Lave Radio Episode 50 – 50th SPECIAL!!

New 50th EpisodeIt’s here, hurrah!!! That time anomaly has been de-anomalated? And its here for your listening enjoyment.

With a full crew compliment, the orange sidewinder is listing to the right slightly as it takes us on a journey of recapping the amazing years of Lave Radio, and Elite: Dangerous.

Download the episode directly from here.

Episode 41 – The Aftermath..erm Party! Yes After Party

PACKSHOTSo the Premier event was over, and the hyperactive, alcohol fueled commanders made their way back to the hotel… for the ‘After Party’
Fozza bravely set up a microphone to interview some of the community to capture their feelings.

Download the episode directly from here.

Episode 40 – Premier Event, Were you there?

PACKSHOTIt happened, and it was amazing… Join the team as they try to capture the essence of the premier event and document wisdom from the Dev’s and guests after discovering the free bar.

Download the episode directly from here.

Episode 39 – Beta than expected?

The Crew are out in force to discuss all the highlights of beta 3, the newsletters and some updates on the fiction. Does not include the most recent newsletter 49, which came out after the recording.

Download the episode directly from here.