Lave Radio Episode 345 “From Arf to Alpacas” – 08/06/2021

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Staff Liaison OfficerClare GoodPsykit
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Tech GibbonChris Mk IVNewell Turner
Chief CMArthur TolmieCaptain Beard

Download the episode directly from here.

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  1. Tuesday – Supercruise News #36
    1. New Approach To Coms – AKA Arf Keeps it real
      1. Community wants to know what is going on with ED’s Development… 
      2. What’s in the future – Short and Long Term Road Map
      3. Arf has asked
      4. Rather give bad news than no news
      5. Some fixes are being worked on till the last minute
        1. This is also why the patch notes are last minute
      6. Planet Tech and Lighting – FPS drop is varied and hit them hard
      7. Arf doesn’t want to rush the dev team
      8. There will be small perf enhancements with this Thursday, more bigger ones a week time. (Hopefully!)
      9. Everyone working damn hard till late in the Night
      10. Every month FD wants a show with a Dev. 
      11. Features coming in
      12. Console changes
      13. Arf is fighting hard to get a date for Console launch
      14. There is a ‘working’ solution to the lighting fix – hope for fix in next couple of weeks
      15. CM’s working on assigning a CM to the forums for each day as well as dropping in on an AdHoc basis
      16. No Plans for Ship Interiors
      17. Is the planet tech working as intended
        1.  No
        2. Graphical Issues
        3. Lots of issues surrounding it
        4. Things are being fixed on a patch by patch basis – get to Week 5 and evaluate…
        5. There is GOOD STUFF out there though just maybe not where it was.
      18. BGS is high on FD’s agenda and Arf is not ignoring it. Please log tickets and let them know
      19. Vista Genomics on FC – don’t know
      20. Sharing missions – update 5
      21. Updates on New and Improved Issue Tracker
      22. No Comment on Thargoids on Foot
      23. No CQC updates at the moment
      24. CMs have a weekly meeting with the UI team on a Wednesday
        1. Outfitting
        2. Suits
        3. Galaxy Map
      25. Will Ody fixes be rolled into the Console release – yes
      26. Crossplay – No plans
    2. Narrative update
      1. About to enter act 2 of 6 of the Azimuth Saga
      2. This morning Arf et al had a meeting about POST Azimuth]
      3. Try for things to be a couple of months / act
    3. Arf wants 1st Dev Town Hall thing end of June
  2. Friday Evening – ANNOUNCEMENT Elite Dangerous | Odyssey: Roadmap | Frontier Forums
    1. Ben – well it’s hardly an A-Z…
  3. Friday Lunchtime – #CommanderCreations – 4/6/2021 | Frontier Forums
  4. Thursday Evening – Focused Feedback Thread – Outfitting UI in Odyssey | Frontier Forums
  5. Thursday Evening – Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Update 2.01 | Frontier Forums
  6. Thursday Morning – Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Update 2 | Horizons Update | Frontier Forums

In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?

  3. 4th June 3307 – Operation IDA is back in business. There was a fix on the 4th of June and cargo appears to be counted again. Work has started at the Betancourt Base in Musca Dark Region PJ-P b6-1.
  5. 7th June 3307 – According to the AXI, ss of this time all system which were under thargoid attack have been pacified. Congratulations to all bug smashing commanders who have saved humanity once again (as opposed to AEGIS).
  6. 7th June 3307 – Neo-Marlinist Political Party Emerges

Newsletter (every second show)

  1. Charge up your engines and boost your way to glory. The Eagle Acceleration paint job is here! 
    1. Like an Evel Knievel does spaceships

Main discussion

  1. The Roadmap and Trust building with Arf

Community Corner

  1. HCS Voice Packs Competition
    1. Lave Radio / HCS Voice Packs question and Competition! | Frontier Forums
    2. HCS Voice Packs Competition Twitter
    3. HCS Voice Packs Competition Facebook
    4. Winning response ⚡CMDR GreyAreaUK⚡ 💙 on Twitter
      The first thing I’ll be doing is spending a couple of frustrating hours setting up keybindings for the new bits – as I’m using a mix of input devices (HOTAS, iPad, Xbox360 controller) they won’t be auto-populated.”
    5. Notable mentions (as picked by Ben):
      1. Krisztian Balogh – Facebook
        Set up my keybindings. Theeen look for the xenobunny 👽🐇
      2. Mark Jones – Twitter
        I’m parked next to a burning station. Fire I’m going to disembark and look inside the burning evacuation area as it asks you to do when rescuing people
      3. RogerRabid – Twitter
      4. Thadius Voke – Twitter
        Tough one but I think I shall be visiting Cmdr Jameson crash site, pay the respects before I set off.


  1. Some Feedback on Odyssey from Community Member Temeleen
    1. For me the topography in odyssey is overall better compared to horizons  – if we disregard the obvious bugs in some of the planet generation tech like those LODs I mentioned. I think most of the issues I see in the videos and posts around talking about new tech being pure downgrade revolve around those LODs. As for the topo – we might not see so many extremes like 10km+ deep canyons or 15km tall mountains anymore, but I’d say that was a bit out of proportion in horizon since there wasn’t nearly enough level of detail as we have in odyssey so we don’t really need those extreme less plausible formations (all this if we consider ultra for capture setting being the “golden” standard in odyssey).

      In odyssey some of the mountains in those screenshots are some 7km tall still so I don’t think everything is just flat as some streamers mention plus there’s whole another level of detail when it comes to terrains themselves and their surface materials, lots of variable formations due to height maps blending… the hills/mountain and canyons can get far more complex than they used to be with planets looking quite unique given the circumstances.

      So yeah for me overall great improvement potentially If fdev figures out the bugs in the generation so ppl using regular ultra or lower settings wont see those ugly leopard patches or disappearing hills when they approach the surface. The new tech actually made me go out and explo for the view, something I never had as a main reason before.

  1. 04 – hike – Google Drive
  2. 05 – nebulae trip pt1 – Google Drive


  1. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at  or, for just the audio, at
  2. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
  3. We’re also giving a shout outs to the following Elite Dangerous podcasts which have appeared over the last year or are standard regular contributors;-
    1. Loose Screws
    2. Elite Week
    3. Flight Assist
    4. For Spanish Speakers there is the Elite Cast 
    5. Cannon Podcast
    6. Fatherhood Podcast.
    7. Squeaking Fuel
    8. System Chat
    9. The Guard Frequency (who do other space sims)
    10. Algorab AM: An Elite Dangerous Podcast
  4. For those who want a literary discussion about Sci-fi and fantasy books. Please subscribe to the Dataslate podcast created by station commander Allen Stroud. 
  5. Following this we have the latest Galnet News Digest as provided by Cmdr Wotherspoon and Cmdr BeatleJude.
  6. Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders
  7. Special Thanks to Cmdr ToCoSo who created the music for the Introduction of the Show

Lave Radio Episode 287 “May not be for everyone” – 07/04/2020

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyStephen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Chief ArchivistStephen FordPhoenix_Dfire
Chief Bar StewardStephen WoolcottPsykokow
(in)Human Resources DirectorStephen ShanShan
Deputy Trade AttachéStephen SouverineSouvarine
StephenStephenStephenStephen Benedetti
Players are Friends not FoodBruce GarridoGambit
Universal MechanicDav Stott
The Glue that holds Fleet Carriers togetherLuke Betterton

Download the episode directly from here.

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  1. Fleet Carriers Content Reveal
    1. Forum post
    2. Fleet Carriers Update – Beta 1 – Patch Notes
      1. Delivery Mission Cargo is now marked as ‘Mission Specific’ to prevent the Commodity Market showing the commodity as mission required.
      2. Players can now block any player, not just friends or pending friends.
      3. Undocument – You can start a CQC Match from your Friend’s List!
    3. Testing Guidelines

Main Discussion

Stephen Benedetti, Stephen Garrido, Stephen Stott and Stephen Betterton join the crew to talk about fleet carriers!


  1. Hot Mess – 55,439 of 55,461 mugs or 99.96% of stations have a mug
  2. vECM is this weekend!!! Watch it on and join the discord by going to and the teamspeak on  More information on the forums!
  3. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at or, for just the audio, at
  4. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
  5. Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders

EPISODE 285 “Lock Down” – 24/03/2020

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
Chief Bar StewardGrant WoolcottPsykokow
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Lavian Space Program DirectorAndy BarnesKurgol
Deputy Trade AttachéSouvSouvarine

Download the episode directly from here.


  1. Ben – 13 Minutes to the Moon from BBC World Service

Community Corner

  1. vECM details
    1. We will be having a LIVE artemis bridge crew. All the rig we built will be on screen, with smoke machines and lights and are inviting a crew to keep Engineer Moof busy by flying the ship whilst havoc goes on around him on screen.
      1. TLDR People playing Artemis will be doing their best to set fire to Moof remotely 🙂
    2. Then we’re having some of the streamers join in during the day for their own bits. Already Psyche, Mr Benedetti, Kolo, Paige have volunteered to pop in
    3. We will hold the raffle during the afternoon.
    4. We WON’T be fundraising and chugging throughout like a charity stream. No totaliser, no constant message about giving. It’s about community and fun
    5. We will also be inviting people in via Skype/zoom to say hi and take part in shenanigans
  2. Message from the EIC
    1. Hello lovely customers and beautiful members of the EIC community. In light of all that is going on in the world and, in a very small way, to counter the selfishness of some people out there buying all the toilet rolls and leaving some of us to set up a hosepipe in the house.

      The EIC Trading Post is pleased to announce Operation: Helping Hand From 00:00 on 21st March 3306 (in about 15 or so hours) and running for at least 4 weeks ALL trades for engineer unlock commodities and rare goods will be ABSOLUTELY FREE to Cmdrs on PC!

      Just place your order as normal and you don’t have to pay a single Imperial Slave for your goods.

      We’re all in this together Cmdrs. All the best to you and your loved ones at this time and the EIC Trading Post team look forward to helping you unlock some more engineers..but this time for free.
      1. They’d love this to be on consoles too, but they don’t have the logistics in place over there to support it
  3. Message from Spidermind

    So you are staying at home?

    Why not self-isolate in the city of Saltdad, fighting the tyranny of the Iron King, or on the Independent Asellus Primus System, fighting crime as Police Detectives.

    You can now do both, with this little ‘at home’ gift bundle from Spidermind Games.

    Follow the links below to download a free pdf sample from The Valley of Bones, Book One in the Legendary Kingdoms Series. This is a choose your own adventure gamebook you play on your own. All you need is a pencil and some d6 dice.

    If you are at home with the family then why not take them through the Elite Dangerous Role Playing Game, standalone adventure ‘The Worst Intentions’. With 4 pre-made characters and simple to follow Games Master instructions, this fast paced adventure will have you out amongst the stars in the Elite Dangerous Galaxy.

    Stay safe and enjoy a little adventure whilst at home.

    Jon & Oliver
    Links here:
    Legendary Kingdom
  4. Kai from over at Loose Screws has spun off his “Elite Week” Segment from their main podcast into its own unique feed. Elite Week is a segment where they highlight, pretty much all and anything that’s happening in the Expanded Elite Dangerous Galaxy. 
  5. Drew Wager has written an ‘Unofficial’ Elite story in honour of CMDR Jellowiggler’s daughter, Evelyn Faye Roy 


  1. Question of the… when we get round to it… If you could write one story for Galnet what would the Headline be? Either reply here or send an email to (p.s. deliberately Salty ones will be ignored)
    1. TJ Twitter – NOT MY FAULT!!!!!
    2. Patrik Maass – Twitter – Galnetstrike in it’s third month! Pilots Federation denies progress in labor negotiations
    3. Frank EightSeven – Twitter – Hudson contracts Solarvirus.. Tj held responsible
    4. The Evil Snowball – Twitter – Ancient Earth Snack Recipe Found! Jaffa Cakes Making A Return?
    5. Kevin Hewitt – Facebook – Probably a small report on expansion fights that occur when trying to take over a system. Or a travel guide trying to get people to visit systems that are out of the way
    6. Neil Hatcher – Facebook – Commanders psychological conditions linked to excessive use of FSS.
    7. Ian Norton – Facebook – Oooh I’d write a short series, one tracking a distinctive thargoid ship nick-named “Red Baron”
    8. Stephen Usher – Facebook – Thargoids found to be terrible at fighting wars.
    9. Paul Sweet  – Facebook – Pirates are found to be really bad judges of their own abilities, as feared Pirate Lord in his Sidewinder demands all the cargo from a Commander piloting an Anaconda and then is surprised when the Commander destroys their Sidewinder.
    10. Dr Kaii – Twitter – Mysterious 26,000 year old radio wave burst detected from earth by The Event Horizon Science Relay – Scientists baffled
    11. Vaughan Anscombe Facebook – Tales of ordinary commanders and their space faring lives. From Sag A and Beagle to clones and bounty hunters.
    12. John – Twitter – Raxxla discovered just 10000ls further out from Hutton Orbital
      1. Ben – addendum – Simoof says “no it isn’t I’ve been there”
    13. Badmiker – Twitter – Dredger reappears from 1984. Aged crew say “We promised to return.”
    14. Sentinel Prime – Twitter – Mysterious seemingly uncrewed ships observed scanning and interfering with outposts in Witch head Nebula following Thargoid attacks.
    15. Morgan Persson – Facebook – Thargoids – friend or foe?
    16. Anthony Hunt – Facebook – “Formadine Rift: A real place, or a mis-translation of ‘mind the gap’ from the Guardian language?” This week our panel of linguists and philosophers discuss..
    17. Liam Greene – Facebook –  Is your waste purifier giving you THARGOID CANCER?
    18. Cwolfxuk – Twitter – CMDR unites the galaxy’s news outlets and other sources to create a new Galnet, one so involving as contains true stories taken from other CMDRs…
    19. InverseGalaxy83 – Twitter – Antique, yet seemingly intact “Cobra MkII” found just a few ls from Lave Station.
    20. David Gillum – Facebook – Humanity flees as the Thargoids “burn the bubble”
    21. Simon Knowles Winnard – Facebook – Pleasure slaves found in Dongkum sausage factory. Authorities say survivors look drained.
    22. Anthony Hunt – Facebook – It has become apparent that the Thargoid offensive was entirely to get social media coverage and now that Galnet is offline, they’ve quit.
    23. Kai Zen – Email – Unease about the Thargoids current random actions and tension mounting in the population that they think Tharg is amassing forces for a major offensive and demanding that Core Dynamics, Lakon, Gutamaya et al. Get their asses in gear and put into production the prototype Capital Ships they have been working on so that as in the days of old when Galcop called upon private citizens to defend against the alien threat we may be fully equipped to aid in all manor of combat and civil engineering activities as well as being prepared to explore deeper in our need to secure a location of the threat and deal with it.

      Followed by a week or 2 of responses from them then some “leaks” of production ramp ups all coordinated to hype the rollout of personal fleet carriers…

      You can even do commentary from luminaries… Mahon calling for traders, Halsey calling for exploration to aid her own search for the caretakers of the galaxy, Fed president looking for say combat ships…. maybe some engineers like wierdo mc pervyface ettiene dorne asking for a SAR ship, etc. You could throw in a half dozen updates easily without rocking any Lore Boats or treading on the over arching story lines in any way that do nothing but build hype for a product that Fdev want us to be excited for…   

    24. Dan Grubb – Facebook – Troops sent to front line against Thargoid threat complain forming any line in three dimensional space is meaningless.
    25. Cmdr Buur – Twitter – Colossal Thargoid hive ship orbiting Earth.  Cradle of humanity “reduced to smouldering ashes”.
    26. Buur adds ‘I’m also quite fond of “Alien Fabergé eggs hatched. “Their babies ate my face” claims faceless Veronica, mum of 3.’ 
    27. The Lounge Wizard – Twitter – Aisling Duval found to be an automaton & front, real ruler is an 85 year old mechanic from Hartlepool, Earth.
    28. Cmdr Spatula007 – Twitter – There’s a Barnacle in my soup! Testing reveals organic alien contaminants found in fast food franchise – Brabenburger.
    29. Cmdr ToCoSo – Twitter – Huge ships spotted! Not polkadots but gigantic ships seen at spacedocks around the galaxy.
    30. Cmdr TheEnglishGuyAsh – Twitter – The Thargoids have finally made contact, they say their dad can beat up your dad
    31. Ollie Clark – Facebook – Thargoid SWARMS coming to take YOUR jobs and houses!


  1. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at or, for just the audio, at
  2. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
  3. Starion – What’s the chance in the shoutouts you could give me a plug for Friday? Birthday stream as of 11:00UTC
  4. Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders

Lave Radio EGX 2018 Sunday

Lave Radio EGX 2018 Sunday

Aired 23 Sep 2018
Audio versions

Download the episode directly from here.

In theory I had all day at EGX again, however I might have lost a couple of hours to Sunless Skies in the morning before I set off! I interviewed them last year and it’s come on leaps and bounds since then, and is a very easy game to get lost in!

However I did make it to two panels. The audio for these are not available yet, but hopefully will be out “soon”

The 1st was on the power of gaming and creation vs bullying where 2 You Tubers chaired a discussion with the audience about how gaming and online communities have improved lives whilst acknowledging that cyber bullying is a thing. It was a nice and mostly positive discussion that touched on many aspects, from being bullied at school or online, having a teacher recognise your you tube channel through to how gaming and streaming can help with mental health issues for example depression.

The second panel I went to was on the Future of VR I enjoyed it but I didn’t find it particularly enlightening. For example anyone who’s tried VR knows that the goggles need to improve, made more comfortable and breathable, lighter, not being tethered etc. We also need better ways to move around in VR, but equally does anyone really want to run on an omni-directional treadmill for 10 miles to get to their next way point! Of course costs need to get more consumer friendly and haptics need to be improved. There are some truly amazing VR experiences that have been set up but these are obviously things you go and see as opposed to something you have at home. They also felt that VR needs to move away from “a gaming thing” to a tool that we all can use in our day to day lives. Teaching for example would be a great use of VR if done right.

Following on from this panel I went to play Skyfront VR which (as far as I know) is one of the 1st VR multiplayer shooters and I was able to get an interview with one of their community management team after the game.

I really enjoyed Skyfront, I wish I’d been able to play it “un-tethered” Although I know that technology is in its infancy. The game is a zero g shooter, where you use your gun to get around. This is a nice way to solve the movement issue that some VR games have, whilst not “planting” you in one spot, and jumping… The controls felt very natural, although I wasn’t a fan of where the grappling hook button was, though this is more a fault of the vive controller rather than the game! I am probably bias, but I found the environment being a castle but a zero g environment is a bit of a missed opportunity, since obviously one of the key benefits of being in zero G is that there’s no limitation of “up or down” and you could be incredibly creative with your maps. However their next map will be set in space, it will be very interesting to see how the game develops. It certainly has a lot of potential.

Finally I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Euro Gamer for allowing me to come to their event. As ever their support has been amazing. So that wraps up our coverage of EGX 2018 I hope you enjoyed it and until next time, fly safe and if you can’t do that, fly dangerous.

Lave Radio EGX 2018 Saturday

Lave Radio EGX 2018 Saturday

Aired 20 Sep 2018
Audio versions

Download the episode directly from here.


Today I had a chance to get to EGX all day!

I tried to wheedle out some information out of Bethesda about Vault 76, but sadly all they had was the Vault Door, with an opportunity to hug Vault Boy, who enjoyed knocking my hat off and a Fallout themed van service Blanco Mac and Cheese!

The 1st Developer Session I went to was about the next Generation of NVIDIA Cards, the RTX series hosted by the guys from Digital Foundry. It was a good interview although they seemed to feel that without Ray-tracing making it into the next generation of consoles, that technology might fall by the wayside or at least be little used by “prosumer” PC Master Race gamers.

The 2nd Developer Session was with Paul Arendt who is Failbetter Games’ CEO and Art Director who gave a nice bit of history and update on the Game Sunless Skies as well as announcing their (Spoiler) Free Pen And Paper RPG set in that Universe! I love how their going more for a Victorian, Steam Punk take on what the universe is like, with living suns and rich moons with plenty of life on them as opposed to the more Scientifically Accurate version of what is actually there!

Finally I had a chance to watch a demo of Just Cause 4 where the walked through some of the crazy stuff you can do in that game – For example they made a FLOATING TANK!, but also how the game maintains a realistic(ish) physics engine.

I also interviewed the developer behind a new Flight Simulator called Deadstick, and I bumped into our friends from Snapshot Games who were there showing off a very busy Pheonix Point Booth.

Deadstick actually reminds me a little of Elite Dangerous if it were set on Earth, and you were a small independent pilot! In that it’s an open world and wont force you to do anything BUT you can run missions, upgrade you ship. It’s modelling much simpler planes than DCS, so instead of taking 30 minutes to take off you only need to flick a couple of switches. HOWEVER the depth to tinker is there if you want to and you can adjust your fuel mixture, and flick all the dials and switches in your cockpit to your hearts content. Also it matters where you place your cargo since its mass can effect how your plane handles.

Most of us know about Phoenix Point, but it was great to hear that they have a provisional release date as well as why the game no longer shows you hit percentages.