Download the episode directly from here.
Crew Members
Head of health and safety : Ben Moss-Woodward – Cmdr Eid LeWeise
Chief Archivist : Colin Ford – Cmdr phoenix_dfire
Chief Bar Steward : Grant Woolcott – Cmdr Psykokow
(In)Human Resources Director : Shan – Cmdr Shanaeri
Deputy Trade Attaché : Souv – Cmdr Souvarine
Operation IDA : Zayn Till
Operation IDA : Ninj
Development News
- Welcome to the new forums
- Our “LAVE RADIO – A podcast about Elite Dangerous” has had it’s URL changed
- Quick discussion about what people think.
- Dr Kai and DW2 on the Live Stream with Paige and Sally.
- Monday’s Informal stream with Paige and Sally (Make a Munter Part 2 with added added Dad Jokes)
In Game Events
- Still Nothing on the new Events Stuff (Are we all beginning to lose patience or the will to live?)
- DW2 moves on to WP10
Main Discussion
- Operation IDA with Ninj and Zayn
- Time for some unfunny April Fools?

Community Corner
- Fabulous dark and disturbing Elite Dangerous film from Cmdr Placydehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4ptyX4d4Ys (4m25s long)
- Lavecon 2019 is 4th – 7th July at the Sedgebrook Hall Hotel, and is sponsored by Spidermind Games!
- Elite Community Meet (Renaissance Hotel in Manchester, 20th April) has sold 140 tickets however there’s still some tickets available. Also – they’re hunting for a couple more PC’s and possibly one more projector/screen for the main room if anyone has such things they can bring with them! Retro area has everything EXCEPT a BBC Micro. https://elitemeet.info/
- EDCommodity is a FREERRE app for the IPhone and IPad that extracts the best prices for a number of best selling commodities. It also shows the list of top systems and stations selling that commodity! Data is taken from eddb to populate the app.
The app was made by CMDR Zaphonicus Taurog just for fun because he had recently been made redundant and decided to learn to programme in swift , “Because he can”. He’s also looking to learn to code in Android as well, so watch out !
Whilst it’s not perfect , he will be working with feedback , which can be sent with the app, to add future functionality and to improve the UI and UX.
He’s working on how to make the data be relevant to your local position and shows systems near you selling at best prices. Looks like he’ll have to use EDSM data for that …
Please download from this link and share with other cmdrs who might benefit!
https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/edcommodity/id1457702400?mt=8 - Our sister station Hutton Orbital Radio Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30 at http://tv.forthemug.com/ or http://radio.forthemug.com/ for just the audio
- CQC Discord – For the Discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action