The Pink Wafer
Download the episode directly from here.
Crew Members
Head of health and safety : Ben Moss-Woodward – Cmdr Eid LeWeise Chief Archivist : Colin Ford – Cmdr phoenix_dfire Chief Bar Steward : Grant Woolcott – Cmdr Psykokow (In)Human Resources Director : Shan – Cmdr Shanaeri Lavian Space Program Director : Andy Barnes – Cmdr Kurgol Deputy Trade Attaché : Souv – Cmdr Souvarine Kimono Wearing Water Drinker : Will Flanagan Pink Wafer Pilot : Sally Morgan-Moore
Crew Members Head of health and safety : Ben Moss-Woodward – Cmdr Eid LeWeise (In)Human Resources Director : Shan – Cmdr Shanaeri Deputy Trade Attaché : Souv – Cmdr Souvarine Space Boffin : Cmdr Atrus5060
Learning Elite: Dangerous can be intimidating and overwhelming. You’re not alone in the universe commander. There are hundreds of us waiting to help you in a variety of ways.
The official release of this site has not happened yet, but you are free to browse around while content is being aggregated and pulled here. A tweet will be made from @EDIEarth and an announcement about EDI by Obsidian Ant. Stay tuned commanders, we’re almost there!
Head of health and safety : Ben Moss-Woodward – Cmdr Eid LeWeise Chief Archivist : Colin Ford – Cmdr phoenix_dfire Chief Bar Steward : Grant Woolcott – Cmdr Psykokow (In)Human Resources Director : Shan – Cmdr Shanaeri Lavian Space Program Director : Andy Barnes – Cmdr Kurgol Deputy Trade Attaché : Souv – Cmdr Souvarine Fleetcom Admin : Cmdr Kancro Vantas
Departure from Polo Harbour marks the end of Stage 1.
Stage 2: Building the Galactic Core Starport and discovering secrets at the heart of the galaxy. Stage 2 will offer new challenges as we begin to leave the last human outposts far behind, in addition some of the optional points of interest along the Stage 2 route may be in locations requiring large jump ranges, and/or the use of neutron boosts if you want to visit them!
The main goal of this stage though will be to complete the 2nd phase of the community goal at the very heart of the galaxy when we arrive at WP7 in a couple of weeks time. After which the fleet will continue to explore the core, and gradually make its way out toward the far side.
Fleet attrition will most likely begin to bite during this stage, as was the case with DW1, many commanders see Sagittarius A as an adequate goal in which to call it a day – and this is perfectly fine – DW2 will be no different!
Anti-Xeno Initiative – the thargoids have upped the stakes at the moment. We have 5 systems in Incursion and 5 systems with an infestations. Defenders are stretched to the limit, with the AXI only able to defend one system last week.
Operation IDA – congratulations for completing Cleaver Prospect. They have now targeted the noob hammer Station of Cavalieri in the Electra system. (for the second time)
Battlecards News. Nothing has happened as far as the opposing party. However, the good news is that there has been movement on the Kickstarter Front, who are looking seriously at this matter now. Hopefully Good News Soon(™)
Escape Velocity News, The latest remastered episode is available/ will be available soon.
Head of health and safety : Ben Moss-Woodward – Cmdr Eid LeWeise Chief Archivist : Colin Ford – Cmdr phoenix_dfire (In)Human Resources Director : Shan – Cmdr Shanaeri Lavian Space Program Director : Andy Barnes – Cmdr Kurgol Deputy Trade Attaché : Souv – Cmdr Souvarine Tech Monkey: Cmdr Ventura The Minty Hole : Karen Fishwick Mr Plow : Cmdr Ray Tracer
Crew Members Head of health and safety : Ben Moss-Woodward – Cmdr Eid LeWeise Chief Bar Steward : Grant Woolcott – Cmdr Psykokow (In)Human Resources Director : Shan – Cmdr Shanaeri Deputy Trade Attaché : Souv – Cmdr Souvarine Tech Monkey: Cmdr Ventura Distant Crow: Cmdr All Crows Are Black Distant Cousin : Cmdr Jon Burnage
Head of health and safety : Ben Moss-Woodward – Cmdr Eid LeWeise Chief Archivist : Colin Ford – Cmdr phoenix_dfire (In)Human Resources Director : Shan – Cmdr Shanaeri Deputy Trade Attaché : Souv – Cmdr Souvarine Space Game Hunter : Cmdr Nats Wright Big Game Hunter : Cmdr Obsidian Ant Distant Worlds Photographer : Cmdr Ray Tracer Tech Monkey : Cmdr Ventura
We (DW2) made the PRINT EDITION of New Scientist, 26th January 2019. Guys, nearly one million scientists and science enthusiasts the world over are reading – ` – about what we are doing.
Rare objects in the Milky Way: Pop II ancestral stars by Dr Sarah Bosman (CMDR Shobah)
Nice little article about K and M type stars who’s expected life span is currently longer than the age of our universe!
Space Porn with Raytracer – Review of DW2 photo contests and GalPhoto partnership
Rampant speculation of what we’re hoping will the next big update will be, when they might announce it and when it might be released
Community Corner
Anti-Xeno Initiative had to deal with 4 incursions last week (doubled) but the eagle eye network say no new infestations (Quick explanation about the new states).
Our first major Cross-platform AX Combat event will take place this weekend: [Wild Hunt’s Overture]! It will take place for this entire weekend (Feb 1st 5PM UTC – Feb 3rd 5AM UTC), make sure to sign up early before Friday February 1st!
Operation IDA – They are still working on Cleaver Prospect with Indium 43% , Titanium 22%, Aluminium 58%, Polymers 52% and Energy Grid Assembly 94%. There still seems to be a bug where only 4 out of 5 tonnes are counted against the total. Frontier says they’re investigating.
To Help Celebrate Frontier’s 25th Birthday on the 28th Cmdr Arithon has released his 3305 blueprints, which contains corrections to data and the hard point / utility numbers.
SRV achieves orbital velocity (646m/s@13.8km) at “Quantum World” (Flyiedgiae QN-T d3-17 AB 1 b) aka the smallest stellar body we’ve found in the galaxy
SRV Drifts at ~ 700 m/s away and other ships can’t catch up
Eventually (0.21ls – approx 62, 956 km) a Cutter drops infront of it and boops it back towards the moon
Crew Members Head of health and safety : Ben Moss-Woodward – Cmdr Eid LeWeise Chief Archivist : Colin Ford – Cmdr phoenix_dfire Chief Bar Steward : Grant Woolcott – Cmdr Psykokow (In)Human Resources Director : Shan – Cmdr Shanaeri Distant Worlds Miner : Cmdr Polish Dan Distant Worlds Miner : Cmdr Will T Riker
Director of Pest Control : Ashley Devine – Cmdr DrToxic Head of health and safety : Ben Moss-Woodward – Cmdr Eid LeWeise 2nd Technician : Chris Forrester – Cmdr Fozz (In)Human Resources Director : Shan – Cmdr Shanaeri Distant Worlds : Cmdr AllCrowsAreBlack Distant Worlds : Jon Burnage
To take part all you need to do tell us your fondest memory about Frontier games, events or moments on any one of the below social media posts – or here on the forums. So, whether that’s a memory of docking for the first time in the very original Elite, releasing your first raptor in Jurassic World Evolution, or hearing Peter Sallis reprising his role in Wallace & Gromit in Project Zoo.
Frontier expects to report revenue of approximately £64 million for the period compared to £19 million recorded in the interim results last year.
Based on trading performance in the first six months of the financial year, combined with sales over the Christmas holiday period, the Board remain comfortable with the analyst revenue projections of £75 million to £88 million for FY19 (the year ending 31 May 2019) and anticipate that revenue should exceed the mid-point of this range.
Elite Dangerous has exceeded 3 million base game units. Previously the Company has reported “franchise units” for Elite Dangerous whereby the Elite Dangerous: Horizons expansion, sold at the same price as the base game, was also counted as one unit. The Company has now simplified unit reporting to state gross unit sales of the base game only. For comparative purposes cumulative franchise units for Elite Dangerous are now over 4.3 million.
The development of Frontier’s fourth game franchise is on track, with release targeted for FY20 (between 1 June 2019 and 31 May 2020).
Commanders taking part in the Mining-CG need to deliver their mined materials to the Omega Mining Operation Asteroid Base (make sure you are signed up to the CG before making deliveries!).
The first CG will officially begin on Thursday 17th January. Commanders will be able to sign up to the CG at the Asteroid Base that is hosting it.
Mining hints and tips
Escorts for miners and truckers
Fleet Defense Force (sanctioned PvP metagame/roleplay)
Director of Pest Control : Ashley Devine – Cmdr DrToxic Head of health and safety : Ben Moss-Woodward – Cmdr Eid LeWeise Chief Archivist : Colin Ford – Cmdr phoenix_dfire Chief Bar Steward : Grant Woolcott – Cmdr Psykokow (In)Human Resources Director : Shan – Cmdr Shanaeri Lavian Space Program Director : Andy Barnes – Cmdr Kurgol Deputy Trade Attaché : Souv – Cmdr Souvarine EIC : Cmdr Mack Winston Distant Worlds : Cmdr Valen
Anthor, the guy who runs the EDSM website, has finally make it possible for console users to link out travels to the website! If you create an account, and link it to your PSN account from the “Console Updater” option, EDSM will track all your in-game progress! Go register now!
Official policy from the DW2 organisers is that we do not endorse any form of PVP within the DW2 PGs, even for protection. Any combat within the DW2 PGs is strictly limited to PVE combat against NPCs. We cannot control anything that happens outside of the DW2 PGs, so we advise that you use the official PGs if you want to avoid PVP combat:
FleetComm (PC)
DistantworldsXB (Xbox)
Allcrowsareblack (PS4)
If attacked by a player, please contact a PG Admin privately and directly with any evidence like screenshots, videos, or player logs if on PC, etc. Please do not do this in public in any form.
In the event of destruction within one of the PGs, DO NOT click on rebuy. Instead, submit a support ticket with Frontier Support and state in your ticket that you are a DW2 participant and don’t want moving back to the bubble, and wait for a response. If you chose the rebuy option then FDev will be unable to move you back to where you died.
In your ticket also cite the information about Harassment Rules in Private Groups, as well as name the player(s) that attacked you.
Please do keep in mind that any support handled by FDev is done on a case by case basis at their discretion.
Fleet Defence Force and escorts against NPCs
Escorts will officially be handled by Iridum Wing on PC and Xbox, and a separate PS4 escort wing. These will be used for escorting truckers and during the mining CGs near civilised space.
The Fleet Defence Force is roleplayed with a story entwined in a mystical and interactive adventure that you can join as part of the Distant Worlds 2 expedition. Rumours are circulating of a bandit raider group spread across the route to Beagle Point. The Primary role of the FDF will be to scupper the plans of the bandits based on five interwoven scenarios as part of an EDRPG story arc.
The bandit scenarios will be the only sanctioned PvP events taking place within the expedition and will be carried out using SLF’s and SRV’s under strict guidelines in a controlled instance in a separate FDF PG.
You will require a ship capable of carrying an SLF.
The first Bandit vs FDF scenario will take place on Saturday 26th January 3305, location and times will follow within the FleetComm discord.
Fleet Mechanics in-game practice runs from the 8th-12th JAN on all platforms. For more info visit the Fleet Mechanics channel within the FleetComm discord.
Anti-Xeno Initiative – The Thargoids attacked Electra placing the system in the Inclusion State. Commanders managed to fend off the Thargoids within 4 days.
Operation IDA – They had a Holiday Charity Drive and managed to repair Asami Orbital, in addition to raising $1100+ for the Direct Aid Charity.
Zarek Null Ran the Live Player event of Operation TinMan :- This video presents the final outcome: – Because Pilots Federation commanders failed to stop Operation:Tinman, there is now a sentient, artificially intelligent cosmic vampire named CMDR SAI-4 inhabiting open-mode. In order to survive, SAI-4 must continually feed on signals emanated from the exploding frameshift drives of Pilots Federation commanders. So if you see this Commander in Open – RUN!!! He/She/It will Attack!
Crew Members Station Commander : Allen Stroud – Cmdr Heldaban Kel Director of Pest Control : Ashley Devine – Cmdr DrToxic Head of health and safety : Ben Moss-Woodward – Cmdr Eid LeWeise Chief Archivist : Colin Ford – Cmdr phoenix_dfire Chief Bar Steward : Grant Woolcott – Cmdr Psykokow (In)Human Resources Director : Shan – Cmdr Shanaeri Lavian Space Program Director : Andy Barnes – Cmdr Kurgol Deputy Trade Attaché : Souv – Cmdr Souvarine Distant Worlds : Cmdr Olivia Vespera Distant Worlds : Cmdr Valen
Congratulations to our Krait skin winner Beau Hesterberg! Grant has been working on his bathroom since November 2016 and Beau was just over a hundred days out!
Why – Distant worlds 2 is an amazing community expedition of a lifetime. The roster of members has exceeded 4300 and likely to reach 5000 members and because of that we’re organizing “preparation week” to help CMDRs unlock engineers and the guardian FSD Booster
What – explain what’s happening preparation week
Mention Fleet Truckers picking up rare commodities during this period
When – Date of preparation week 31st December-6th January