Lave Radio Episode 319 “The Dark Wuheel Expanded to Colin’s Bike” – 1/12/2020

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Deputy Trade AttachéSouvSouvarine
Tech MonkeyNorman MacArthurVentura_

Download the episode directly from here.

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  1. Frontier AMA
    1. Reddit summary
  2. Frontier Steam Autumn Sale
  3. Game Balancing Pt.2 – Combat
    1. AX and Power Play will be looked at as part of the whole balancing thing
    2. FD are happy (happier?) with mining – but feedback is welcome
    3. NPC Bounties will pay out between 4 and 10 times as much
      1. IMPORTANT NOTE: the number of credits shown immediately in your HUD when you destroy a criminal ship won’t display the newly increased amounts. This will need to wait until we’re certain of the final numbers. Accurate bounty figures can be found in the Transactions tab in your left panel.
    4. Massacre and Assassination missions should be about double
    5. Wing Mission payouts are not changing
  4. Mission Board Clarification – Dominic Corner has been on the forums this week to clarify some misconceptions about the mission board. Al lot of people are under the impression that even a harmless commander can take on an Elite Mission, get millions and then jump several ships in one go. According to Dom, when the 2.1 mission board update when in, you can only see missions from a couple of ranks above your rating. So Harmless Commanders can’t start with Elite missions.
  5. Tuesday stream
    1. Bruce dropped that FD would be having a Christmas Stream
    2. Bruce can see an expanded CQC with racing rings (THIS IS NOT CONFIRMATION THOUGH!!!)

In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?

  1. Build up CGs. Both the Federation and Empire have 2 CGs running at the moment.  Empires appear to be complete!
  2. The Alliance has four new bases opened in the Coalsack Nebula. All of these bases are offering high prices for Thargoid ‘Parts’. The bases are ;-
    1. Betancourt Base in the Musca Dark Region PJ-P b6-1 system.
    2. Cole Point in the Coalsack Sector VU-0 B6-6 system.
    3. Hannu Arena in the Musca Dark Region IM-V C2-24 system.
    4. Bering Port in the Coalsack Sector KN-S B4-9 system.
  3. Bounty Rewards Review.
  4. Lakon rejects takeover bid

Newsletter (every second show)

  1. Store Alert 100 –  Midnight Black but Stygian paint jobs 15% off.

Community Corner

  1. New Sanctimonious Stories at
  2. Sagittarius Eye edition 31 is out tomorrow, featuring:
    – The Quarantine Cup races
    – Ships you wanted to forget: The Sidewinder
    – The Cygnus Constellation
    – Hard look at Hardpoints: Multicannons
  3. Mercury’s Wings expedition, to deliver a DSSA carrier (Shepard’s Dream) to the arse end of the galaxy passed Waypoint 2 on Sunday – Black Treasure (some 5.2kLY from the bubble). Only three people crashed their ships and lost their exploration data at the meet-up…
  4. Kai Zen’s latest “totally not an open letter”. This month: crime and punishment
  5. The Brigade are holding a Fighter Frenzy event: December 5th at 2000 UTC in Sharamo system. Fighter Frenzy is a ship launched fighter PvP event where competing teams of fighters defend their mother ship while trying to destroy the enemy team’s mother ship. The event is open to everyone, regardless of skill level, and you only have to worry about fighter resupply costs – no big rebuys! All you need to join is a size 6 fighter hanger stocked with fighters – any variant allowed except the ones with beams lasers. The Brigade is led by CMDR Baize who streams Fighter Frenzy events on Twitch – For more details, check out the Discord –


  1. What Star Wars Quote do you find saying to yourself when playing in Elite Dangerous and Why?
    1. It’s a trap… (Ben)


  1. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at  or, for just the audio, at
  2. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
  3. For those who want a literary discussion about Sci-fi and fantasy books. Please subscribe to the Dataslate podcast created by station commander Allen Stroud. Episode 20 was well received and Allen is working on editing issue 21.

    Further we would like to congratulate Allen on his new contract with Larian Studios. Where he’s going to be working on Baldur’s Gate 3
  4. Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders

Lave Radio Episode 318 “EPIC NUMBERS” – 24/11/2020

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Deputy Trade AttachéSouvSouvarine
Tech GibbonChris Mk IVNewell Turner

Download the episode directly from here.

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  1. Starting this week, every wednesday at 15:00 GMT, the CM team will start a Ask Me Anything thread on the forums. Forum users can post questions which will be answered by the CM team to the best of their knowledge.
  2. Twitch Drops Cargo Breach
    1. FAQ
  3. Elite Dangerous on the Epic Store
  4. Similar Ship design – Has SC stolen the ASP explorer? A new ship has appeared in SC which (from the front at least), looks exactly the same as Our famous explorer ship. Even David Braben commented on the similarity.

In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?

  1. Marlonist Terrorists attacked the Federation this time to kill their captured activists before they could spill the beans. Those Marlonist Terrorists are not making friends are they?
  2. Commodity Prices Affected by Market Volatility

Newsletter (every second show)

  1. Newsletter 306 – Includes Championship racers, Fatherhood podcast (Another one), Black Friday sale till the 26th of November (30% off). Asp and Sidewinder Skins.

Main discussion

  1. Frontier Game Balancing
    1. Bruce Garrido is pro-open only BGS and Powerplay
    2. Community Goal double engineered models

Community Corner

  1. TDW update 
    1. The Dark Wheel expanded from Phra Lak (expect to land DEC 3rd) after that there are like 2 more expansions to get to 509. We will next expand to the Sol Test site. And are currently working climbing in Arque and Lave (we are #2 in both).
      1. Kai Zen adds “We fully intend to conquer Lave system and install @𝐸𝒾𝒹 𝐿𝑒𝒲𝑒𝒾𝓈𝑒 – 𝐵𝑒𝓃 as the puppet Emperor of that system then get drunk, forget it was a joke and spend the next decade or so following his every order…”
  2. Operation IDA leaves its mark on the Galaxy
    1. On the 18th November, Operation Ida welcomed the esteemed CMDR AstroSnufkin back to the Bubble! AstroSnufkin departed from Malthus Terminal – Pleiades Sector HR-W d1-41, home of Operation Ida, on April 6th, 2020 to make his mark on the galaxy. Equipped with a trusty Sidewinder and a 33.65 ly jump range, he set off on a mission to trace the Operation Ida logo upon the galaxy! 31,081 jumps later, he has completed his mission and we at Operation Ida are pleased to share his accomplishment with the greater Elite community!
    2. Below are some stats from his journey:
      1. Jumps: 31,081
      2. Distance: 924,576.24 LY
      3. No dockings, repairs, Fuel Rats or Hull Seals calls
      4. FSD injections used: 312 – 128 Basic, 81 Standard, 103 Premium
      5. No neutron supercharging (as ship has no AFMU)
      6. Bottom point of the logo is Pleiades Sector HR-W d1-41. Then logo was centered vertically at Sag A*, so the diameter is ~52470 ly.
      7. Undocked from Malthus Terminal 6th of April 3306 at 20:18 game time, docked back there 18th of November 3306 at 23:39.
    3. Video Drawing It
  3. StuartGT, chief moderator of the EliteDangerous Reddit group is holding a competition with lots of prizes. One of which is to be a guest presenter on Lave Radio (god help you!).
  4. Distant Worlds 3 Update
    1. TLDR It’s being looked into
    2. It may happen when it happens (currently it’s looking 50/50 for start of Odyssey)
    3. They are working with ‘An Author’ to get some story into it
    4. They are working with FD 
    5. Once Odyssey is released, info on those events will be posted on the FleetComm discord server.
  5. HCS Voice Packs: There is the Free voice pack available over at HCS Voice Packs. The voice pack done by the Lovely Kate Russel is available at the HCS Website.
  6. Grats to Mal4thewin for getting his Twitch Partnership

Any Other Business

Star Wars Squadrons is having a lot of updates including the addition of the B-wing, a ‘Balanced’ Tie Defender and a new map to dogfight and destroy enemy capital ships around.


  1. Baz from Special Effect had a stroke recently, he’s in good spirits, but it’s looking like a long road a head
  2. Dave Pearson, (who had been arranging nice things for Baz) managed to slip, fall, break his arm in two places and dislocated his elbow… He then managed to beat the Hospital’s Rugby Team who had been trying to get things back where they should have been, and eventually had to be knock out, allowing a team of the NHS’ best 8 to re-assemble things correctly. We here at Lave Radio would like to officially call him a pillock and are glad to see he’s managed to break free from the Hospital and has been spotted walking around with a twitch purple cast that Frontier Developments specially gifted him for watching their stream even before it had been broadcast…
  3. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at  or, for just the audio, at
  4. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
  5. For those who want a literary discussion about Sci-fi and fantasy books. Please subscribe to the Dataslate podcast created by station commander Allen Stroud.
  6. Following on from this we have the Galactic News Digest as provided by Cmdr Wotherspoon.
  7. Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders

Lave Radio Episode 317 “a Balanced Podcast” – 17/11/2020

By Beetlejude
PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Deputy Trade AttachéSouvSouvarine
Tech MonkeyNorman MacArthurVentura_

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

Download the episode directly from here.

  1. Elite Dangerous Free on the Epic Games Store!
    1. Elite Dangerous is coming to the Epic Games Store next week! It will be available for free from 19 Nov to 26 Nov. We hope you’ll consider sharing this news with potential future commanders you know so you can blaze your trails together!
  2. Dev Diary 3 has been delayed due to the 2nd Lockdown. Arth Says it’s due in December, which is apparently going to make a Busy month of December. 
  3. Thursday’s Stream where Arf and Bruce took on notorious CQC player Obi-wan in several matches. It’s fair to say Obi-wan trounced all comers (Probably because he always has the high ground) and eventually teams were formed leading to Cmdr Eid LeWeise being kicked all around the map. It was like watching a fluffy puppy being used as a football.
  4. Tuesday Stream 16:30 on Tuesday
    1. Arf and Bruce
    2. Balancing FD are looking at Cr / Hour, Risk vs Reward, vs Skill
      1. Stuart GT’s Summary
        1. Aware that balancing isn’t right
        2. Done in stages, continuous
        3. Mining first, start next week
        4. Combat next, start two weeks later
        5. “How much earned per hour, different loops, what risk, what reward, skill required”
        6. Core mining should be higher paying than laser mining, as more skillful
        7. Mining heavily linked to economy via commodities
        8. Galnet narrative driven
        9. Combat needs to be buffed, better rewards
        10. Wing missions not a focus yet
        11. Combat missions, bounties, bonds
        12. Conflict zones last
        13. Won’t be a quick fix, will tweak and check data/feedback
        14. It feeling right to the player is what matters
        15. Been seeing all the existing feedback, videos etc
        16. Balancing is super important, on the agenda and a priority
        17. Incremental changes
        18. Discussions have been ongoing since after Arthur & Bruce joined FDev
        19. Skill and risk more rewarded
        20. Bulk sale to change to be fairer, average not minimum
        21. Rebalancing will be tied with the ongoing storylines
        22. Forum post later this week, roadmapping the rebalancing
        23. Implementation over the next weeks
      2. Ant Video
      3. Burr Video
    3. Arf gets requests about memorials etc it’s very hard and can make ppl who don’t get it maybe feel left out. FD are trying to find “the right way” that’s sensitive and inclusive

In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?

  1. The Alliance CGs were completed three days early. The Alliance is going to get new bases in the coalsack nebula and the thargoids have been beaten back, allowing the Alliance uncontested access to the meta alloys in the nebula.
  2. Emperor Decides Hadrian Duval’s Status
    1. As Wotherspoon says “He’s not a Prince, but he’s not a Naughty Boy either”

Main discussion

  1. Exclusive reward for CG and double engineered modules. What are the potential benefits and downsides?

Community Corner

  1. TDW Make it to Lave! Lave Radio would like to welcome TDW to Lave in the name of Science… Reiterating that TDW are in Lave with permission and have NO desire to take the system over, or indeed take the galaxy over!!!

    In other fronts, TDW now owns Phra Lak and are starting the March to expand to LFT 509 in 3 jumps to test the best of the 3 goals hopefully around Jan.
  1. Speedbowl IV New Grounds is happening this weekend!!!
    1. FAQ
    2. Rules
    3. Tutorial
    4. To get there: The Hull Seals have HSRC Beachmaster leaving the system of Pliny Nov 21 02:00 GMT
  2. The Pilot “Why you should buy Elite Dangerous in 2020”
  3. HCS Voice packs have a new pack coming soon, Delta (Glados anyone) and they will be giving away a HCS voice pack for free to coincide with the Free Epic Store.


  1. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at  or, for just the audio, at
  2. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
  3. For those who want a literary discussion about Sci-fi and fantasy books. Please subscribe to the Dataslate podcast created by station commander Allen Stroud. The next episode (20) should be released tomorrow (18th).
  4. Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders

Lave Radio Episode #316 “Who says dead trees are dead?” – 10/11/3306

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Deputy Trade AttachéSouvSouvarine
Tech MonkeyNorman MacArthurVentura_
Tech GibbonChris Mk IVNewell Turner

Download the episode directly from here.

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  1. Frontier’s Thursday Stream
    1. Absolutely Fab stream with Stephen and Arf with Special Guests Alec Turner and Cmdr Blackmaze who teach the guys how to climb a wall in an SRV
  2. Frontier’s Tuesday Stream
    1. Bruce and Stephen doing the CG. So lovely “noob” moments with Stephen wondering why he’s heating up, and the stream shouting at him that Silent Running was on…. Equally for Bruce, the stream telling him to reboot / repair instead of waiting for his shields to come back… But some nice flying from the guys using fixed plasma and flak cannons on a Mamba
    2. Future Streams start at 16:30
    3. ED is backwards compatible
    1. Elite Dangerous is backwards compatible with Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5.
    2. Nice post by Dreampage explaining the differences
      1. Loading times are improved
      2. (Huge) Performance Boost – “Now, on Series X it’s finally possible to play the game at a near locked 60 fps in 4K/Quality mode, and basically a full, locked 60 fps in all circumstances in 4K/Performance mode.”
      3.  “In short, Elite Dangerous works like a charm on Series X and even in 4K it runs incomparably better than on the previous generation of consoles. All this without the developers having to do anything. I can imagine further optimization could be done, but as it is, it’s still utterly fantastic. I’ve never seen Elite being so smooth on console and it’s a joy to play like this.”
  4. Hadrian Duval Seeks Reintegration with the Empire
  5. ‘Ghost Ship’ Leads Alliance to New Resources

In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?

  1. Halloween Event code get’s (nearly) solved.
    1. LONG:-38.0 615 LY BODY 3
    2. From the original logs: LAT: 11.86 and Class M Star
    3. 615 from listening post and 300 from crashed sidey
    4. (and this basically takes us explicitly back to the Coalsack where we found

Main Discussion

Community Corner

  1. Dataslate Episode 20 will be delayed a week or so because Allen had a perfect storm of a great, but long recording session and well as majorly busy with ‘Real Life’
  2. Turning the Wheel
    1. All is well in all the places, we are climbing in PHRA LAK and will soon take control. We are pending expansion right now from Turdo Tani and this expansion will put us into Lave.

      We have successfully concluded operation Shindez having accomplished our task of getting absolute confirmation that it is not possible to expand out of there just as we already knew that it was not Possible to expand into there.

      We will be in lave for Thanksgiving So have some whiskey ready for the party and hide your women! :sunglasses:


  1. We are sad to announce that we lost a dear friend and fellow ED Commander, 37-year-old Commander Operator83 (known as Zoka).

    Zoka was one of the original members of B.I.G. (Balkan Intergalactic Guerilla). He was a proud Imperial warrior who answered the first call to mobilisation and volunteered to defend our home system, Rudjer Boskovic, against aggression by Federal groups in the year 3300.

    Having proved himself as a very capable combat pilot he was selected to represent team B.I.G. in seasons 1 and 2 of the prestigious ED PVP League in 3301. His finest hour came in a famous tie-breaker victory, when he helped our team to secure a third place in the galaxy.

    Following this victory he was promoted to the rank of Voivoda (Duke), the highest honour bestowed by B.I.G. He went on to share his enormous experience with new members as a flight instructor and mentor. Zoka also proved to be an excellent SRV driver and climber.

    In 3302 he answered humanity’s call to defend against the growing Thargoid threat in the frontline systems around Asterope.

    Finally, this seasoned veteran decided to seek solitude and fulfil his lifelong longing for exploration by setting out with the Distant Worlds 2 expedition in 3304.

    He answered the call of the black – and the black finally took him – on October 24th this year.

    His roaring laughter in the face of danger and most difficult of times kept our group together and our spirits up. It will sadly be missed by all of us.

    After much searching we managed to locate Zoka’s Krait Phantom ISS Millennium Falcon in a far corner of the galaxy. Through great effort we have managed to return it to the Rudjer Boskovic system where it will be displayed in his memory.

    We invite all commanders who would like to come and pay their respects to join us on November 14th on the Fleet Carrier “Operator83 Memorial” in the “Rudjer Boskovic” system, starting 20:00 UTC (in game time), open game mode. Fly past his ship and the guard of honour and fire chaff as a final salute to a beloved member of our community during this time.
  2. And even more Sad News, Cmdr Penfold aka Mark Sanders sadly sailed beyond the veil on the 8th of November. He’d been fighting Cancer and kicking its ass but sadly caught Covid – 19 taking him from us. Many of us in the Lave Radio Crew knew Penfold from the kickstarter days He was also a regular Lavecon and ECM Attendee. He was an absolute gentleman, quiet and a little shy but when you were allowed to meet him properly, his charm and warmth as a amazing and kind human being shone brightly. It is devastating to lose Penfold especially during his amazingly brave fight of his cancer, his family supporting him through out and we send our heartfelt commiserations and love to them. We will miss your friendly face and kindness at our future events, we have lost an amazing human  being and sadly a very dear friend.
  3. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at or, for just the audio, at
  4. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
  5. After this we have the galactic News Digest from Commander Wotherspoon.
  6. For all those interested in Sci-Fi and Fantasy Books, Lave Station’s Station Commander has restarted the Dataslate podcast on a Friday Night; for all those that like a decent bit of literary escapism.
  7. Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders

Lave Radio Episode 315 “The Ghost of Canonn Past” – 03/11/2020

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Deputy Trade AttachéSouvSouvarine
Tech MonkeyNorman MacArthurVentura_
Tech GibbonChris Mk IVNewell Turner
Special Guests
Non Covid ColinMack WinstonMack Windston
Head of Canonn Interstellar Media RelationsKaltern

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

Download the episode directly from here.

  1. Tuesday Stream
    1. 3rd Dev Diary is “being worked on”

In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?

  1. Frontier Halloween Event:
    1. Nice Summary by Spoon and  Beetlejude
    2. “Breaking News”
    3. The Stones – something’s been found
    4. Transmission Detected – “They’re all dead Audio 28th Oct” published by F-Dev  
    5. Frontier Live Stream

Main discussion

  1. Halloween and Frontier with Cmdr Kaltern (as well as other canon stuff)

Community Corner

  1. TDW
    1. Ticks are running late at the moment, so TDW will see. They will either be pending expansion again out of Turdetani today or tomorrow. They landed on a new system from their previous expansion and are doing well there. Everything is continuing to grow and hopefully with this expansion out of Turdetani we will land in Lave. The expansion that just happened is our first step on the way to LFT509
  2. SagI Podcast issue 30 comes out tomorrow!
    1. In this edition, we take a look at a bitter conflict in the Colonia nebula, far away and unknown by most commanders. What drives this conflict, and why is it even occurring? We talk to some of those behind it to find out why, and what scores are being settled. We then move on to the second part of our investigation of the Dark Wheel and its motivations. It’s not all conflict, though, as our intrepid reporter heads out on the Banana Nebula Expedition, categorising the notable stellar phenomena, which are common in the region. We finish off with the Eight WHeel Drive Endurance Championship, a race that requires rare skill to even complete, let alone win.
  3. Andy-X Does a lovely and hilarious video about Speedbowling at the View

Any other Business:

  1. Monday the 2nd of November saw 20 years of people living on board the ISS!


  1. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at or, for just the audio, at
  2. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
  3. Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders
  4. At the end of the show after Galnet News,  A Song called “In the Name of Science”  by Cmdr ToCoSo and video by LCU No Fool Like One 

Lave Radio Episode 314 “PI makes Colin spin in his grave” – 27/10/2020

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Tech MonkeyNorman MacArthurVentura_
Tech GibbonChris Mk IVNewell Turner
Inflatable Pipe CleanerMark WangstoneMack Winston

Download the episode directly from here.

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  1. Free Horizon Day – We’d just like to welcome all the  (2) million or so commanders who can now join us planetside. Who’s for a SRV Race. (This message sponsored by the Buckyball Racing Club). They’ve released the Horizons Trailer.
  2. Stephen and Bruce in CQC. A certain Cmdr PhoenixDfire kicked Stephen’s Bahookie all over the map.
  3. Tuesday’s Stream did not happen. (See above!)
  4. Halloween Stuff in the store
  5. 5 Hour Downtime for Thursday
  6. “Mystery Binary Images on Instagram”
    1. stones. He keeps watching the stones. 
    3. Possible links to Lawd 26?
      1. Galnet Post from 25 FEB 3301 Metal Madness Strikes in LAWD 26
        1. Fake Metal Rush from a dead sidewinder belonging to “Commander Hank Stone”
      2. The Generation ship Thetis is there

In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?

  1. Completed Thargoid CG. All Systems are saved.
  2. 2 new Federal CGs – Support the Marlainist Refugees, Secure the trade routes against pirates.
  3. The Marlonist Terrorists have just wounded Hadrien Duval in an assaination attempt. They intend to wipe out the ‘Hydra’ that is the Duval family.

Newsletter 304

Main discussion

  1. It’s now a month since the last Dev Diary. What do you think is in the Next one? Is there something you’d like them to cover?

Community Corner

  1. New  expedition “Space Adaptation – The search for Life” expedition,
    1. There is a lot of life in the Universe, from tiny micro-organisms to complex fusion and symbiosis of viable organisms. It is a wonder how all this exists in the universe around us.

      To experience these phenomena first hand, the expedition “Space Adaptation – the Search for Life” will visit all manner of life forms out there in the dangerous void relatively close to the Bubble. Join a group of like-minded explorers and admire 11 different alien life forms, including objects created by them, and append these exciting new discoveries to your Codex. The expedition route has been optimized to enable more than 20 codex entries to be collected by visiting only 7 different systems within 15k ly from Sol.

      For the enthusiast, there is also a modified route that includes some 20 further systems, containing an extra 20 variations of these life forms.

      As a souvenir of your expedition, we aim to take group photographs at each of the phenomena, and collate these into a visual library of the trip.

      This expedition presents a unique opportunity for you and your fellow explorers to study, with relative ease and speed, a significant section of life in our universe.

      If you wish to join us on our adventure please follow these steps:

      Sign up with the expedition on EDSM.
  2. Congratulations to cmdr Thauma, who has managed to circumnavigate the galaxy with his fleet carrier, the FC Nanachi! Full details can be found here on Reddit. 
  3. Talking of Reddit. Chief head honcho Stuart GT over there is running a competition for Ship Skins here

Any Other Business?

  1. According to steam charts, Star Wars Squadrons has now dropped under the Elite Dangerous player level. Now that people are getting used to the multiplayer modes, it seems that turretting (craft can turn quite fast at zero speed) has begun to ruin the multiplayer game. 
  2. Star Wars Squadrons gets Mandalorian Updates
  3. Cyberpunk 2077 Delayed by 21 days to the 10th of December
    1. TLDR Testing on all the platforms is hard.
  4. Friend of the show, the twitch streamer HelloitsKolo has been nominated for a golden joystick award. So if you wish to support an Elite:Dangerous streamer (amongst other things), Vote Here, #voteginger!


  1. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at or, for just the audio, at
  2. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
  3. Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders

Dataslate Episode 19

In partnership with the British Science Fiction Association, Dataslate returns! We’re your book review podcast with an all new line up of participants. This week, BSFA Chair, Allen Stroud, author and BFS Horizons Editor, Shona Kinsella and author, Kevin Elliott talk awards ceremonies and books.   Topics in this episode…

Continue reading

Lave Radio Episode 313 “Acme Jetpack’s used to FreePaul” – 20/10/2020

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Minister of Silly VoicesSouvSouvarine
Tech GibbonChris Mk IVNewell Turner
East India Company RepMac Whinstons

Download the episode directly from here.

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  1. Arf and Bruce go thargoid hunting and are quite successful (Unlike Stephen and Will).
  2. Bruce and Stephen on the Tuesday Stream where they weren’t.

In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?

  1. Imperials Declare Victory in the CG. They have declared martial law in Marlist systems, leading to several systems worth of Imperial Citizens fleeing to the Federation.
  2. Systems in the Witch-head Nebula have come under thargoid attack. There is a CG in progress to defend the Systems against Thargoid Attack.
    1. Colin discovered a new Thargoid encounter. Waves of thargoid scouts were defending a probe. Not just the standard scouts, the special variants were involved as well.
  3. Support for President Hudson has had a crash in popularity rating due to his association with Admiral Lucas Vincent.

Main discussion

  • How does mission availability vary through the game?
    • The missions available from contacts and boards in the social hubs and settlements will depend on the BGS status, this means you will find different missions in different locations in the same way as you do in Elite Dangerous today.

      Some missions given by vendors will ask Commanders to visit a certain location, retrieve a specific item, or even kill an NPC. However, you don’t need a mission to go to a settlement; you can go wherever you want, when you want – creating your own story. This includes the ability to, if you decide, perform nefarious acts like looting or killing NPCs. Just remember your actions could have a negative effect on the controlling faction, which will in turn affect your reputation with them and the BGS.
  • How will NPCs react to players and each other?
    • Odyssey’s NPCs will react to players and other NPCs based on a number of factors, from obvious status elements like having a weapon drawn right through to their current BGS affiliations. NPCs have a variety of professionally voice acted dialogue which really adds to the immersion of the galaxy. If you are on good terms with a faction they will be kind to you, if you are not in good terms… start ducking, as they might start firing on sight!
  • Can you give some examples of the suits that will be available?
    • Commanders will be able to purchase and switch between multiple suits to help them with different mission types. Outside of the Flight Suit (currently in-game) you will also be able to equip the Exploration Suit, the Combat Suit and the Scavenger Suit. You will also be able to purchase multiples of each suit and give them different loadouts, dependent on your particular playstyle/mission.

      The suits we mention above will be geared towards different mission activities. You do not need to own that suit type to take on a specific activity, however doing so will certainly make life easier. Suits can be upgraded in a variety of ways to help improve their capabilities. We will be announcing more on the different suit types and upgrades in the future – stay tuned!
  • Will suits have shields? If so, how is this managed?
    • All suits will have shields installed, and they will use up your battery supply. You’ll have to make sure you manage your power outlet and distribution between your shields and oxygen (similar to managing the pips in your ship).
  • Will I have an on foot inventory?
    • Yes, players will have an on foot inventory and Odyssey will introduce some new materials, which you will be able to gather on foot. This includes organic samples you’ve collected using the Field Sampler tool for the new Exo-Biologist rank.
  • Does the Apex Interstellar service now mean that it is viable to travel between systems by way of taxi flights, whilst theoretically never flying your own ship?
    • Yes exactly, you can now choose to play Elite Dangerous without a ship! Commanders will be able to use their ships, or the Apex Interstellar service, or even both, to move about the galaxy. That being said, there will be areas Interstellar will not take you.

Community Corner

  • Cmdr PLɅCYDE BEYOND – Elite Dangerous Music Video As Featured on FD’s live stream.
  • TDW Update
  • Update from Ty of Loose Screws: Taking a break.

    I’d rather not go into a lot of details. I tried to record something but just didn’t have it in me. I decided to post something here so people would know what’s happening.

    I’m going to be taking a break from Elite to handle some personal issues. A longer break. Because I’m not going to be in Elite I don’t think it’s responsible that I podcast about Elite until I’m playing again. I’m not sure how long it will be but once I get my head on straight I will be back.

    I want to thank jnTracks, Chig, nlHate, Dubbs, Nergal, and everyone else that’s been doing the podcast and supporting things while I’ve been out.
  • Top Shift Short – Brian Blessed Motivational Speaker.

Any Other Business

  1. SW:Squadrons updated to v1.2. Myself and Ben suffered our first encounter of Squadron Rage where a pick up player will not play as part of the team. I.E. IF YOU ARE IN AN A-WING DO NOT FUCKING ATTACK THE STAR DESTROYER, YOUR JOB IS TO PROTECT YOUR Y-WINGS WHICH ARE!! Not that it’s got to me!


  1. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at or, for just the audio, at
  2. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
  3. Following this we have an update from the Galnet News Digest as provided by Cmdr Wotherspoon, who you can also hear on the Guard Frequency this week!
  4. Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders.