Crew Members Head of Health and safety : Ben Moss-Woodward : Cmdr Eid LeWeise Head of Entertainment : Chris Jarvis : Cmdr Thane Head of Station Archives : Colin Ford : Cmdr PheonixDFire Test Pilot : Andre Marshall : Cmdr M.A.R.S.H.A.L.L. (Paladin Consortium)
Crew Members Station Commander : Allen Stroud Head of Health and safety : Ben Moss-Woodward : Cmdr Eid LeWeise Head of Station Archives : Colin Ford : Cmdr PheonixDFire Chief Bar Steward : Grant Woolcott : Cmdr Psykokow
“Just a quick post to let you know that we’ve made a few balancing tweaks this morning with regards to missions in the game. Many mission rewards have been increased, while passenger mission rewards are slightly decreased to create a better overall balance across the board. This balance is part of an on-going process and we will continue to make changes as required. Additionally, we’ve fixed an issue whereby passenger missions will now award points toward the correct Elite rank.” — Dale
Crew Members Head of Health and safety : Ben Moss-Woodward : Cmdr Eid LeWeise Head of Entertainment : Chris Jarvis : Cmdr Thane Head of Station Archives : Colin Ford : Cmdr PheonixDFire Chief Bar Steward : Grant Woolcott : Cmdr Psykokow
The author of has taken a break from active development, however the development has been picked up by the Elite: Dangerous Community Developers and has been updated to cover 2.2 changes (Ships, Modules and Engineering Mods)
New Alien Crash Site: @ HIP 17403 A 4 A(-34.9831, -141.4127)
Qohen Leth from the CCN for the EXCELLENT Colonia Patch he sent me
Pixel Bandits
After one of our usually outstanding crew members misheard the target location of our last 24 hour charity stream, we’re plotting a trip from Hudson Orbital to Hutton Orbital for our Winter event.
Bring party supplies! Beer, Liquor, Wine, Performance Enhancers, Personal Weapons… whatever you like!
Host & 2nd Technician : Chris Forrester : Cmdr Fozza Head of Station Archives : Colin Ford : Cmdr PheonixDFire Chief Bar Steward : Grant Woolcott : Cmdr Psykokow
Host & 2nd Technician : Chris Forrester : Cmdr Fozza Head of Station Archives : Colin Ford : Cmdr PheonixDFire Chief Bar Steward : Grant Woolcott : Cmdr Psykokow Head of Entertainments : Chris Jarvis : Cmdr Elias Thane
Crew Members Head of Station Archives : Colin Ford : Cmdr PheonixDFire Chief Bar Steward : Grant Woolcott : Cmdr Psykokow Head of Entertainments : Chris Jarvis : Cmdr Elias Thane Head of Security : Lisa Voo : Cmdr Vooness Test Pilot : John Virgo : Cmdr Kerrashlanding
Crew Members Head of Health and safety : Ben Moss-Woodward : Cmdr Eid LeWeise Head of Entertainment : Chris Jarvis : Cmdr Thane Head of Station Archives : Colin Ford : Cmdr PheonixDFire Chief Bar Steward : Grant Woolcott : Cmdr Psykokow Test Pilot : Matthew Monson : Cmdr Paroxsym (Paladin Consortium)
Crew Members Head of Health and safety : Ben Moss-Woodward : Cmdr Eid LeWeise Head of Entertainment : Chris Jarvis : Cmdr Thane Head of Station Archives : Colin Ford : Cmdr PheonixDFire Test Pilot : Andre Marshall : Cmdr M.A.R.S.H.A.L.L. (Paladin Consortium)
Marko Yelich (Facebook) Just listened to Ep122 and Chris asked for feedback on the plot reveals in ED. I concur, that how they are being done are largely for the benefit for the 1% of players while the rest of us just hear about it afterwards and at best get to visit the wreckages after the fact. And the notion that Frontier have to so heavy-handely almost lead us by the nose to these sites is poor game design. Frontier could really do way better with allowing us to discover such things on our own accord, if we were given adequate discovery tools. The “Detailed Surface Scanner” is hardly that, if it can’t report that there are alien structures or signals on a planet! Surely Frontier have watched Star Trek and can recall Lt. Ohura telling Cpt. Kirk she is picking up a “strange signal” from below? Or Spock giving detailed account of what planetary civilisations he just scanned. Right now, I am in the black. I honk when I get into a new system, Scan the star (to get my name tagged on it), I go to the System Map and check for planets that kind of look “Earthy” to fly to and do a detailed scan. Why: because I get more money and get my name on them. Really? Money (ranking) is my primary driver? Shouldn’t it be discovering new civilisations or artefacts? But in reality, how would I do this? Well with current tools i would need to low fly the entire surface of every airless planet in the hope a blue circle comes up on my radar, land, drive around in my buggy and maybe discover something more than some abandoned tea canisters. Just ridiculous! Frontier needs to quickly improve the feedback one gets from both the discovery scanner and from the detailed surface scanner. The former should highlight any planets that have “items of interest” on them. The latter giving coordinates of any artificial/biological matter on the surface so we can fly directly to it. Because without those coordinates… I tell you even with them, the first time I went to a barnacle site it was TOUGH to spot the things from the air!! Anyway, enough ranting from me… Love your show and apart from the pretty poor sound quality of 122, well produced too. And please keep the GalNet News being read at the end of them.
Crew Members Head of Health and safety : Ben Moss-Woodward : Cmdr Eid LeWeise Head of Entertainment : Chris Jarvis : Cmdr Thane Head of Station Archives : Colin Ford : Cmdr PheonixDFire Deputy fleet commander: Niatra : Paladin Consortium Field Researcher: Ethereal : Paladin Consortium
Initial Message was put together from some binary hidden inside of the gamescom clips. “We’ve found something. Something incredible. Something the whole galaxy will want to see. The truth The truth. We could show it to you, that wouldn’t be much fun so instead we’re going to play a little game. To find us, look for a bounty hunter. To find more clues you’ll need pre-logistics support in a system with one star, two belts, three rings, and enough radiation to turn you green. The hunt begins on the 28th.”
The CGs will continue Nicely done – I did wonder if anyone would find it without all the clues 🙂 We’ll still publish the remaining parts, just so people can see the full flow if they wish. Michael
Born out of the August Exodus – A Jaunt to Jaques expedition of July/August 3302, The CCN Discord communication hub is a place for those dedicated to working in and around the Colonia Nebula, helping to establish and protect the first human colony beyond frontier borders. It is hoped that this communication hub will help bring together the fledgling community and encourage CG cooperation, joint ventures, projects, provide entertainment, and be a great source of information on all developing colonial affairs.
If you’d like to give us your thoughts on what Jarvis was saying about game mysteries being inclusive or non-inclusive, do get in touch with the show and let us know what you think!
Graeme Lennox @CarHack @LaveRadio Hey guys, quick Q for 2moro. Are updates/new features being added quickly enough or are you concerned the timeline has slipped?
Grant and Simoof – we love you and our thoughts are with you
“Could I please trouble you to give a shout out to CMDR Sarak who after after much grinding has just bought his first new shiny anaconda. Cheers. CMDR Aoletsgo (a o lets go)”
Crew Members Station Commander : Allen Stroud Head of Health and safety : Ben Moss-Woodward : Cmdr Eid LeWeise 2nd Technician : Chris Forrester : Cmdr Fozza Head of Entertainment : Chris Jarvis : Cmdr Thane Head of Station Archives : Colin Ford : Cmdr PheonixDFire Chief Bar Steward : Grant Woolcott : Cmdr Psykokow Chief of Operations : John Stabler Unwashed Masses : You (well some of you)
Do NPC Pilots rank up quicker than we do?
Why did you decide to have the NPC Crew die when our ship gets blown up I’d happily share my lifepod with a crew member I’d levelled up.
To make us feel more attached to the crew. Increases Risk / Reward.
Chris J’s random question – the way the crew hire UI is designed, it suggests crew might be useful for other tasks? Is this preparing the way for multi-crew or another crew function?
Nice try… All screens are ‘work in progress’ . The more versatile the UI, the more future proof it is. Nothing to announce just now
Can we launch a fighter from a ship that is landed (not docked) on a planet?
Sandy No Sammarco. Basically your ship would launch right into the ground!
How are the fighter Modules defined? I.E. Is it a standard Class N module, so anything with that class of module can handle it, or is it limited in some way? Why keelback but no type6 or type7?
Because ships have to get a new hole ripped in them. It is Standard module but the ship needs the external ability to support the fighter rails.
They can deploy on planets, but can they land? Presumably because of the limited range you can’t dismiss your main ship?
Fighters can not land on anything other than your own ship
Will the fixed weapons in the fighter’s be as ‘sticky’ as they are in CQC?
The fixed weapons have some aim assist, though (obviously) not as much as a gimbal.
Obviously the ship launched fighters is to balance the trader/pirate imbalance. However starting traders in their Adders, Haulers and Type-6s don’t get fighter support – so is there any plan to also implement NPC wing hire? Or is there another way the smaller traders get balanced?
The little ships can get away easier – so it’s not as much of a problem
You (Sandy) mentioned that hacking fighters would be interesting. There was talk of electronic warfare back in DDF days. Is it still on “the list”?
It’s still interesting but no plans at the moment
Passenger Missions
Will the comfort / quality / smoothness of the passengers journey factor into any of those missions as rewards?
Lots of things taken into account, for the VIPs they take a lot into account and will let us know when they’re getting frustrated. Bulk passengers only care about time and enough room.
Can pirates, pirate passengers? – Yarrrrr
No – passengers use doors and stairs and stuff 😀
At some point we ‘might be able to do nefarious things to our passengers’
TLDR: Imp slaves have rights and According to Mike Brookes “within the Empire you can’t just stick them in a cargo pod, freeze them, and transport them” Can something now be done to rectify this travesty?
Not at the moment – maybe later
Rep changes with passenger missions: Are we getting a new ranking progression for passenger tours? i.e. Elite-ranked tour company? Or does it add to our Trader rank?
No it adds to other rank
Ship Transfer (Sandy goes into so much detail it’s great, but I’d be writing it out verbatim to give what he says justice)
A lot of people are up in arms about the Ship Transfer being instant. Can you explain to us why you decided to go that route?
Sandy goes into a lot of detail. The short version is that they think it’s better being instant than not. If too short a time, then why have any time? If too long a time, then what is the point of the feature? Ship transfer is added as a gameplay convenience but FD know they can’t please everyone. They know that combat ships will get a little bit better but think that’s not a bad thing.
ChrisJ: Conversely, does setting say a timer based on transit distance (although maybe compressed) add a strategic layer that is more rewarding? I.e. I think, “I need that ship – it’ll be here in a hour – what mission/task can I go and do that will bring me back here for the rendezvous.”
Also can someone please think up the Handwavium reason why it’s instant so we can plaster over the shattered 4th Wall?
Either the ship gets ‘made’ locally same as the fighters or the ship is ‘somehow’ transported
I might have missed this one but will the new fighter be in CQC?
Not at the moment
David Braben hinted at ‘archaeology sites’ – how would this manifest?
Soon – Some journalists have seen a little more than ‘other people’
Will geysers have enough force to lift an SRV into the air if it drove over one?
Yes, Sandy’s seen it and it’s as cool as it sounds
Due to Sandro’s Woody Cowboy Fetish, will we see either Ed or Adam dressing up as Buzz Lightyear to complete the theme?
Sandy is ahead of the curve, but Ed’s the right height to be Buzz Lightyear. Adam and Eddie can be Bullseye
As Pilots are thought of as Gypsies, will we see ‘My Big Fat Commander’s Wedding’ show on Galnet? Also, is that the reason for all the Wedding Bargies?
Pilots are not gypsies, we’re mercenaries.
As there is (What we call) a ‘Cheeky Braben’ at the end of the digital Art Book, does David Braben still hate his Bobblehead?
He is very embarrassed by it Sandy and Zac think
Cmdr Snuffler asks If: zac was a thargoid, what would his thargoid name be?
What is a Thargoid? Is it a ride on Planet Coaster?
Passenger might ask you to do some ‘stuff’ on route – i.e. visit a combat zone. And you get a ‘tip’ for ‘good money’ – You get a message when they’ve seen enough. They can ‘be a diva’ many times on route to the real destination. We can obviously refuse these requests
Disgruntled VIPs gotta make sure it’s in time limits and can ‘leave’ normally via leaving at the station, but if you REALLY take the mikey they will ‘escape pod’ out.
Reason for being their – i.e. natural beauty, battle site etc
Lots of space porn. Cmdr Name is associated with a tourist beacon which is the thing you scan, explaining why it’s a tourist location
Check Nav Panel, Look to see Tourist Spot, Scan it
Star Port Variations
Simulation will drive some variety inside star ports. I.E. We might see a hard working rugged one, or a swanky snobby posh one! Basically adding flavour to the port.
Larger populations have the more custom star ports as opposed to small populations have the more vanilla one
Agricultural one is being used to actually farm inside the port!!!
Refineryshows us the sheet metal bezng made, lots of ore
High Tech, very electric blue hangers and advertising. Very corporate theme
Tourism Lots of parks, very white very fresh, holographic water! Statues
Different variety of hangers and landing pads
Sandy and Adam likes that they can keep going back and revisiting things
Sandy can’t get to Ammonia worlds – so he doesn’t know
Can we turn off the power to passenger modules?
No – they have their own independent life support! – But Sandy thinks it’s a cool idea
Is David Braben a thargoid
Couldn’t possibly comment
Can you pimp passenger ships ?
Yes but no engineering mods for passenger compartments.
Will the Orca get a jump range update?
It’s possible but Sandy needs to really look over things. Sandy wants it to go via Mike
Will this make it into XBox1?
Base Game vs Horizons split?
Beluga is Horizons only. However…. SHUT UP ED!!!
Rep impact for failing of passenger missions
Rep gains and boosts same as normal missions. Adam adds that the Mission Face is the lead passenger. The other face is the faction local leader
Will fighter bays take over existing slots?
Adam’s going to tease and say keep watching! 😛 Same for hiring NPC crew
The Mission rewards will be balanced and will be competitive with other missions
Just like Missions Reputation will give you access to higher and better missions
Will delivering Soldiers help with the war effort?
They don’t know.
Can you destroy the fighters when they’re inside the bay
Sandy doesn’t know – they ARE modules which can take damage, but Sandy isn’t sure if they’ve implemented fighter destruction but they’ll look into things
Can we dock whilst it’s moving at high speed
Up to 2 bays / Hanger
Yes – but it’ll be tricky – Loop of shame docking on spaceships 🙂
What capacity do Fighter Hangers go up to?
Ship Launched fighter options
Each type has a selection of 3 or 4 fixed loadouts
Pulse, Beam, Multi Cannon Plasma Repeater
Chaff, Point Defense, Heat Sink
Can I leave my fighter whilst I high wake
Yes you can (obviously it’ll be lost)
If your ship is destroyed then you all go back to the rebuy screen, fighter is lost. You escape but your fighter pilot NPC is DEAD!
Will NPCs have Ship Launched Fighters
Yes – it’ll be balanced and have lots of factors etc
Can we dock our fighters in someone elses ship
No you HAVE to dock in your own ship
Will ship launched fighters be engineer upgradable
Not at the moment
Can the ship launched fighters land on planets and bases
No you can only land on your ship
Will Point Defense Fire on fighters?
No Missiles, Torpedoes and Mines
Can the fighters Assault Planet Bases
A Fighter can only fly up to n Kilometers away – meant to be close support ships
Can fighters target bases etc
Fighters can target ANYTHING your main ship can
No you can NOT name your NPC Pilots
In a PVP Scenario – Launch Fighter, Do you see both ships as hollow contacts? (Representing a human)
The ship the player is in will have the hollow marker indicating which ship the human is in
Given how the fighters have Paintjobs – Can we get For Cutter / Corvette
FD Might have some to show us ‘soon’
Ed Lewis and Space Loach bobbleheads
Joke Yes
Will fighters protecting stations be updated to be the same as those we get?
At the moment they are different from player fighters. FD are investigating and thinking about it. I.E. Police cars are not identical to most normal cars
Will combat zones spawn on planet surface?
Not at the moment – but that remains open in the future.
Can we customise crew members?
NO they are their own people
We can only launch 1 fighter at the time (for the moment)
Will the new passengers be like the ones from Frontier
The VIPs will be along those lines “avoid imperial entanglements”
Can we barter with Passengers?
No – however the VIPs have additional optional requests.
Can we expect Passengers carrying SRVs?
For 2.2 no.
Can fighters target modules?
Possibly – there are technical and gameplay and ui considerations
Crime is applied to the player – NOT the ship
Why do the fighters have cockpits if we’re plugged into them?
Because originally they’re done for human pilots
In game because it helps with your virtual self’s sense of presence.
Will the new docks be used as mission destinations?
Not initially. It makes a lot of sense and it CAN be taken (or Sandy will get lynched for saying that!)
Fighter Pilots are NOT licensed to ‘engage the FSD’. So we can’t order them to high wake.
How long does it take to re-print a fighter?
FD are still balancing and will continue to do so in the beta
Fairly quick but not instant.
Will there be a way to hack another ship’s fighter?
No – but it’s a REALLY good idea
Will the specs be rising with this update?
No they won’t be. FD have also had an optimisation pass along with all the new shiny stuff.
Will we get Escort Missions?
Nothing to announce. We have the foundations for them, so maybe in the future.
Commodity Storage isn’t in game because it could be exploitable. However they have been discussing “crafting commodity storage” (at engineer locations) but not in 2.2. – No Guarantees no ETA
Warning for Arriving at a Binary Star
Adam doesn’t know if it’s possible, but it’s worth investigating
Can we have a Space Cowboy (with Space Loach) Engineer?
Sandy – It’d break the avatar system
Will the fighters have Gimballed weapons?
Is the ship transfer only available to stations with Shipyards?
Corvette and Cutter Paint jobs Please?
Yes! There will be cutter and Corvette paint jobs
Can we get Bounty Payments from anywhere?
Yes – “Shady Contact” at Low Sec systems.
Abusing ship transportation i.e. immediate transfer of cargo.
You can’t store a ship with cargo in it – so not an issue
In game reason for how ship transfer is instant
Sandy – Maybe – but it is purely for gameplay reasons. They KNOW it’s not realistic
Can i repair my fighter’s shield?
How will players estimate the Jump Range Boost from Neutron and White Dwarfs)
After you’ve supercharged your fuel you just need to check your range.
Why might we WANT to risk damaging our FSD for this?
It’s risk / reward therefore it has to be fairly effective
Do slaves need passenger cabins?
No because our cabins don’t come with Manacles 🙂
2.2 will have even more things to discover and more ways for to learn the history
What ships can have fighters?
Gun Ship
Keel Back
Type 9
Can I hire crew with a higher rank than my own?
Yes – AND crew be trained
Will the Dolphin be coming?
There is nothing to announce at the moment
It snuck into the video because Adam is on a Development build
Will any ship defenses attack fighters?
Same as normal ships
FD can nullify NPCs from accidentally shooting things
If you dock your mothership with a launched fighter will you loose your ship
FD have some safeguards in place. I.e. your fighter must be docked to let you dock.
Will there be more SRVs coming out in the future?
Nothing to announce at the moment.
Does the livery button mean we can change look and feel without a station needing outfitting?
Do my wired Pilots stay with me when I change ships?
No only way you loose them is if your ship explodes
Why can’t clipper get luxury suites (even though it is used in lore for transporting important ppl)
Because it’s not a passenger liner
Will the AFM be able to make heat syncs and shield cell banks
Not at the moment
Will the route plotter update come to the vanilla game or does it need horizons?
Yes – vanilla game
Can we store the White Dwarfs fsd boost for later use?
No – not at the moment
What is Horizon what is Vanilla?
Horizon’s stuff
All planetside stuff
Can you monitor your ship status of your fighter?
Yes – but we’ve not seen the UI yet
Do the Neutron and the Synthesis boosts stack?
Can fighters deploy to the surface of the planet?
Can you deploy a fighter and an srv? Deployed at the same time?
Can your ship stay in orbit and you take your fighter down to the planet?
No Fighters do not have FSD
Fighters are tethered to your ship
Is there a distance limiter to the ship transfer?
No – however it will get very costly
Ships are modular so a Size 7 Module can be stored and moved into something else that takes a size 7 module
I can see issuing fighters looks a little cumbersome, will we get hotkeys?
Rem it’s work in progress – but YES they are looking at setting bindings
Will there be a gfx update for station approaches?
Science rocks and keeps changing which is BEAUTIFUL
Looks like he’s sitting on ED Cushions?
More Science added to White Dwarfs, Neutron Stars Synchrotron radiation (looks like a spinning top)
DB Admits White Dwarfs are VERY dangerous!
Dimming the galaxy via dust
Why bother with scientific accuracy? – It matters to DB it matters to a lot of us it’s the SCIENCE of Science Fiction. Why not make it realistic. Science allows for game play – i.e. heat mechanics
Plate tectonics is modelled – adding in volcanism. Not always molten rock. Also molten CO2 or Water, same basic idea though! ‘Coming to 2.2.’ Also brings up rares to be discovered
Atmospheres *IS* on the Road map – DB wants to do it properly however. It needs to serve the story and gameplay.
Even today we use heat to highlight tanks etc so thermal mechanics is very real.
The Science makes the gameplay different from other games!
DB is delighted with the way players have engaged with the story and that we’re mad for going out to Jaques 😀 He thought the Pleiades were a long way out!
DB likes talking to ppl when he’s on as Cmdr Braben
The rise of the player driven story is wonderful and DB wants to encourage it and do more of it
Archaeology to come and Long Dead species fade to Thargoids as he starts to say “Is not”
Jaques is fascinating, players took Fuel and UAs which made him lost in space – we found him and now we have a foot hold outside the bubble and DB hopes for more settlements around it