Lave Radio Episode 136

Mission you Playstation 4

Aired 13 December 2016
Audio versions

Download the episode directly from here.

Crew Members
Head of health and safety : Ben Moss-Woodward – Cmdr Eid LeWeise
2nd Technician : Chris Forrester – Cmdr Fozza
Chief Archivist : Colin Ford – Cmdr phoenix_dfire
Chief Bar Steward : Grant Woolcott – Cmdr Psykokow
Show Notes

  • Development News
    • Elite Dangerous: Horizons for PS4
    • Beta changes
    • Festive Countdown
      • 1 rare paint job each day from 13th Dec – 24th Dec
      • All rare paint jobs are withdrawn 3rd Jan 2017
      • Today’s (13th Dec) is a Wireframe Python
    •  Mission Stream
      • Ed, Adam Bourke-Waite (designer) and Dominic Corner (developer)
      • The big take away is MISSIONS IS HARD!
      • Where are we at in turn of missions?
        • Missions are ongoing, currently doing some reward passes and balancing. Fixes in the current beta, always trying to improve things.
      • When will players be able to share missions with wing members?
        • It’s something FD want to do but not in the ‘immediate’ roadmap. No ETA No Guarantee 😀
      • What’s the reason for the low number of missions from each faction?
        • It’s a design decision, but also there’s a tech limitation with the passenger missions sharing an allocation with mission missions. I.E. 40 missions made in total, some passenger some normal.
        • In Current PTS Beta, Dom also introduced a bug (oops!) but that’s fixed hopefully! Failed to connect messages are because you timed out making missions.
      • Why are FDev allowing mission stacking?
        • No easy fix for this – if you have 4 missions, who do you credit the mission to?
      • Why does FDev allow Mode switching to get more missions?
        • Not an easy one either. Each transaction server makes its own missions
      • Will engineers be able to give us missions that give us rewards we need?
        • For now ‘no’ (because engineers are not factions)
        • In the future maybe…
        • Maybe specific rewards from specific (logical!) places
      • Can the ED Community make missions?
        • It’s very easy to underestimate the complexity of the missions and would be damn hard for the community to do. Making a tool to do this would be a HECK of a hard job too.
      • More intra system missions?
        • It is currently possible currently set between 0 and up to 500 ly away! It would be possible but cascading complexity, risk vs reward job. Might be looked at in the future
      • Can rewards reflect your status with a faction?
        • FD have not currently considered this.
        • Rewards are worked out by credits, then broken down to the credit value of the ‘stuff’ or hard cash…
        • Every mission offers ++ reward.
        • We’ve been getting the right rewards but not displayed
        • It’s a bug and has been (hopefully!) fixed.
      • Mission filters?
        • No
        • Missions are NOT generated specifically for you so you get the generic result set. In theory someone could filter stuff
      • Is it possible to detect who’s scanning your ship? I.E. who cares if a pirate scans my contraband instead of the police
        • The pirates are STILL a faction so the mission still fails
        • Yes it’s possible to identify who is scanning.
      • Any chance of more luxury passenger missions?
        • Adam will take the feedback on board but need to be careful to not lock ppl out. Though he gets that we need reasons for an Orca etc too…
        • Gotta figure out who you’re going to annoy the most
      • Do you feel that removing the rank locks has removed the feeling of progression in the game?
        • No it’s a good thing. Ppl have the choice to do ‘hard’ stuff
        • Possible ‘elite’ rank missions being a thing ‘one day’
      • Multistep passenger missions can we get paid for each step?
        • At the moment it’s by design trying to keep the passengers happy
      • What is the limiting factor implementing new mission types?
        • Say FD wanted to add a ‘photography’ thing make a design, get approved. Dom has to make Mission Progressions Elements and other things. To make the template, side panel and all that shite. 
        • Please let us accept missions for another ship. I.E. need cargo when u dont have it
        • The mission needs to know if you can complete it but doesn’t look at every other ship you can get. This makes lots of strange edge cases that would get a lot of grief from ppl who can’t actually complete the missions.
      • Can we get Elite only missions back?
        • Adam thought there were some in game? But there could be a bug if they’re not showing up
        • Dom can see the servers soul
        • More missions with NPCs via the inbox (rather than mission screen)
        • Dom feels conflicted, there ARE missions given whilst you fly around. But they are rare. Server load tech issues, but also design.
        • The secret for a higher chance is to stay in the same place for 15 mins.
        • Potential things coming that will make this more interesting / common etc…
      • Military Missions?
        • FD are aware of the communities desire. But No ETA, No Guarantee…
      • When there is opposition to a mission we seem to get the same ship multiple times, how about more groups of smaller ships etc?
        • It is possible, but needs balancing
        • 4 ppl at once is a LOT different to 4 * 1 person
        • Adds a lot more complexity
        • No ETA, No Guarantee.
        • No comments for 2.3 or 2.4…
        • Increase mission branches etc
        • Something FD are always looking to do.
        • Good example – nav beacon scanning…
      • Can we pick our crew up when they die?
        • Potentially in the future, but DAMN it’s a big job with lots of tie in between loads of ppl…
        • … That… would actually be quite complicated!
      • Will there be any missions that need top tier load outs and rewards…
        • That’s the challenge isn’t it… BALANCING IS hard 🙂
        • Adam is doing a balancing pass based off of REAL data not anecdotal data 🙂 Chat then gets pissy about FD ignoring player reports. Adam says NO they need the reports to find things, but you need to base data off of data…
        • FD are looking at ‘the economy’ and how to manage it
        • Any chance of increasing the colonial missions time?
        • That was a bug it’s fixed
      • Will Jaques Station get missions?
        • Yes – soon
      • Explain how making missions works..
        • 2 missions from same station
        • 1 to dest 10 sec from the star, one needs to go to hutton orbital!
        • But it’s both the same mission
      • Can we get cash not cargo?
        • Maybe… but this may be going anyway…
      • Passenger requests are now optional
      • Do missions need a client update?
        • No they’re all server side (but we still need to test etc!)
      • Can we get a timer for mission refresh?
        • No it takes place piecemeal. Gen 4 banks of missions. If more needed after 15 mins then they are generated…
  • Newsletter 154
  • Community Corner

Top Shift 73 – Oculas Thrift – Trinus

Colin continues his series on Cheap VR solutions for Elite: Dangerous. There has been a recent update to Trinus VR, so Colin connects up the Nexus 6 Phone and slips on the colorcross headset to give it a new test.

Cost of Trinus VR – £8
Cost of the Colorcross – £15

Total Cost – £23

(OK Nexus 6 phone is about £450 but we’re not counting that!)

Writers Interview 21 – Drew Wagar – Elite Dangerous, Premonition

  Recorded 30th November 2016 Download the episode directly from here     It’s been a long 3 years since Drew graced the Orange Sidewinder with his Imperial presence. In that time 2nd Tech still hasn’t managed to fix that annoying squeak in the guest chair! Senator Drew and Fozza talk…

Continue reading

Lave Radio Episode 135

lave fdl
I put on my vac suit and Remlok

Aired 6 December 2016
Audio versions

Download the episode directly from here.

Crew Members
Station Commander : Allen Stroud
Head of health and safety : Ben Moss-Woodward – Cmdr Eid LeWeise
Chief Archivist : Colin Ford – Cmdr phoenix_dfire
Chief Bar Steward : Grant Woolcott – Cmdr Psykokow
Special Guests : John Lunn, Oliver Hulme

Show Notes

  • Development News
    • Q&A Hot Topics Stream
      • 2.2.03 Q&A Livestream notes – Dec 6
      • New Beta 7th Dec for 2.2.03
      • Release in the New Year.
      • Changes to Weapons, Blueprints and a Little updates to Powerplay.
      • Dropping Engineering Cargo after 2.2.3
      • Karma system, pilot federation bounties being considered for Crime and Punishment
      • Combat logging are going to be monitored, you combat log too much that is detected and flag as suspicious behaviour which will hook into the karma system.
      • Problem with the above two items, they need development time, not a quick change.
      • Ed is obsessed with 50ps!
      • Gimbal in main game is about, in CQC it’s 8 degrees for a fixed but only 0.5 of a degree in the main game. Gimbaled ranges from 30 degrees to 22.5 depending on your chosen weapon.
    • Keelback Paint Jobs
      • Military
      • Tactical
      • Vibrant
    • Formidine Rift, the Confluence and Hawkins Gap. Commanders have been working hard to find ‘things’ in these areas.  Things have been found, however nobody knows what’s there because of a bug in the game.  Zac Antonaci has confirmed there are issues and the have a fix ready to go but it needs a client update.  So those cmdrs over 8000 ly from the bubble, don’t approach (spoiler spoiler spoiler)  until the next update. – Formidine Rift – Fix in 2.2.03
  • Newsletter 153
  • Main Discussion
  • Community Corner