Episode 43 – Elite Dangerous Launch – LIVE Lave Radio Show

LRTwitchChannelCoverJoin the full team as they head to Lave in game to celebrate the launch of Elite Dangerous with any commander who can get there.
Joined by Kate Russell.

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Download the episode directly from here.

Episode 40 – Premier Event, Were you there?

PACKSHOTIt happened, and it was amazing… Join the team as they try to capture the essence of the premier event and document wisdom from the Dev’s and guests after discovering the free bar.

Audio Player

Download the episode directly from here.

Lave Radio Emergency Broadcast – EGX David Braben Interview


Fozza and Lisa check out the EGX (formally EuroGamer Expo) at Earls Court in London. David stops by to talk about 30 Years in the industry, Elite , and the latest from Elite Dangerous.

We’d also like to give a big shout-out to the members of the Elite community who made the interview possible by helping us arrange for some great recording equipment. Thank you.

Audio Player

Download the episode directly from here .

Outside Broadcast Pt2 – David Braben Interview

The crew go planetside to visit Frontier at the Inside Games Showcase event held by Bafta. We grab some time with the big guy himself David Braben and ask him some community questions.

Audio Player

Download the episode directly from here.