Position | Crew Member | CMDR Name |
Head of Health and Safety | Ben Moss-Woodward | Eid LeWeise |
Staff Liaison Officer | Clare Good | Psykit |
Chief Archivist | Colin Ford | Phoenix_Dfire |
Tech Gibbon | Chris Mk IV | Newell Turner |
Guests | ||
The Loosest Screw | Cmdr Indigo |
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Community news – what is the community up to??
- Elite Dangerous: Community Goals More Glory from the Highwake!
- How Elite Influenced Starfield and 40 Years of Space Games
- Pitcon this weekend At the Belfry Hotel, Nottingham
- Special guests from Frontier Development, including Sally Morgan-Moore, Arthur Tolmie, Roger Bennett, Robin McGovern, Derin Halil and Dav Stott
- A live broadcast of Witchspace News show with CMDRs Buur & Rheeney
- A live edition of Galnet News Digest featuring CMDRs Wotherspoon & Beetlejude
In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?
- Five move on 14th Sep (Foerster, Hutner, Seacole, Yoshida, Solace)
- Six move on 21st Sep (Bertschinger, Cavell, Cornwallis, Kisseih, Sanctum, Haven)
Store Alert
- Cobra MkIII Crossfire Paintjobs
- Elite and Odyssey are both on sale on Steam – base game £4.99 – Ody £10.49
- QOTW – If you could add something from any other game to Elite what would it be and why?
- Frank EightySeven
There was a multiplayer game in Drive3r where you had ribbons tied to the back of yer cars and the other player had to cut them down
Why? Because it would be a helluva lotta fun - Cmdr Caprica XIV
Eva with derelict to explore and salvage into space - Allen Stroud
All of Hardspace: Shipbreaker - Bingo Brewster
Part of the reason I’ve only played once since odyssey is the lack of VR. Im an old fart and never wanted odyssey in the first place. - Ben Moss-Woodward
It’s no secret, but I would like to add working ship interiors to Elite, the ability to turn your ship in to a home would really give us some agency. If we could do personal engineering and repairs on our ships that would be a great gameplay loop. - LCU No Fool Like One
I’m looking at starfields ship customisation with some envy. Same thing for surface bases would be super cool.
Also bigger megaship interiors. I would love being able to explore a wrecked megaship.
I’d like procgen biology. We have found almost everything now and biology is common apart from money there is very little reward for stopping. Procgen would make stopping for biology worthwhile for unique discoveries.- M. V. Coehoorn
Only if we get a starfield-esque handheld Scanner, too. The genetic sampler is a clunky nightmare.
- M. V. Coehoorn
- CMDR Dirk Hatch
Star Citizen’s budget… - CMDR Homborger
Gotta be Subnautica hasn’t it? Hasn’t it, though? - RangersGSTQ
I’d love if the faction who controlled the system could direct how the system develops going forward. For example target changing the system from extraction to agriculture. Or increase demand for a specific commodity. The inspiration for this comes from the classic “utopia” - KevinTheStabber
I like Starfields option to salvage or steal ships. Wrecked ships can be slavaged in NMS as well. Obviously, Elite would need to put some limitations on that but I think it could be a fun game mechanic to go “ship hunting” - Boggratt
What is probably a moot point now given the suspended support to consoles. What about cross-platform save? The ability to use your ships from one account on PC, XBox and Play Station. - DrStrangeLug
Drop the whole of Satisfactory onto planetary landings. - Nopil3os
all of the above.
apart from that: direct economy like in the X universe games.
BGS feels too much like meaningless number changes in fancy excel sheets.
(but I understand it doesn’t mix well with the multiplayer nature of the game) - SirMaxx
HL2 DM - Mad King Hastur
Earth-Like Worlds from Starfield. By proxy I feel like that would also bring Ammonia World’s and Water World’s with tiny islands on them. - Melon Husk
Being able to get up from your chair and walk around in and out of your ship, like in Star Citizen and now Starfield. As is, Elite and Odyssey are two different and jarringly separate gaming experiences.
Also, EVA like in Hellion. Salvage derelict ships in POIs. - Kilt801
I don’t need another game. I just wanna use the checkpoints when earning your pilots licence for the first time, for custom race tracks. - Kesinik
I’d borrow one thing from Eve Online, Buildable structures. Imagine shipping out materials to an empty region of space to build your own starports and settlements. To be able to populate a once empty system. Of course this would probably lead to wars, but is that a bad thing? - Eralm_237
The ability to gain back materials when destroying an item in game. We’re selling back engineered modules, why not get some materials back?
Or the ability to go fishing. Please. Would love to land on a water world and fish off the Dolphin. - Cylus Resi
Tough one, so much is included already, maybe being able to create paint jobs and “sell” like in Forza, or building ships from raw materials to sell into the game and other players like in Eve Online, knowing your personally manufactured Fer-De-Lance is out there pwning noobs. - CMDR KronenBrg
The trading mechanism from Jumpgate/X3, leading all the way from mined commodities to Outfitting and Ships, to give a real feel to trading. If you need something, you know what to sell the station to get it. - Merolius
Mini quests that span multiple missions, and fishing - Sam Semigreen
Some of the crazy and wacky side quests from other games like cyberpunk, fallout and elder scrolls. Or house flipper. - Jacklyttle
Can I be greedy and say “all of Heat Signature”? - Heironymus Drake
FO4 settlement building - LittleBigYin
The ship builder from starfield or at least the customisation aspect so you start with a base frame and can build upon it. The “design language” from Starfield would be nice, that is to say there’s a notable difference between United Colony ground bases and Free Star collective ones, they look and feel different. We can see a difference in design language with ships but it doesn’t translate to bases in ED. - Saphaia
The photo mode from Horizon Forbidden West or Ghost of Tsushima. Looots of customization options. - Chebs Will
The character ‘development’ from gta San Andreas. If I stay in my ship all day eating McNeutron burgers my character should put on a few pounds 😉 Also If we get to talk to Thargoids the communications method from Captain Blood game (a bit of an older game). i suppose if nobody mentioned on “X” the link to subnautica, crash on a waterworld and survive 🙂 - Shaye Blackwood
Hardspace: Shipbreaker. Zero G “on foot” content, proper salvage gameplay should have been in the game years ago. - SharkGreenBuffalo
NMS’s Derelict Freighter would be a fun, slightly different gameplay loop to get onfoot mats - Tala Wren
I wouldn’t transplant it directly from Star Citizen, but I would love to have a bit more distinct design languages between manufacturers in Elite, along with some new ships period. - Graz3r
I’d put some dice rolling with what type of mission you get (same mission, different rewards) maybe make it interesting bar NO STORYLINE!
- Frank EightySeven
- Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at twitch.tv/huttonorbitaltruckers or, for just the audio, at radio.forthemug.com/.
- For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “discord.me/elitedangerouscqc”.
- We’re also giving a shout outs to the following Elite Dangerous podcasts which have appeared over the last year or are standard regular contributors;-
- The Guard Frequency (who do other space games )
- Loose Screws
- Following this we have the latest Galnet News Digest as provided by Cmdr Wotherspoon and Cmdr BeetleJude.
- Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders
- Special Thanks to Cmdr ToCoSo, Jn Tracks and Allen Stroud who created the music used on the Show.
This is a feature I’m waiting for years: A searchbar in Options\Commands
Tired to scan the full list when can’t remember the freaking command location !