The Conclave Episode 6 – Clash of Clans Part 1

Conclave CoverThe first in a series of Conclaves where we discuss the current state of group play in Elite: Dangerous and the ramifications of the larger Meta gaming aspect of the ED Universe.

Fozza and Lisa sit down with James Griffin of Big Harry’s Boys, ShadowGar of Emperors Grace, JP of the Pirate group The Code and Ian Honcharenko from the Arma3 group VolcSpac.


Does it currently work? What would we like to change? What would we love to see in the future?

Thanks for the guys for giving up their time to take part, enjoy the show.

Clash of Clans1

Download the episode directly from here.

Lave Radio Episode 54 – Edinbugh or Bust

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Our Commander takes us into the ‘open’ game and we end up gurgling around the rim of Lugh. Did we find action in the Lugh? Was it too much for us all? Did we have to rely on no 2?

Uncle Art Kickstarter project hits a crisis. PLEASE READ.

Download the episode directly from here.

Lave Radio Episode 53 – Return of the Elite

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2nd Technician Fozza Forrester mops off the baby sick and dirty nappies to lead the crew of the orange sidewinder into new lands… namely Version 1.2 and Mac. Along with a lot of discussion of what the Xbox One release might mean.

Also a new Kickstarter project that needs our support is discussed. Visit here for more info: UncleArt.

Download the episode directly from here.

Elite: Lave Revolution Competition

Greetings Commanders, Fire-up your word processors, set-up your typewriters or break out the notepads and pens, because we’re back with another drabble competition! What’s a “drabble” you ask? It’s a story written in precisely 100 words, no more and no less. Stories of 99 or less and 101 or more…

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Writers Interview 18 – Michael Brookes – Elite: Legacy

M BrookesLisa takes to the Frontier Development offices to have a chat with the author of the official Elite: Dangerous fiction novel “Elite: Legacy”, Executive Producer Michael Brookes, about his new book. As a favour to us he agreed to judge our Elite: Legacy drabble competition to win a copy of the book. Listen to the interview to find out who Michael chose and hear him read the winners entry!

Thank you to Frontier and Michael for taking the time to talk to us. You can check out his writing over on his personal site The Cult of Me.

Download the episode directly from here.