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Top Shift 77 : Alien Encounter Reaction
Top Shift 76 : The Elite Top Ten of 2016
Lave Radio Episode 138
Aired 10 January 2017
Audio versions
Download the episode directly from here.
Crew Members
Station Commander : Allen Stroud
Warrant Officer : Andre Marshall – Cmdr M.A.R.S.H.A.L.L.
Head of health and safety : Ben Moss-Woodward – Cmdr Eid LeWeise
Head of Entertainment : Chris Jarvis – Cmdr Thane
Chief Archivist : Colin Ford – Cmdr phoenix_dfire
Show Notes
- Development News
- Newsletter 156
- Main Discussion
- Thargoids first encountered by CMDR DP Sayre…
- MP3 of the encounter
- And Spectrogram (no hidden shenanigans)
- High Res (16k) Screenshots
- Forum Thread
- Videos
- Firing the beam
- Full encounter in VR
- Applause to Sound Designer for this ship and music by Joe Hogan
- Media
- Thargoid Sighted?!
- Interesting Theory…
- Community Corner
Lave Radio Episode 137
Aired 20 December 2016
Audio versions
Download the episode directly from here.
Crew Members
2nd Technician : Chris Forrester – Cmdr Fozza
Head of Entertainment : Chris Jarvis : Cmdr Thane
Chief Archivist : Colin Ford – Cmdr phoenix_dfire
Chief Bar Steward : Grant Woolcott – Cmdr Psykokow
Show Notes
Top Shift 75 – Merry Christmas from Top Shift
The lastest Beta News and some Pirate hunting….
Top Shift 74 – Oculas Thrift III
Have we got a viable solution with Trinus VR and ED Tracker?
I think we have.
Lave Radio Episode 136
Aired 13 December 2016
Audio versions
Download the episode directly from here.
Crew Members
Head of health and safety : Ben Moss-Woodward – Cmdr Eid LeWeise
2nd Technician : Chris Forrester – Cmdr Fozza
Chief Archivist : Colin Ford – Cmdr phoenix_dfire
Chief Bar Steward : Grant Woolcott – Cmdr Psykokow
Show Notes
- Development News
- Elite Dangerous: Horizons for PS4
- Trailer
- Some interesting stills from the trailer
- The reddit thread
- BrettC “So as it stands, we’ve not announced any official support for any hotas on the PlayStation 4 platform.“
- Lots of people asking about ‘true’ cross platform play but sadly the same as the XB1 (so far)
- Beta changes
- Festive Countdown
- 1 rare paint job each day from 13th Dec – 24th Dec
- All rare paint jobs are withdrawn 3rd Jan 2017
- Today’s (13th Dec) is a Wireframe Python
- Mission Stream
- Ed, Adam Bourke-Waite (designer) and Dominic Corner (developer)
- The big take away is MISSIONS IS HARD!
- Where are we at in turn of missions?
- Missions are ongoing, currently doing some reward passes and balancing. Fixes in the current beta, always trying to improve things.
- When will players be able to share missions with wing members?
- It’s something FD want to do but not in the ‘immediate’ roadmap. No ETA No Guarantee 😀
- What’s the reason for the low number of missions from each faction?
- It’s a design decision, but also there’s a tech limitation with the passenger missions sharing an allocation with mission missions. I.E. 40 missions made in total, some passenger some normal.
- In Current PTS Beta, Dom also introduced a bug (oops!) but that’s fixed hopefully! Failed to connect messages are because you timed out making missions.
- Why are FDev allowing mission stacking?
- No easy fix for this – if you have 4 missions, who do you credit the mission to?
- Why does FDev allow Mode switching to get more missions?
- Not an easy one either. Each transaction server makes its own missions
- Will engineers be able to give us missions that give us rewards we need?
- For now ‘no’ (because engineers are not factions)
- In the future maybe…
- Maybe specific rewards from specific (logical!) places
- Can the ED Community make missions?
- It’s very easy to underestimate the complexity of the missions and would be damn hard for the community to do. Making a tool to do this would be a HECK of a hard job too.
- More intra system missions?
- It is currently possible currently set between 0 and up to 500 ly away! It would be possible but cascading complexity, risk vs reward job. Might be looked at in the future
- Can rewards reflect your status with a faction?
- FD have not currently considered this.
- Rewards are worked out by credits, then broken down to the credit value of the ‘stuff’ or hard cash…
- Every mission offers ++ reward.
- We’ve been getting the right rewards but not displayed
- It’s a bug and has been (hopefully!) fixed.
- Mission filters?
- No
- Missions are NOT generated specifically for you so you get the generic result set. In theory someone could filter stuff
- Is it possible to detect who’s scanning your ship? I.E. who cares if a pirate scans my contraband instead of the police
- The pirates are STILL a faction so the mission still fails
- Yes it’s possible to identify who is scanning.
- Any chance of more luxury passenger missions?
- Adam will take the feedback on board but need to be careful to not lock ppl out. Though he gets that we need reasons for an Orca etc too…
- Gotta figure out who you’re going to annoy the most
- Do you feel that removing the rank locks has removed the feeling of progression in the game?
- No it’s a good thing. Ppl have the choice to do ‘hard’ stuff
- Possible ‘elite’ rank missions being a thing ‘one day’
- Multistep passenger missions can we get paid for each step?
- At the moment it’s by design trying to keep the passengers happy
- What is the limiting factor implementing new mission types?
- Say FD wanted to add a ‘photography’ thing make a design, get approved. Dom has to make Mission Progressions Elements and other things. To make the template, side panel and all that shite.
- Please let us accept missions for another ship. I.E. need cargo when u dont have it
- The mission needs to know if you can complete it but doesn’t look at every other ship you can get. This makes lots of strange edge cases that would get a lot of grief from ppl who can’t actually complete the missions.
- Can we get Elite only missions back?
- Adam thought there were some in game? But there could be a bug if they’re not showing up
- Dom can see the servers soul
- More missions with NPCs via the inbox (rather than mission screen)
- Dom feels conflicted, there ARE missions given whilst you fly around. But they are rare. Server load tech issues, but also design.
- The secret for a higher chance is to stay in the same place for 15 mins.
- Potential things coming that will make this more interesting / common etc…
- Military Missions?
- FD are aware of the communities desire. But No ETA, No Guarantee…
- When there is opposition to a mission we seem to get the same ship multiple times, how about more groups of smaller ships etc?
- It is possible, but needs balancing
- 4 ppl at once is a LOT different to 4 * 1 person
- Adds a lot more complexity
- No ETA, No Guarantee.
- No comments for 2.3 or 2.4…
- Increase mission branches etc
- Something FD are always looking to do.
- Good example – nav beacon scanning…
- Can we pick our crew up when they die?
- Potentially in the future, but DAMN it’s a big job with lots of tie in between loads of ppl…
- … That… would actually be quite complicated!
- Will there be any missions that need top tier load outs and rewards…
- That’s the challenge isn’t it… BALANCING IS hard 🙂
- Adam is doing a balancing pass based off of REAL data not anecdotal data 🙂 Chat then gets pissy about FD ignoring player reports. Adam says NO they need the reports to find things, but you need to base data off of data…
- FD are looking at ‘the economy’ and how to manage it
- Any chance of increasing the colonial missions time?
- That was a bug it’s fixed
- Will Jaques Station get missions?
- Yes – soon
- Explain how making missions works..
- 2 missions from same station
- 1 to dest 10 sec from the star, one needs to go to hutton orbital!
- But it’s both the same mission
- Can we get cash not cargo?
- Maybe… but this may be going anyway…
- Passenger requests are now optional
- Do missions need a client update?
- No they’re all server side (but we still need to test etc!)
- Can we get a timer for mission refresh?
- No it takes place piecemeal. Gen 4 banks of missions. If more needed after 15 mins then they are generated…
- Elite Dangerous: Horizons for PS4
- Newsletter 154
- Community Corner
Top Shift 73 – Oculas Thrift – Trinus
Colin continues his series on Cheap VR solutions for Elite: Dangerous. There has been a recent update to Trinus VR, so Colin connects up the Nexus 6 Phone and slips on the colorcross headset to give it a new test.
Cost of Trinus VR – £8
Cost of the Colorcross – £15
Total Cost – £23
(OK Nexus 6 phone is about £450 but we’re not counting that!)