The Conclave Episode 7 – Clash of Clans Part 2

Conclave CoverThe second in our three part series on the current state of groups and meta gaming in the Elite: Dangerous Universe.

In this episode Fozza is joined by: Liam Rafferty founder of the Mobius PvE group, Smitty Jagerman representing the Elite Dangerous Community (EDC) on Facebook, Alison Goodman joins us for The First Great Expedition and finally flying the flag for the numerous Twitch TV groups out there we have Chris Meyers from Ctrl Alt Elite.

Thanks to everybody that took the time to join us on the show.

We hope you enjoy it, feel free to post your comments below.

CoCpt2 Album Art

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Dataslate Episode 1

DataSlate Cover

Allen Stroud and John Richardson discuss this episode’s book choices:

Spinward Fringe Origins by Randolph Lalonde

Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie



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Download the episode directly from here.

The Conclave Episode 6 – Clash of Clans Part 1

Conclave CoverThe first in a series of Conclaves where we discuss the current state of group play in Elite: Dangerous and the ramifications of the larger Meta gaming aspect of the ED Universe.

Fozza and Lisa sit down with James Griffin of Big Harry’s Boys, ShadowGar of Emperors Grace, JP of the Pirate group The Code and Ian Honcharenko from the Arma3 group VolcSpac.


Does it currently work? What would we like to change? What would we love to see in the future?

Thanks for the guys for giving up their time to take part, enjoy the show.

Clash of Clans1

Audio Player

Download the episode directly from here.

Elite RPG 3 – The Lave Radio return to play Elite: Encounters by Dave Hughes

laverpgWe catch up with Dave Hughes and get together for the 3rd attempt to win his almost-complete official tabletop roleplaying game, Elite Encounters . n.b. We cut all the pauses for dice-rolling and off-topic chat. The game was much longer. Your own experience may vary.

Audio Player

Download the episode directly from here.

LRN News – The Latest from GalNet

As a little experiment, we’ve recorded the latest GalNet in-game news as an audio news broadcast – we’d love to hear what you think about this and if it’s something you’d like to hear on a regular basis as the plot of Elite: Dangerous gradually unfolds…

Audio Player

Download the episode directly from here.

Elite RPG 2 – The Lave Radio crew return to continue the adventure: Elite Encounters

Part two of the adventures of the Lave Radio crew as they take on Dave Hughes Elite Encounters roleplay game. Find out what happened when the crew followed the navigation information in the mysterious orb.

n.b. We cut all the pauses for dice-rolling and off-topic chat. The game was much longer. Your own experience may vary.

Audio Player

Download the episode directly from here.