2nd Tech Fozza takes us through some exciting developments in the game Elite: Dangerous and some moving events from the amazing community surrounding it.
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2nd Tech Fozza takes us through some exciting developments in the game Elite: Dangerous and some moving events from the amazing community surrounding it.
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2nd Tech Fozza takes a reduced crew out on a spin through all things Powerplay.
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John Virgo takes us all on a test drive through the last week of Elite: Dangerous.
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Chris Fozza Forrester takes us into deep space with discussions on missions and what to do when you’ve reached the top in Elite.
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Psykokow takes the sidewinder out for a joyride and tackles the reaction to the release of Elite: Dangerous on Steam.
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It’s here, hurrah!!! That time anomaly has been de-anomalated? And its here for your listening enjoyment.
With a full crew compliment, the orange sidewinder is listing to the right slightly as it takes us on a journey of recapping the amazing years of Lave Radio, and Elite: Dangerous.
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Commander Stroud takes the helm and takes us through some rocky waters……erm space.
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Kerrash jumps into the pilot’s seat of the Orange Sidewinder and Lave gets mobbed by distracting Commanders as we attempt to talk about the latest development news, Newsletter and the state of the war in Lugh. We have even got some bloopers for you good folks!
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Our Commander takes us into the ‘open’ game and we end up gurgling around the rim of Lugh. Did we find action in the Lugh? Was it too much for us all? Did we have to rely on no 2?
Uncle Art Kickstarter project hits a crisis. PLEASE READ.
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2nd Technician Fozza Forrester mops off the baby sick and dirty nappies to lead the crew of the orange sidewinder into new lands… namely Version 1.2 and Mac. Along with a lot of discussion of what the Xbox One release might mean.
Also a new Kickstarter project that needs our support is discussed. Visit here for more info: UncleArt.
Download the episode directly from here.