Lave Radio Plays the Elite Dangerous RPG – Incident at Baijangu, Episode 3

Album art for Lave Radio RPG

Part Three of the Lave Radio Adventure.


We’ve been playing the Elite Dangerous Roleplaying Game (EDRPG) and we’ve produced it as a podcast series, of which is this part number THREE! At LaveCon there will be a live RPG game which will be episode four of THIS ADVENTURE, so make sure you listen to the whole thing before this weekend, if you want to know what’s going on!

This podcast is a RPG game enhanced with music, sound effects and an all-round fiction treatment, plus some great rolepaying from the Lave Radio crew and excellent content planning by Oliver Hulme, our Game Master and Lead Writer of the Elite Dangerous RPG.

In episode three of INCIDENT AT BAIJANGU, Cmdrs Psykokow, Eid LeWeise, Thane and 2nd Tech Fozza have ascended to station control on a mining base overrun with enemies. They have the element of surprise, but a carelessly thrown grenade threatens the team!

Download the episode here and it’s available in all the usual RSS/iTunes-y places as well.

Lave Radio Plays the Elite Dangerous RPG – Incident at Baijangu, Episode 2

Album art for Lave Radio RPG

Part Two of the Lave Radio Adventure.

Out now for your listening pleasure, part two of our adventure within EDRPG, a new tabletop roleplaying system based on Elite Dangerous. This is the second part of a story which plays over three episodes and will end with a special finale episode at Lavecon 2017. You can hear the first part here.

In episode two of INCIDENT AT BAIJANGU, Cmdrs Psykokow, Eid LeWeise, Elias Thane and 2nd Tech Fozza have been sent to a mining facility overrun by mercenaries and strange creatures. When we left them, the team had been ambushed by a pair of shooters. Will they survive? What else awaits?

Download the episode directly from here.

Lave Radio Plays the Elite Dangerous RPG – Incident at Baijangu, Episode 1

Album art for Lave Radio RPG

He looks really angry at that Orange Sidewinder

We’re very pleased that our upcoming convention, LaveCon 2017, is sponsored by the EDRPG, a new tabletop roleplaying system based on Elite Dangerous. We though it would be fun to play an adventure and present it to you as a podcast. This particular story plays over three episodes and will end with a special finale episode at Lavecon 2017.

In episode one of INCIDENT AT BAIJANGU, Oliver Hulme – Lead Writer for EDRPG – is our Games Master in an adventure that takes us from an Imperial Business office in Leesti to a Mining Outpost in Baijangu. Cmdrs Psykokow, Eid LeWeise, Elias Thane and 2nd Tech Fozza have been hired for a very specific task. What will they find?

Download the episode directly from here.

Dataslate Episode 16: Special Guest – Kevin Elliott

DataSlate Cover

After a long absence, just in time for Lavecon 2017, Dataslate, the podcast on books and writing, returns!

Book news from  Allen Stroud with special guest, Elite gamer and Science Fiction writer, Kevin Elliott, who discusses his experience of the convention circuit in 2017 and the writing process of his new novel, which you can find out more about on his blog, Where’s My Flipping Tea?.

Kevin will be reading from his book at Lavecon 2017.

Topics in this episode are:

Download the episode directly from here.

Dataslate Episode 15: Special Guest – Darren Grey.

DataSlate Cover

After a long absence, just in time for Lavecon 2017, Dataslate, the podcast on books and writing, returns!

Book news from  Allen Stroud with special guest, Darren Grey who discusses the subject of writing for games, and introduces us to his new project, Jupiter Hell.



Topics in this episode are:

Download the episode directly from here.

Dataslate Returns! Episode 14: Special Guest – Anna Smith-Spark.

DataSlate Cover

After a long absence, just in time for Lavecon 2017, Dataslate, the podcast on books and writing, returns!

Book news and reviews from  Allen Stroud with special guest, Anna Smith-Spark who will be at Lavecon reading from her debut novel, Court of the Broken Knives published by Harper Voyager.



Topics in this episode are:

Download the episode directly from here.

Salomé Aftermath Special

Elite: Dangerous’ 3,000-player battle royaleElite: Dangerous’ 3,000-player battle royale
On Monday the intreped Commander Fozza invited Admiral of the Fleet, Commander Paroxsym from the Premonition Allied Coordination, along with Commanders Eisen and Baroness Galaxy to join him, Ben and Colin on the Orange Sidewinder to discus Saturday’s in game event. The Chase, the Kill, the Intrigue and the Politics along with the hope for us all…

Aired 1 May 2017
Audio versions

Download the episode directly from here.

Crew Members

Head of health and safety : Ben Moss-Woodward – Cmdr Eid LeWeise
2nd Technician : Chris Forrester – Cmdr Fozza
Chief Archivist : Colin Ford – Cmdr phoenix_dfire

Special Guests
Fleet Admiral : Paroxsym from Premonition Allied Coordination
Raxxla’s Child : Eisen
Raxxla’s Shield : Baroness Galaxy

Show Notes

  • Harry Potter killed Salomé
    • ‘She was confirmed killed at 20:49 gametime on 29th April, 3303, succumbing to hostile fire from Commander Harry Potter.’
  • Drew’s aftermath
  • Quote from Children of Raxxla
    • It seems the fake news and rumors run amok before, during and after the event. Let me try to clear this up a bit. Believe it, or leave it.

      The people fighting for Salomé did not consist of a single group. PAC might have been the public face of it, but they were not directly responsible for Salomé’s flight. That was in the hands of CoR and a few of our trusted allies. PAC was tasked to organise defense fleets for Raan and Tsu and somewhat help with Salomé too independently from this more private defense force. PAC may or may not have considered SDC an ally, but they were certainly not considered an ally by Salomé’s personal guards.

      SDC was never tasked in defending Salomé, nor were they allowed to get close to her. Harry Potter and other Commanders who interdicted Salomé simply played the game well, got lucky with instancing and did their part.

      Salomé was going to give a speech at the end of the event if she survived, but as far as we know, the listening posts at Teorge are the main answers that needed to be broadcasted.

      I think it’s important to understand that there is no ‘losing’ situation for this event. Whether Salomé delivered her speech or not is not relevant to the grand scheme of things. What matters is whether we have played out an interesting narrative using in-game means. With the current results, there may not be a speech, but there may be a funeral. The story still moves forward, just in a different direction.
  • Media Coverage
  • Issues
    • PAC’s behaviour in the run up to the event was horrendous, Complaint’s of (Irony Alert) PVP Eliteism, denying people access to the event, Kill on sight order (even on their own side, who didn’t follow the rules). Drew on a couple of occasions, asked for PAC to be more inclsive which the response was ‘Don’t go running to Drew, if you don’t like our Rules’.
    • Colin was a victim to those rules, even though the event hadn’t started. In addition, Innocent cmdrs who had nothing to do with the event were targeted (According to reddit). Group I was associated with [Forge] did a sterling job.
    • SDC had spies
    • Why did the SDC get invited?
    • Why did Salome have Harry Potter (etc?) on her friends list? Was it to help with instancing and she was just accepting all?
  • In game aftermath
  • Shoutouts

Remote Outpost Games Episode 2 – James Buckle (Engage Pixel)

ROG Episode 2 Cover

Remote Outpost Games is a podcast celebrating the best video games in history, stranding industry figures on a remote getaway and asking them to justify which 5 games they would take with them to await rescue.

In this episode, hosts John Stabler and Christopher Jarvis talk to Industry Veteran and Indie Newcomer James Buckle of Engage Pixel about his latest game – Captain Kaon – and his decade-long history working on the Total War series.

Captain Kaon is a new gravity shooter inspired by Thrust and created in a homage style to the Amiga era. As part of this show we have THREE Steam keys to give away for Captain Kaon, so listen in for the rules and send us your entries!

Audio versions
Download the episode directly from here.


Related Links

Lave Radio – Role Play

Join the Lave Radio Crew as they embark on a dangerous adventure with Olive Hume of Spidermind Games, as he as our chief guide and games master runs us through an experience powered by his amazing Tabletop Role Play Game.

Download the episode directly from here.

Recently they crossed the line on Kickstarter but currently are working towards their multiple and spectacular stretch goals.

They also have provided a sample play along document to try before you back, but maybe this podcast will make your mind up for you.

Writers Interview 21 – Drew Wagar – Elite Dangerous, Premonition

  Recorded 30th November 2016 Download the episode directly from here     It’s been a long 3 years since Drew graced the Orange Sidewinder with his Imperial presence. In that time 2nd Tech still hasn’t managed to fix that annoying squeak in the guest chair! Senator Drew and Fozza talk…

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