Position | Crew Member | CMDR Name |
Head of Health and Safety | Ben Moss-Woodward | Eid LeWeise |
Chief Archivist | Colin Ford | Phoenix_Dfire |
(in)Human Resources Director | Shan | Shan |
Tech Lemur | Chris | Hatter |
Mack Winston | Trade Negotiator | Big Mack |
Download the episode directly from here.
Development News – what have the devs said this week?
- Elite Dangerous is 36! It was launched on the 20th of September 1984.
- Frontier’s Creative Furnace MCV/ DEVELOP interview with DB OBE, but includes his thoughts on dev process
- “But what really matters is that the gameplay is working. That you can see the promise of the game. And I think as long as we have confidence that whoever we’re working with can make something beautiful, there’s no need to make everything beautiful as part of that submission process.
Because we’re a developer, we know the gameplay matters. And actually the best time to make something beautiful-looking is right at the end. But there can be pressure from publishing to make every milestone beautiful and that is ever so much makework. And eventually, it becomes quite demoralising for a team.” - “We were approaching capacity in the new building anyway,” he explains. “What it (working from home) will do is increase our runway before needing another building because we’ll have an element of work from home. Because I think what it’s done is it’s taught us lots, we’ve changed our processes quite a lot, in a good way. And hopefully it’s helped people with work-life balance.”
- although Braben informs us that their “excellent canteen” is sadly yet to reopen.
- “But what really matters is that the gameplay is working. That you can see the promise of the game. And I think as long as we have confidence that whoever we’re working with can make something beautiful, there’s no need to make everything beautiful as part of that submission process.
- StellarScreenshots – Win Unique Paint Jobs!
- Therefore, we’re going to start showcasing five screenshots every week rather than four and each Commander whose image is featured will receive an exclusive Paint Job which cannot be obtained elsewhere!
Each month, one of these three unique Paint Jobs for the Asp Explorer will be awarded to featured Commanders – the Asp Explorer Shatter Lava, Ice and Acid: - To qualify, #StellarScreenshots entries must:
- Include the exact Commander name of the account from which the screenshot was taken
- Be posted on the current week’s #StellarScreenshots threads on either Twitter, Facebook, or the forums. If posted on Twitter separately, use the hashtag #StellarScreenshots
- Be in a 16:9 aspect ratio with a minimum resolution of 1920×1080
- Therefore, we’re going to start showcasing five screenshots every week rather than four and each Commander whose image is featured will receive an exclusive Paint Job which cannot be obtained elsewhere!
In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?
- CGs started on Thursday and Finished on Saturday night
- Federal storyline continues;-
- with an arrest of a technician in charge of Starship One’s jump drive.
- Incoming message from the Children of Raxxla…
“The tragedy of Starflight One’s destruction set events in motion that still haunt us today. It’s prudent to continue this investigation rather later than shut it down completely – as was the case in early 3302. However, the final inquiry report needs to be made public.
Every decent pilot is taught to make his pre-flight checks and when transporting a Federation President it must be assumed they double- and triple check everything. It is hard to believe the pilots would oversee an illegal FSD modification, unless told to look elsewhere.
Finding a mid level culprit thrown under the bus by colleagues is too much of a cliché really. We encourage our friends to put pressure on those institutions. This case must be made public. Force their hands!”
- Imperial storyline continues;-
Main discussion
- The Community Goals finished far too fast.
Community Corner
- The New Pilots Initiative Are pleased to announce the second round trip to Colonia aboard The Petronas Fleet Carrier
Due to the Tritum buff in effectiveness we don’t need as much
However we are planning on stockpiling as much as possible in order to help out FCs stranded in Colonia
Donations of Tritum and Painite will of course be accepted with myself hopefully fingers crossed paying a decent price to CMDRs
And of course
It’s free
The Colonia Express will be leaving from Meliae on the 13th of November and arriving in Colonia on the 15th of November. She will be returning back to the bubble on the 18th of December and getting back on the 20th of December.
Feel free to join their Discord Server by going to: https://discord.gg/NEWP - There’s no exact way of knowing how many ppl were on the 1st trip, but cmdr Louis Fredlaw guestimates that hundreds of people used the Fleet Carrier going by direct communication from commanders and messages of thanks.
- The New Pilots Initiative Are pleased to announce the second round trip to Colonia aboard The Petronas Fleet Carrier
- Galnet Newsfeed and Discord Bot
- Cmdr Scaleios has created a bot to share Frontier’s Galnet News feed with discord servers. It also has the ability to Search through all the past articles that are available.
- Elite Dangerous – Animation series Commonwealth Bounty Hunters Official Trailer (5 mins)
Any other Business
- What suggestions do you have to improve community goals?
- Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at tv.forthemug.com/ or, for just the audio, at radio.forthemug.com/.
- For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “discord.me/elitedangerouscqc”.
- Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders
- Following this, we have the fantastic Galactic News Digest; brought to you by Cmdr Wotherspoon.