Lave Radio Episode 300 “Lavecon 2020” – 05/07/2020

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Active Crew
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
Chief Bar StewardGrant WoolcottPsykokow
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Deputy Trade AttachéSouvSouvarine
Audio Player Download the episode directly from here.

Main discussion

  1. Lavecon 2020
  2. I was going to ask what your impressions are of the last year in elite and then the good but salt mountain ideas?


Comment from : CMDR SquirrellyPEZ

Greetings from Texas, USA.

Here’s my idea for the salt mine, credit problem and increase the danger. Have the pilots federation take a cut of income as insurance costs. For a triple elite pilot, say 50% for a fully engineered ship and 25% for an unmodified ship. 5% for a new pilot. Make the insurance policy adjustable only after ship destruction to avoid abuse, this will probably lead to credit laundering via a carrier. Not sure how to get around that. If you choose a less costly policy the pilots federation will pay for less of the rebuy, and engineered modules will only be replaced with full coverage. Or maybe require material cost to cover engineered modules. Hope I got a chuckle and some sodium.

CMDR SquirrellyPEZ


  1. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at or, for just the audio, at
  2. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.

Lave Radio Episode 299 – Lavecon 2020 Old School Edition – 04/07/2020

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Station CommanderAllen StroudHeldaban Kel
Head of EntertainmentChris JarvisThane
Chief of OperationsJohn Stabler
Chief Bar StewardGrant WoolcottPsykokow

Audio Player

Download the episode directly from here.

Main discussion

Allen, Stabler and Jarvis reminisce about the old days

Lave Radio Episode 297 “Spaceconomy Reset” – 23/06/2020

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Tech MonkeyNorman MacArthurVentura_
Mack Winston

Audio Player

Download the episode directly from here.

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  1. New Lead Community Manager – Arthur Tolmie
    1. Most Memorable Exploration moment
    2. Favourite Warhammer 40K Legion
    3. What he flies
    4. He will also be on Thursday’s live stream
  2. Fleet Carriers Update patch 1 – Downtime and patch notes
  3. Bruce and Stephen (Which Stephen? THAT Stephen!!) were on the Thursday Twitch Stream. So no hints about Raxxla, Odyssey or anything else dev news.

In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?

  1. Operation IDA – Hayashi Orbital – HIP 9141
  2. Anti-Xeno Initiative – Still no new thargoid attacks apart from the pleiades and witch head nebula.
  3. Powerplay – The top three powers remain unchanged this with Mahon, Arrisa and Princess Blue Haired still in the top spots. Arrisa appears to be under quite a heavy attack this week and could have some turmoil systems by the end of this cycle.
  4. CQC – Having talked to folks on the CQC discord, it appears that since the new option to launch CQC from the Comms Panel has appeared, it’s now a lot easier to find matches. CQC wait times are down from half an hour (worst case example) to a couple of minutes.However, there does appear to be the occasional issue with the CQC lobby. If you get this, please report it to the issue tracker.
  5. The Dark Wheel is now about 69% in LFT 926. They had a bit of a loss when the BGS shenanigans caused us to lose a minor faction in 926 (Fong Wang) and that was replaced by a new faction who cost us 5% by popping in (as that’s how BGS does). There is a Player Faction in LFT 926 who are sympathetic of the Dark Wheel’s experiment and are graciously staying at the bottom in that system whilst TDW expands. Hopefully – Despite the setback TDW will expand again this week essentially beginning their quest! The Initiative was mentioned on Thursday’s live Stream and encouraged people to get onboard.  As ever – no official comments on anything – but YAY for community driven content! Incase you didn’t see it here is a clip qued up to the spot:

Newsletter (every second show)

  1. Frontier Releases some nice ship skins! (Black Osiris)

Main discussion

  1. Economy Reset? 

Community Corner

  1. Boonlabs Explain how to shoot an SRV into Space –
    1. By Boonlabs, Featuring Alec Turner (SRV) and the Buurs on Video
    2. Ingredients
      1. 1 Cliff
      2. 1 ship (to be shot)
      3. 1 ship containing a Cannon with the “Force Shell” Experimental Effect on it
      4. 1 SRV (or other Object I.E. Biowaste
    3. Method
      1. Place the Target Ship on the Edge of the Cliff
      2. “Park” the shooting ship underneath the target ship. So that it’s shots will hit the underside of the target vessel.
      3. Shoot the Target ship “storing up enough force shell charge” until you have reached the desired power levels
      4. Jump the SRV on to the roof of the Target Vessel
  2. Sagi Issue 27!
  3. Parallel Worlds 10 has been released.
  4. Flight Assist, a new fan-made weekly podcast hosted by CMDRs psykit and Mal For The Win went live on Monday! We’ll be interviewing CMDRs from across the EliteDangerous Community. Head to for more info, and start listening Jun 22nd!


  1. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at or, for just the audio, at
  2. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
  3. Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders

Lave Radio Episode 296 “Emissions Immersion” – 16/06/2020

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
Chief Bar StewardGrant WoolcottPsykokow
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Atrus 5060

Audio Player

Download the episode directly from here.

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  1. PC Gaming “Show”
    1. Interview with game director Piers Jackson – No new information
      1. Piers used to work on Elite Dangerous as an Executive Producer, then for a while headed up Planet Zoo. He’s back on Elite now and has a lot of FPS experience,61415/
      2. Laurence is still on Elite, but is head of design for FD
    2. YouTube Version
  2. Frontier Trading update
    1. On 3 June 2020 we unveiled Elite Dangerous: Odyssey, which is our major new paid-for update for Elite Dangerous, coming in Q1 calendar 2021 (in FY21).  Elite Dangerous: Odyssey marks the birth of a highly anticipated new era for the long running definitive space simulation, allowing players to touch down on countless new planets powered by stunning new tech, and explore with unrestricted freedom from a first person, feet-on-the-ground perspective, something we know many players are keen to see.
  3. Steam player numbers break all records. Since the Fleet Carrier launch and the Odyssey trailer, Steam charts have recorded a record number of concurrent players – 21, 535, which is higher than launch numbers of 18,000 + at launch.
  4. Will steps down as CM and becomes a Product Manager
  5. David Braben was on Sky News talking about how Covid has affected Games Publishing (and to an extent Frontier)

In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?

  1. Operation IDA is currently repairing Hennepin Prospect in Assinda with plenty of things to haul.
  2. AXI – Even though there is no new Thargoid activity to report, the AXI have still been busy;-
    1. The official AXI carrier will be arriving in HR-1185 soon. There are official AXI Carriers elsewhere in the pleiades with the prefix [AXI].
    2. The founder of the AXI (Glutteny Fang) has announced his retirement. He has made the decision to step back to concentrate on School Work, So we all at Lave Radio wish him the best with that and thank him for setting up and running the major anti-thargoid faction in the game.
    3. The notorious multi-player thargoid heart bug appears to be better than the previous version but there have been a few reports of it still happening. If you are in a wing, fighting thargoids and come across this bug, please report it to Frontier with a network log.
  3. New Borann – A new triple LTD hotspot has been found at Col 285 Sector CC-K a38-2. The system is presently swamped with Fleet Carriers and there seems to be a debate whether it’s more profitable than Borran.

Main discussion

  1. Odyssey items confirmed so far, thanks to the short PC Gamer Interview;-
    1. Upside:
      1. New planet side tech.
      2. Space Legs on planets and all the bits that comes with that.
      3. Missions that could involve all three methods of transport legs, srvs and ships. Does this mean that we can have SRVs in Multi-crew now?
      4. Some atmospheric planets, i.e. similar to Mars and Venus but no Earth Like Worlds.
    2. Downside:
      1. Nothing about Space Legs on ships or stations
      2. Clarifications about VR?
        1. Standard game and Horizons will still Support VR.
        2. There is a debate about where the VR ‘Cut Off’ would be. Will it be cut when the Cmdr gets out of the seat or not in at all.
      3. We know no Base Building (which was in the leak) but we could still have player owned Bases similar to Fleet Carriers.

Community Corner

  1. Cmdr Alec Turner tells us that there’s a new Buckyball Race called Engineers Canyon Mayhem starting next Saturday! It’s details are shrouded in almost as much mystery as The Dark Wheel. It’s co-hosted with the Elite Racers and has something to do with the engineers. Theoretically it will start this Saturday and runs until Sunday 28th.

    TLDR – Something maybe happening – have a look on the forums and avoid the Sodium Chloride.

  2. Down To Earth Astronomy has made a Fleet Carrier Calculator –
  3. Print your own Credits with a Fleet Carrier
    1. Go to RBS 1843
    2. Go to “Nyberg Dock”
    3. Fill cargo with tritium 5k @ each
    4. Look for carrier called “Buying tritium 30k” 13Mn from station (orbiting same body)
    5. Deliver tritium, 18mln per full type9.
    6. After topping carrier it will move to system with stations that will buy tritium for 85k.
    7. Carrier will sell 22 thousands of tritium for 60k each. Hauler will again get 85-60 = 25t profit.
    8. Rinse and repeat.
  4. Cmdr Holint_Casazr gives us a nice update on the Deep Space Support Array (DSSA)
    1. Overall Status
      1. 24 Carriers Operational
    2. Map showing the carriers
    3. DSSA Aristarchos – Permanent Deep Space Outpost in Xibalba
  5. CMDR Roe Laren [ISF]: Hey Commanders, hope it is ok for me to post this here! After the success of my last charity game stream where I raised money for Macmillan Cancer Support I am going to be running another charity stream on the 19th. During the last stream my aunt was fighting breast cancer, sadly she passed away last week and I feel the need to do something in her memory. ISF were already planning to be part of the DSSA, now we plan to deploy the fleet carrier Mandy’s Rest to the Mare Somnia region of the galaxy in an epic 2 day livestream. If you want to take part please see more details on the links below:
    1. Forum:
    2. ISF Events Discord:
    3. JustGiving:
  6. Sag A is released on Thursday the 18th of June


  1. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at or, for just the audio, at
  2. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
  3. Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders

Lave Radio Episode 295 “What an Odyssey!” – 09/06/2020

Audio Player

Download the episode directly from here.

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Deputy Trade AttachéSouvSouvarine
Tech MonkeyNorman MacArthurVentura_
Inflatable Virtual CmdrMack Winston

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  2. Fleet Carriers released
    1. To celebrate the launch of Fleet Carriers, all cosmetic items will be 33% off in the store until 15 June!
    2. Downtime
    3. Patch Notes
    4. Trailer
    5. Fleet Carriers in the store
      1. Overview
        1. 4 types of carrier layout (including the default)
        2. 44 paint jobs
        3. 8 engine colours
        4. 8 hanger indicator colors
        5. 5 different flight controller voices.
      2. Layouts 12,450 ARX
      3. Paintjobs 2,750 ARX
      4. Detailing
        1. Holomarkers 3,650 ARX
        2. Engines 4,180 ARX
      5. ATV Voices 4,870 ARX
  3. Thursday Livestream was just Tim and Stephen flying about doing some mining (technically) and nattering with the community.
    1. Chat was going on and on and on and on about VR
      1. No answer beyond Odyssey will not be VR-compatible at launch
    2. Lots of comments about Ship Interiors
      1. But No hints about this
  4. Possibly more information on Odyssey on June the 13th at the PC Gamer show PC Gamer Show details

Main discussion

  1. Odyssey Announcement
    1. Elite Dangerous: Odyssey | Announcement Trailer
    1. Included for LEP Holders
    2. Will not be VR Ready at launch
      1. Is Elite Dangerous: Odyssey coming to VR?
        Currently, Elite Dangerous: Odyssey will not be VR-compatible at launch. We’re big fans of VR and we are truly proud of the amazing experience that we currently offer in Elite Dangerous. However, the new gameplay, mechanics and features that will be introduced with Elite Dangerous: Odyssey means that we had to re-examine if we could deliver that same experience without compromise, which, for launch, means Odyssey will not be VR-compatible.
      2. Will there be Base Building in Elite Dangerous: Odyssey?
        Base building is not currently on the roadmap for Elite Dangerous, however we have plenty of new features planned instead such as on-foot exploration, new planetary tech, social hubs, combat as well as more to be shared later on! We’re looking to put our best foot forward with Odyssey and if you’d like an overview of what to expect, you can check out the website or Steam page.
      3. Will Elite Dangerous: Odyssey be included in my Lifetime Expansion Pass?
        While Elite Dangerous: Odyssey is a paid expansion, we’re happy to confirm that yes, this expansion will absolutely be included in the Lifetime Expansion Pass for free.
      4. LR Twitter vote on VR
    3. Press Coverage
      1. PC Gamer
      2. Gamasutra
      3. Kotaku

Community Corner

  1. The Gnosis gets Retired
    1. Guest Book
    2. Canonn Science Tour
      1. The lease on the Gnosis has run out and it is being repossessed by the Pilot’s Federation. The Gnosis will no longer be controlled by Canonn and has become the number 615 Bus Route visiting notable places in Canonn history on a weekly move basis.

        Initially The Pilot’s Federation planned on scrapping or parking the Gnosis, but Cannon Interstellar and the Pilots’ Federation have reached a ‘revenue share’ agreement allowing the route will run in perpetuity instead.
  2. CMDR Roe Laren [ISF]: Hey Commanders, hope it is ok for me to post this here! After the success of my last charity game stream where I raised money for Macmillan Cancer Support I am going to be running another charity stream on the 19th. During the last stream my aunt was fighting breast cancer, sadly she passed away last week and I feel the need to do something in her memory. ISF were already planning to be part of the DSSA, now we plan to deploy the fleet carrier Mandy’s Rest to the Mare Somnia region of the galaxy in an epic 2 day livestream. If you want to take part please see more details on the links below:
    1. Forum:
    2. ISF Events Discord:
    3. JustGiving:
  3. The New Pilots Initiative is offering everyone on all platforms an opportunity. Fly to Colonia with no effort on your part with all your ships for free. Cmdr Louisfredlaw is taking his Carrier (The Petronas). I’m aiming to follow this plan :

    July 6 ; Leave Bubble July 6: Stop late that evening when I have to get some sleep July 7/8 : Arrive In Colonia August 9: Leave Colonia August 9 : stop when I need to get some sleep late that evening August 10/11 Arrive In Bubble
  4. New Official Anti-Xeno Initiative Website.
    2. This website is planned to be the new hub of content for the Anti-Xeno Initiative where we will post regular updates, news, guides and other content from within and around the community, we appreciate the work from the many folk who have contributed to create content for the community and we hope to be able to share this content with everyone through this new platform.
    3. The Anti-Xeno Initiative Website includes:An Introduction into the AXI…
    4. How to join
    5. Leaderboards
    6. Community News
    7. Thargoid Activity Status
    8. Useful links
    9. The AXI Carrier Command Program (COMING SOON)
    10. The Anti-Xeno Knowledgebase (New and Improved!) – with dark mode!
    11. Events
    12. Faction Information
    13. and much more to come!


  1. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at or, for just the audio, at
  2. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
  3. Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders

Lave Radio Episode 294 “Return of the Commander” – 02/06/2019

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
Chief Bar StewardGrant WoolcottPsykokow
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Station CommanderAllen StroudHeldaban Kel
Kai ZenKai Zen
Audio Player

Download the episode directly from here.

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  1. Life on a Fleet Carrier Competition Winners!
    1. In the Other category, our winning commanders were as follows:
      1. 1st – a wonderful poem by Cmdr Thrashbarg placed between fantastic Fleet Carrier Artwork by CMDR Beetlejude
      2. 2nd – CMDR Aaron Chadd – a scene from an upcoming part of their Elite Dangerous theme animated series
      3. 3rd – CMDR Jett Brawndo
    2. Video
      1. 1st – CMDR Darkhands – a hilarious first-person perspective of a mechanic aboard a Fleet Carrier. Aka, ‘Mechanic Man’ (LINK) on YouTube, CMDR Darkhands is also our overall winner who’ll receive the top prize of an X52 Pro HOTAS controller!
      2. 2nd – CMDR Spatula 007 – creator of the Elite Dangus series, creates a short where the good detective struggles to navigate his way around the massive vessel.
      3. 3rd – CMDR Universallaie – another comedic skit where an authority vessel is sent to apprehend a Fleet Carrier on behalf of a local station.
    3. Written
      1. 1st – CMDR Muna‘s – A Fleet Carrier owner wins over his crew.
      2. 2nd – CMDR Wetwire – child passenger, Avivit straps in for a Fleet Carrier jump.
      3. 3rd – CMDR Saturn5Rocket05 – a Commander orders his Fleet Carrier to make a jump.
  2. Game Industry Biz interviews David Braben New Frontiers: From Self-published to Third-party Publisher
  3. Fleet Carriers Update – Beta 2 – Patch 1 Notes
  4. Adjustment to Powerplay Control Mechanics
  5. Fleet Carrier Post Beta Update
    1. The Fleet Carrier Update will emerge from hyperspace and come to Elite Dangerous on 9 June!
    2. The buttons used to increase or decrease both the bank and the commodity market will now scale, like other systems in-game, when depositing credits or adjusting commodity prices.
    3. Tritium mining will receive adjustments before launch to make it more lucrative (particularly in relation to sub-surface mining).
    4. A credit exploit involving selling modules in a Fleet Carrier’s outfitting service has been fixed.
    5. A bug that swapped the names of certain locations and markets in the game has also been fixed (with key examples such as Ceres Tarn receiving its original name once more!).
    6. A bug preventing the transfer of commodities such as Thargoid Sensors, Guardian Urns and others on Fleet Carriers has been resolved.
  6. David Braben’s talk about Fdev moving to a third party publisher (a little Elite Stuff)
  7. Another warning that once fleet carriers go in, the triple Ice Mining hotspot in Borann will go due to changes in the procedural generation thanks to tritium being added. Sorry guys!

In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?

  1. The AXI had a Bug hunt over the weekend
  2. Operation IDA are working on Szilard Hub in Wakandini

Main discussion

  1. Kai Zen – Turning the Wheel 
    1. Experiment: Test whether expanding The Dark Wheel non-player minor faction (TDW), either in general or targeted to key locations, would unlock any permit, or cause any change in the game (ie unlock missions or other clues).
    2. Reasoning: I believe that TDW is the “obvious” lead that we are meant to do something with, and many have agreed with this thought and individually tried all sorts of things to follow that lead, but to the best of my knowledge there has been no concerted and successful efforts to expand the faction through the BGS to see if it would do anything.
    3. Secondary Objective: To minimize adverse effects upon any player factions, and work diplomatically with any groups we interact with, to minimize any harm caused to them and try and avoid any poor relations.
    4. Phase 1: To expand TDW to the Sol System.
    5. Phase 2: To expand TDW to the Lave System.
    6. Phase 3: To expand TDW to the Robigo System (as the closest possible system to Polaris).
    7. Phase 4: To expand TDW to being present in 50 systems.

Community Corner

  1. – Top Shift 121 – Fleet Carrier’s Beta Blowout 
  2. Alec Turner “Scaling the monolith – the Right Stuff”
  3. Cmdr Beetlejude is doing a giveaway on the twitch channel of brother Sabathius if anyone wants to watch that on sunday
  4. The Code has started a campaign to return Reidquat to an Anarchy System (Arr!!)
  5. The biggest Empire Organisation / squadron Lavigny’s Legion has celebrated its fifth birthday
  6. The latest Turjan’s Travels is out (Number 53).- As the Starstone twins continue their search for galactic thief Lily Lavern, they manage to catch the eye of an old rival back in the bubble.
  7. Can talk Lavecon. Have notes from Karen.


  1. Massive Shoutout to Ed’s 38 who are trying to reclaim Dunker’s Rest in Dubbuennel (Play Mp4)
  2. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at or, for just the audio, at
  3. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
  4. Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders

Lave Radio Episode 293 “Boom! – Happy Birthday Shan” – 19/05/2020

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
Chief Bar StewardGrant WoolcottPsykokow
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Loose CMChig
Audio Player Download the episode directly from here.

Main discussion

  1. Maybe FPS Thargoids

Community Corner

  1. The pilot has covered the Federal Corvette :- You Tube


  1. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at or, for just the audio, at
  2. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
  3. Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders

Lave Radio Episode 292 “F…. .a…… now with 90% off!” – 12/05/2020

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Active Crew
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Tech MonkeyNorman MacArthurVentura_
Blow up Dutch MerchantMack Winston
Inflatable CQC MeisterCmdr Il Senato

Audio Player

Download the episode directly from here.

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  1. Beta 2 Upcoming Changes
    1. Fleet Carriers will now have Universal Cartographics available as an optional service.
    2. Decommissioning a Fleet Carrier will now refund the full cost of a Carrier, with the only reductions either being unpaid debt when automated or a static fee for voluntary decommissioning.
    3. Module and ship storage will now always be available for the Fleet Carrier owner. Shipyard and outfitting services will still need to be purchased to enable visitors to use them and to buy stock for the owner.
    4. Tritium consumption per lightyear has been reduced by approximately half.
      1. Basically, Fleet Carriers cost 1 million
  2. Beta 2 Patch Notes
    1. Upkeep cost for all additional services has been reduced by 80-90%.
    2. The core running costs have been reduced by 50%.
    3. The Debt Threshold has been updated in line with the upkeep changes (This means with all services installed, a carrier can go 10 weeks (up from 4) without paying upkeep before being issued a final warning).
    4. The total upfront activation costs of some of the more expensive services have been reduced by 35-45%.
    5. The time between jumps has been decreased to 15 minutes for jump preparation and 5 minutes to cool-down.
    6. Added Universal Cartographics as an optional service on Fleet Carriers.
    7. Fleet Carrier owners can now store their ships and modules aboard their Fleet Carrier by default.
    8. When decommissioning a carrier you will now receive a full refund.
    9. Voluntary decommissioning will incur a fee equivalent to 50% of the Debt Threshold.
    10. When cancelling the decommissioning of your Fleet Carrier, you will now receive an inbox message to confirm the cancellation.
    11. Reduced the amount of Tritium consumed with each jump by around half.
    12. Added a better indication of arriving and decommissioned states for Fleet Carriers on the Cockpit Navigation Panel.
    13. Fleet Carrier Services menu now displays the name of the owner.
    14. The trade screen in Fleet Carrier Management, now reports the number of imported and exported commodity types separately rather than in a total for both.
    15. CQC Menu fix – CQC matchmaking from in-game will now require the usual delay before exiting the game if you are in danger.

Main discussion

  1. Space Legs around player base building

Community Corner

  1. MSG From Kai Zen – PLEASE BE ADVISED: After talking extensively with Ty @ Loose Screws Podcasts we have different goals for future projects and different abilities to commit time and resources to achieving those goals as well as a difference of opinion on a few key factors of the partnership going forward. Therefore from this point forward I am stepping down as a cohost of Loose Screws Podcast and will be transitioning Elite Week into a solo project that will have its own podcast feed in addition to the existing YouTube channel.  I am still an on-air guest at Loose Screws and will remain active in that discord community but all of my content generations will take place from the official Elite Week discord.  I truly wish @Ty and @jnTracks [PC] all the best and am sure that they will make great content for you to enjoy in the coming days!


  1. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at or, for just the audio, at
  2. For the Discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
  3. Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders

Lave Radio Episode 291 “All your bases are belong to us” – 5/5/2020

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
Chief Bar StewardGrant WoolcottPsykokow
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Darth QuarantinoAlec TurnerAlec Turner
Darth Blowie UpiousMack WinstonMack Winston

Audio Player

Download the episode directly from here.

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  1. New Era pushed back to “Early 2021” 
    1. (From the shareholder article below) We had originally planned for the Elite Dangerous major update to release in December 2020, but, in the context of the current Covid-19 environment, we have now set a Q1 2021 release date.
  2. Frontier get Games workshop license
    1.  Frontier Developments announces an exclusive IP licence with Games Workshop to develop and publish a real-time strategy game within the rich and extensive world of Warhammer Age of Sigmar.
  3. Fleet Carrier Beta 2 – Date Announcement
    1. Beta 2 will run from 11 May to 26 May

In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?

  1. Operation IDA – working on Weyn Dock – 64 Arietis
  2. AXI – Nothing new to report – 
    1. no new activity on the thargoid front, just the Pleiades and the witch-head nebula.
    2. Cmdr MGRAM did show off how to kill a thargoid in a Keelback. Although there are reports of a civil war between two of the Anti Thargoid organizations. 
    3. Tensions between the HIVE and Hank’s Alliance of Anti-Xeno are apparent at the moment.

Community Corner

  1. BBC radio documentary #ThisGameChangedMyLife which revisits Commander Michael Holyland’s story. Heartbreaking of course but sensitively put together by Nathan Jones and hosted by Aoife Lockhart & Julia Hardy really worth a listen.
  2. Beta 1 Fleet Carrier Survey by AXI
  3. The Winged Hussars have a Calendar for Everyone!
  4. CMDR Cynnrain (a.k.a. Baz Floyd from SpecialEffect) is launching his daily Banter Bus at 9pm each and every day from the 26th April until the 21st May.

    The Banter Bus will be visiting 26 known “interesting places” in the Bubble (or near it) each evening, and inviting every commander in the galaxy to pop in and join him for a little banter and company.

    Whether you want to make a rendez-vous with the bus, and join in that evening’s shenanigans, or pop in to multicrew and take in the sights, or maybe just pop into Teamspeak and have a chat, Baz is available each evening from 9pm and we’ll be publishing the stops on the bus route soon….

    Want to see an asteroid base, or a black hole, or the racing station at Cortes? Want to visit a megaship, or see a barnacle forest? A station in low orbit around a planet, or one circling a ringed earthlike? Want to see if we can get one of each ship type in a single selfie? Want to go to Mitterand Hollow? The bus is stopping at all these and more.

    Teamspeak 3 server address is – just look for the “Baz Big Bubble Banter Bus” room and hop in there to say hi and tag along. It will be chaos, but if you’re coming, bring an SRV, bring a fighter. 

    Tonight he is at LAVE
  5. Alec Turner climbs things that shouldn’t be climbed (again)
    1. And how he did it

Any Other Business

  1. Psykokow and the replacement Eurovision on the 16th May


  1. Millstonebarn comes with a request from Ed’s 38 to help them get their home out in Colonia back!

    Diplomats. Earlier this year a player minor faction ruthlessly stole Dunker’s Rest from the owners, Ed’s 38, in their home system, Dubbuennel, whilst we were supporting other (much needed) player-driven activities in the bubble (the Hutton Truckers’ HOT-MESS), thereby breaching the terms of the Jaques Accord. Biscuit production has been halted.
    We appealed to their conscience… seemingly without success, so a small number of Dunkers, together with the Lyttle Massive and other allies have been working to rectify this situation and we have made great progress.
    However the rogues, Nu Simbad, have today responded and we face a challenge righting their wrongdoings.
    This is a call for your support. Please, come to Colonia. Ask your friends to rally behind our cause.  Spread the word. Bring your ships. Put Dunker’s Rest back in the hands of the responsible owners so that we can restart biscuit production it would be for the good of everyone in Colonia, including you Nu Simbad. Including you.
  2. Congrats to ChrisMasterSki who posted in Reddit that after 3,500 hours in game he just hit 1,000,000 light years traveled Reddit Link
  3. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at or, for just the audio, at
  4. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
  5. Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders

Lave Radio Episode 290 “Scooby Doo and the curse of the Were Xeno Bunny” – 28/04/2020

By Cmdr TheProRockPL from GalPhoto
PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Deputy Trade AttachéSouvSouvarine
Tech MonkeyNorman MacArthurVentura_

Audio Player

Download the episode directly from here.

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  1. Beta 2 is coming. Stephen has said they’re taking a snapshot of the database on April the 30th. This snapshot will be the basis for Beta 2, so you’ll if you want to own a fleet carrier, you have until then to get your 5 to 7 billion. 😉
  2. People suspect that the beta will start in the second week in May.

In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?

  1. Operation IDA – The station repair guys are working on Guidoni Enterprise in HIP 9599.
  2. AXI – CMDR Rub.100 is going to keep his latest fleet carrier survey up until the 30th of April. It can be found here and Cmdr Avasa Siuu has published his usual AXI debried over at

Main discussion

  1. Space Legs Speculation and Dreams

Community Corner

  1. Absolutely BRILLIANT video (advert) for Elite Dangerous by Orchestral Design
  2. Orion Expedition has just finished, and the Eastern Promise expedition (which was originally the Orion Expedition’s route home) has just begun – with a joint mass jump from Sagittarius A*
    Some video here:
  3. After a period of inactivity (excluding the standing challenges and the Cortes Base stuff our last official race was Halpy Hand back in January) – I’m pleased to announce that the Buckyball Racing Club have just updated their race diary with … not one … not two … not three … but four news races, coming next month, June, July and August!
    The Buckyball race calendar is here:
    And the details for “Signs of Life” should be appearing around the end of the week.
  4. Hey Lave Radio. Long term commander Kinetis here from the UK. Although not ED related it would be great if I could share my daughter’s fundraising page on the Lave Radio Facebook group for the NHS and other social media feeds. I’ve tried to get Remlok sponsorship but waiting for the subspace communication to come back 😂. The page is o7 Commanders!
  5. God Help us all, The HCS Voice pack of Cecil has been updated to work with singularity in voice attack. So if you want gin related help while flying your ship then goto and remember all proceeds goto Special Effect.
  6. The Buur Pit has release a great video showing their top 5 QoL improvements
    1. Button to toggle docking computer
    2. Button to target, your target’s target
    3. Cancel Launch Request
    4. Cargo space and swapping limpets (basically auto dump cargo)
    5. Bookmark Folders in the Galactic Map
  7. Kai Zen from Loose Screws talks to Bruce Garrido (Frontier Community Manager) and talks everything from Raxxla to Fleet Carriers with an eye on development practices and the process of helping bring great new things from the dev team to the community!


  1. We’re after your favourite ‘You’ve been framed’ or ‘Cmdrs do the funniest things’ stories! Boosting instead of docking, face-planting on High G worlds, funny pirate encounters. Let us know and we’ll tell the rest of the community your shame!


  1. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at or, for just the audio, at
  2. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
  3. Cmdr Wotherspoon and Galnet news (also mention the powerful people profiles he is doing now).
  4. Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders