We dive off the deepend this week as we try to figure out what the BGS is actually doing and if Horizons is actually worth it.
Aired 12th January 2016
Audio versions
The general response to Horizons has been mixed at best with a lot of negative press and reviews. What needs to done to change this perception?
“In summary; Horizons adds no meaningful content to the game, built on the dubious and hollow promise that it’ll be worth the $60 by December 2016. Frontier is financially incentivized not to deliver, and cannot be held accountable until the next paid expansion cycle, when the game will definitely perish forever. Christ, I hope I’m wrong. I so, so want to be wrong.It breaks my heart, but you should pass on this. Instead, consider purchasing the base game for the world’s best deep-space exploration simulator experience, priced at a very reasonable $30.” http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197979999790/recommended/419270/)
Distant Worlds Expedition – http://tinyurl.com/eddwe Starts on the 14th Jan
Over 600 pilots from across colonized space are joining together in this monumental effort to cross the galaxy as one. To travel out to the furthest depths and catalog data on points of interest that travelers for years to come will talk about and visit. As well as many of the most prominent and dedicated pioneers, explorers and adventures, the fleet will also consist of faction members representing;
The Christmas special became a bit of a report card for the last year of Elite, some of the program was affected due to some technical issues.. so we appologise if your enjoyment of the podcast is adversly affected. Aired 22nd December 2015 Audio versions Download the episode directly from…
Hi Everyone,
Beta is going very well – the team have been working hard and have made great progress. Thanks to all those that have been helping us – a great many improvements have been included already, with another update (Beta 5) expected tomorrow, with more tweaks and changes.
We have worked very hard to ensure forward & backward compatibility so that all players of both seasons can play in the same galaxy together.
After every Elite Dangerous release we have taken care to listen and reacted to all feedback, and Elite Dangerous: Horizons will follow exactly the same process. Included with Horizons will be multiple expansions of which Planetary Landings will be the first.
All going well, we plan to launch Horizons with Planetary Landings on Tuesday (15th December – you heard it here first!). This will initially be termed an ‘Early Access’ release to highlight our normal process to our broad audience, some of whom have been with us since the start, but many have joined our community very recently.
Name your own station
An extremely exclusive item. Previously only available as a high-level Kickstarter reward, this item can now be bought in this charity auction. Please note: Frontier will decide on the station location and reserve the right to edit, adjust and veto names at their discretion.
Your Personal Unique Paint Job
This prize is an exclusive one of a kind paint job only for you. You’ll get access to our designer, Tjaart, who will help develop the paint job and add it your account.
Every paint job in the Frontier Store
This prize is for one of every single paint job, including paint packs, in the Frontier Store. This includes all Paint Jobs currently available but won’t include future paint jobs released.
Lifetime expansion pass
Currently not available to purchase this item gives you every single expansion in Elite Dangerous starting with Horizons. It also includes access to every beta update that comes to Elite Dangerous…. forever.
Limited Edition Artwork
Only roughly 100 of these were ever produced. We have one available in the closed auction and what’s more, ours will be signed by the artists. Please note that this does not come with a frame and will likely require a custom frame to fit.
VIP Community Golden Tickets (Pair)
The Community Golden Tickets will grant you access to any and every community event for Elite Dangerous. This includes all live event meet ups, the CQC live final, front of queue for all public events and any other unannounced events happening in the future . What’s more it also includes standard admission into Lavecon and Fantasticon! Please note that only admission is granted to the events. Accommodation and expenses are not covered.
general interface is neural link (like the turret)
Fire Control (turret)
Tactical (Countermeasures, Shields, Sensors)
Engineering (power mgmt, repairs etc)
Pilot can give permissions
Deploy into SRV
Deploy into Fighter
No AI Crew yet
Chris Gregory and Ed
slips and Christmassy Ship Skins coming
SRV Skins maybe coming (maybe colour schemes since there’s not so much ‘hull’
Mike Evans and Ed Ship Launched Fighters
Gonna be able to have up to 4 Fighters ACTIVE at a time (in your ship etc)
Design Challenge – WHY would u go in to a fighter?
Probably be considered disposable
Glass Cannons
AI Controlled Fighter
Not all ships will be able to have them, maybe a Python Can’t but a T9 can
Are we neural linking or physically moving into the fighter? Still in debate but Mike is leaning towards Neural link since their considered disposable
Mark Allen is Mike’s favourite programmer 🙂
Ships of 1.5
Why is the cutter so bad? — Well that’s your opinion… No Ship can be the be all and end all though
Did they update the Cobra Mk 4 due to popular opinion? NO the Mk 4 has so much more going for it with it’s better power / weapons etc that boosting it’s speed and maneuverability would make it OP
Cutter maneuverability it’s very fast for its size but that speed comes at a cost (Best speed of 232 so it’s much faster than Conda and Corvette) It’s a very iterative design.
Doesn’t like his opinions on knee jerk reactions
Mike’s original favourite ship was the Eagle and likes the Viper Mk4. He likes the Corvette out of the bigger ships. He’s not a fan of the Empire’s curves more a Federal Man 😀
Sandy and Ed – Loot and Crafting
Personalise and Customise their ships. Makes them ‘Cooler’
Visit the ‘custom Mechanic’ (currently) to ‘pimp your ship’
Can upgrade Modules
He requests materials and resources
Upgrade FSD, Weapons, Shields
There’s a range of module upgrades
Could be some benefits – but ALSO a downside too
Some ‘awesome new effects’
Difficult to balance
More materials coming
The are considering ‘station based storage – but no time soon and no promises!
That’s it for another episode of Lave Radio. If you would like to get in touch with the show then you can email info@laveradio.com, facebook/laveradio, @laveradio on twitter, you can join the skype chat channel by adding Fozza101 to your skype contacts. Or you can join our TeamSpeak server where commanders come to hang out an chat: laveradio.teamspeak3.com Lave Radio is recorded live on a Tuesday evening at 20:30 and streamed out on https://laveradio.com/live/
Thanks to [whoever], thanks to those commanders that have joined us outside Lave Station.
Until next time fly safe, and if you can’t do that…fly dangerous!
Elite Encounters announcement – Selezen taking a break for December to help him recover from his health issues and relax. Our thoughts (well mine :)) go with him and we understand exactly where he’s coming from
21 December 24 hour Christmas Charity Livestream & Blind auction
22 December A time for giving
Other special events – keep an eye on social media…
ED Horizons Beta Only CG
Calling all beta pilots! To celebrate the launch of the Horizons beta we put a special Community Goal live earlier today. Read on to find out how you can get involved and win a paint job of your choice. Follow clues to help track down and recover a stolen data core: “LHS 3262 Solutions has reported the theft of a valuable experimental data core. The core, which has been in development for some time, has been described as being “of great importance” to LHS 3262 Solutions, and a generous reward has been offered for its safe return. The precise location of the thieves is not known and Security services in the LHS 3262 system, where LHS 3262 Solutions is based, have been unable to track the thieves, but they have determined that the criminals recently visited three systems: Eleu, Pijan and Baris. LHS 3262 Solutions has stressed that the core must be recovered soon, before it degrades and becomes unusable and are offering a rich reward for the first pilot to return the item to their facility at Whitworth Park on Akan.” As an additional reward the pilot that returns with the data core will also be awarded a special code to obtain a new ship paintjob of their choice. Find the Stolen Data Core LHS 3262, Whiworth Park on Akan – search for clues to recover the stolen data core. Happy Hunting Commanders! As an additional reward the pilot that returns with the data core will also be awarded a special code to obtain a new ship paint job of their choice.
CQC ‘Danger Zone Stream’ with Ed and CJ (QA Platform lead for XB1 testing) (1 hr stream)
Partnered with Saitek, YouTube Gaming and Elgato Gaming
Lave Exploration Data CG In other news Exploration vessels are being encouraged by the Explorer’s Association to gather valuable information on previously uncharted star systems. The request has been submitted on behalf of a number of secondary organisations, which plan to use the data to improve their planetary databases. A spokesperson for the association released a brief statement: “There is always a demand for fresh data, not only within the commercial sector but also among various geopolitical entities. On this occasion, the request has been issued on behalf of several private concerns in need of accurate, up-to-date information. Any pilots who contribute to this initiative will be generously rewarded.” Appeal for Exploration Data: Lave System, Lave Station – Deliver Exploration Data to Lave Station to help improve planetary databases.
“The Imperial Fighter is due to be released for use in the CQC Championships in December, and will go on general sale in early 3302.”
This year we’ve got a very special Community Goal just for the Christmas period. Every Commander in the galaxy will be able to work together to help bring a gift to thousands of players. As well as your usual credits, a successful CG will also unlock a new ship for new and inexperienced players (players with between 3 and 10 hours of game play). The type of ship that is granted will depend on the tier achieved.
On December 21 at 12:00 GMT Community Manager Ed Lewis will be holding a stream like no other. He will be live and chatting with the Elite Dangerous community for 24 consecutive hours. We’ve got a whole load of guests joining Ed from Frontier Developments and the community and they will be hosting events, shows, gifts giveaways and an incredible prize draw, all in aid of SpecialEffect. We will have more details in the coming week, but be sure to keep the day free! There will also be a blind auction which will close on the 16th of December. More news to follow soon.
The biggest Easter egg hunt by the Billionaire yet.
Main Discussion
Discussion with Cmdrs on Teamspeak about their opinions on ED:H
The Hutton Truckers successfully take Alpha Centauri into expansion, and expand into another blooming outpost system!!!!!! Coises (Ask Grant.. I think I’ll have the info) WISE 0855-0714
Horizons beta is launched so we drive like mad things around Diso, Crash a plenty (both client crashes and car / ship crashes).
Allen and Mindwipe also cover the recent Uncle Art Session recording at Abbey Road!
We discuss the new ships on offer in Elite: Dangerous 1.5.
After the reveal by Frontier, we discuss the news ships on offer and try to work out the way they’ll fit into the galaxy of Elite: Dangerous. Plus:
Discuss more about SRV’s, the dev videos and streams, commander Hughmann’s amazing parodies and whether Early Access can spoil your enjoyment of a game…