Lave Radio Episode 343 “The Towels of Little Norway” – 25/05/2021

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Staff Liaison OfficerClare GoodPsykit
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Tech GibbonChris Mk IVNewell Turner

Download the episode directly from here.

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  1. Tuesday 18:00 – Odyssey Progress (2) – By David Braben
  2. Tuesday Stream – Supercruise News #34
    1. 1st Patch on Thursday
  3. Tuesday 16:00 – Odyssey – Optimisation/Performance and UI (Galaxy & System Map) Feedback
  4. Tuesday Livestream. 
    1. Hot Fixes are quick fixes. They’re claiming that they haven’t seen an Orange Sidewinder error since just before 11 am.
    2. First Full patch coming on Thursday.
    3. New Feedback form to help track down the graphical slowdowns.
    4. New Feedback thread about Galaxy Map/ System Map.
    5. They are in the Inti System Blanchet’s Vice – lovely looking settlement
  5. Tuesday – 11am – Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Hotfix 3
  6. Tuesday – Liberum Financial Report
    1. Last week saw the PC release of Odyssey, the latest major expansion in the Elite Dangerous franchise. Although players suffered server connectivity issues in the first few days, we understand that many of those problems have now been resolved. Despite the challenges, player numbers have been relatively strong – at record levels for Elite Dangerous, as would be expected. Whilst additional concerns around game optimisation may take longer to fix, Frontier are working hard on resolving these through regular updates to ensure that players’ experience improves. We have no doubt that Elite will remain a successful multi-year franchise going forwards, as the company maintains its launch and nurture approach to creating long-lasting games. We keep our forecasts and Target Price unchanged.
    2. Full Version behind paywall…
  7. Monday – #CommanderCreations – 4/05/2021
  8. Sunday – Hotfix – Fix for Engineering Materials Issue
  9. Friday – Evening Odyssey Progress | Frontier Forums
    1. Apology from David Braben
  10. Friday – Evening Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Hotfix 2
  11. Thursday (Late evening) – Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Hotfix 1
  12. Thursday – Elite Dangerous: Odyssey BGS and crime details
  13. Thursday – Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Launch Stream
    1. Arf and Bruce hosting – tech snafus at start
    2. Arf Interviews DB OBE
      1. DBOBE’s Prison break Alpha Story
      2. DB OBE Fly an Asp Explorer and he loves the sound of it
    3. Arf and Bruce bring in
      1. Derin – Sr Designer on Ody
      2. Felix – Lead Animator
      3. Dav – Elite Server Team
  14. Wednesday – Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Patch Notes | Frontier Forums 
  15. Press
    1. Eurogamer – Unhappy players review bomb Elite Dangerous: Odyssey
    2. PC Gamer – Players in uproar over Elite Dangerous: Odyssey’s bugs and poor performance
  16. Arf Appears on some streams
    1. Flight Assist with Psykit
    2. Gamer Tagged Media
      1. More general interview, nice stories about Arf and his history etc

In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?

  1. 20th May 3307 – Alliance Election Candidates Announce Community Drives – Community Goal to influence the Alliance election.
  2. 21st May 3307 – Hadrian Duval Allegations Declared ‘Inconclusive’
  3. 21st May 3307 – Thargoids Pursue Aegis Megaship
  4. 24th May 3307 – The Fall of the Oracle – Delphi Station almost crashed into the planet.
  5. 24th May 3307 – Federation Refuses Entry to ‘Plague Ship’ – ‘Plague’ ships full of Guardian relics is attracting thargoids

Main discussion

  1. Your experiences with Odyssey so far

Community Corner

  1. Psykit and the Flight Assist Podcast team are raising money for CLIC Sargent on behalf of community member ColicoJac, who is sadly unable to at this time. Please consider donating what you can to help.
    Cancer is shocking, overwhelming, isolating… and completely unfair. Especially when you’re young. It takes over your life. Treatment is gruelling and your ambitions and dreams – education, relationships, career, travel – suddenly seem very far away.

    We get that. That’s why CLIC Sargent fights tirelessly to stop cancer destroying young lives.
  2. Notable Stellar Phenomena (Elite Dangerous Odyssey animated parody)
    1. Yet another awesome video by The High Wake
  3. Odyssey renderer is broken – details : EliteDangerous (
  4. The Best Way to Farm Everything in Elite Dangerous Odyssey Materials Farming Guide
    1. By Hawkes Gaming it’s a little bit exploit (i.e. exit to menu to re-farm the instance) but a good guide. Shan’s been trying it.


  1. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at  or, for just the audio, at
  2. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
  3. We’re also giving a shout outs to the following Elite Dangerous podcasts which have appeared over the last year or are standard regular contributors;-
    1. Loose Screws
    2. Elite Week
    3. Flight Assist
    4. For Spanish Speakers there is the Elite Cast 
    5. Cannon Podcast
    6. Fatherhood Podcast.
    7. Squeaking Fuel
    8. System Chat
    9. The Guard Frequency (who do other space sims)
    10. Algorab AM: An Elite Dangerous Podcast
  4. For those who want a literary discussion about Sci-fi and fantasy books. Please subscribe to the Dataslate podcast created by station commander Allen Stroud. 
  5. Following this we have the latest Galnet News Digest as provided by Cmdr Wotherspoon and Cmdr BeatleJude.
  6. Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders
  7. Special Thanks to Cmdr ToCoSo who created the music for the Introduction of the Show

Lave Radio Episode 342 “And Suddenly a wild Flossy Appears” – 18/05/2021

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Staff Liaison OfficerClare GoodPsykit
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Tech Crew
Tech GibbonChris Mk IVNewell Turner
DaveGuest CecilVingtetun
Alec TurnerGuest Buckballer
Mack Winston Guest EETC / Curry Aficionado 

Download the episode directly from here.

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  1. Thursday – Anti-Xeno Combat w/ Arf on Xbox
  2. Friday – Warning about Ody Downtime
  3. Friday – EuroGamer Matt Wales – Elite Dangerous: Odyssey players will be put in separate galaxy to base game friends (Also covered in MassivlyOP )
  4. Monday – Elite Dangerous Community Schedule W/C 17 May 2021
  5. Tuesday – Horizons/Odyssey Compatibility – Further Details
    1. Bruce tries to clarify who can do what…
  6. Tuesday – Odyssey: System Requirements
  7. Frontier and Overclockers are running a competition
    1. Top Prize Pyrite Gaming PC
      1. Intel Core i5 10400F
      2. Nvidia GeForce RTX 3070 8GB 
      3. Noblechairs, Hero ST, 
      4. Asus ROG Falchion Wireless Mechanical RGB Keyboard, 
      5. Asus ROG Keris Lightweight FPS Gaming Mouse, 
      6. Asus ROG Sheath Mouse Mat,
      7. Asus ROG Delta S Lightweight RGB Gaming Headset, 
      8. Asus ROG Strix XG43VQ 43″ VA 120Hz 1ms Freesync 2/ G-Sync HDR400 Curved Ultrawide Gaming monitor
      9. Odyssey
      10. Odyssey Swag
  8. Also Tobii Eye Tracker are doing a competition 
    1. And Made an oopsie
  9. Tuesday – Odyssey Launch Trailer
    1. Elite Dangerous: Odyssey | Launch Trailer – YouTube

In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?

  1. 13-May-3307 – Nova Imperium repulses the Federal Backed Attack.
  2. 13-May-3307 – Major Thargoid attack in the California, Coalsack and Pleiades. Ten systems under attack with Thargoid combat zones, bases on fire and rescue ships responding with anti Thargoid missions! 
  3. 14-May-3307 – Federal Citizens Approve Government Scrutiny
  4. 17-May-3307 – Alliance Unrest as Mahon and Kaine Clash

Main discussion

  1. What ways do you see Odyssey changing the activities that various user groups do?

Community Corner

  1. PrimeTime Casual – The Big Quiz Of Everything Elite Dangerous – Part 3/3
  2. Anti-Xeno Initiative goes mental. How about a commander EuanAB who took out 5 Hydra’s solo in a Chieftain.
  3. Our love goes out to Cmdr Plater who’s in Hospital due to his Gallblader
  4. Classic Elite on the go.. Running on a Tesla (1) Yes i’m sad old git… But I found this a little bit cool(well maybe more than a little bit) .. maybe? Playing it on a touch screen is a bit tricky mind, need to dig up my controller. : EliteDangerous (
  5. Massive shout out and Congratulations to the guys behind “Operation Warbucks” who raised an astonishing £5706.85 This means that we will see @(SPVFA/SagEye) CmdrOrangePheonix in Odyssey sharing more of his amazing work in a whole new setting! Even more importantly, this also means they will be donating around £4000 to Health and Mind in Scotland. This is FAR BEYOND the organising teams  wildest exceptions, and once again proves how awesome the Elite Dangerous Community is
  6. The Flight Assist team are launching a week long charity event for Clic Sargent who assist Young people (and their families) with a special stream on Saturday 22nd over at, and finishing in a 12 hour stream on Friday the 28th over at There will be limited edition merch available for the event. Head to for more details.
  7. Dave’s Great Shave!


  1. What’s the 1st thing you’re going to do / did do in Odyssey: Anyone who responds will be in with a chance to with the HCS Vasco Voice Pack with the Odyssey expansion for it called “Gravity”


  1. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at  or, for just the audio, at
  2. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
  3. We’re also giving a shout outs to the following Elite Dangerous podcasts which have appeared over the last year or are standard regular contributors;-
    1. Loose Screws
    2. Elite Week
    3. Flight Assist
    4. For Spanish Speakers there is the Elite Cast 
    5. Cannon Podcast
    6. Fatherhood Podcast.
    7. Squeaking Fuel
    8. System Chat
    9. The Guard Frequency (who do other space sims)
    10. Algorab AM: An Elite Dangerous Podcast
  4. For those who want a literary discussion about Sci-fi and fantasy books. Please subscribe to the Dataslate podcast created by station commander Allen Stroud. 
  5. Following this we have the latest Galnet News Digest as provided by Cmdr Wotherspoon and Cmdr BeatleJude.
  6. Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders
  7. Special Thanks to Cmdr ToCoSo who created the music for the Introduction of the Show

Lave Radio Episode 341 “Escape to the future” – 11/05/2021

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Staff Liaison OfficerClare GoodPsykit
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Tech MonkeyNorman MacArthurVentura_

Download the episode directly from here.

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  1. Wednesday – It took seven years, but Elite Dangerous: Odyssey finally made me feel small
    1. Polygon Article by Charlie Hall
  2. Thursday – Conflict Zones With Dav Stott
    1. Is actually Head of Online Services – which is cross game – but ED is his “home game”
    2. Explain what the Server team does…
      1. We should never notice they’re there
      2. Try very hard not fail – Try very hard for it not to matter when it does fail
    3. Server team has:
      1. Build Team
      2. Release Team
      3. QA Team
    4. Bake out – OMG just watch the stream
      1. Basically the team get a list of places to visit (via proc gen?)  – then they beg borrow or steal PC power and physically visit the game (using their tools) and then manually place instances in appropriate places.
    5. > 208,000,000 systems visited
      1. 0.052%
    6. Network Relay Server
  3. Tuesday Supercruise News
    1. #CommanderCreations if you want to upload some content created.  not just #StellarScreenshots

Newsletter (every second show) [link]

Beluga Liner Aquatic paint job

Community Corner

  1. The Dark Wheel is ready to expand out from 9 PUPPIS, they want to get to >75% system influence and see what this next part of the LFT 509 testing yields!!
  2. Cmdrs Orange Phoenix, Exorcist and Admiral Flaps have created the “Pilots Lounge” which is a Community Hub for want of a better term with the ethos that all Cmdrs are welcome and the hope to inspire community spirt, conversation and collaboration. You can visit it by going to
  3. Also related to Orange Phoenix:
    1. Cmdr Beetlejude and a bunch of streamers, including
      1. pixie_wifey
      2. rearadmiralflaps
      3. Dreamsquasher1
      4. WK Jezz
      5. Captain_metcy
      6. maltmeister77
      7. biker_flame
    2. Learned that Orange Pheonix, who has helped the community so much with his work in SPVFA and Sagittarius Eye, only has access to a 2nd hand ‘Gaming Laptop’ with a GTX 660 in it. Due to his real life situation he’s not in a position to replace it so that he can run Odyssey and, against his initial protests, have created Operation Warbucks to help him get a PC so that he can join us all in Odyssey. They feel that a man of his artistic talents would be sorely missed in Odyssey so we want to help him join us there. Our target is £1600 If we achieve this target – anything above will be donated to Health in Mind Scotland.

      The stream will begin on Saturday 15th May @ 17:00 UTC and run for 24 hours with each streamer doing a 3-4 hour show. There will be giveaways and fun events on each stream so anyone can get involved!!
    3. The Flight Assist team are launching a week long charity event for Clic Sargent who assist Young people (and their families) with a special stream on Saturday 22nd over at, and finishing in a 12 hour stream on Friday the 28th over at There will be limited edition merch available for the event. Head to for more details.
    4. Primetime Casual Hosted “The Big Quiz Of Everything Elite Dangerous” recently here is part One of Three!
      1. He is celebrating the release of Elite Dangerous Odyssey with a big Elite Dangerous Quiz – featuring guests Ascorbius, EidLeWeise, Wotherspoon, and Greytest. Covering everything from history, content, player-driven events, to ludicrous records.
      2. The Big Quiz Of Everything Elite Dangerous – Part ⅔
    5. The Buurs Pit have teamed up to create Touchdown | Let’s Take This Odyssey  a Cinematic ft. music by Tom Cook & vocals by Heli


  1. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at  or, for just the audio, at
  2. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
  3. We’re also giving a shout outs to the following Elite Dangerous podcasts which have appeared over the last year or are standard regular contributors;-
    1. Loose Screws
    2. Elite Week
    3. Flight Assist
    4. For Spanish Speakers there is the Elite Cast 
    5. Cannon Podcast
    6. Fatherhood Podcast.
    7. Squeaking Fuel
    8. System Chat
    9. The Guard Frequency (who do other space sims)
    10. Algorab AM: An Elite Dangerous Podcast
  4. For those who want a literary discussion about Sci-fi and fantasy books. Please subscribe to the Dataslate podcast created by station commander Allen Stroud. 
  5. Following this we have the latest Galnet News Digest as provided by Cmdr Wotherspoon and Cmdr BeatleJude.
  6. Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders
  7. Special Thanks to Cmdr ToCoSo who created the music for the Introduction of the Show

Lave Radio Episode 340 “A Suction Sound in a low secs system” – 04/05/2021

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Staff Liaison OfficerPsykitPsykit
Tech GibbonChris Mk IVNewell Turner

Download the episode directly from here.

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  1. Wednesday – Phase 4: Features, Fixes and Known Issues
  2. Thursday – Odyssey Alpha Phase 4 Hotfix 1
  3. Tuesday – Supercruise News #32
  4. Alpha Ends on 05/05/2021 – 16:30 BST
  5. Thursday – Livestream with Dav.

In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?

  1. 28/04/3307 – Hadrian Duval Refutes NMLA Allegations
  2. 29/04/3307 – Guardian Artefacts Collected for Aegis Project
  3. 29/04/3307 – Federal Leaders Launch Rival Data Requests(GSs)
  4. 30/04/3307 – Kumo Crew Starports Open for Business
  5. 03/05/3307 – Nova Imperium Targeted by Superpowers

Main discussion

  1. Feedback about the Game before Odyssey Drops

Community Corner

  1. Boarding The Shuttle (Elite Dangerous Odyssey animated parody)
    1. The High Wake knocks it out the park again
  2. Scorb and the Brocast tried to get a man to run into space by running up a chain of ships. They managed to get Cmdr TheProRock up to 14KM from a planet’s surface. It’s a real laugh to watch.
  3. The Deep Space Network is proud to present its new expedition: the Artemis Biological Survey.


  1. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at  or, for just the audio, at
  2. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
  3. We’re also giving a shout outs to the following Elite Dangerous podcasts which have appeared over the last year or are standard regular contributors;-
    1. Loose Screws
    2. Elite Week
    3. Flight Assist
    4. For Spanish Speakers there is the Elite Cast 
    5. Cannon Podcast
    6. Fatherhood Podcast.
    7. Squeaking Fuel
    8. System Chat
    9. The Guard Frequency (who do other space sims)
    10. Algorab AM: An Elite Dangerous Podcast
  4. For those who want a literary discussion about Sci-fi and fantasy books. Please subscribe to the Dataslate podcast created by station commander Allen Stroud. 
  5. Following this we have the latest Galnet News Digest as provided by Cmdr Wotherspoon and Cmdr BeatleJude.
  6. Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders
  7. Special Thanks to Cmdr ToCoSo who created the music for the Introduction of the Show

Lave Radio Episode 339 “Rainbow Stars and Kerrash too” – 27/04/2021

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Active Crew
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Tech MonkeyNorman MacArthurVentura_
Special Guest
Wedged into the CornerJohn VirgoKerrash

Download the episode directly from here.

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  1. Thursday – Odyssey Releases 19th May 2021
    1. Elite Dangerous: Odyssey PC Launch Date
  2. Phase 4 is likely coming next week. – Now Confirmed for Wednesday
  4. Thursday Stream Odyssey PC Alpha Phase 3
  5. Thursday – Phase 4: Compatibility Update
  6. Monday- Elite Dangerous Community Schedule W/C 26 April 2021
  7. Elite Dangerous website has been updated. Visit to see the updates.
  8. Tuesday Discovery Scanner: Odyssey Alpha w/ Piers Jackson & Dr Kay Ross
    1. Notes from StuartGT


  1. This week sees the release of the Imperial Clipper Asemic paint job scheme.

Main discussion

  1. What do we think Frontier have yet to reveal that’s in odyssey? e.g new ships/srv etc?
    1. What we do know :- The planetary tech is not finished in the alpha (which is why we have the weird green effect).
    2. Foot Fall Graphics engine has improved with every release and patch. 
    3. On last Thursday’s Stream, Arf has confirmed they’re not telling us everything as they want us to find things.

Community Corner

  1. Dark Wheel Update
    The Dark Wheel has arrived in 9 PUPPIS (the LFT 509 Test Site) and have won 3 out of 4 wars. They are also consolidating control of 86 MU HERCULIS 
  2. Elite Dangerous: Odyssey (ALPHA – Phase 2) | Animation Comparisons
    1. なんでやねん (Pronounced Nandeya nen and translates as Why according to google translate) has created a great video comparing Odyssey’s FPS Movement compared to modern FPS games. It has been hypothesised (perhaps wishfully) that the lack of apparent movement is actually to assist in enabling VR. The lack of animations currently, might be because Frontier are developing two sets of animations, and neither have yet been (fully) implemented.
  3. Chris Jarvis gives us an update on Escape Velocity

    There isn’t an ETA as such for Escape Velocity series 4 as all kinds of stuff is up in the air at the moment. Since the beginning of the pandemic I’ve been focusing entirely on audiobooks I read myself as my tiny, unventilated studio is not at all pandemic safe!

    The other complication is that Escape Velocity was (and generally always has) been made with friends and acquaintances, rather than open casting. In the huge amount of time, life moves on, people move away, relationships change, so once the “end” of the pandemic seems more definite I’ll be sounding out my primary cast (May, Kurlek, Dallas, Matriarch, Patriarch, Sarque) to see who I’ve definitely got who’s up for a return. Then it’s a case of making sure the scripts fit that.

    So the conclusion to the story is coming! There’s just a few practical issues keeping it from happening at the moment.
  4. Fake Elite Dangerous Twitter Account :- – It’s giving out misleading news.
  5. Cmdr Kabooom’s escapades have been reported in PCGamer. 65,000 Ly without a fuel scoop.
  6. I’ve (Roughly) Calculated the Velocities of the Kinematic Armaments Weapons…
WeaponDistance (m)FramesFPS*Time to Impact (s)Velocity (m/s)Velocity (ft/s)
Rocket Launcher100122602.1049.2161
  1. Vingtetun is shaving his beard for Special Effect
  1. In 6 weeks, in aid of SpecialEffect, the big viking beard will be going…. I’ve had the first few (virtual) meetings about work and this 6 month long experiment has to come to an end. “Beard staying as it is” isn’t an option. Though – back to short face fluff, or chubby cheeked cheeky hamster lookalike is in everyone else’s hands now. Mrs 21 will breathe a sigh of relief. The dastardly deed will happen on Sunday 30th May. Will be videoed and pictured and shared.
  2. Season 1 Teaser – Rebuy Unlimited

Lave Radio Episode 338 “Licking Fungoidia Rectus” – 20/04/2021

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Staff Liaisonpsykitpsykit
Tech GibbonChris Mk IVNewell Turner

Download the episode directly from here.

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  1. Thursday – Phase 3
    1. Patch Notes
    2. Stream
    3. Elite Dangerous | Exo-Biology
  2. Tuesday: Odyssey Alpha Phase 3 Hotfix 2
  3. Tuesday: Phase 3 – Initial Feedback Response

In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?

  1. 13th April: Federal Reactions to Communications Surveillance Programme
  2. 15th April: Archon Delaine Campaign to Build New Starports
  3. 16th April: Neo-Marlinists Seek Sanctuary at Marlinist Colonies
  4. 19th April: The Adamastor Enigma
  5. 20th April: Conditional Amnesty Agreed for Neo-Marlinists

Main discussion

  1. Reactions to the Exploration Mechanic
    1. Rootsrat’s feedback – basically sums up my feelings more elegantly

Community Corner

  1. Cmdr Bapsta has done a low flying top gun video, involving people jumping over Cobras, which are flying at high speed! (Possibly a new sport).
  2. Cmdr Cernent Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Alpha Phase 2 Station Interior Comparison
  3. Lavecon Tickets – 3rd and 4th of July.
    “The first batch of Gold/Platinum tickets have sold out. There is likely to be a second batch of Gold/Platinum as well as Gold camping coming once I have sorted all the volunteer places. There is a waiting list for these also.  The Bronze/Silver tickets won’t sell out, so don’t panic buy these if you want a different ticket. Do get in contact via email with any questions or to go on the waiting list for Gold/Platinum.”
  4. SagI Issue 35 will be released on Friday 23rd
    1. Souv Says some words (to download and play)
    2. (2) Sagittarius Eye Magazine #35 Promo – YouTube

Any other business

  • Star Citizen 3.13 PTU has finally dropped bringing in their version of Ship Launched Fighters, Ship to Station Docking for very large ships, an improved Reputation System, improved shields (including fixing the holes in some shields!) and new Planetary Tech, including Cave based Bounty Hunting… Oh and Trolleys…



  1. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at  or, for just the audio, at
  2. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
  3. We’re also giving a shout outs to the following Elite Dangerous podcasts which have appeared over the last year or are standard regular contributors;-
    1. Loose Screws
    2. Elite Week
    3. Flight Assist
    4. For Spanish Speakers there is the Elite Cast 
    5. Cannon Podcast
    6. Fatherhood Podcast.
    7. Squeaking Fuel
    8. System Chat
    9. The Guard Frequency (who do other space sims)
    10. Algorab AM: An Elite Dangerous Podcast
  1. For those who want a literary discussion about Sci-fi and fantasy books. Please subscribe to the Dataslate podcast created by station commander Allen Stroud. 
  2. Following this we have the latest Galnet News Digest as provided by Cmdr Wotherspoon and Cmdr BeatleJude.
  3. Special Thanks to Cmdr ToCoSo who created the music for the Introduction of the Show
  4. Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders (or the Who Buzzed Ben callout?!)

Lave Radio Episode 337 “Are you tired of walking?” – 13/04/2021

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Staff LiaisonClarepsykit
Tech MonkeyNorman MacArthurVentura_

Download the episode directly from here.

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  1. Thursday – Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Alpha Phase 2
    1. (2) Elite Dangerous: Odyssey | Conflict Zones – YouTube
    2. Alpha Ends 30th April
  2. Monday – Odyssey Alpha Phase 2 Hotfix 3
    1. More stability fixes for crashes and disconnects
    2. Fixed an issue where players could get stuck behind an ‘invisible barrier’ on a concourse
    3. Fixed issue causing lower than expected combat bonds being awarded
  3. Tuesday Call for Focussed Feedback
    1. What are your thoughts and suggestions on the current inventory system? Things to consider:
      1. Player inventory (suit)
      2. Ship inventory
      3. Consumables
      4. Engineering materials
      5. Transferring items
    2. Secondly, what are you enjoying about the alpha so far? Which parts best contribute to the positive experiences?
  4. Tuesday Supercruise News
    1. Sally’s BACK!!! — How long till Arf leaves? 🙂
    2. Phase 3 is pencilled in for Thursday

In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?

  1. The Hesperus has been found – OrangePheonix – SPVFA on Twitter: She has been found…. And she’s not alone…. Thank the gods for smart Cmdrs 😅
    1. Location: Perseus Dark Region KC-V c2-2 B A Belt Cluster 1
    2. Cannon’s full Science on it Hesperus | Canonn Research Group

Newsletter (every second show)

Asp Explorer Crossfire

Main discussion

  1. Elite Rank Question Forum Thread
    1. You Tube Poll (5) LaveRadio – YouTube

Community Corner

  1. Lavecon – Tickets
  2. Elite: Dangerous – No Limits
    1. Awesome video / Odyssey Trailer by the Spacebear


  1. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at  or, for just the audio, at
  2. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
  3. We’re also giving a shout outs to the following Elite Dangerous podcasts which have appeared over the last year or are standard regular contributors;-
    1. Loose Screws
    2. Elite Week
    3. Flight Assist
    4. For Spanish Speakers there is the Elite Cast 
    5. Cannon Podcast
    6. Fatherhood Podcast.
    7. Squeaking Fuel
    8. System Chat
    9. The Guard Frequency (who do other space sims)
    10. Algorab AM: An Elite Dangerous Podcast
  4. For those who want a literary discussion about Sci-fi and fantasy books. Please subscribe to the Dataslate podcast created by station commander Allen Stroud. 
  5. Following this we have the latest Galnet News Digest as provided by Cmdr Wotherspoon and Cmdr BeatleJude.
  6. Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders
  7. Special Thanks to Cmdr ToCoSo who created the music for the Introduction of the Show

Lave Radio Episode 334 “Is Lave Radio an exploit?” – 23/03/2021

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Staff LiaisonClarePsykit
Tech GibbonChris Mk IVNewell Turner
Tech OrangutanN2N2G7

Download the episode directly from here.

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  1. Supercruise News 23rd March 2021
    1. Pioneer Skin Suit
    2. Hints that Thursday would be about Station Interiors with a Special Guest and non purple twitch drops
  2. The Energy Link tool transfers energy between the user’s suit battery and a target socket. It also discharges powerful electrical pulses over a short distance!
  3. The Profile Analyser scans a target’s data for basic personal information. It can also be used nefariously to clone security profiles to access restricted areas…
  4. The Arc Cutter generates a beam specifically designed to cut through sturdy metal.
  5. The Genetic Sampler collects and indexes samples from simple living organisms.
  6. The Supratech Artemis explorer suit is perfectly designed to help pilots investigate and research brand new worlds and biological lifeforms. #EliteDangerousOdyssey
  7. The Frag Grenade is an explosive grenade that will do damage to everything within its blast radius. 
  8. 10 Days to go – Now 6 days to go
  9. According to the news from Jan the 13th. They’re planning a ‘Phased’ release, so we won’t be getting the whole of Odyssey in one go. It will probably like the original Alpha, with them unlocking section by section.

Newsletter (every second show) [link]

Main discussion

  1. Would you use an exploit in Elite Dangerous? | Frontier Forums
    1. General Consensus is that many wouldn’t do it 
  2. Twitter

Community Corner

  1. Cmdr Masa has made a Space Shanty!

Any other business

  1. Ben will be on System Chat on Saturday night with ToCoSo, Captain Archer and Vithigar
  2. Ben: I have mixed feelings about this, but Royal Blood (who did the original official Elite advert) will be performing at Roblox’s Bloxy Awards 
  3. Star Wars Squadrons :- You can claim a Purple Helmet.


  1. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at  or, for just the audio, at
  2. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
  3. We’re also giving a shout outs to the following Elite Dangerous podcasts which have appeared over the last year or are standard regular contributors;-
    1. Loose Screws
    2. Elite Week
    3. Flight Assist
    4. For Spanish Speakers there is the Elite Cast 
    5. Cannon Podcast
    6. Fatherhood Podcast.
    7. Squeaking Fuel
    8. System Chat
    9. The Guard Frequency (who do other space sims)
    10. Algorab AM: An Elite Dangerous Podcast
  1. For those who want a literary discussion about Sci-fi and fantasy books. Please subscribe to the Dataslate podcast created by station commander Allen Stroud. 
  2. Following this we have the latest Galnet News Digest as provided by Cmdr Wotherspoon and Cmdr BeatleJude.
  3. Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders
  4. Special Thanks to Cmdr ToCoSo who created the music for the Introduction of the Show

Lave Radio Episode 333 “Half the Devil’s in the Details Darling” – 16/03/2021

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Deputy Trade AttachéSouvSouvarine
Tech MonkeyNorman MacArthurVentura_
System Wide ChatterWKJezzWKJezz

Download the episode directly from here.

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  1. Thursday Stream
    1. The Dev’s Zac and Bruce, rescue people from Burning Stations
    2. Ben Learned that we can filter rewards by Materials!
  2. Tuesday Stream
    1. New Cosmetics and things for Holo-Me when we launch into Odyssey
  3. Anyone else noticed that Odyssey Adverts are no longer using David Bowie as their soundtrack?
  4. An investor report (which has now been removed from Reddit) is reporting 500K Active players who play the game once a month. 
    1. Although we don’t know how people are assigned, player’s apparently fall into 4 categories;-
      1. Epic
      2. Active
      3. New
      4. inactive/lapsed
    2. The don’t count the Epic Freebies because they got the game for free
    3. They’re estimating 1million copies of Odyssey to be sold in the first year
  5. The Energy Link tool transfers energy between the user’s suit battery and a target socket. It also discharges powerful electrical pulses over a short distance!

In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?

  1. 10th March Galactic Mysteries: The Adamastor
  2. 11th March Nine Starports Hit by Terrorist Bombings
  3. 11th March Galactic Summit Cancelled – NMLA Attacks Superpowers
  4. 12th March Starport Bombing Casualties Include Federal Vice President
  5. 15th March Superpowers Respond to ‘Nine Martyrs’ Attack

Main discussion

  1. Questions continued on from Last Week –
    1. Q: Can you talk about the different suits in Odyssey? – Yes, as you see in the video, players can take up different roles depending on the suit they use. The tactical suit for example, can carry two different weapons, which is unique to that suit, so you need to consider the best suit for the mission you’re about to engage in.
    2. Q: There are different types of weapons in Odyssey, could you tell us why a player might use them? – Way back when we started prototyping combat, it became quite clear to us early on that the ship combat has some really interesting concepts behind it, so we basically stole them! The premise is that kinetic weapons are good against armour, lasers are good against shields, and plasma re decent against both but not quite as good as the other two. When it comes to choosing a loadout, you’ll want to choose your weapons to be the most efficient, so you may want lasers to take out shields and kinetic to finish them off. If you’re working as a team, you can specialise, one player can be ant-shield, and another can finish them off via kinetic.
    3. Q: For the getaway, we landed to the side of the settlement for a quick escape, there’s been a small change in this, hasn’t there? – Yes, you can now automatically land on planet surfaces. It’s hard to encapsulate all the changes in a few minutes of video. When players get hold of the alpha, that’s when they’ll really understand what we’ve done.
    4. Q: Can you talk about suit management? – There are different things that can pull on the suits’ power. There’s the life support machine, things like the shield (which is power hungry when turned on), and some of the tools can use your suit power. Survival actually starts to become something you need to become considerate of in certain situations. If you’re at a settlement, there are areas where you can recharge your suit, but if you’re out exploring, there’s certainly a risk factor involved. Environmental factors can also have an effect on how hard your suit has to work to keep you alive. If you’re in really extreme temperatures, you’ll be taking physical damage. You can disembark somewhere on the planet with safe temperatures, but you can quite quickly end up somewhere where the temperature is much hotter, and end up in danger.

Community Corner

  1. ScienceKeeper – Why should I bother playing Elite Dangerous?
  2. Truckers claim to have saved 600,000 + people from Lave Station. 
  3. Even though Cmdr Phoenix_Dfire is missing. His latest Archives of the Sanctimonious Crew has been released. The Crew were involved in the fight for HIP 53530 system against Jupiner Rochester and the exploits can be found in under the events section in the forum or follow this link
  4. Malic VR is putting together an online Mindmap of all the conspiracies in Elite Dangerous
  5. Hawkes Gaming Have released information on “How to AFK Your Way to Billions in 2021”
    1. Please note this video has been shared in advance with Frontier Development
    2. TLDR:
      1. T10 Turret Build for Pew Pew
        1. Turreted Beam Lasers
        2. Weapon Focussed Power Distributor 
        3. PDC (to prevent pirates from stealing your bait cargo)
      2. Stack Massacre Missions
      3. Get yourself some cargo to act as Bait
      4. Go to the appropriate Low Res Site


Would you use an exploit? Are there any things that you consider ok that others consider an exploit? What is “too much”? Does it make a difference that it’s a multiplayer game?


  1. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at  or, for just the audio, at
  2. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
  3. We’re also giving a shout outs to the following Elite Dangerous podcasts which have appeared over the last year or are standard regular contributors;-
    1. Loose Screws
    2. Elite Week
    3. Flight Assist
    4. For Spanish Speakers there is the Elite Cast 
    5. Cannon Podcast
    6. Fatherhood Podcast.
    7. Squeaking Fuel
    8. System Chat
    9. The Guard Frequency (who do other space sims)
    10. Algorab AM: An Elite Dangerous Podcast
  4. Following this we have the latest Galnet News Digest as provided by Cmdr Wotherspoon and Cmdr BeatleJude.
  5. Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders