Position | Crew Member | CMDR Name |
SRV Banksy | Alec Turner | Alec Turner |
Head of Health and Safety | Ben Moss-Woodward | Eid LeWeise |
Staff Liaison Officer | Clare Good | Psykit |
Chief Archivist | Colin Ford | Phoenix_Dfire |
Tech Monkey | Norman MacArthur | Ventura_ |
Tech Gibbon | Chris Mk IV | Newell Turner |
Tech Sloth | Jan Chlupacek | Poutnik Santiago |
Tech Primate in Training | Chris Mk V | LittleBigYin |
Download the episode directly from here.
Tonight’s activity in-game
- Ben’s reaction to ;-
- New ships
- Update 18
- Powerplay 2.0
- What do you want update 20 to be?
- In reference to Alec’s exobiology introduction:
The Elite Observatory forum thread - MattG’a Observatory plugins (including BioInsights)
Community news – what is the community up to??
- Elite Dangerous: The Engineer (The High Wake)
- How to get the PRE-ENGINEERED FSD – BETTER than Grade 5!! | Elite Dangerous Guide 2024 (Dituri’s Elite)
- THUNDERDANGUS – Trailer (2024) – Elite Dangus (Feb 22 Premiere) (trailer for Spatula’s new video which premiere’s 22nd Feb)
- [Trailer] The Echo of the Thetis Brand new elitedangereuse.fr adventure (featuring the vocal talents of Cmdr Wotherspoon) which had a launch party featuring two of the creators on NinjaSpaceUnicorn’s birthday livestream (https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2058045141)
- 3310 Winter Olympics, Week 2: SRV Racing
The 3310 Winter Olympics will continue on 24 February with Week 2 competition, featuring SRV Cross and SRV Rally courses at Cayley Barracks on 4 Eridani ABC 7 h.- SRV Cross events will include an individual competition and team relay.
- The individual competition will consist of 3 heats followed by an event final, with each race being 3 laps.
- For the team relay, teams (ideally 2-person) will be formed based on the results of the individual competition. The relay will be run as two heats (A/B order and B/A order) followed by an event final (teams choose order). Each racer will complete one lap with handoff occurring at the bottom of the base entry ramp.
- No pip limit will be enforced for this event.
- The SRV Rally will be a point-to-point race. There will be 2 heats, with each racer’s best time counting towards the final standings.
- See Elite Racers Discord for details, discussion, and all event-day comms.
In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?
- Thargoid war update
- Alerts 45
- Invasion 33
- Controlled 446
- Recovery 7
- With only 1 alert and 4 invasions defended this week, we’re looking at almost 500 controlled systems and Taranis has controlled systems again.
Main discussion
- QOTW – What did you think of the Frontier Unlocked livestream?
- ElvisKremmen
Loved the new format, while I only play Elite out of Frontiers catalogue Arf and Hollie were amazing on stream together. Oh boy have Cmdrs got a great year of content coming, so excited to see what the other 3 variants are that we are getting and a brand new feature \o/ - Cmdr Andrew Johnson
Nice to see some of their other games that I wouldn’t usually see. To be honest the Elite stuff was a lot more in-depth than I expected with this year’s plan clearly set out. - George hatt
I’ve not played Elite in over six months due to burn out with the game among other things. The news about news new ships, new features, and power play rework has got me looking forward to getting back into Elite once again. (Provided I get over my current Baldurs gate obsession.) - CMDRzeb
Will be more interesting to see how episode 2 goes. They were always going to give big Elite news in episode 1. Will we get Elite news at the same level each time? I suspect not. But it was a good start. Hoping PP 2.0 brings cohesive play with on foot stuff as well. - Saphaia
Objectively a solid format. An efficient way to present the news of all their games. Great idea; got nothing to say against it.
Personally I don’t have much interest in the other games, so I’m probably not going to watch live and only watch the Elite part in the VOD afterwards. - Cylus Resi
I do miss the longer dedicated streams, I personally preferred Ed Lewis’s format of old. But I’m just grateful that they are broadcasting something gibbon the circumstances. - Tala
Loved it, tbh; while I didn’t hate the old format, this way it felt like there was a lot of important and interesting stuff they got to talk about, and it felt less like they had a lot of dead air to try to fill. - Caprica XIV
Nice and sufficient, straight to the point as other frontier games do interest me. Would love to see stream ending credits with stellarscreenshots of the month (~40 to 50 slides, say 3 minutes ?) - HappyMoonMonkey
I’m overjoyed at the powerplay update because existing powerplay is just a stalemate and doesn’t fit with existing elite mechanics.
New ships are great, increase new/old player engagement. 4 is brilliant. Now just realise one more a year in future years. I don’t need them personally but I recognise that they enhance many people’s perception of the game.
Very slick professional steam. Like the joint format even if it just proves to Frontier how rabid Elite fans are. - Ultrasnail
I’m not convinced about the new format. But I’ll sit through stuff I’m not interested in to get to the bit I am if I have to. So it’s not the best for me, but I totally get the concept and cross marketingness (I can invent words like the best 😉).
All of the elite news is excellent however. Inspires hope for the future which is really all I could hope for.
New ships are always going to be great, not just for something to aspire to, but also for the whole immersion. I mean, a you imaging a world where we hadn’t had a new car model in 5/6 years.
Now, whether I’ll end up flying the news ships much is all dependent on their characteristics. Hopefully they will continue with the theme as they have. There is no, one ship, that is clearly the best. It all depends on balance, and your own personal style. However, the new Python does look good. 😊 - CMDR Nyres
I’m feeling more optimistic about the game, new ships even if variants are amazing to get added given how long its been since the Mamba also power play getting some much needed love too is great.
The whole thing does make maintenance mode no longer seem just around the corner, looking forward and hoping they’re able to hit their goals this year for Elite. - LittleBigYin
Enjoyed the new format and I think with the current situation it makes a lot of sense.
The ED news was interesting, look forward to seeing more about the new ships. I keep my fingers crossed for a Large Alliance ship which follows the design language of the Chieftain etc
- ElvisKremmen
Mostly Clueless
- From Cmdr Terekhov
Last night an issue came up that reminded me of a well hidden but useful feature in Outfitting. This allows Hardpoints to be deinstalled without the animation as well as rapid deinstallation of a set of modules from your ship all in one operation. This is possible using the “Stored Multiple” functionality in Outfitting.
In the outfitting main view, Do NOT select any of the hardpoint(s)/module(s) that you are uninstalling.
At the bottom of the outfitting main view left hand menu, Select “Stored Modules”
At the bottom of the ‘Stored modules’ left hand menu select “Store Multiple”
You are then presented with a collapsed list of module check boxes. Expand and select the modules that you wish to bulk store. You can expand multiple categories and select modules from multiple categories simultaneously.
You can then with just one button, immediately uninstall all of the selected modules, without any animations.
Any other business
- Recommend Clare Games
- Mention Chris’ radio show at blackdiamondfm.com
- Topshift will return next week.
- Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at twitch.tv/huttonorbitaltruckers or, for just the audio, at radio.forthemug.com/.
- For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “discord.me/elitedangerouscqc”.
- We’re also giving a shout outs to the following Elite Dangerous podcasts which have appeared over the last year or are standard regular contributors;-
- The Guard Frequency (who do other space games )
- Loose Screws
- Following this we have the latest Galnet News Digest as provided by Cmdr Wotherspoon and Cmdr BeetleJude, who have just past 15k subscribers
- Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders
- Special Thanks to Cmdr ToCoSo, Jn Tracks and Allen Stroud who created the music used on the Show.