Paige Confirms Cheese Loss Theory – One of the biggest oversights in the commodities market is a lack of cheese or Dairy products in general (Blue Milk at Leesti doesn’t count). Turns out there isn’t a Cow left in the Elite Universe. All Cows, or Coos from my native Dialect, went udderly extinct when world war III happened on Earth. No amount of Cam-moo-flage was able to save them from the moo-copolisys. Last I heard, some were even being accused of cow-ardice during wartime and executed by use of a Defra Bolt Gun. This has left Humanity beefless for more than 1000 years. So we pray for our missing bovine (and tasty) friends :- We will miss you, for heifer and heifer; Amen! When contacted to confirm the above, paige responded with :- Oh god… LET ME BE CLEAR, MY NONSENSE IS NOT OFFICIAL Lore. – Turns out it was a load of Bull…..
Frontier Featured commander with Lave Radio.. What was it.. How did it go. And what was people highlights?
Operation IDA – They have a new repair target this week. Irens Dock in Tamit. However, with the repair of Hooke Gateway, that is the 100th Station that they’re planning an event. Starting on valentines day (Because they Love fixing things) and running the whole weekend, with patches and stickers.
Anti Xeno Initiative – The thargoids have upped their game. There are still three systems which are in Incursion at the moment, which is unusual as they’re normally cleared within two days.
Escape Velocity News – I had a quick chat with Cmdr Thane this week, and he’s confirmed that the Season 4 is still being worked on but there are two issues at the moment, i.e. full time job and the fact the cast have disbursed to the far ends of the country.
Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at or, for just the audio, at
For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
Following this we have the Latest Galnet News By Cmdr Wotherspoon.
Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders
Operation IDA’s Target is Electra this week. If you want to keep the bubble safe, we need to keep the pleiades and witch head stations repaired.
The AXI and Factabulos have reported that Taygeta, Evangelis, Lembass and HIP 16813 were all hit this week (Sorry Titan’s Daughter I did try). Stations are on Fire and there were AX Conflict Zones. In addition, the Eagle Eye Network has reported the following systems being infested ;-
EE1 : Sterope II
EE2 : HIP 18502
EE3 : Pleiades Sector MI-S B$-1
EE4 : HIP 17481
EE5 : Witch Head Sector IR-W C1-9
EE6 : Witch Head Sector IR-W C1-8
Main discussion
Regarding Point 2 in development news – Does Mining need it’s own rank? Forum Link
Community Corner
Cmdr Holyland’s family were invited to discuss the positive impact videogames, particularly EliteDangerous, had on his life as part of a documentary called Not a Game by VillaLunera the Trailer is available on Vimeo. Not a Game Documentary – Trailer on Vimeo
We’re gonna be on Frontier’s Stream on Thursday at 19:00
Shan, Wotherspoon, Souvarine & Atrus 5060 were recently interviewed by the awesome guys over at Loose Screws. Shan’s interview is out now with the other guys coming out in the coming weeks
Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at or, for just the audio, at
For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders
Beyond Dockers has a You Tube Channel if you prefer listening there instead of the podcast
With the resumption of Thargoid attacked station Operation IDA has started again in earnest. Their current repair target is Sherril Orbital – in the Haki system (Witchhead nebula).
Thargoid Threats.
Factabulous and the AXI have reported 6 systems under the threat of infestation.
EE1 : Lambass
EE2 : HR 1183
EE3: Evangelis
EE4 : Pleiades Sector HR-W D!-41 – Refinery.
EE5: Taygeta – Titan’s Daughter is situated in one of the most beautiful locations, ti must be saved (and it’s a refinery).
EE6 : HIP 16813.
Three systems fell to Incursion. They have stations on fire and mega-ships under attack (Always worth a fly round those) but the Xeno Combat zones were all cleared by Saturday night.
Pleiades Sector DL-Y D65
Wellington (Witchhead nebula)
Main discussion
Topic from Mr Teatime on the LR Discord “how would you handle death outside the space ship for space legs?”
Main Discussion 2 ED Re-Write Part 3
Michael Hughes – Facebook – Make it possible to map asteroids so you are not always trying to mine the same ones.
Jacko Wright Proximity voice comes so you could broadcast voice, many commanders have died needlessly because they didn’t answer My call .
ᑕᗰᗪᖇ ᗰᗩᑕᕼ1ᑎE & Ghost Giraffe – Twitter – Firstly I’d get rid of the horrible ‘fade to black’ on the camera when it gets remotely close to anything. Secondly, I’d have the ability to put NPC or SLF pilots on the bridge and in pilots chairs. Thirdly make stations a little more populated
From Thursday 2nd April @ 20:00 GMT/UTC Thursday (Special events to be arranged on certain Saturdays) – immediately after the official Frontier Thursday stream. The Good Senator will take us on a tour of systems, starting with Sol and talk us through the Lore of that System.
Well done to the PS4 players who have confirmed they can now play CQC. Well done Aceiea, Arseia, you know, him…..
A Salute must be made Aurora Australis for taking the Legendary Silver and Gold hutton mug on a resupply mission to Antarctica.
We suspect there may be one more bug fixing patch before fleet carriers at the end of Q2. So bearing in mind they did put in a small change in the last patch (Rebuying your crew), Is there something small you think could add which would make a difference to the game? (Bagseiis on Cut and Pasting the Racetrack from the tutorial).
Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at or, for just the audio, at
For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
Following this we have Galnet news as supplied by Cmdr Wotherspoon.
Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders
Factions having trouble with water supplies can now sometimes suffer a Drought, causing an economic downturn. This can be countered by importing water and other emergency supplies.
Infrastructure Failure disrupts a faction’s operations and reduces both security and economic standards. The increased demands on infrastructure elsewhere in the star system may lead to similar failures for other factions. Food and machinery deliveries can speed up repairs.
Terrorism. Terrorists can target prosperous factions, resulting in a significant security and influence cost. This can be countered by legally selling weapons to the authorities and assisting with bounty hunting efforts, or by the faction entering a Lockdown state.
Natural Disasters have a significant economic and security cost for a faction. A natural disaster puts extra strain on the star system’s infrastructure, increasing the chance of drought or infrastructure failure for other factions in that system.
Public Holidays increase a Faction’s influence and standard of living for their duration, however that comes at small economic and security cost.
Thank you for your patience while we investigated some of the issues that have arisen during the January Update. We have determined the cause of the stuttering issue that players have experienced upon exiting hyperjump and we will shortly be releasing a patch to fix this. Please see below for when the fix will be released on your platform:
Witch Head Sector DL-Y d17 [Hanna Enterprise] – Federation [CLEARED]
Witch Head Sector FB-X c1-11 [Karian Vision] – Alliance [CLEARED]
Witch Head Sector HW-W c1-9 [Sherrill Orbital] – Empire [CLEARED]
Gameglass released for Elite Dangerous
“GameGlass allows you to connect your devices to your gaming PC to help control and improve your gaming experience. Intuitive, immersive, well thought out designs make GameGlass feel like a natural extension of your games.”
Grant: Right so truckers are about to launch an event to sell mugs at All markets available in game a mere 57k, really pushing the boat out
Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at or, for just the audio, at
For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
Following this show we have a
Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders
The first half of this year’s updates will be focused almost exclusively on Fleet Carriers and fixing as many high priority bugs and issues as possible
These updates will be accompanied by an open beta
Interstellar Initiatives/Community Goals will be on hold
Ahoy explorers of Elite. The adventure you’ve been searching for will be leaving from Betelgeuse this Sunday (12th Jan 3306), in the form of the Orion Expedition! All are welcome to join our merry voyage to the heart of the Orion-Perseus arm of the galaxy!
They expect to be out in the black for three months, finishing in April.
Dr.Nagi is organising the next Buckyball Race that starts this Saturday (11th Jan) and runs until the following Sunday (19th Jan). It’s being organised by the Hull Seals and is called “A Halpy Hand”. The race starts at Arfstrom Station in the Oppidavasti system. Racers have to go and buy some fish, drop 1t in the rings of Arjung 4 (as tribute to “Halpy”), then fly through a tunnel of the Blazin’ Dynamo unauthorised installation in Kemurukamar while repairing your own ship (which you will have needed to damage somewhere along the way), then sell your remaining fish at Fisher Enterprise in Maya, before returning to Arfstrom Station. There are bonuses for the degree to which your hull is damaged (reflecting the Green, Amber and Red Hull Seal code states), for having a smashed canopy (Black state), and for flying through waypoints at high speed while your ship is in this condition. Full details can be found in the events section of the forum by searching for “Halpy Hand”.
With the Exception of the New Era, What are you looking forward to in the new year!
Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at or, for just the audio, at
For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”. Please help the PS4 – CQC commanders by highlighting this :- PS4 CQC LINK
Development News – what have the devs said this week?
Monday 16 December 5th anniversary livestream, jam-packed with developer guests, giveaways and the best Elite Dangerous content from the last five years!
To show our appreciation, commanders who log in between 13 – 25 December will receive a number of free ARX each day, and the amount will increase the closer it gets to 25 December.
3.4 – People start using the new exploration mechanics in anger with loads of stuff being discovered. Void Opals were discovered to be THE way to make money. Big Boom in the ‘Roids!
Cmdr Arithon has done it again with a lovely (and very orange) ship chart
Just a reminder that Loose Screws are having an end of the year Discord party/show. On December 27th at 7:30CST (this is 01:30 on the 28th GMT) They’re doing a live stream and show and inviting all listeners and friends of the show. Feel free to drop in and say howdy to everyone.
Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at or, for just the audio, at
For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
If you were to Re-write Elite, what would you change? Part 2
Michael Hughes – Facebook – Would have kept on top of and taken advantage of the early bugs that allowed people to rank up quickly.
Matt ‘wally’ Walford – Facebook – Do away with engineers, game killer for me as I don’t have the time to grind the upgrades as my work schedule doesn’t allow much game time. its become a game now where despite reaching elite ranking in combat, my ships near useless. – Game is far to unbalanced for casual players
Nopil3os – Twitter – direct economy like in X-BtF and its successors.
Karl – Twitter – I would not rely on the huge amount of 2D interfaces that removes you from first-person view. Since they’re more easy to create, their numbers only grow with each update. Elite is getting very point-and-click heavy.
CMDR Tictak – Twitter – Reduce the repetition and add content instead
Stephen Usher – Facebook – As I talked about during the early Alpha, making the scanner properly linear. Even in the current “linear” mode it’s still actually logarithmic scaling.
This makes true spacial awareness using the scanner impossible and I only use it as a direction finder, unlike in the previous games.
Drew Wagar – Facebook – I would not have allowed the entire galaxy to have been visited, rather I’d have required players to unlock it bit by bit by working out navigable hyperspace routes to new star systems via some kind of gameplay. Biggest mistake they made IMHO.
Swidhelm – Twitter – The ability to set way points on planets, and hud elements for optimal approach and landing. Kind of like the Nostromo landing scene in alien.
EvilSnowball82 – Twitter – Give the DBX a class 5 slot for a fuel scoop. I love my DBX.
David Gillum – Facebook – I would have made the Thargoids more active than passive. As it stands you can choose if you want to encounter a Thargoid, even in infested systems
Michael Hughes – Facebook – Make it possible to map asteroids so you are not always trying to mine the same ones.
Liam Greene – Facebook – The core gameplay “loop”
Make Crime and Punishment much more harsh.
Notoriety is only gained by Killing other players.
High Security Systems should be safe, any player with Notoriety should be harassed by npcs as soon as they enter the system.
Any Player in a civilised system with Notoriety should be visible on the Galaxy Map.
More NPC pirate interdictions in Low Security / Populated Anarchy systems
Community Corner
Loose Screws :- , I wanted to invite you and anyone else over at Lave Radio to the Loose Screws end of the year Discord party/show. On December 27th at 730CST we are doing a live stream and show. I’m inviting all of the listeners and friends of my show. Feel free to drop in and say howdy to everyone. I know it will be late in the UK. Thanks for supporting us and getting us started. We will keep moving the Biowaste for you guys. 😀
HCS Voice packs just teased a Babylon 5 picture for future voice packs. No Boom today, Boom tomorrow!
Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at or, for just the audio, at
For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders
Elite Streamer Cmdr Plater (That’s Joe Plater for all those that), has been made a patron of the Thyriod Cancer Charity who has managed to raise so much money for using a 24 hour Elite Stream.
Operation Ida is holding it’s 2nd Annual HAULiday Haul which commemorates the 2 year of the initial attacks by Thargoids in 3303 & the 2nd Thargoid/Human War as well as our origin as a group. We’ll be fundraising for the cancer Research Institute and holding events during the 4 weeks of the Hauliday Haul including a one day station repair, convoys, races etc. last years Haul was a lot of fun and we were able to get the word out regarding what we do to the community, engage people in various activities and even raised over $1100 as well.
The Christmas Carriers Convoy is having it’s 4th Christmas Convoy with the goal to create comfort for the colonists of Colonia by bringing gifts from the bubble, and some drugs. Actually, mainly drugs. Well, my ship anyway. Actually, my ship is full of nothing other than drugs, the finest onionhead (of both varieties) that money can buy.
We launch on the 1st of December, which has become the tradition, and arrive on the 24th in Centralis. Right now we’ve got about 100 signups on EDSM. Waypoints have been chosen to kind of describe a 4 on the galaxy map, and take in some attractive sights along the way. There’s racing events and SRV-ball (I’m not entirely sure what SRV-ball is, but no doubt some SRVs will be harmed in the process) planned on the way.
It’s organised by the SOTP (Shadow of the Phoenix) in association with the CCN (Colonia Citizens Network). Launch system is Karbon (with a K)
It is when a Red Super Giant essentially swallows a Neutron Star, so that the Neutron Star resides within the Red Super Giant
This is possible because the Red Super Giant is REALLLLY BIG i.e. if we had one in Sol, it would expand out past Jupiter!!! Neutron Stars are tiny (The size of a city) and really rather dense. So the Neutron just ‘plops’ into the Star and doesn’t really give a damn 🙂
HIP 108876 may be one in the game, but so much is speculative!
What is the one thing you would have designed differently in Elite Dangerous? – Send an email to us at
Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at or, for just the audio, at
For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders
“A new release for the group’s Elite Dangerous sci-fi simulation game is also planned for 2021.”
“Hey Commanders, we just wanted to take a moment to reassure you all that the 2020 update isn’t delayed and still on track for release. The article referred to in the OP is discussing the 2021 financial year. We hope this helps clear the situation up for you!”
Would you have preferred it to exclusively sign up for Either the Federation or the Empire? By the time our next episode is released, the event will be over, so what did you think and what did you think they could do to improve on?
Were were asked if there is going to be a fourth season of Escape Velocity. Chris has confirmed that it is in development but there’s nothing to say just yet.
Next month Operation Ida is holding it’s 2nd Annual HAULiday Haul which commemorates the 2 year of the initial attacks by Thargoids in 3303 & the 2nd Thargoid/Human War as well as our origin as a group. We’ll be fundraising for the cancer Research Institute and holding events during the 4 weeks of the Hauliday Haul including a one day station repair, convoys, races etc. last years Haul was a lot of fun and we were able to get the word out regarding what we do to the community, engage people in various activities and even raised over $1100 as well.
In addition, The Anti-Xeno-Initiative is also 2 Years old and on Thursday the 21st of November 10:00 and 23:00 UTC, they’re flying around Asterope, Calaeno and Sterope II in a Hyperdiction Hunt. Contact them on the Anti – Xeno Initiative Discord.
Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at or, for just the audio, at
For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders
Frontier Close EEE “I wanted to take this opportunity to give you an update on what is happening with EEE; as you all know, we’ve not been able to provide much support to the EEE system since the start of the year. Originally, our vision for EEE was to have a server set up to bring groups together with Frontier to support your events and activities. After I took over, its original focus shifted slightly. And toward the start of this year, when I announced that we will not be able to carry on the monthly meetings, I spoke of revamping and redesigning EEE. As a team, we’re taking a wider look at all of projects, and as we manage multiple projects, I want to ensure that anything we run is given the care and attention it deserves. As this is not something I’m able to promise with EEE at the current time, rather than continue to keep it open, I will be closing EEE. It’s worth mentioning that supporting our player groups (and Squadrons) is something we obviously still care very strongly about and the community team are available. You can still contact us if you need our support, have an awesome ideas to share or need assistance. I’d like to also take the opportunity to thank each and every one of you who contributed here, be that in the form of our monthly meetings, discussions with the devs, feedback sharing sessions or when we just had randomly chatted about something. While EEE will be closed, we’re still contactable, and I implore you to reach out to myself, Paige (PaigeHarveyFDEV#9598) and Stephen (TheBenedetti#0835) whenever you wish!”
Shoutout for the new Buckyball Race. “Lava Loop” starts this Saturday (Nov 16th) and runs until the following Sunday (Nov 24th). Race starts and finishes at Conway City in LTT 4961 and requires competitors to visit five outposts, all in close orbit around lava worlds.
Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at or, for just the audio, at
For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders