Position | Crew Member | CMDR Name |
Head of Health and Safety | Ben Moss-Woodward | Eid LeWeise |
Chief Archivist | Colin Ford | Phoenix_Dfire |
Chief Bar Steward | Grant Woolcott | Psykokow |
(in)Human Resources Director | Shan | Shan |
Tech Monkey | Norman MacArthur | Ventura_ |
Inflatable Pipe Organ | Mark Winstone | Mack Winston |
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Development News – what have the devs said this week?
- Thursday Stream
- CQC with Stephen and the Warriors of Wyrd
- I think that all we can say is the Warriors of Wyrd were very patient with Stephen
- CQC with Stephen and the Warriors of Wyrd
- Monday Stream
- Technically just Bruce and Arf doing the CG buuuuut some news bombs too 🙂
- Dev Diary is finished – on WEDNESDAY about 2PM BST
- After it’s gone live they’ll be collecting questions on the forums to discuss on
- Thursday Evening’s Stream
- Apparently the theme of the Dev diary is “Choose”
- The Dev Diary contains Live Video not just pictures
- Arf also is dropping hints that “October is a Spooky Month”
- Also ‘other ranks are coming to Odyssey’
- Technically just Bruce and Arf doing the CG buuuuut some news bombs too 🙂
- Elite Dangerous: Horizons Set to Land for All Commanders
- Anyone who’s bought Horizons gets the Azure Ship skin for ALL ships (SRV not confirmed)
- However, what about using the “Load Non-Horizons” to get out of glitchy SRV situations ? I hope there is another solution provided or Support will have a LOT of admin to do every day.
- Forging your Path
In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?
- Community Goal
- Prince Harold’s FUNeral
- The Imperial Palace will host a memorial ceremony to honour Harold Duval, for which rare commodities have been requested before Thursday 1st October. Ngadandari Fire Opals, Esuseku Caviar, Lavian Brandy and Kamitra Cigars should be delivered to Oterma Station in the Baal system, where the White Templars will transport them to Capitol after security vetting.
- Commanders of the Pilots Federation will be assigned an Achenar system permit alongside financial rewards. To further encourage participation, Gutamaya Corporation will apply a discount of up to 25% for all ship purchases according to the amount of rare items provided.
- Mark Winstone has been number crunching. This is going to be one hell of a shindig… in fact it’d be worthy of something out of the Hitch-Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. If it completes, and just one fifth of the goods are Lavian Brandy, that will be roughly 9 gigalitres of brandy… Put that in a pool 2m deep, and it’s a pool with about the surface area of Coniston Water.
- Starship One Trial Begins
- “According to the testimonies of three naval engineers, they installed replacement power regulator components to Starship One prior to its launch. Mr Webster verified this was routine maintenance during the initial investigation.”
“Last year, one engineer reviewed data for the Highliner Antares incident and realised that pre-modified power regulators could have caused an identical Frame Shift Drive misjump on Starship One. She tried to trace the components’ source and found the records deleted.” - This relates to this GND story from 3302 too Memorial to the Highliner Antares Unveiled
- “According to the testimonies of three naval engineers, they installed replacement power regulator components to Starship One prior to its launch. Mr Webster verified this was routine maintenance during the initial investigation.”
- Prince Harold’s FUNeral
- Turning The Wheel
- TDW’s Expansion from 5455 should land on 30th or 1st and they are already sitting at over 75% in Turdetani so the second the cooldown drops they will Expand (hopefully) to Lave.
- If all goes well The Dark Wheel will actually test phase 3 in around two weeks. Seems appropriate that we will test Phase 3 first in this screwball endeavor.
- Phase 1 would be tested 2 weeks after and Phase 2 we will have to drag migrate out to 509 so hopefully by/in Jan.
- Phase 2: To expand TDW to the Lave System.
- Reasoning: There are old lore tidbits about Raxxla being quite close to Lave. And Lave also has a permit-locked planet, with no definitive explanation. I am aware that there are statements on record that the permit lock was at the direction of Allen Stroud and was most likely tied to the Lave Revolution storyline, but that does not definitively mean that it could not still also be tied to the mystery of Raxxla.
- Newsletter 302
- HCS Voice Pack “Eylene Pirez as ‘Crusoe’” (We mentioned this last week)
- Eylene Pirez is a physicist who worked on the imaging systems of the Cassini probe as well as on dark matter and particle accelerator technologies.
At the moment HCS Voice Packs have already recorded the ship responses and we’re working with Eylene to get a lot more going on (Plans to make constellations and the GalaXapedia) as she’s a physicist and wants to help add more relevant content to the space facts.
- Eylene Pirez is a physicist who worked on the imaging systems of the Cassini probe as well as on dark matter and particle accelerator technologies.
- New Paint jobs for the Crusader and the Cutter
- HCS Voice Pack “Eylene Pirez as ‘Crusoe’” (We mentioned this last week)
Main discussion
- Forging your Path Dev Diary 2
Community Corner
- Ghost Giraffe shows how the Elgato (and other things) can improve your ED Experience https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XNHBH58DuQ lots of fun if you’ve a stream deck handy
- Those that follow the Turgen’s Travels (Him off the Brocast). He and his elite: Dangerous machinima series has been featured in the reallusion Magazine, discussing how his series is put together. https://magazine.reallusion.com/2020/09/25/video-game-fan-creates-youtube-animated-series-with-iclone-and-character-creator/
- HCS have committed AGAIN to donating ALL proceeds from the “Cecil” Voicepack to SpecialEffect for the year as part of the One Special Day fundraising effort.
For those that have been around for a while – thanks to everyone that funded the pack in the first place. For newer commanders – if you’ve got VoiceAttack and want a companion on board your ship whilst flying to Hutton – yes, we’ve got our “own” one.
Chuck some pennies at it if you’ve got them – all of it ends up with Baz Floyd and the SpecialEffect team and what’s more, you get a drunken buffoon in the cockpit to keep you company.
Thanks to Paul Watson, Lee Barber, Fireytoad & Mzia Cruz for all their work and their generosity!
Any Other Business?
For anyone interested, on Thursday Night at 10pm, Colin will be streaming SW:Squadrons and seeing if it scratches the old X-Wing Vs Tie Fighter Itch. That is if his internet connection is holding up! People are welcome to try and shoot him down. 😉
- Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at tv.forthemug.com/ or, for just the audio, at radio.forthemug.com/.
- For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “discord.me/elitedangerouscqc”.
- Following on we have the usual Fantastic Galnet New Digest as Provided by Cmdr Wotherspoon (and friends).
- Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders