Station Commander | Allen Stroud | Heldaban Kel |
Head of Entertainment | Chris Jarvis | Thane |
Chief of Operations | John Stabler | |
Chief Bar Steward (Tech) | Grant Woolcott | Psykokow |

- Resting home for Broken Presenters (Hot weekend)
- 10 Years of Lavecon
- Lave Radio podcast the early years
- Allen’s and Chris’s guitar medley
- With Great Power comes responsibility for the edit of the podcast.
- Other Elite Dangerous inspired Projects including the Spoof adverts (Still played on, John’s games creations, Allen’s music Writing.
- Touched on Remote outpost Games, Chaos Reborn RPG Game, Dataslate show and Retro Lave. For more information and other projects goto
Crews catchup
- John Stabler
- Real Life work update.
- Spinduel Online Game.
- John’s talk about Sunday’s Lavecon 2022 Presentation on “Multi Playing Games” and other Gaming Projects.
- Chris Jarvis
- Real Life with hosting board games, at conventions
- Chris talks about Sunday’s Lavecon 2022 presentation “Gaming Post Pandemic”.
- Escape Velocity audio drama
- Other Audio drama and Audio books Projects including The Lost World – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. (Please ask about the bath)
3. Dr Allen Stroud
- Real life pre and Post lockdown
- The Fearless sequel, Resilient (The Fractal Series) launched today (16/07/2022)
- His work on Boulder Gate 3, Chaos Reborn, a chapter he wrote in Worlds Apart: Worldbuilding in Fantasy and Science Fiction
- The British Science Fiction Association – Chair
- Baldur’s Gate 3 on Steam
- The future
Main discussion
- Elite Dangerous revisited
- Thoughts on Elite dangerous Odyssey
- Last time ingame.
- Dinosaurs and Trees in Big game Hunting
- Thoughts on the story Line within Elite Dangerous.