up
    • Eventually (0.21ls – approx 62, 956 km) a Cutter drops infront of it and boops it back towards the moon

Lave Radio Episode 223: A Ridge too far

A ridge too far

Aired 4th December 2018
Audio versions

Download the episode directly from here.

Crew Members
Director of Pest Control : Ashley Devine – Cmdr DrToxic
Head of health and safety : Ben Moss-Woodward – Cmdr Eid LeWeise
Chief Archivist : Colin Ford – Cmdr phoenix_dfire
Chief Bar Steward : Grant Woolcott – Cmdr Psykokow
(In)Human Resources Director : Shan – Cmdr Shanaeri
Lavian Space Program Director : Andy Barnes – Cmdr Kurgol
Deputy Trade Attaché : Souv – Cmdr Souvarine
East Indian “Free Trader” : Cmdr Mack Winston
Driver Extraordinaire : Cmdr Alec Turner

Show Notes

Lave Radio Episode 220: Trucking up Teide

Trucking up Teide

Aired 13 November 2018
Audio versions

Download the episode directly from here.

Crew Members
Head of health and safety : Ben Moss-Woodward – Cmdr Eid LeWeise
Chief Archivist : Colin Ford – Cmdr phoenix_dfire
Chief Bar Steward : Grant Woolcott – Cmdr Psykokow
(In)Human Resources Director : Shan – Cmdr Shanaeri
Deputy Trade Attaché : Cmdr Souverine
Editor: Director of Pest Control : Ashley Devine – Cmdr DrToxic

Show Notes

Lave Radio Episode 210 : Galactic Empire releases New Tron Fighter

Galactic Empire releases New Tron Fighter

Aired 28 August 2018
Audio versions

Download the episode directly from here.

Crew Members
Head of health and safety : Ben Moss-Woodward – Cmdr Eid LeWeise
Chief Bar Steward : Grant Woolcott – Cmdr Psykokow
(In)Human Resources Director : Shan – Cmdr Shanaeri

Show Notes

Lave Radio Episode 203

Rolling a Natural 6 after penalties

Aired 3 Jul 2018
Audio versions

Download the episode directly from here.

Crew Members
Head of health and safety : Ben Moss-Woodward – Cmdr Eid LeWeise
Head of Entertainment : Chris Jarvis – Cmdr Thane
Chief Archivist : Colin Ford – Cmdr phoenix_dfire
Chief Bar Steward : Grant Woolcott – Cmdr Psykokow
(In)Human Resources Director : Shan – Cmdr Shanaeri
Lavian Space Program Director : Andy Barnes – Cmdr Kurgol
The Mind of the Spiders : Jon Lunn – Shocken-Orr

Show Notes

LRN Response to Alliance Propaganda

LRN Response to Alliance Propaganda

Aired 8th June 2018
Audio versions

Download the episode directly from here.

Here at the Lave Radio Network, we have increasingly become aware of expansionist interfering policy in corners of space that don’t welcome the Alliance. A spearhead heading for Sol and disrupting independent systems at a time the galaxy needs unity and the pilots federation to work together.

The 900 Alliance systems in the galaxy are dwarfed by the 5100 Imperial, 5700 Federal and nearly 9000 Independent worlds. One system, a beacon of genuine independence and the hub for galactic media broadcasts became the figurehead that they felt the need to repress.
What started as an ultimatum and an attempt at gunboat diplomacy has been dressed, in true crocodile tears fashion as a treaty. A treaty that was never ratified, never voted on by the people of Lave and is now being used as justification for conflict and the imposition of suffering on those same people.

However. The people of Lave have voted. They voted for independence, for community and for the colour Orange. The Alliance Elite Diplomatic Corp seek to overturn this by non democratic means and as such are simply a hostile foreign power, using local faction representatives as their patsies.

The Lave Radio Network believes in self determination for the future of the people of Lave and will defend with all its means their right to listen to the radio from a station they govern themselves.

We appreciate the Alliance – we love the Chieftain and are looking forward to testing out the new ships coming soon. The Alliance does indeed have “history” at Lave; indeed Lave Radio’s station Commander, the notable historian Dr Allen Stroud has studied the struggle that saw the Lave System join the Alliance of Independent Systems and has published an Article in the June 3304 edition of Sagittarius Eye highlighting the recent history and factions within Lave. Lave Radio Network also has history in Lave, forming in 3299 and being ratified by the Pilots Federation in 3302. However the recent focus of some elements within Alliance has been in causing trouble in other systems, Lave Radio Network firmly believes that instead of absentee landlords and being drawn into other people’s conflicts, Lave deserves truly independent rule. We would welcome a genuine treaty with the Alliance, an agreement that Lave remains fully self governing in return for our support against the Thargoid threat as and when it comes to the old worlds – a treaty agreed by BOTH parties.

Don’t give in to destruction, authority assaults and pirate tactics – they’re beneath the Alliance – be part of peace and harmony in the Lave System.

The Election for Lave Station!

Lave Radio Network Needs your help!

Aired 29 May 2018
Audio versions

Download the episode directly from here.

Since the fall of Galcop, The Lave System has long been repressed, first by the ruthless and suspiciously long lived Dr. Waldon and since 3265 by their so called liberators, the Alliance who continue to relagate this system to a backwater world for their own benefit.

The Free Citizens of Lave reached out, begging to have their voice heard; and heard it was, by one motley crew broadcasting from an Orange Sidewinder and hosted by a Vending Machine Repair Man… Lave Radio. Working together with the commmunity Lave Radio Network, a non profit organisation have fought off the more militant factions of the Alliance and have secured Castelan Station, which played a key part in Lave’s Revolution as well as the Asteroid Base Warinus and now is the time! We need all commanders who believe in independance to help our citizens vote!

Lave Fortune Organisation is determined to keep Lave a puppet of the Alliance. Even more worryingly we hear that some pilots have threatened Murder upon honest commanders flying in Lave, in a move that runs counter to all the principals that the Alliance of Independant Systems holds incredibly strongly

Lave Radio Network believes in freedom, believes in independance and believes in a FREE LAVE!

Vote Lave Radio Network.

What can I do to help?

  • Hand in navigation data (ideally one system at a time because of how the BGS gives preference to transactions rather than quantity) to either Warinus or Castellan Station 
  • Run High Influence missions (either passenger or normal) for Lave Radio Network

Lave Radio Episode 190

Nerf Wars : The RPG

Aired 13 March 2018
Audio versions

Download the episode directly from here.

Crew Members
Director of Pest Control : Ashley Devine – DrToxic
Head of health and safety : Ben Moss-Woodward – Cmdr Eid LeWeise
Chief Archivist : Colin Ford – Cmdr phoenix_dfire
Chief Bar Steward : Grant Woolcott – Cmdr Psykokow
(In)Human Resources Director : Shan – Cmdr Shanaeri
Knight Extruder Operator : Andy Barnes – Cmdr Kurgol
The Mind of the Spiders : Jon Lunn
The Spider’s Story : Oliver Hulme

Show Notes

Lave Radio Episode 182

Mad Hats for Fuel Rats

Aired 16 Jan 2018
Audio versions

Download the episode directly from here.

Crew Members
Director of Pest Control : Ashley Devine – DrToxic
Head of health and safety : Ben Moss-Woodward – Cmdr Eid LeWeise
Chief Bar Steward : Grant Woolcott – Cmdr Psykokow
(In)Human Resources Director : Shan – Cmdr Shanaeri

Special Guests

  • CMDR (Persera rescued)
  • Fuel Rats
  • CMDR Highwaywarrior
  • CMDR Abish
  • CMDR Theukn0wn1

Show Notes

Lave Radio Episode 176

Patch 2.4 : the cadence of a Cutter with spoilers!

Aired 14 Nov 2017
Audio versions

Download the episode directly from here.

Crew Members
Director of Pest Control : Ashley Devine – DrToxic
Head of health and safety : Ben Moss-Woodward – Cmdr Eid LeWeise
Chief Archivist : Colin Ford – Cmdr phoenix_dfire
(In)Human Resources Director : Shan – Cmdr Shanaeri

Show Notes