Elite Meet 2016 Lave Report

New LR iTunes Cover


Episode 104 which we tried to record last night experienced technical melt down, however Chris Jarvis and Allen Stroud manage talk about their experiences with Elite Meet

Aired 5th April 2016
Audio versions

Download the episode directly from here.

Lave Radio Episode 103

New LR iTunes Cover


Allen Stroud conjures up a Re-animation spell to revive the DDF, but is it too late for this decrepit zombie to be of any use?

Aired 22nd March 2016
Audio versions

Download the episode directly from here.

Crew Members

Station Commander (Presenter): Allen Stroud : Cmdr Helaban Kel
Head of Health and safety : Ben Moss Woodwood : Cmdr EidLeWeiss
Head of station Archives : Colin Ford : Cmdr PhoniexDFire
Chief Barsteward : Grant Woolcott : Cmdr Psykokow

Show Notes:

Development News

  • Planet Coaster Alpha launches today – Released today
    • Advertise Lave Radio special stream for PC? – Alt Lave New Ad Hoc Show from the crew of the Orange Sidewinder that will focus on Movies, Video Games, Tv Shows, and Fiction. Indeed anything really that members of the crew feel is worthy of discussion outside the ED Universe. The first of these shows will focus around Planet Coast from Frontier Developments.

Newsletter 116

  • Community Goals will be available on the galaxy map.
  • Tracks on planets – Are they limited to your client, instance or are they permanent (probably not). How long until someone does a big tyre track penis and shares it on facebook? Grant Woolcott I am looking at you after last night!!!
  • New Utility slot type in Peek of the week?!
  • The Join the Elite Stream
    • Where Ed and Michael Brookes took people through how to do exploring, the necessary and helpful equipment required with hints and tips on how to explore showing there is more to exploring than HSJ (Honk, Scoop and Jump).
    • This thursdays’ stream is all about trading tips.
  • In game news
    • Poor  Ishmael Palin (the prominent Barnicle expert) so far has been attacked by pirates, kidnapped and finally rescued. However his bad luck has continued as he’s now contracted the  Cerberus Plague. You’d think someone has it in for him, he’s having so much bad luck. 😉
    • The campaign from the Canonn Interstellar Research Group to establish a new research outpost in the Col 285 Sector IX-T d3-43 system has been successful. A new outpost will be constructed ‘soon’ which will help with more research into the UA.
    • A rogue Farragut Battle Cruiser somewhere? There were reports last week of a Federal Battle Cruiser with Pirate markings in the LHS 3447.
    • Speaking of Farragut Battle Cruisers, the construction of the Latest Cruiser in the Beti Hydri system has the Empire worried. If more cruisers are constructed, sources close to Admiral Denton Patreus say that the empire might have to respond in kind.
    • In response to the New Battle Cruiser and rhetoric coming from the Empire; the Alliance has held a diplomatic summit at the Alliance Capital looking at possible responses.

Main Discussion – DDF Lazerus

  • Default In-game choices to be made by the DDF
  • “It’s been a long time, but we are finally able to move towards some of the things we discussed during the Kickstarter with respect to the DDF and the ability of members to decide together on significant actions within the game. There are some big events coming to the game later this year (in relation to an alien species – trying to minimise spoilers here!), and members will decide where these events first take place, and how the process moves on down the line. This will be by voting on the DDF forum with a choice of possible locations. As the events unfold, there will be further such choices going forwards.”

Community Corner

  • Allen’s Stroud AMA. –  A lot of questions about a possible sequel to Lave Revolution.
  • Mobius AMA – Erm… started off ok but then became a slagging match between people of the opinion that solo or private groups ruin community goals, powerplay etc and those that don’t.
  • Elite Racers who have their subreddit if you want to get along
    • Really impressed with the Imperial couriers’ canyon run. (Beggers Canyon anyone). Someone will have to do on in the fastest ship (Isn’t that a viper?) and see what’s that like.

Lave Radio Episode 102

Lego SRVThe show dives into virtual reality and the health and safety of LOOOOOOOOOONGGGG streams

Aired 15th March 2016
Audio versions

Download the episode directly from here.

Crew Members

Head of Entertainments : Chris Jarvis : Cmdr thane
Head of Health and safety : Ben Moss Woodwood : Cmdr EidLeWeiss
Head of station Archives : Colin Ford : Cmdr PhoniexDFire
VR Expert and all round ‘nice guy’ : Cmdr Snuffler

Show Notes:

  • Development News
    • Join the Elite: Everything You Need to Know About Community Goals with Steve Kirby
    • Zac — Support update – Reiteration of player harassment rules
    • Planet Coaster has a date of Tuesday 22nd March for Alpha backers
    • PowerPlay : Sandro on Collusion Piracy and More
      • Doesn’t Like it BUT Recognises it’s a useful tool
      • Wants to introduce effects to degrade Collusion Piracy (current options)
        • Creating a voting system to allow Commanders, by the act of majority will, to withdraw from poor control systems, ensuring mechanisms are in place to prevent profitable systems from being voted out.
        • Utilising an UP / DOWN vote feature, which would exist primarily to be a channel of communication within the game for pledged Commanders) to also provide veto functionality at the preparation stage, allowing, by the act of majority will, poor control system candidates from being purchased as expansion targets.
        • Introducing a combo mechanism for fortification allotments, limiting the purchase of rushed allotments based on successful deliveries – the more you deliver the more you can pay to rush – whilst adding temporary fortification disbarring for losing fortification commodities.
    • Power Play : Sandro on ‘open bonus’
      • Sandro – “And since I’m in the mood for pulling hand grenades , here’s another thing to chew on: I’m currently rather taken by the concept of a success multiplier for Commanders in Open Play. this modifier would not improve personal gains from power play activities, but it would magnify the effectiveness of a power’s actions (expand, oppose, fortify, undermine). And the effect would probably be significant.
      • Power Play by design encourages player interaction and FD want to encourage that. “Powerplay will always be at its best when opposing Commanders interact directly”
  • Newsletter 115
  • Main Discussion
    • VR News 
    • Ian Honcharenko — “Question for the team: With the rise in popularity of 24hr charity streams and the advertising in the newsletter last week of a race requiring approximately 38 hours commuted flight time in a 2 day period, I put the question to you should frontier be promoting such events despite the inherent health risks and chance of negative press (such as the numerous game addiction articles in both professional medical journals and less professional tabloid newspapers).I’d just add that last year’s Voyager winner did it in 40 hours with a 2 hr nap.”
      • From the newsletter— Probably one of the craziest endurance challenges in the galaxy, the 2nd Annual Voyager Challenge kicks off on March 24, 2016. Head over to the original forum post to find out how you can get involved.

        Can you make 60,000 light years in under 40 hours? According to event organisers, last year’s record was an incredible 38 hours, 44 minutes!

        It’ll take some doing, but we know that there must be some Commanders out there with the tenacity to get this done!

        Remember, fly safe Commanders! Make sure you take regular breaks, look after yourselves and be sensible with any long play sessions.
      • Also worth working in the Hutton Orbital Gimp run with the race to Sag A
      • Also arguably FD’s original race to Elite and what the guy to get the Triple did to win that
      • 24 hour streams – a good/bad thing to encourage?
  • Community Corner
  • Questions
    • MonkeyBones asks – Which is a more valuable asset, an A5+ fuel scoop or a REALLY BIG GAS TANK? (For the record, after a year or so with a RBGT I have finally switched to a B6 Fuel Scoop. It is SO fast, but it still makes me nervous that I will get stuck out of fuel in a brown dwarf desert.) Shameless Plug for the REALLY BIG GAS TANK Methinks
    • CMDR Smugallo – Id love to hear the cast each try an impression of someone not a discussion i know hahaj.
      • Ben failed and everyone else wimped out. 🙂

Lave Radio Episode 101

New LR iTunes Cover

We’re on a mission from Chalker Landing to Lave to deliver blood crystals and help Lave Radio Network complete their Community goal… fancy coming along?

A Special Convoy episode to tickle your fancy with sprinklings of Dev News, newsletters and discussion on the announced Delay to Horizons 2.1

Aired 8th March 2016
Audio versions

Download the episode directly from here.

Crew Members

Host & 2nd Technician : Chris Forrester : Cmdr Fozza
Head of Entertainments : Chris Jarvis : Cmdr thane
Head of Health and safety : Ben Moss Woodwood : Cmdr EidLeWeiss
Head of station Archives : Colin Ford : Cmdr PhoniexDFire
Chief Bar steward : Grant Woolcott : Cmdr Psykokow

Show Notes:

  • Development News
    • Newsletter 114
      • Galaxy Map Bookmarks
        We can rename them, plot routes to them
      • ED 2.1 Delayed (see main topic)
      • Elite Dangerous 3D Printed Models
        • Eucl3D have created full-colour, 3D-printed sandstone models of some of your favourite Elite Dangerous ships. Prices for the models start at $29.99 – head over to Eucl3D’s website to get a glimpse of the Viper, the Anaconda and the Cobra.

          Eucl3D are going to be taking part in an AMA on the Elite Dangerous subreddit on Friday 11 March at 7PM GMT. So get your 3D printing-related questions ready!
      • Join the Elite
    • Dev Update
      • Consequences and Rewards
        • Improve BGS Communication
          • “With minor faction states we’re intending making their effects more noticeable on available missions, ship traffic and composition, and markets. At the moment these can be quite subtle, so beefing them up with add more drama to a star system.”
          • “authority response if they are attacked will be sharper.”
        • Wider range of rewards than just credits
          • Treasure Locations
          • Materials
          • Hard to find commodities / salvage items
            • Some may be mission rewards only and could tie into story events
        • Rewards will be more appropriate to the risk.
        • Rewards will also increase the more a faction likes you.
      • Cockpit gets a clock!
    • New paint job packs for the Imperial Courier and the Type 6
    • Naming ‘things’ in game being added to the Store
      • This week we want to share with you something we’ve been thinking about for some time, in response to the many requests we’ve had since the Kickstarter.

        Naming NPCs, renaming planets and even having a named surface marker to commemorate a special person, thing or event, are all things you’ve been asking for. We are considering adding these items and more to the Frontier Store, including star system naming and creation and naming of new surface starports. We would love to know your opinion on this, and gauge interest.

        In order to keep these items special we would limit the availability of each, and if it works well, we would have a batch in each future expansion too.
      • Arubeto – “Really? This is open to discussion? Guess we won’t be visiting “Sagittarius A*” anymore…”
      • Zac“Allow me to clarify. Everyone is very conscious about making sure that the naming of things are done in a way that does not ruin existing names. What I mean to say is that we want your feedback here to make sure that we consider everything, so even if things seem obvious, let us know your thoughts on what you would like or wouldn’t like as part of this process. We’ve seen some really great feedback already”
    • Trailer Competition – The winner has been announced for the trailer competition. Commander NOTONLYHERE came up with a blinder including timed delay shots of cities, coordinated ship launches, SRV races etc. The trailer can be found at :- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cF4qln6-qUw
    • Main story “The furor surrounding FD’s delay of 2.1 and recent stock exchange news”
      • 2nd March Press Release http://www.londonstockexchange.com/exchange/news/market-news/market-news-detail/FDEV/12719733.html
      • Translation from Finance Speak to Real Speak from Cmdr GTuk
        • 2.1 Engineers is was scheduled for release in April. “Release date?” “Not that we’re talking about just yet.”
        • Accounting-wise, Horizons will now “leave early access” and be considered “released” after 31st May.
        • Accounting-wise, revenue from the sales of Horizons will be deferred to FY2016-2017’s financials (starting June 1st), instead of being included in FY2015-2016’s financials (which ends May 31st).
        • FDev will pay less tax in FY2015-2016, choosing instead to pay more the following year.
      • Comment from DB
        “What it means is that 2.1 is pushed out by around 6 weeks. This is to push the quality up, which is a good thing for the game. It’s ready when it’s ready. It does mean you’ll have to wait a bit longer, but it will be worth the wait.”
      • Post by Zac
        Hey guys,
        This morning we released a trading update that we wanted to share with you.
        The update explains that our next instalment of the Horizons season of expansions (2.1 – The Engineers) which was previously planned for April will now move into the beginning of our next financial year. We’re aiming for to release the beta in May.
        We’re sorry to keep you waiting, but the Engineers is a truly colossal update and this additional time is being used to ensure that the new content is of the highest quality possible. We take great pride in all of the content we produce and we firmly believe that giving this additional development time is the right thing to do for the game, the studio and the fantastic community of players.
        You can read the update here: http://www.frontier.co.uk/investor_r…l=edit&blk=275

Lave Radio Episode 100


Join us on an amazing celebration of 100 episodes of the Lave Radio podcast, tonight we are going to recall our favourite moments from the last 3 years, take a look at all the things that have happened and also recall some of the features that have yet to make it to the game.  Then we turn our gaze forward to bring you the very best in speculation on what the future holds.

It’s a bumper episode so make sure you have your kettle handy, or that you have indeed been to the loo before hand.

Did I mention the interview with David Braben?

Aired 1st March 2016
Audio versions

Download the episode directly from here.

Crew Members

Host & 2nd Technician : Chris Forrester : Cmdr Fozza
Station Commander : Allen Stroud : Cmdr Heldaban Kel
Head of Security : Lisa Trott : Cmdr Voo
Head of Entertainments : Chris Jarvis : Cmdr thane
Head of Health and safety : Ben Moss Woodwood : Cmdr EidLeWeiss
Head of station Archives : Colin Ford : Cmdr PhoniexDFire
Chief Bar steward : Grant Woolcott : Cmdr Psykokow
Head of operations Lave Station : John Stabler : Cmd Glyndwrr)
Head of Station Security : Lisa Voo : Cmdr Voo

Show Notes:

Announce Minor Faction, big thank you to Frontier
Lave Radio Network is now an in game faction in the Lave System
lave minor factions

Quick Natter

  • Each crew member’s stand out moment from the history of Lave Radio
  • First David Braben Interview segment (15 mins)

Discussion 1 – The Present Horizons so far and current community Buzz

  • Current state of ED/LR.
  • Minor Faction
  • CG (starts Thursday!)
  • Favourite stuff to do in-game
  • Community events
  • Elitemeet 2016
  • LaveCon 2016
  • Play Runes of Anarchy in the LAN competition
  • All attendees get a link to John’s latest game to play. Help stress test it over the weekend.
  • Second David Braben Interview segment (18 mins)


Discussion 2 – The Past Kickstarter, Alpha, Beta, Launch Party, Season 1

  • What did ED get right, straight off the bat?
  • What is still a Work in progress?
  • Ideas we had that didn’t work for us?
  • Favourite memories from LaveCon?
  • Elitemeet 2016
  • Past of ED/LR? Some nostalgia and looking back
  • LaveCon 2016
  • Play Runes of Anarchy in the LAN competition at Lavecon 2016
  • Final David Braben Interview segment (10 mins)


Discussion 3 – The Future – Wild Speculation and wrap up

  • The future of ED/Lave Radio/Lavecon?
  • The Real Orange Sidewinder! – An in game asset that spams local chat with quotes from the podcast.
  • Major shoutouts for those who have helped us:
  • Thank all those that took the time to record and send in a message
  • Thank everybody that has supported the show from behind the scenes Karen for all the extra work she does with Lavecon but also all our better halfs, Hannah, Suzi , Mel, Amy, Claire  and Alison and James !
  • Community Shoutouts


Lave Radio Episode 99


The Blood is in the air tonight as we play host to both the Mobius Group and The Smiling Dog Crew. We try to get the facts about the recent storm in a teacup between the two groups and hear about if you’re going to be the bad guy, then BE the bad guy.

Aired 23rd February 2016
Audio versions

Download the episode directly from here.

Show Notes:

  • Dev Update 18th February
    • More Missions at neutral rep
    • Higher rep means more missions and better money
    • Remove the rank requirement, Rank now implies the difficulty of the mission
    • State of the minor faction
    • Type(s) of market for that port
    • Government
  • Better feedback for what that mission will do to the BGS
  • Galactic Academy
    “It’s a frontier thing, but not possible without the incredible community. We have a group of mentors that have signed up (volunteers) and they are on Teamspeak and Discord and we will be emailing all our players with low play time and then all new players every week with details about the academy. It’s a landing page with user guides, videos and most importantly ways to connect straight up with our volunteer mentors. They consist of ambassadors, mods, group representatives and other specialists. It’s about teaching players and hand holding them where needs into basic things like the galaxy map, making a credit or two, etc”
  • Reduce the barrier for entry for ‘alternative mission flows’ I.E. you won’t have to drop out of supercruise to get an alternative.
  • USS for missions will generally be at a specific body in a system rather than random
  • Nav Beacons can be scanned to give system information!
  • Systems will now have traffic lanes and hubs and these affect the creation of USS. Also USS are created spatially not temporally, so you can’t just sit there and wait for them,
  • USS can be scanned to reveal information about them.
    • “This week’s dev update is the penultimate update “ Hmmm so 25/2 for last 2.1 update. Can we speculate Alpha early March?
    • Improving Variety
    • 3 stage hierarchy for generating missions
  • Capitol in Achenar to get some actual Land!
  • New Sets of Anaconda skins. The empire people are very happy with the white one. 😉
  • Announcement via Zac:
    • Galactic Academy
      “It’s a frontier thing, but not possible without the incredible community. We have a group of mentors that have signed up (volunteers) and they are on Teamspeak and Discord and we will be emailing all our players with low play time and then all new players every week with details about the academy. It’s a landing page with user guides, videos and most importantly ways to connect straight up with our volunteer mentors. They consist of ambassadors, mods, group representatives and other specialists. It’s about teaching players and hand holding them where needs into basic things like the galaxy map, making a credit or two, etc”
  • Newsletter 112
  • Not Only Here wins FD’s Horizons Video competition
  • Distant Worlds Set some records at Sag A
  • CQC Mayhem – LOADS of streaming
    • If you see FDEV Rhino, FDEV Jet or FDEV Wolf in CQC, then take a screenshot of you playing against them and email it to community@frontier.co.uk with the subject line ‘CQC Gladiators’
  • Educating Ed Episode 13 – UGC Thursday 25th 19:00 (GMT)
  • Community Corner
  • Questions
    • We are a small player faction, known as NULL,  here to help others with donations for lost ships due to lack of insurance as well as new players getting their footing, and an escort service for traders and returning explorers.  And we are now under threat of being steam rollered by Winters PP faction.  We need help, as our currently limited resources are running low.
      Any Alliance commanders listening in please ship prep agreements to DR Crucis.
      Any NON-Winters aligned players, please undermine them to assist us staying independent, and here to help others.
      NULL needs your help, to ensure our BANK deposits here for others remains available and open for business.
      Thank you CMDR NULL
  • Shoutouts
    • Massive thank you to those people that have already sent us message of congratulations to play out on next week’s 100th episode. If you would like to send us a message to play out on the show please record a short mp3 and send it to info@laveradio.com with the subject 100th.
      Everybody that does gets a little thank you in the post from the crew.Hi guys, any chance of a shoutout on tomorrow nights show for the Wasat Cup, a
      50km, point-to-point SRV race from Elwood Camp to Ferguson Prospect on Wasat A2
      E organised by the Buckyball Racing Club. You can run it any time you like (and
      as many times as you like) from 23rd-25th February using screenshots to capture
      your start and end times.Takes around 30mins … if you’re fast. Well? Are you fast?? Come along and
      prove it then!

      Search the forums for “The Wasat Cup – Buggyball”


      There’s a free pint in it for you at Lavecon 2016 🙂

Lave Radio Episode 98

elite arena


The Speculation Engine is in full gear, what do we think we will see in 2.4?

Aired 16th February 2016
Audio versions

Download the episode directly from here.

Show Notes:

    • Introductions Fozza / Jarvis hit Frontier Towers
    • Development News
      • Newsletter #111
      • Elite Horizons released today – Lot of CQC fixes, a couple of smaller fixes to the main game – https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php?t=232819
        • Although this item does stand out –  i Sola Prospect in the Brestla star system now always stocks all ships and modules
        • Sadly does not fix forming Squads for CQC – it’s still a large unsorted list!


  • CQC Mayhem will run for four weeks, beginning on Tuesday February 16 and ending on Tuesday March 15 . Take part in intense PVP action in custom-built arenas set within the Elite Dangerous galaxy. Equip a unique loadout on your craft and earn XP to unlock new weapons, modules and abilities. Simply select Start and then CQC from the main menu in Elite Dangerous or Elite Dangerous: Horizons to get started.


Quick Overview

Fly agile fighters and go head-to-head against the galaxy’s greatest pilots in PVP dogfights – easy to pick up controls reward your skills with more to master for the ultimate combat edge. Choose your ship, customise your loadout and prepare for instant Arena-based action to earn the right to be called Elite.


Please note: All customers who buy Elite Dangerous: Arena from the Frontier Store will receive a discount equal to their original purchase price, when upgrading to either Elite Dangerous or the Elite Dangerous: Deluxe Edition.


    • David Braben talks to PC Gamer about Elite : Arena
      • http://www.pcgamer.com/david-braben-on-arena-and-the-future-of-elite-dangerous/
  • Dev Update Michael Brookes – Leading on from last week’s “Personalisation” with this week’s “Progression” –
    • 5 Levels of rep with minor faction Hated, Disliked, Neutral, Liked, Allied with a new one being added between Neutral and Liked
    • Rewarded with in game rewards but also within the narrative, Maybe your contact saying well done your rep has increased with us.
    • Mission givers change as you progress up or down the ranks.
    • Mission givers express what affects the success or failure of that mission has on their minor faction.
    • Last week I mentioned that we had some more huge weapons coming, but without providing any details, so we have huge beam and pulse laser and multi-cannons being added. There will also be a new large multi-cannon.
    • Topic of the week – Wild Speculation – What is 2.4 Update ?
      • Jason Carthes (facebook) this is what 2.4 gonna be about (walking fpv)  but just in our ships as a teaser for the new season 3.0. My guess
      • Invasion?


  • Community Corner
    • OOgie Boogie PvP League Advert – In Episode 98 Folder
    • Emperors Disgrace? Chased out of home system, challenged with 1 month to regain control.
      • https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/45x2nt/triple_elite_group_emperors_grace_no_longer/
        • Have contact EG for a reaction.
        • EG – Triple Elite Status Player Group (means they have the ear of the devs)
        • Home system Novas flipped by Diamond Frogs
        • Large population therefore took a month to flip
        • one or two wings of three doing activity daily for a month to flip, no response at any point from EG
        • Kermit “Big Frog” Laphroaig reporting on Reddit gives EG a month unhindered access to reset the system because EG and the Frogs go way back.
    • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XE7WPstMzsM – Proper gravity exists. An orbit of Enceladus with engines off. (Thanks for Kerash for that one)
    • Latest Update on the RPG and the Tabletop game – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=On_wmRhGCR0

Lave Radio Episode 97


golden asp

Zac Antonaci joins us to discuss the latest changes in the frontier store and the future road map for the horizons season.

Aired 9th February 2016
Audio versions

Download the episode directly from here.

Show Notes:

  • “SAY IT AINT SO! Was reading an article that really disturbed me.
    We’ll be collecting rocks on planets etc to be able to upgrade your ship
    “These won’t be vertical upgrades – you won’t get better lasers, for instance – but rather cosmetic upgrades, like different colors for your lasers. Can I get mine in plaid?”
    You have to be joking. So we are going to continue with the trend of “lack of substance” and “all flash no meat”??? So crafting won’t allow us to increase damage on our weapons? It won’t allow us to boost our shields? Add different effects to our missiles?I thought they finally “got it” and were going to start putting effort back into substance and the core mechanics of the game? More cosmetics?Please tell me this guy is not fully informed..”
        • Sandro
  • “Just to let you folk know: Loot and crafting is not cosmetic – modules will obtain real benefits (and potentially drawbacks).”
  • Eagle Tactical Paint Job Pack
  • Male Pilot Bobblehead
      • Can also get the Pilot Starter pack stand alone for £10 https://www.frontierstore.net/game-extras/elite-dangerous-game-extras/pilot-starter-pack.html
      • People who bought ED: Horizons on steam will have their steam playtime wiped
      • Everyone who already has ED: Horizons gets a Golden Asp
      • https://www.frontierstore.net/games/elite-dangerous-cat/elite-dangerous-horizons-dlc.html
      • 2.0 – Planetary Landings
        Available Now
        A whole new angle on the galaxy. Journey from the stars to the surfaces of strange worlds, and hit the ground running in the new Scarab Surface Recon Vehicle.2.1 – The Engineers
        Coming Spring 2016
        Everything changes. Introducing an expanded mission system and game-changing loot. Craft exotic weapons and modules for your spacecraft and build a ship unlike any other.2.2 – Guardians
        Coming Summer 2016
        Take what comes and strike back with double. Bring a second ship to every combat encounter with Ship-Launched Fighters and defend your passengers against the deadliest threats in the galaxy.2.3 – The Commanders
        Coming Fall 2016
        Team up and stand together. Forge your own identity with the new Commander Creator, then share your bridge with Multi-Crew and fly with friends.

        2.4 – ????
        Coming Soon
        A secret revealed in Elite Dangerous: Horizons’ final expansion.

  • Community Corner
    • The Latest Version of the Elite: Dangerous Miniatures game. – Next week maybe.
    • An open email to FDEV from a hardened PVP Veteran…
    • The search for Starship One
      • Federal President Zachary Hudson has announced his intention to resume the search for Starship One, which disappeared en route to the Azaleach system in May 3301. A previous investigation into the ship’s disappearance was conducted, but the fate of the vessel and her crew, which included then-president Jasmina Halsey, could not be conclusively determined. The president made the following statement during a fundraising event held by Sirius Corp:“Like many others, I was heartened by the Sirius Corporation’s success, and I found myself thinking that if the remains of a ship lost fifty years ago could be found, surely a ship lost less than a year ago could also be recovered. I am therefore offering generous reimbursements to pilots who deliver wreckage components to the Federal research outpost at Leoniceno Orbital in the Azaleach system. Once we have gathered enough material, we will analyse the debris to determine if any of it is from Starship One.”But it appears President Hudson is not the only person eager to find the ship. In a strange turn of events, an organisation by the name of Daurtu Jet Comms PLC has also announced its intention to search for the missing presidential vessel. Virtually nothing is known about the organisation, but the fact that it is offering even larger rewards than the Federation may convince pilots to lend the company their support.
    • Lavecon – Hotel sold out. Any ideas on what we can expect this year?
      • Allen to come in for this bit around 21:45 — Ben
  • Questions
  • Shoutouts
    • Pixels Bandits, XBox One Player group
      • Jon here from PBSF. We’re a well sized Xbox One group (~180 members currently) playing Elite, as well as other games,and have our own minor faction etc. in game.
      • info@pixelbandits.org
      • http://tinyurl.com/laveradio – Discord Channel Please Stress Test
      • 100th Episode – Send us your memories things you have enjoyed about the show / lavecon etc that we could play out on the show send them on .
      • ELITE MEET!!
        • Tickets on sale now, 2nd of April 2016 at the Redhurst Hotel in Glasgow, http://tinyurl.com/elitemeet

Thank you for listening and more next week.

Lave Radio – The Conclave – Episode 9

Conclave Cover
Join Fozza as he discusses the hits and misses of Elite: Horizons and the season 2 of updates.
Cmdr Snuffler, Cmdr Vingtetun, Goose4192, Nexus Reject & Colin Ford

Aired 2nd February 2016
Audio versions

Download the episode directly from here.

Please feel free to send in your feedback and thoughts on this episode, info@laveradio.com

Thanks for tuning in.

Lave Radio Episode 96

A technically flawless episode with no technical problems whatsover, just awesome discussion on the dev news and updates about Elite :Dangerous

Aired 26th January 2016
Audio versions

Download the episode directly from here.

Show Notes: