FD Account Linked to Multiple Steam Accounts (No idea – just heard about this, can’t find a citation!!!)
Main Discussion
We have five to maybe seven smaller updates until 2020. Speculation on what they could be.
Community Corner
Sarah Cmdr Symyoulater has a plan to raise awareness for Trans issues through participation in iRacing Leagues. This is the most respected Simulation for motorsports and includes drivers such as Max Verstappen and Lando Norris. She needs your donations to help her to bring her story to a wider audience and break some stereotypes along the way.
Your donations will be used to pay the fees to enter these Leagues.
On Sunday 2nd June Cmdr Nick Naylor in a Beluga called “The Community of Elite” protested cheats in Elite Dangerous, and the lack of apparent action by Frontier. By… cheating.
Protest Started about 20:00 BST
~ 21:45 he was pushed out of the mailslot by a determined Commander in an Imperial Cutter
21:49 he did a cheat, insta-high-wake from right next to the mailslot to another system (Nuenets)
At no point did he take offensive action against players.
He has turned on invulnerability and other things and is wedged inside the mailslot of Jameson Memorial in Shinrata Dhezra. He’s getting shot by players AND the station with no effect…
After the protest, he agreed to voice comms with Cmdr Plater
Sounds very humble
Fully accepts the loss of his Cmdr in to which he’s invested > 2000 hrs of game play
For those that didn’t see yesterday CMDR Nick Naylor, a vetran player of 2000+ hours put his account on the line by staging a protest yesterday. CMDR Plater streamed this – he used the hacks to block the mail slot of a station with a Beluga. Frontier has, appropriately, banned him – yet his first action resulted in a permanent where others get 3 days first, 1 month second and then permanent. The inconsistency should infuriate ALL players – WELL DONE TO NICK FOR TAKING THIS STEP!
A two-component damage model was used to estimate the damage partitioning of the newly developed AMCs. It was found that, when configured with AX ammunition, the AMCs deal 100% AX damage. That fact was leveraged to get a handle on the AX resistance of human technology. It was found that human shields have an AX resistance of 95% and human armor plating has a resistance of 90%. By corollary, other facts about about the AMC were confirmed, such as damage per shot and Armor Piercing.
In Episode 245 Fozza suggested folks email us some photos of paint jobs that, could use a touch up and the winner will receive a paint job! Since that was the extent of the ‘direction’ the competition will end ‘soon’ (i.e. before the 2020 release of Elite Dangerous) and the…
Update to the scientific installation in the guardian system. You can now steal guardian artifacts from it.
People complaining that they can’t take big ships over there. although they can dock with the megaship, it doesn’t have the same facilities as the outpost,
Do you think they should have revealed the phases (even under spoiler tags)
Cmdr Alec Turner has given us an update on the First Great Planetary Expedition
As we hit day 46 …. of the 72 commanders who originally signed the expedition fleet rosta we have .. 5 flagged as “non participant” (i.e. people who never intended to circumnavigate Kumay, bystanders just joining us for the launch, filming meet-ups, etc) 6 who’ve knowingly dropped out for various reasons 26 missing in action (i.e. who haven’t updated their position since launch) 14 who’ve now successfully completed their circumnavigation of Kumay 21 who’s circumnavigation is (as far as we can tell), still ongoing
Commander Turner went on to say …
“Personally, I’m in the latter group, currently half-way between Zig Zag point and geological site #23, which means I’ve completed something like 84% of the journey. I remain immensely positive about the expedition and, without meaning to sound patronising, am incredibly proud of the group of commanders who’ve taken part. Many of these people were relative novices in the SRV when we started this thing but those who’ve now completed the journey have become genuine experts who can easily maintain a cruising speed of over 100m/s, bound effortlessly across canyons which they would have considered major hurdles at the outset and, above all else, are all members of what I call the “family” of the First Great Planetary Expedition, true explorers, determined and charismatic souls, and above all else … friends.”
Phase 1 was introduction of the factions and the megabus
Phase 2 Community goal for guardian artefacts.
Phase 3 community goal will determine which weapons are unlocked. Fixed class 1,2 multi cannon or dumbfile missiles. The USP is that status effects (such as AX effects) are applied via ammo synth not engineering mod. Bypasses AX weapon limit
Crackers have released patches that allow players to have infinite shields, hull, module damage and more. If you witness players using such things please use the report function
Commanders currently in the vicinity of Beagle Point who want to use this guide home will first need to travel through the Solitude Void and out to the Silentium Region to begin the Voyager Trail. The journey from Beagle Point to Voyager’s Reach itself is no easy task, it is a journey of approximately 22,000 Light Years between the two, and through some of the most remote sectors of the galaxy. Therefore this guide home should only be undertaken by those who are in no rush to return to civilisation and who plan to explore some of the more distant regions of the galaxy before returning home.
From CMDR Simonghetti
Hi guys,
I have a question relating to elite and was wondering if you had discussed it in a previous podcast. To my knowledge, you haven’t but I apologise if I’m wrong!
I’m an xboxer and was wondering what will happen when the next generation of consoles come out? I imagine this may be before the end of development on elite so was wondering if the game would move to the new consoles? And if so, would old accounts, progress and rankings be transferable?
Again, sorry if frontier have commented on this but I am no good going through the forums. I also thought that I may not be the only CMDR wondering what will happen with console switch overs and you guys are very good at speculating and generating interesting discussion around these issues.
Thanks for your time and keep up the great work with the show! Kind regards, CMDR Simonghetti
DW 2 – 0.0364% of the galaxy discovered as of 23/04/19
Waypoint 12 Route Map and Itinerary is now available here: https://tinyurl.com/yah9wgkj The departure from WP11 see’s the beginning of DW2 Stage 4 – A journey across the Abyss… and beyond.
There is no specific arrival date for Beagle Point as the fleet is now so spread out, with many latecomers still en-route, several WPs behind. It is expected (as was the case on DW1) that many participants will be arriving at WP12 over a prolonged period of time.
As was the case on DW1, Stage 4 is the longest and loneliest stretch by design, and unlike the earlier part of the journey that encouraged social interaction and meetups along the way, this final part is something we try to encourage commanders to do at their own pace and with no pressure to meet a WP deadline. The expedition officially ends for you, the participant, the moment you reach WP12.
There will be a full route guide home from Beagle Point posted within the next couple of weeks, this is for those who prefer to visit known POIs during their return journey home rather than the free-for-all return trip we used on DW1, but it will not be classed as a continuation of DW2 and there will be no structured schedule or official WP events along the route as the DW2 organisation team will be winding down their roles and responsibility from this weekend onward.
For those who make it all the way to Beagle Point, your successful completion of the journey will eventually be highlighted on the fleet roster, and you will also be eligible for a DW2 decal (this has yet to be officially confirmed by FDev).
In around two weeks time I will post a DW2 ‘Epilogue’ thread, with information on stats & facts, and personal comments and acknowledgements etc, along with the guide home for those that wish to have a more structured journey back to the bubble.
Registering your completion of the DW2 Expedition:
To do this you will need to log in at Beagle Point at least once between April 22nd and June 13th. This is something FDev will use to check that you reached WP12. (Some exceptions can be made for those who cannot make it by June 13th).
You will also need to post your CMDR name and roster number to the arrivals thread. This is the info we will collate and pass on to FDev to check against your WP12 log in. You can find your roster number here: https://tinyurl.com/y43glxmf (Use CTRL+F) to search for your entry.
The arrivals thread will be posted this week and will be announced here.
Please note that the issuing of any rewards that FDev have planned may be something that does not happen right away. On DW1 the decal award for that journey only became available 8 weeks after the end of that expedition, so please be patient.
The organizaton team wishes to thank everyone who attempted DW2, with a special congratulations to those who made it this far!
April update live stream on Thursday 18th April 18:00 GMT
Will, will be showing the new training wheels and starter area
April Update will be on Tuesday 23rd April
In Game Events
Continuing to WP 11
Operation IDA
Zayn Till wants to say that the reception by the community and their enthusiasm in helping us with the repair cause has been overwhelming. With our friends and allies, groups and independent CMDRs both old and new, the past 2 weeks have been incredible. Repairing 2 stations and hauling 1.2 million tons of cargo in one day alone …it’s a testament to what the community can accomplish when we do it TOGETHER.
1) the O’Donnell Leap, basically using the ramp to jump across the base and land on the crane and
2) “hide and seek” – basically the nominated “seeker” parks in the middle of the base, turns off their sensors, closes their eyes and counts to 100 while everyone else drives off to find a hiding place within the base. The “seeker” then goes looking for them, recruiting other “seekers” as they are found. Last to be found is the winner.
Need to be careful of someone “accidentally” turning the base hostile (as has happened every single other time a few of us have spent much time there) – it will almost certainly be carnage!
Dear All, Due to the ongoing hiatus of the Kickstarter Campaign, Frontier Developments have recently offered to help fund the manufacture of the Battle Cards outside of the Kickstarter platform and we have accepted their kind offer.
The help has been offered as long as we can prove to them that there is a demand for this game and that the community wants to see it made. To get the backing of Frontier means the game can move to manufacturing as soon as the few final elements for the game are completed.
What we will need to do is re-open the pre-order on the www.edbattlecards.com website and collect as many of you backers as we can. If we get enough to transfer across, then Frontier can see that there is a customer base for the game and we can get cracking.
Whilst the game will be offered at retail for £60 / €70 / $80, as original backers, we will be offering you the opportunity to pick up a Season Box for the same price as offered through the Kickstarter Campaign. If you wish to be part of this discount offer, please head over to www.edbattlecards.com and make your pre-order purchase.
We have posted a longer and more detailed explanation for our reasons on the ed battle cards blog but you can keep up to date on the progression of the manufacturing on the blog page at www.edbattlecards.com & social channels https://www.facebook.com/edbattlecards/ or https://twitter.com/edbattlecards
Please help us make this game a reality, Thank you very much, Jon & Oliver (Spidermind Games)
Remind all that as well as the pre-order discount for ED Battle Cards there is also an ongoing 25% off all EDRPG products for the duration of Distant Worlds 2. To benefit from this 25% discount, enter the code DW2-9642-1171-8348 at checkout on the EDRPG website. Expiration date is 13th May 2019, so get it while you can.
Elite Community Meet is on the 20th April we will be at the Renaissance Hotel in Manchester https://elitemeet.info/
Lavecon 2019 is 4th – 7th July at the Sedgebrook Hall Hotel, and is sponsored by Spidermind Games!
Head of health and safety : Ben Moss-Woodward – Cmdr Eid LeWeise Chief Archivist : Colin Ford – Cmdr phoenix_dfire (In)Human Resources Director : Shan – Cmdr Shanaeri Lavian Space Program Director : Andy Barnes – Cmdr Kurgol Deputy Trade Attaché : Souv – Cmdr Souvarine Tech Monkey: Cmdr Ventura The Minty Hole : Karen Fishwick Mr Plow : Cmdr Ray Tracer
Crew Members Head of health and safety : Ben Moss-Woodward – Cmdr Eid LeWeise Chief Bar Steward : Grant Woolcott – Cmdr Psykokow (In)Human Resources Director : Shan – Cmdr Shanaeri Deputy Trade Attaché : Souv – Cmdr Souvarine Tech Monkey: Cmdr Ventura Distant Crow: Cmdr All Crows Are Black Distant Cousin : Cmdr Jon Burnage
Head of health and safety : Ben Moss-Woodward – Cmdr Eid LeWeise Chief Archivist : Colin Ford – Cmdr phoenix_dfire (In)Human Resources Director : Shan – Cmdr Shanaeri Deputy Trade Attaché : Souv – Cmdr Souvarine Space Game Hunter : Cmdr Nats Wright Big Game Hunter : Cmdr Obsidian Ant Distant Worlds Photographer : Cmdr Ray Tracer Tech Monkey : Cmdr Ventura
We (DW2) made the PRINT EDITION of New Scientist, 26th January 2019. Guys, nearly one million scientists and science enthusiasts the world over are reading – ` – about what we are doing.
Rare objects in the Milky Way: Pop II ancestral stars by Dr Sarah Bosman (CMDR Shobah)
Nice little article about K and M type stars who’s expected life span is currently longer than the age of our universe!
Space Porn with Raytracer – Review of DW2 photo contests and GalPhoto partnership
Rampant speculation of what we’re hoping will the next big update will be, when they might announce it and when it might be released
Community Corner
Anti-Xeno Initiative had to deal with 4 incursions last week (doubled) but the eagle eye network say no new infestations (Quick explanation about the new states).
Our first major Cross-platform AX Combat event will take place this weekend: [Wild Hunt’s Overture]! It will take place for this entire weekend (Feb 1st 5PM UTC – Feb 3rd 5AM UTC), make sure to sign up early before Friday February 1st!
Operation IDA – They are still working on Cleaver Prospect with Indium 43% , Titanium 22%, Aluminium 58%, Polymers 52% and Energy Grid Assembly 94%. There still seems to be a bug where only 4 out of 5 tonnes are counted against the total. Frontier says they’re investigating.
To Help Celebrate Frontier’s 25th Birthday on the 28th Cmdr Arithon has released his 3305 blueprints, which contains corrections to data and the hard point / utility numbers.
SRV achieves orbital velocity (646m/s@13.8km) at “Quantum World” (Flyiedgiae QN-T d3-17 AB 1 b) aka the smallest stellar body we’ve found in the galaxy
SRV Drifts at ~ 700 m/s away and other ships can’t catch up
Eventually (0.21ls – approx 62, 956 km) a Cutter drops infront of it and boops it back towards the moon
Crew Members Director of Pest Control : Ashley Devine – Cmdr DrToxic Head of health and safety : Ben Moss-Woodward – Cmdr Eid LeWeise Chief Archivist : Colin Ford – Cmdr phoenix_dfire Chief Bar Steward : Grant Woolcott – Cmdr Psykokow (In)Human Resources Director : Shan – Cmdr Shanaeri Lavian Space Program Director : Andy Barnes – Cmdr Kurgol Deputy Trade Attaché : Souv – Cmdr Souvarine East Indian “Free Trader” : Cmdr Mack Winston Driver Extraordinaire : Cmdr Alec Turner