Some hardcore fans of the franchise discuss anything and everything about Elite: Dangerous, through development to deployment. All done with the requisite wit and banter. Supplementary shows also discuss books, other computer games and host fan forums.
Is Shan disappointed that People can escape a Mega Ship?
The meme generator of a Halloween Stream happened last thursday.
Octobers Development Update Came out (see main discussion).
Supercruise News 50 will on Tuesday.
Steam Charts Officially said there were more people playing EDO in October than September. This is the first time since launch that the player numbers have risen. (Sill down 75% on Launch though).
Dr Kay’s farewell message, There is an unregistered comms beacon in system,Dr Kays Heart A 1B. Not going to spoil the message…
Massive Thargoid Attack – According to the AXI, this is a different kind of Incursion. They haven’t made a much of a dent as there is still a Massive Presence
Hadrian Durval accepts imperial protection. In related news, ACT stated that its investigation into the Dyson City attack has yielded results. Although details remain embargoed for security reasons, a significant breakthrough is expected to be announced soon.
Update 10, the last PC update before work starts on the consoles?#
Will there ever be a new ship?
Mostly Clueless
Shan – The art of combat is knowing the tipping point when you are incurring damage faster than you can inflict it Many players die because they have not learned how to tell. So don’t be afraid to jump out before that tipping point until you get to know before instinctively you have reached it
I know it’s only September and good taste dictates that Christmas should never be mentioned until long after Halloween, but in the world of entertainment Christmas has to be prepared well in advance. When you think about preparing for Christmas, you’re probably thinking about the dinner. Will it be turkey? Beef? How about an enormous cock?
Yes, the Dockers are coming back this year with a Christmas special and they have set up a kickstarter on justgiving. Yes that’s right, a kickstarter on Just Giving. I don’t think they quite understand that all the money will be going to charity.
If you haven’t heard of it before Dockers is a mockumentary podcast about the ordinary folk of the Galaxy from the lowly toilet attendants to famous wildlife documentary makers. It’s been going for a few years and usually does a live show at Lavecon, late at night, well after the watershed because it’s very, very naughty
If they meet their target they will put on the Christmas show, (though to be honest they will put it on regardless.) They have some rewards in their charity kickstarter. If you ever fancied being the subject of a documentary there are a few options to get your name in the show. Some of them are pretty unsavory.
Listen to the Christmas special in the comfort of your own home for no additional cost!
Listen to the Christmas special in the comfort of your own home for a small additional cost!
Have your name read out by the Narrator at the end of the show with the credits.
Listen to the Christmas special in the comfort of your own home for a substantial additional cost!
A lifetime supply of Gnosis Avian Cheese**While stocks last (10 available). Only one block per lifetime, believe me that is enough. No refunds. First come first serve. After ten blocks are allocated reward will be downgraded to tier 3
A sketch featuring you written and performed by members of the cast of dockers.* To be clear when we say members we don’t mean penises. The segment will be up to 5 minutes long.
A character of our choice will perform a sex act on you during the show**This will be a dramatisation not an actual act you sicko
A character of our choice will perform an enjoyable sex act on you during the show**This will be a dramatisation not an actual act you sicko. Enjoyment is not guaranteed.
We will have your ears surgically removed so that you never have to listen to the show again.*Need I tell you that this is satire and not a cure for body dysmorphia?
The episode will be set in the Star Citizen Universe
Are you a pharma-bro? We will record a 40 minute episode exclusively for you. Nobody else will be able to listen to it unless you let them.
For those who want a literary discussion about Sci-fi and fantasy books. Please subscribe to the Dataslate podcast created by station commander Allen Stroud.
Following this we have the latest Galnet News Digest as provided by Cmdr Wotherspoon and Cmdr BeatleJude.
Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders
Special Thanks to Cmdr ToCoSo who created the music for the Introduction of the Show
Yes, racing “exists” in Elite and yes it’s awesome — but accessible it is not.
This project aims to provide a ground-up reimplementation of a similar-enough flight model to provide a training ground and common set of tools to track leaderboards, ghosts and general tom-foolery. Feedback is extremely welcome!
Interested in getting involved with the dev process? Come join the discord and yell at me about how wrong I am discuss where we should take this!
You can filter missions by material or credits, etc.
From Dextio on the forums
Greetings Lave Radio!
I’m a big fan of yours, and listen to your content regularly. Normally, I don’t reach out like this, but recently the CM team has increased their communication/presence in the forums and people are taking advantage of them in a big way (see the patch notes for update 3).
I was wondering, if possible, can you bring up the topic of “Forum Etiquette” and how to handle this gift of increased communication that the CM team is providing?
I’d rather not lose it because we are taking advantage of them… Please… Thank you…
An open letter to the most excellent Lave Radio,
Before I start I hope the manner and sentiment in which this is was written comes across, it is always difficult to convey feelings and intention in the written word but my intent is one of good, one of genuine thanks for your time in producing the podcast that I can listen to for free, I want Elite to be a positive experience for all, it is certainly not meant as an attack or in any way meant to devalue anyone’s feelings or opinions.
I started playing Elite in the mid 80’s on my father’s BBC, I was immediately captivated by it, even then with the limited graphics and locations to visit.
I didn’t play again (due to life happening) until last year when I purchased an Xbox to play online shooters with furloughed work colleagues during the various lockdowns, I’m now just celebrating reaching my first Elite rank.
Elite is different from any other game I’ve ever played, I heard someone say it is “ a mile wide and an inch deep”, maybe that depends on your perspective…
As a new player (on console) I’m astounded by the negativity surrounding the Odyssey release and to be fair the game in general, it may have issues, Odyssey may have been released before ready, it may not tick all of the boxes but here’s my two penneth.
Elite is not an airport, departures do not need to be announced, if it’s not floating someone’s boat, go and play something else, content providers are (in my view) making the most of this situation, commenting on the games shortfalls and making a big deal of “I’m off to play Star Citizen or No Mans Sky” because they need to produce something and stay relevant, in actual fact Odyssey may have come at the right time to actually give them something new to talk about.
This will never meet every bodies expectation’s, that is impossible, if it doesn’t meet a particular players expectation, sorry about that but there are other games.
I play on console and to be honest I could moan that the P.C release has actually spoilt my hope for the future of the game without even playing it and how I feel excluded, the negativity surrounding the release of Odyssey has done nothing to make me look forward to the console release however I will pay my money and make my choice, good or bad, as I did when I bought No Mans Sky, which I didn’t particularly like so I don’t play it.
“It’s a beta”, so what? If someone wants to call it a beta (like most are anyway) call it a beta, if Frontier came out and verified that would it actually make anyone feel any better about playing the game, let’s face it all I hear is “we don’t trust anything Frontier says” so I’m not sure how calling it a beta makes any difference, unless there’s a vital part in the development process I don’t understand, not coming from a tech back ground myself.
Personally, if this had been the other way round and console players were given the chance to experience an earlier version of the game, I would’ve jumped at the chance and felt privileged to do so. Yes, it may be buggy, but another apology from a top-level representative will not change that, at all.
Has anyone ever thought what would happen if Fdev decided, “we can’t win, let’s take it on the chin and move onto something else”? There’s nothing stopping them doing that…
All of my points/views come from a place of genuine concern and wanting the best game experience as a relatively new player, apparently the game has a ”wonderful community”, well I’m not feeling that love at the moment, now maybe I’m looking in the wrong places (and to be fair, I’ve held off really connecting in game for various reasons) but it seems to me (as an outsider looking in, but very much wanting to take part) that the community is very little more than a hanging mob out for blood (sometimes on a personal level) which by the way is a pretty crappy way to act.
Lave radio was my first third party exposure to the massive beautiful Elite experience and as a new player this is the place I want to come to keep up to date, I want to know about community goals, fads, the latest trends in trading, mission, mining, cool things to see and to do (across all platforms).
I thoroughly value the Lave radio content and look forward to the show, but I have to admit, it has been a little difficult to listen to of late…
There is no other podcast for Elite quite like this and I would love it to focus a little more on the reason we all play it, I mean if people aren’t playing the game at the moment for whatever reason then I’m not sure why they are included in a podcast solely devoted to playing Elite (just saying).
I’m in no way suggesting that Lave radio become a glorified poster boy for the game, but maybe the balance needs to be redressed a little? Some ideas…
Newbs nuggets: It took me ages to find out that you can filter missions by material or credits, etc. a little titbits every week to help and encourage newer players, think of all of the experience you guys/gals have that you could share? I didn’t even know you could drive around a Horizons planet settlement when docked until last week!
Tourist Information: Awesome sites to see be it current or older ones, Guardian Structures, Wreckages or Capital ships, weird planets and stations, mega ships, dredgers and the like, etc.
Some sort of Insider trading? “Panite looks like it’s on the up at the moment”.
Critics corner, a specific place for a good old moan up (in a constructive manner) whilst also making suggestions and offering ideas and alternatives and not just Odyssey focused.
Things like this only need a minute or 2 but I could really help new players feel more included, after all I hear a lot of talk about player numbers which would indicate to me numbers are important to keep the game relevant, maybe new blood is vital?
I’m just spitballing here and you’d be quite within your rights to tell me to bog off “we like what we do thank you” however your podcast is far superior to any of the others I’ve heard and if I didn’t think it was worth my time to listen to it, I wouldn’t have written this letter.
“…our last best hope for news…located in neutral territory…a shining beacon in space…”
I believe this is still the mission, I will tune in next week, the week after, and the weeks after those.
For those who want a literary discussion about Sci-fi and fantasy books. Please subscribe to the Dataslate podcast created by station commander Allen Stroud.
Following this we have the latest Galnet News Digest as provided by Cmdr Wotherspoon and Cmdr BeatleJude.
Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders
Special Thanks to Cmdr ToCoSo who created the music for the Introduction of the Show
For those who want a literary discussion about Sci-fi and fantasy books. Please subscribe to the Dataslate podcast created by station commander Allen Stroud.
Following this we have the latest Galnet News Digest as provided by Cmdr Wotherspoon and Cmdr BeatleJude.
Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders
Special Thanks to Cmdr ToCoSo who created the music for the Introduction of the Show
And some appreciations for the dev’s communication
That Bald Fella I’ve been impressed with the amount of communication I’ve seen on this thread today, so I fired up Odyssey for the first time in a few weeks to see how I got on and whether I might have anything useful to add. And he gave Sally a plate of Sausages! Who responded with “At this point I’m not afraid to say that I really do love sausages”
Aurora Destiny For sure. Thank you for the communication! I know its probably not easy… and the (almost emotional for me!) thanks for improving communication can never be understated given how little there was before this for almost everything.
Congratulations to the AXI – They say they’ve diagnosed the elusive heart bug which can cause issues fighting thargoids in a wing. “We have reason to believe that the elusive heart bug is triggered by Authority transfer of the interceptor NPC between commanders.” Info has been has been passed to frontier and in the meantime here are the appropriate work arounds :-
If fighting as a duo, use wingman nav-lock to drop (at the same time from Supercruise, NOT on a wingman’s beacon!), as that is less likely to result in authority switches (if it ever happens at all – we were able to avoid heart bugs entirely this way)
Instances with NPCs are also less likely to exhibit the heart bug e.g., AXCZs, as authority transfer of interceptors appears to be less likely
Instances where goids jump INTO the instance (vs CMDRs), such as Megaships, will generally not trigger authority transfers (unless a CMDR jumps out and back in, or de-syncs in some other way e.g., distance)
In general, avoid having another CMDR jump into an instance where a goid has already spawned, if possible and – if you must, move away from the drop point before the other CMDR drops (not confirmed if it helps … but the point is “try everything to avoid authority transfer”)
However, Since then, Fdev QA have said they can’t replicate the bug so if anyone wants to help out with Sending in Logs etc. If you encounter the error please attach logs to :-
No Plans for Crossplay – Although, thanks to a document leak from the ongoing Apple Vs Epic Court Case, we’ve found that Sony charges companies extra to use their Playstation Network, if their game is crossplay and has micro transactions. Elite would fall into that category and might make cross play financially untenable even though it’s technically feasible. We don’t know if Microsoft has the same policy with their xbox network.
Bookmark and POI improvements in the Galaxy Map on Thursday.
Lighting Fixes.
Star field brightness fixed
Delay to Update 5 – 1 week
Greater CM presence on the forum
Promise of Powerplay Answers Soon(™)!
Dev Streams by the end of the month.
In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?
10-Jun-3307 :- Salvation put out a message to try and track down the survivors of the Hephesus. It took the community approximately 24 hours with records been found by Cmdr Namix, sometime Friday Morning. For those that wish to follow the story and discover the logs, you can follow the thread at (Please bear in mind only people who completed the last Salvation mission got notified about this one.)
Shan’s thoughts and comments on how to rebuild trust, and crisis management. How to handle a crisis.. Fdev are doing the acknowledge with spin (I gave OA the same diagram and he mentions it in his vid)
Following yesterdays announcement, we have made the difficult decision that Lavecon 2021 will be online only. The online event will be the same dates 2nd – 4th July. The limit on size of indoor gathering and mandatory social distancing makes an event of this nature impossible to hold in person. Obviously we are very sad about this, but always knew that we were taking a risk by planning it so early in the year. For those who have booked tickets, we will be emailing you with a choice of: Carrying your ticket over to 2022. (If hotel prices go up there may be a small surcharge.) Full refund If you have a VIP ticket you will have the option to receive the VIP merchandise and have the refund/carry over to next year as a gold ticket. You would have the option to upgrade back to Platinum next year. Please note that the default position will be to refund your ticket if we don’t hear from you. Please do not message me about tickets via fb, Twitter or other social media. If you want to get in touch please drop me an email. We will also be selling 2021 polo shirts, Lavecon face masks, Lavecon hoodies and any left over merchandise packs on our website. We will aim to get these to you before the virtual event, subject to post/deliveries etc. I will get sizes available up on the website ASAP. Lavecon 2022 will be 1st – 3rd July 2022. We will be posting about the virtual event, but do feel free to make suggestions, offer to host content etc. Any streaming that weekend from the community, we are happy to promote these.
Those who have listened to the Hutton Truckers recently will already be aware that Aleks Zuno, that pirate-popping pilot who regularly tops the list for bounties, has created an online guide to how she does it, and how you, too, can improve your PVE.
A press release has been forthcoming, and it goes as follows: Imperial Navy Intervention and Rescue Approved for GalNet public release: “Hunter” A first-hand account of fast, fierce and effective starship combat for the 34th Century.
Just wondered if any of the Lave Radio crew have had problems trying to board ship from an SRV in Odyssey? A big thank you to Flossy for trying to help me the other day but logging into the game after the update today I’m still stranded beneath my ship. Yes, I know I can reboot in Horizons and appear in space but just wondered if anyone else had the same issue? Since Odyssey ‘landed’ I seem to have spent more time downloading patches than actually playing the game ….
For those who want a literary discussion about Sci-fi and fantasy books. Please subscribe to the Dataslate podcast created by station commander Allen Stroud.
Following this we have the latest Galnet News Digest as provided by Cmdr Wotherspoon and Cmdr BeatleJude.
Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders
Special Thanks to Cmdr ToCoSo who created the music for the Introduction of the Show
Lavecon Covid Update: We are currently assuming the event will go ahead and planning for that.
However that relies on the covid restrictions being lifted in line with the government timeline.
If the government announces that will not be the case and the proposed date is after the event, then the event will not go ahead. We don’t think it is practical for the event to take place with the current social distancing requirements in place.
If this is the case we will offer full refunds or the option to roll your tickets over to next year. We would also put in place a virtual event similar to last years
If the event is able to go ahead and has no mandatory covid requirements in place, we will be asking for attendees to voluntarily take sensible precautions. This includes taking the free lateral flow covid test before attending, wearing a face covering, hand washing and, where possible, giving each other space. We will update you as soon as we have a definite way forward. Thanks for your patience and understanding.
Erimus Kamzel: “The game has lost its soul. Not only have they monumentally botched a two-year in-development release, they also seem to have severed ties with their own lore and history. Check out Drew Wagar’s post in the Odyssey discussion forum, he nailed it.
Turning the Wheel is likely to be the last of the great community initiatives. Ones like Distant Worlds 3 are highly unlikely to occur now too, we’ve postponed it indefinitely.
There really needs to be a big change in the way Frontier treats its players. At this moment in time they don’t deserve this fantastic creative community, and if they don’t reembrace it or stop disrespecting it, they’ll lose it for good.”
Email from Cmdr Valaryc (val-uh-rick) : “Toward the end of Episode 342, you guys mentioned the percentages of players that had unlocked certain chieves on the Xbox side of things. Please know that I’ve not seen a single thing that verifies these percentages are correct, and as an Xbox player since the inception of Xbox, it doesn’t surprise me in the least that they’d be very inaccurate. So questioning the accuracy of said percentages of “people who’ve completed” ‘such-and-such’ in any game is a very reasonable and rightful thing to do. Do not take those numbers as absolute, or as any sort of measurable metric of any sort. I can all but guarantee they’re wrong. Take care all. -CMDR Valaryc (val-uh-rick) Q7”
For those who want a literary discussion about Sci-fi and fantasy books. Please subscribe to the Dataslate podcast created by station commander Allen Stroud.
Following this we have the latest Galnet News Digest as provided by Cmdr Wotherspoon and Cmdr BeatleJude.
Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders
Special Thanks to Cmdr ToCoSo who created the music for the Introduction of the Show
Last week saw the PC release of Odyssey, the latest major expansion in the Elite Dangerous franchise. Although players suffered server connectivity issues in the first few days, we understand that many of those problems have now been resolved. Despite the challenges, player numbers have been relatively strong – at record levels for Elite Dangerous, as would be expected. Whilst additional concerns around game optimisation may take longer to fix, Frontier are working hard on resolving these through regular updates to ensure that players’ experience improves. We have no doubt that Elite will remain a successful multi-year franchise going forwards, as the company maintains its launch and nurture approach to creating long-lasting games. We keep our forecasts and Target Price unchanged.
Psykit and the Flight Assist Podcast team are raising money for CLIC Sargent on behalf of community member ColicoJac, who is sadly unable to at this time. Please consider donating what you can to help. Cancer is shocking, overwhelming, isolating… and completely unfair. Especially when you’re young. It takes over your life. Treatment is gruelling and your ambitions and dreams – education, relationships, career, travel – suddenly seem very far away.
We get that. That’s why CLIC Sargent fights tirelessly to stop cancer destroying young lives.
For those who want a literary discussion about Sci-fi and fantasy books. Please subscribe to the Dataslate podcast created by station commander Allen Stroud.
Following this we have the latest Galnet News Digest as provided by Cmdr Wotherspoon and Cmdr BeatleJude.
Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders
Special Thanks to Cmdr ToCoSo who created the music for the Introduction of the Show
Is actually Head of Online Services – which is cross game – but ED is his “home game”
Explain what the Server team does…
We should never notice they’re there
Try very hard not fail – Try very hard for it not to matter when it does fail
Server team has:
Build Team
Release Team
QA Team
Bake out – OMG just watch the stream
Basically the team get a list of places to visit (via proc gen?) – then they beg borrow or steal PC power and physically visit the game (using their tools) and then manually place instances in appropriate places.
The Dark Wheel is ready to expand out from 9 PUPPIS, they want to get to >75% system influence and see what this next part of the LFT 509 testing yields!!
Cmdrs Orange Phoenix, Exorcist and Admiral Flaps have created the “Pilots Lounge” which is a Community Hub for want of a better term with the ethos that all Cmdrs are welcome and the hope to inspire community spirt, conversation and collaboration. You can visit it by going to
Also related to Orange Phoenix:
Cmdr Beetlejude and a bunch of streamers, including
Learned that Orange Pheonix, who has helped the community so much with his work in SPVFA and Sagittarius Eye, only has access to a 2nd hand ‘Gaming Laptop’ with a GTX 660 in it. Due to his real life situation he’s not in a position to replace it so that he can run Odyssey and, against his initial protests, have created Operation Warbucks to help him get a PC so that he can join us all in Odyssey. They feel that a man of his artistic talents would be sorely missed in Odyssey so we want to help him join us there. Our target is £1600 If we achieve this target – anything above will be donated to Health in Mind Scotland.
The stream will begin on Saturday 15th May @ 17:00 UTC and run for 24 hours with each streamer doing a 3-4 hour show. There will be giveaways and fun events on each stream so anyone can get involved!!
The Flight Assist team are launching a week long charity event for Clic Sargent who assist Young people (and their families) with a special stream on Saturday 22nd over at, and finishing in a 12 hour stream on Friday the 28th over at There will be limited edition merch available for the event. Head to for more details.
He is celebrating the release of Elite Dangerous Odyssey with a big Elite Dangerous Quiz – featuring guests Ascorbius, EidLeWeise, Wotherspoon, and Greytest. Covering everything from history, content, player-driven events, to ludicrous records.
For those who want a literary discussion about Sci-fi and fantasy books. Please subscribe to the Dataslate podcast created by station commander Allen Stroud.
Following this we have the latest Galnet News Digest as provided by Cmdr Wotherspoon and Cmdr BeatleJude.
Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders
Special Thanks to Cmdr ToCoSo who created the music for the Introduction of the Show
Scorb and the Brocast tried to get a man to run into space by running up a chain of ships. They managed to get Cmdr TheProRock up to 14KM from a planet’s surface. It’s a real laugh to watch.
For those who want a literary discussion about Sci-fi and fantasy books. Please subscribe to the Dataslate podcast created by station commander Allen Stroud.
Following this we have the latest Galnet News Digest as provided by Cmdr Wotherspoon and Cmdr BeatleJude.
Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders
Special Thanks to Cmdr ToCoSo who created the music for the Introduction of the Show
This week sees the release of the Imperial Clipper Asemic paint job scheme.
Main discussion
What do we think Frontier have yet to reveal that’s in odyssey? e.g new ships/srv etc?
What we do know :- The planetary tech is not finished in the alpha (which is why we have the weird green effect).
Foot Fall Graphics engine has improved with every release and patch.
On last Thursday’s Stream, Arf has confirmed they’re not telling us everything as they want us to find things.
Community Corner
Dark Wheel Update The Dark Wheel has arrived in 9 PUPPIS (the LFT 509 Test Site) and have won 3 out of 4 wars. They are also consolidating control of 86 MU HERCULIS
なんでやねん (Pronounced Nandeya nen and translates as Why according to google translate) has created a great video comparing Odyssey’s FPS Movement compared to modern FPS games. It has been hypothesised (perhaps wishfully) that the lack of apparent movement is actually to assist in enabling VR. The lack of animations currently, might be because Frontier are developing two sets of animations, and neither have yet been (fully) implemented.
There isn’t an ETA as such for Escape Velocity series 4 as all kinds of stuff is up in the air at the moment. Since the beginning of the pandemic I’ve been focusing entirely on audiobooks I read myself as my tiny, unventilated studio is not at all pandemic safe!
The other complication is that Escape Velocity was (and generally always has) been made with friends and acquaintances, rather than open casting. In the huge amount of time, life moves on, people move away, relationships change, so once the “end” of the pandemic seems more definite I’ll be sounding out my primary cast (May, Kurlek, Dallas, Matriarch, Patriarch, Sarque) to see who I’ve definitely got who’s up for a return. Then it’s a case of making sure the scripts fit that.
So the conclusion to the story is coming! There’s just a few practical issues keeping it from happening at the moment.
In 6 weeks, in aid of SpecialEffect, the big viking beard will be going…. I’ve had the first few (virtual) meetings about work and this 6 month long experiment has to come to an end. “Beard staying as it is” isn’t an option. Though – back to short face fluff, or chubby cheeked cheeky hamster lookalike is in everyone else’s hands now. Mrs 21 will breathe a sigh of relief. The dastardly deed will happen on Sunday 30th May. Will be videoed and pictured and shared.