Lave Radio Episode 253: Stop Hurting Yourself!

Download the episode directly from here.

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardCMDR Eid LeWeise
Chief Bar StewardGrant WoolcottCMDR Psykokow
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanCMDR Shan
Deputy Trade AttachéSouvCmdr Souvarine

Special Guests

  • Cmdr RastaFrog:(EGP – Grom)
  • IAmNickman (Flat Galaxy Society) or Vectron (AOS – Mahon)
  • QBit  (Kumo)
  • Valyn Arvis (Arissa Lavigny-Duval)
  • Foursyth: (FLC / Winters)

Development News

Main Discussion

  • State of Power Play

Community Corner

Lave Radio Episode 135

lave fdl
I put on my vac suit and Remlok

Aired 6 December 2016
Audio versions

Download the episode directly from here.

Crew Members
Station Commander : Allen Stroud
Head of health and safety : Ben Moss-Woodward – Cmdr Eid LeWeise
Chief Archivist : Colin Ford – Cmdr phoenix_dfire
Chief Bar Steward : Grant Woolcott – Cmdr Psykokow
Special Guests : John Lunn, Oliver Hulme

Show Notes

  • Development News
    • Q&A Hot Topics Stream
      • 2.2.03 Q&A Livestream notes – Dec 6
      • New Beta 7th Dec for 2.2.03
      • Release in the New Year.
      • Changes to Weapons, Blueprints and a Little updates to Powerplay.
      • Dropping Engineering Cargo after 2.2.3
      • Karma system, pilot federation bounties being considered for Crime and Punishment
      • Combat logging are going to be monitored, you combat log too much that is detected and flag as suspicious behaviour which will hook into the karma system.
      • Problem with the above two items, they need development time, not a quick change.
      • Ed is obsessed with 50ps!
      • Gimbal in main game is about, in CQC it’s 8 degrees for a fixed but only 0.5 of a degree in the main game. Gimbaled ranges from 30 degrees to 22.5 depending on your chosen weapon.
    • Keelback Paint Jobs
      • Military
      • Tactical
      • Vibrant
    • Formidine Rift, the Confluence and Hawkins Gap. Commanders have been working hard to find ‘things’ in these areas.  Things have been found, however nobody knows what’s there because of a bug in the game.  Zac Antonaci has confirmed there are issues and the have a fix ready to go but it needs a client update.  So those cmdrs over 8000 ly from the bubble, don’t approach (spoiler spoiler spoiler)  until the next update. – Formidine Rift – Fix in 2.2.03
  • Newsletter 153
  • Main Discussion
  • Community Corner

Lave Radio Episode 66 – Squeee 3, Xbox One, Lavecon 2015, Artemis… SOO MUCH

Lave Radio

Chock full of amazing information about Lavecon 2015 content, and WHY YOU HAVE TO GO!!!!!, also we chat about the E3 announcements, and Powerplay updates and all things Elite.

Download the episode directly from here.

Originally Broadcast 16/6/2015

Lave Radio Episode 65 – Powerplay HITS Release, and LaveHammer

Lave Radio

Powerplay is out now, we share some hints and tips to help you avoid the big turn offs. Also a chat about one of the events at this years Lavecon 2015.

Download the episode directly from here.

Originally Broadcast 9/6/2015