McLave Radio McEpisode 109

Engineers Base

Beta 2.1 updates continue and McColin Ford leads a McScottish episode with McPsykokow and McDave McHughes for chat about beta and the RPG Elite Encounters…

Aired 17th May 2016
Audio versions

Download the episode directly from here.

Crew Members

Chief Archivist : Colin Ford : Cmdr PheonixDFire
Chief Bar Steward : Grant Woolcott : Cmdr Psykokow
Special Guest: Dave Hughes

Show Notes:

  • Development News
    • Beta 2.1.4 Patch Notes
    • Beta 2.1.5 Patch Notes
        • Grants picks
        • Comms chat history no longer disappears
        • For piracy flag targets, if the target is not a mission target, check if it has a leader and whether that leader is a mission target
        • Add a faction government test so the pesky democracies don’t make my greedy corporation shout “For Democracy!”
        • Fix the method that determines whether we can see planetary missions
        • Added popup explaining where pinned recipes can be found
        • Recipes should now be referred to as blueprints
        • Stop hitmen being sent after the player for no reason
        • Rebalance the tutorials to be reasonable with the new AI
        • Adjusted the shield-down flee behaviour to be less frustrating
        • Everybody docked at Jaques Station has retreated to a safer distance
        • – Fixed issues with recalled ships boosting when trying to land
        • Everybody docked at Jaques Station has retreated to a safer distance
  • – Feedback tweaks to torpedos:
    • – Torpedos now have a 2.5 second arming time rather than their previous 0.5 second. When hitting a target before arming they will deal no damage and self destruct in a small puff
    • – Torpedos now inherit the speed of their launching ship for the first few seconds of flight, before dropping to a 250m/s cruising speed. These two changes give them an effective minimum range of about 700m+ depending on ship speeds, and also means that you won’t be running into the back of your own torpedos!
    • Halve firing heat from missiles
      • Could this mean stealth missile boats?
    • – Added ship voice notification when a mission specific USS has spawned
      • Nice to get an audio cue for it
  • Newsletter 124
    • “From the desk of lead designer Sandro Sammarco”:  is very interesting
  • Main Discussion
    • Rise To Power: Dangerous Games, WILDCARD vote is over
  • URGENT CORRECTION TO SHOW (from the desk of Zac Antonaci)
    • EG pilots aren’t straight through to the final. The top 5 from the votes will have a mini CG tournament and the winner of that will go through to the final.

For the past week player factions have been campaigning for your votes in the first stage of the Dangerous Games to decide which five groups will battle it out in a mini-series of CGs in their bid to become an official Power in the game.

      • The results have been counted and checked and they are as follows:
      • – EG Pilots – 25.5
      • – Wolves of Jonai – 15.5%
      • – Adle’s Armada Coalition – 15.3%
      • – Black Birds Squadron – 10.7%
      • – United German Commanders Coalition – 9%
      • – The Imperial Inquisition – 8.5%
      • – Achenar Immortals Coalition – 7.3%
      • – Planet Express – 3.6%
      • – Black Omega – 2.3%
      • – Pileus Libertas – 1.6%
      • – Battle Vortex – 0.7%

We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for voting, and all of the groups for their amazing effort! We will have more news on the next phase of the games shortly where the qualified groups will be looking for your help to complete the Community Goals and help their campaign.

Lave Radio Episode 99


The Blood is in the air tonight as we play host to both the Mobius Group and The Smiling Dog Crew. We try to get the facts about the recent storm in a teacup between the two groups and hear about if you’re going to be the bad guy, then BE the bad guy.

Aired 23rd February 2016
Audio versions

Download the episode directly from here.

Show Notes:

  • Dev Update 18th February
    • More Missions at neutral rep
    • Higher rep means more missions and better money
    • Remove the rank requirement, Rank now implies the difficulty of the mission
    • State of the minor faction
    • Type(s) of market for that port
    • Government
  • Better feedback for what that mission will do to the BGS
  • Galactic Academy
    “It’s a frontier thing, but not possible without the incredible community. We have a group of mentors that have signed up (volunteers) and they are on Teamspeak and Discord and we will be emailing all our players with low play time and then all new players every week with details about the academy. It’s a landing page with user guides, videos and most importantly ways to connect straight up with our volunteer mentors. They consist of ambassadors, mods, group representatives and other specialists. It’s about teaching players and hand holding them where needs into basic things like the galaxy map, making a credit or two, etc”
  • Reduce the barrier for entry for ‘alternative mission flows’ I.E. you won’t have to drop out of supercruise to get an alternative.
  • USS for missions will generally be at a specific body in a system rather than random
  • Nav Beacons can be scanned to give system information!
  • Systems will now have traffic lanes and hubs and these affect the creation of USS. Also USS are created spatially not temporally, so you can’t just sit there and wait for them,
  • USS can be scanned to reveal information about them.
    • “This week’s dev update is the penultimate update “ Hmmm so 25/2 for last 2.1 update. Can we speculate Alpha early March?
    • Improving Variety
    • 3 stage hierarchy for generating missions
  • Capitol in Achenar to get some actual Land!
  • New Sets of Anaconda skins. The empire people are very happy with the white one. 😉
  • Announcement via Zac:
    • Galactic Academy
      “It’s a frontier thing, but not possible without the incredible community. We have a group of mentors that have signed up (volunteers) and they are on Teamspeak and Discord and we will be emailing all our players with low play time and then all new players every week with details about the academy. It’s a landing page with user guides, videos and most importantly ways to connect straight up with our volunteer mentors. They consist of ambassadors, mods, group representatives and other specialists. It’s about teaching players and hand holding them where needs into basic things like the galaxy map, making a credit or two, etc”
  • Newsletter 112
  • Not Only Here wins FD’s Horizons Video competition
  • Distant Worlds Set some records at Sag A
  • CQC Mayhem – LOADS of streaming
    • If you see FDEV Rhino, FDEV Jet or FDEV Wolf in CQC, then take a screenshot of you playing against them and email it to with the subject line ‘CQC Gladiators’
  • Educating Ed Episode 13 – UGC Thursday 25th 19:00 (GMT)
  • Community Corner
  • Questions
    • We are a small player faction, known as NULL,  here to help others with donations for lost ships due to lack of insurance as well as new players getting their footing, and an escort service for traders and returning explorers.  And we are now under threat of being steam rollered by Winters PP faction.  We need help, as our currently limited resources are running low.
      Any Alliance commanders listening in please ship prep agreements to DR Crucis.
      Any NON-Winters aligned players, please undermine them to assist us staying independent, and here to help others.
      NULL needs your help, to ensure our BANK deposits here for others remains available and open for business.
      Thank you CMDR NULL
  • Shoutouts
    • Massive thank you to those people that have already sent us message of congratulations to play out on next week’s 100th episode. If you would like to send us a message to play out on the show please record a short mp3 and send it to with the subject 100th.
      Everybody that does gets a little thank you in the post from the crew.Hi guys, any chance of a shoutout on tomorrow nights show for the Wasat Cup, a
      50km, point-to-point SRV race from Elwood Camp to Ferguson Prospect on Wasat A2
      E organised by the Buckyball Racing Club. You can run it any time you like (and
      as many times as you like) from 23rd-25th February using screenshots to capture
      your start and end times.Takes around 30mins … if you’re fast. Well? Are you fast?? Come along and
      prove it then!

      Search the forums for “The Wasat Cup – Buggyball”

      There’s a free pint in it for you at Lavecon 2016 🙂

Lave Radio Episode 94

distant worldsWe dive off the deepend this week as we try to figure out what the BGS is actually doing and if Horizons is actually worth it.
Aired 12th January 2016
Audio versions

Download the episode directly from here.

Show Notes:

  • Main Discussion
    • Background Sim Discussion
    • Is Elite Dangerous Hozizons Worth it?
      • The general response to Horizons has been mixed at best with a lot of negative press and reviews. What needs to done to change this perception?
        “In summary; Horizons adds no meaningful content to the game, built on the dubious and hollow promise that it’ll be worth the $60 by December 2016. Frontier is financially incentivized not to deliver, and cannot be held accountable until the next paid expansion cycle, when the game will definitely perish forever. Christ, I hope I’m wrong. I so, so want to be wrong.It breaks my heart, but you should pass on this. Instead, consider purchasing the base game for the world’s best deep-space exploration simulator experience, priced at a very reasonable $30.”
      • Elite: Dangerous – Lack of Content & Gameplay? What Really is the thing Horizons Needs? (Video by Obsidian Ant)

EGX Developer Interviews


Ben gets his geek on by interviewing Michael Brookes and Sandy Sammarco from Frontier Development, as well as Mark Morris from Introversion Software at Euro Gamer in Birmingham
Recorded 25/09/2015 and 26/09/2015

Audio versions

Download the episode directly from here.

Further here are the links to Frontier and Introversion’s Developer Sessions at EGX where they made some pretty massive announcements!

Special Interview: David Wessman – STARFIGHTER INC

Starfighter Space BattleEarlier this week we were lucky enough to talk with veteran game designer David Wessman who worked on the X-Wing series of games amongst others. He’s now working on a new game which is going through Kickstarter at the moment called STARFIGHTER INC by Impeller Studios, which is looking amazing and different from other new Space Sims out there. It’s much more immediate action, with hardcore PVP Space Combat and realistic Newtonian physics.

Starfighter Red Space

Download the episode directly from here.


Writers Interview 18 – Michael Brookes – Elite: Legacy

M BrookesLisa takes to the Frontier Development offices to have a chat with the author of the official Elite: Dangerous fiction novel “Elite: Legacy”, Executive Producer Michael Brookes, about his new book. As a favour to us he agreed to judge our Elite: Legacy drabble competition to win a copy of the book. Listen to the interview to find out who Michael chose and hear him read the winners entry!

Thank you to Frontier and Michael for taking the time to talk to us. You can check out his writing over on his personal site The Cult of Me.

Download the episode directly from here.

Lave Radio Emergency Broadcast – EGX David Braben Interview


Fozza and Lisa check out the EGX (formally EuroGamer Expo) at Earls Court in London. David stops by to talk about 30 Years in the industry, Elite , and the latest from Elite Dangerous.

We’d also like to give a big shout-out to the members of the Elite community who made the interview possible by helping us arrange for some great recording equipment. Thank you.

Download the episode directly from here .