Episode 42 – Offline No More

Offline Mode
We discuss the controversy over the removal of the offline version of the game and spare a thought for those this decision leaves behind. More information about the refund process for those affected by this decision can be found on the Frontier Forums.

Download the episode directly from here.

Episode 41 – The Aftermath..erm Party! Yes After Party

PACKSHOTSo the Premier event was over, and the hyperactive, alcohol fueled commanders made their way back to the hotel… for the ‘After Party’
Fozza bravely set up a microphone to interview some of the community to capture their feelings.

Download the episode directly from here.

Episode 40 – Premier Event, Were you there?

PACKSHOTIt happened, and it was amazing… Join the team as they try to capture the essence of the premier event and document wisdom from the Dev’s and guests after discovering the free bar.

Download the episode directly from here.

Episode 39 – Beta than expected?

The Crew are out in force to discuss all the highlights of beta 3, the newsletters and some updates on the fiction. Does not include the most recent newsletter 49, which came out after the recording.

Download the episode directly from here.

Episode 38 – When the cat’s away…

With Beta 3 being released as we record we take some time to discuss our hopes for Beta 3, We discuss VR on a budget, and also take time to give attention to the main Factions in the Elite universe, yup Imperial, Federation and the Alliance, will you change your allegiance once you hear the truth?.

We also chat about the beta 3 features with commanders live in teamspeak.

Download the episode directly from here.

Elite RPG 2 – The Lave Radio crew return to continue the adventure: Elite Encounters

Part two of the adventures of the Lave Radio crew as they take on Dave Hughes Elite Encounters roleplay game. Find out what happened when the crew followed the navigation information in the mysterious orb.

n.b. We cut all the pauses for dice-rolling and off-topic chat. The game was much longer. Your own experience may vary.

Download the episode directly from here.

Lave Radio Emergency Broadcast – EGX David Braben Interview


Fozza and Lisa check out the EGX (formally EuroGamer Expo) at Earls Court in London. David stops by to talk about 30 Years in the industry, Elite , and the latest from Elite Dangerous.

We’d also like to give a big shout-out to the members of the Elite community who made the interview possible by helping us arrange for some great recording equipment. Thank you.

Download the episode directly from here .