Lave Radio Episode 310 “Push the Button” – 29/09/2020

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
Chief Bar StewardGrant WoolcottPsykokow
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Tech MonkeyNorman MacArthurVentura_
Inflatable Pipe OrganMark WinstoneMack Winston

Download the episode directly from here.

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  1. Thursday Stream
    1. CQC with Stephen and the Warriors of Wyrd
      1. I think that all we can say is the Warriors of Wyrd were very patient with Stephen
  2. Monday Stream
    1. Technically just Bruce and Arf doing the CG buuuuut some news bombs too 🙂
      1. Dev Diary is finished – on WEDNESDAY about 2PM BST
      2. After it’s gone live they’ll be collecting questions on the forums to discuss on
      3. Thursday Evening’s Stream
      4. Apparently the theme of the Dev diary is “Choose”
      5. The Dev Diary contains Live Video not just pictures
      6. Arf also is dropping hints that “October is a Spooky Month”
      7. Also ‘other ranks are coming to Odyssey’
  3. Elite Dangerous: Horizons Set to Land for All Commanders
    1. Anyone who’s bought Horizons gets the Azure Ship skin for ALL ships (SRV not confirmed)
    2.  However, what about using the “Load Non-Horizons” to get out of glitchy SRV situations ? I hope there is another solution provided or Support will have a LOT of admin to do every day.
  4. Forging your Path

In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?

  1. Community Goal
    1. Prince Harold’s FUNeral
      1. The Imperial Palace will host a memorial ceremony to honour Harold Duval, for which rare commodities have been requested before Thursday 1st October. Ngadandari Fire Opals, Esuseku Caviar, Lavian Brandy and Kamitra Cigars should be delivered to Oterma Station in the Baal system, where the White Templars will transport them to Capitol after security vetting.
      2. Commanders of the Pilots Federation will be assigned an Achenar system permit alongside financial rewards. To further encourage participation, Gutamaya Corporation will apply a discount of up to 25% for all ship purchases according to the amount of rare items provided.
      3. Mark Winstone has been number crunching. This is going to be one hell of a shindig… in fact it’d be worthy of something out of the Hitch-Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. If it completes, and just one fifth of the goods are Lavian Brandy, that will be roughly 9 gigalitres of brandy… Put that in a pool 2m deep, and it’s a pool with about the surface area of Coniston Water.
    2. Starship One Trial Begins
      1.  “According to the testimonies of three naval engineers, they installed replacement power regulator components to Starship One prior to its launch. Mr Webster verified this was routine maintenance during the initial investigation.”
        “Last year, one engineer reviewed data for the Highliner Antares incident and realised that pre-modified power regulators could have caused an identical Frame Shift Drive misjump on Starship One. She tried to trace the components’ source and found the records deleted.”
      2. This relates to this GND story from 3302 too Memorial to the Highliner Antares Unveiled
  2. Turning The Wheel
    1. TDW’s Expansion from 5455 should land on 30th or 1st and they are already sitting at over 75% in Turdetani so the second the cooldown drops they will Expand (hopefully) to Lave.
    2. If all goes well The Dark Wheel will actually test phase 3 in around two weeks.  Seems appropriate that we will test Phase 3 first in this screwball endeavor.
    3. Phase 1 would be tested 2 weeks after and Phase 2 we will have to drag migrate out to 509 so hopefully by/in Jan.
    4. Phase 2: To expand TDW to the Lave System.
      1. Reasoning: There are old lore tidbits about Raxxla being quite close to Lave. And Lave also has a permit-locked planet, with no definitive explanation. I am aware that there are statements on record that the permit lock was at the direction of Allen Stroud and was most likely tied to the Lave Revolution storyline, but that does not definitively mean that it could not still also be tied to the mystery of Raxxla.


  1. Newsletter 302
    1. HCS Voice Pack “Eylene Pirez as ‘Crusoe’” (We mentioned this last week)
      1. Eylene Pirez is a physicist who worked on the imaging systems of the Cassini probe as well as on dark matter and particle accelerator technologies.

        At the moment HCS Voice Packs have already recorded the ship responses and we’re working with Eylene to get a lot more going on (Plans to make constellations and the GalaXapedia) as she’s a physicist and wants to help add more relevant content to the space facts.
    2. New Paint jobs for the Crusader and the Cutter

Main discussion

  1. Forging your Path Dev Diary 2

Community Corner

  1. Ghost Giraffe shows how the Elgato (and other things) can improve your ED Experience lots of fun if you’ve a stream deck handy
  2. Those that follow the Turgen’s Travels (Him off the Brocast). He and his elite: Dangerous machinima series has been featured in the reallusion Magazine, discussing how his series is put together.
  3. HCS have committed AGAIN to donating ALL proceeds from the “Cecil” Voicepack to SpecialEffect for the year as part of the One Special Day fundraising effort.

    For those that have been around for a while – thanks to everyone that funded the pack in the first place. For newer commanders – if you’ve got VoiceAttack and want a companion on board your ship whilst flying to Hutton – yes, we’ve got our “own” one.…/

    Chuck some pennies at it if you’ve got them – all of it ends up with Baz Floyd and the SpecialEffect team and what’s more, you get a drunken buffoon in the cockpit to keep you company.

    Thanks to Paul Watson, Lee Barber, Fireytoad & Mzia Cruz for all their work and their generosity!

Any Other Business?

For anyone interested, on Thursday Night at 10pm, Colin will be streaming SW:Squadrons and seeing if it scratches the old X-Wing Vs Tie Fighter Itch. That is if his internet connection is holding up! People are welcome to try and shoot him down. 😉


  1. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at or, for just the audio, at
  2. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
  3. Following on we have the usual Fantastic Galnet New Digest as Provided by Cmdr Wotherspoon (and friends).
  4. Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders

Lave Radio Episode 309 “British Pipes are Smaller than Advertised” – 22/09/2020

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Tech LemurChrisHatter
Mack WinstonTrade NegotiatorBig Mack

Download the episode directly from here.

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  1. Elite Dangerous is 36! It was launched on the 20th of September 1984.
  2. Frontier’s Creative Furnace MCV/ DEVELOP interview with DB OBE, but includes his thoughts on dev process
    1. “But what really matters is that the gameplay is working. That you can see the promise of the game. And I think as long as we have confidence that whoever we’re working with can make something beautiful, there’s no need to make everything beautiful as part of that submission process.

      Because we’re a developer, we know the gameplay matters. And actually the best time to make something beautiful-looking is right at the end. But there can be pressure from publishing to make every milestone beautiful and that is ever so much makework. And eventually, it becomes quite demoralising for a team.”
    2. “We were approaching capacity in the new building anyway,” he explains. “What it (working from home) will do is increase our runway before needing another building because we’ll have an element of work from home. Because I think what it’s done is it’s taught us lots, we’ve changed our processes quite a lot, in a good way. And hopefully it’s helped people with work-life balance.”
    3. although Braben informs us that their “excellent canteen” is sadly yet to reopen.
  3. StellarScreenshots – Win Unique Paint Jobs!
    1. Therefore, we’re going to start showcasing five screenshots every week rather than four and each Commander whose image is featured will receive an exclusive Paint Job which cannot be obtained elsewhere!

      Each month, one of these three unique Paint Jobs for the Asp Explorer will be awarded to featured Commanders – the Asp Explorer Shatter Lava, Ice and Acid:
    2. To qualify, #StellarScreenshots entries must:
      1. Include the exact Commander name of the account from which the screenshot was taken
      2. Be posted on the current week’s #StellarScreenshots threads on either Twitter, Facebook, or the forums. If posted on Twitter separately, use the hashtag #StellarScreenshots
      3. Be in a 16:9 aspect ratio with a minimum resolution of 1920×1080

In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?

  1. CGs started on Thursday and Finished on Saturday night
  2. Federal storyline continues;-
    1.  with an arrest of a technician in charge of Starship One’s jump drive.
    2. Incoming message from the Children of Raxxla…
      “The tragedy of Starflight One’s destruction set events in motion that still haunt us today. It’s prudent to continue this investigation rather later than shut it down completely – as was the case in early 3302. However, the final inquiry report needs to be made public.
      Every decent pilot is taught to make his pre-flight checks and when transporting a Federation President it must be assumed they double- and triple check everything. It is hard to believe the pilots would oversee an illegal FSD modification, unless told to look elsewhere.
      Finding a mid level culprit thrown under the bus by colleagues is too much of a cliché really. We encourage our friends to put pressure on those institutions. This case must be made public. Force their hands!”
  3. Imperial storyline continues;-
    1. The Deceased ‘Mad’ Prince Harold will be buried in the Hall of Martyrs and the Blue Hair Princess was ‘Uncharacteristically Distressed’ when addressing the Media.
    2. An obituary for Price Harold Duval

Main discussion

  1. The Community Goals finished far too fast.

Community Corner

    1. The New Pilots Initiative Are pleased to announce the second round trip to Colonia aboard The Petronas Fleet Carrier

      Due to the Tritum buff in effectiveness we don’t need as much

      However we are planning on stockpiling as much as possible in order to help out FCs stranded in Colonia

      Donations of Tritum and Painite will of course be accepted with myself hopefully fingers crossed paying a decent price to CMDRs

      And of course

      It’s free

      The Colonia Express will be leaving from Meliae on the 13th of November and arriving in Colonia on the 15th of November. She will be returning back to the bubble on the 18th of December and getting back on the 20th of December.

      Feel free to join their Discord Server by going to:
    2. There’s no exact way of knowing how many ppl were on the 1st trip, but cmdr Louis Fredlaw guestimates that hundreds of people used the Fleet Carrier going by direct communication from commanders and messages of thanks.
  1. Galnet Newsfeed and Discord Bot
    1. Cmdr Scaleios has created a bot to share Frontier’s Galnet News feed with discord servers. It also has the ability to Search through all the past articles that are available.
  2. Elite Dangerous – Animation series Commonwealth Bounty Hunters Official Trailer (5 mins)

Any other Business



  1. What suggestions do you have to improve community goals?


  1. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at or, for just the audio, at
  2. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
  3. Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders
  4. Following this, we have the fantastic Galactic News Digest; brought to you by Cmdr Wotherspoon.

Lave Radio Episode 308 “The Waffle Man” – 15/09/2020

Active Crew
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Deputy Trade AttachéSouvSouvarine
Tech MonkeyNorman MacArthurVentura_
Tech LemurChrisHatter

Download the episode directly from here.

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

    1.  In Odyssey, players will be able to fly down to planets, fly through atmospheres and drive along planet surfaces in their SRVs – all while remaining in VR.
    2. When disembarking your ship or SRV, players will be presented with a projected flat game screen in their VR headset in order to continue on foot. Players will of course be able to remove headsets if they so choose, but this will not be a requirement to continue your adventure.
    3. There will be no requirement to boot between Horizons and Odyssey in order to continue your journey.
    4. While Odyssey will see players explore a wide range of on and off world locations including station interiors, ship interiors will not be included at launch.
    5. “station interiors will be in Elite Dang
  2. Narrative additions and Dev Diary FAQ

In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?

  1. Imperial Space Stations Attacked!
    3. The bombs used thargoid technology (thus the green goo)
    4. Dear Old Mad Prince Harold Duval assassinated
  2. Federal investigation into the President’s Ship Explosion. The report has come to the conclusion that there was foul play and arrests are immitant.
  3. The Gnosis has been retired! See Commander Whotherspoon for details. Cannon say you can still register for the ‘Cannon Challenge’ which will involve logging every single lifeform out there
  4. Operation IDA is preparing to mobilise in an effort to repair the damaged imperial stations. All Operation IDA commanders should be notified that they are staging preparations at Carson Terminal in Kehperangwe
  5. AXI were all excited when the reports of the first Station explosions came in. However, it was soon realised that it was a terrorist attack using thargoid based weapons, so they disappointedly stood down.

Main discussion

  1. Station Interiors – What do you want to see?

Community Corner

  1. PrimtimeCasual Needs You! – On Saturday 19th, 15:00 UTC on HR 6164 ABC
    1. I will be filming the trailer for Speedbowl IV – New Grounds. For this, I still need PC pilots willing to sacrifice an hour or two, hurl their ships towards a planet, and make it look good! Think you got what it takes? Want your ship to be in the official video for the most anticipated, high-adrenaline event of the year? Secure your spot in Speedbowl history! The fleetcarrier MZH-B3Z Lithobrake is available as a shuttle. 
    2. It will be departing 61 Virginis at 14:20 UTC on the day of filming, and then returning there as soon as shooting is over. 
    3. How to join: -> Send me a PM and I will get you set up. What you need: -> Any ship. Any paintjob. Any level of skill – no prior Speedbowl experience required! What you get: -> An hour of fun and showing off your ship. Your name in the credits. 
    4. What you need to be aware of: -> Please note that you will be flying low and fast in a high-g environment and most probably will need a rebuy or two – on purpose.
  2. The New Crusoe Voice Pack has been made available for those who use voice attack. Voiced by Eylene Pire, an renowned physicist (and photographer) who has worked on NASA’s Cassini mission to Saturn, dark matter research, and particle accelerator technologies at UCLA. She hopes to bring a lot more scientific accurate information than your average Voice Pack AI. Crusoe – Perfomed by Eylene Pirez and
  3. Paige is playing Gang Beasts with the Devs on Wednesday at 17:30

Any Other Business

If we’ve got time, Have you seen the latest Star Wars: Squadrons Short and what did you think?


  1. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at or, for just the audio, at
  2. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
  3. Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders

Lave Radio Episode 307 “Burning the Bread” – 08/09/2020

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
Chief Bar StewardGrant WoolcottPsykokow
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Deputy Trade AttachéSouvSouvarine
Tech MonkeyNorman MacArthurVentura_
Tech LemurChrisHatter

Download the episode directly from here.

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  1. News about News of Something happening With Galnet on Thurday’s Official Elite Dangerous
  2. Elite Dangerous – Update 3.7.05
    1. Crashes & stability
      1. Fixed an issue when reading inbox messages in Supercruise caused the game to crash
    2. Fleet Carriers
      1. Fixed a bug causing delays and disconnections when entering a location with Fleet Carriers present
      2. Fixed a UI focus issue which allowed players to sell ships in the background while using Carrier Management
    3. Mining
      1. Stopped depleted motherlode asteroids from respawning when a player flies a Ship-Launched Fighter beyond its maximum limit
  3. One of the things that we missed for the Discussion last week was that New Commanders will have a choice to start planet side (on foot) or in space. Does this mean if you start on foot, you have to run (or rather walk) missions in order to earn your sidewinder? 
  4. As a Side Note:- Dom from the Mission Development team has been on the Forums helping commanders who have been getting stuck with missions. So if you’ve been struggling with Bounty Missions  or Unidentified weakage missions, we’ve included the links in the show notes

In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?

  1. Peace in Leesti
    1. TX will respect (i.e. not intentionally work against) the Alliance BGS in Leesti, Diso, Reorte and any system that has been entered first by an active Alliance player minor faction. Special arrangements regarding particular systems may be made between each respective player group.
    2. The Alioth Council and its member groups will respect (i.e. not intentionally work against) the TerraEx BGS in any system that has been entered first by the TerraEx player minor faction.
    3. Both sides will inform their members and supporters about this agreement and ask to cease all hostility with immediate effect.
    4. This will assist in bringing a solution to the work TX and other Alliance factions involved in OWTO are doing.
    5. TX will retreat from Leesti after a successful expansion into Riedquat (or Orerve, in case the BGS mechanics don’t work) where they’re free to take control.
    6. Steps forward:
      1. A. TX will stop all BGS in Leesti and allow the Alliance to drop TX to about 10%
      2. B. TX will remain in Leesti until TX has expanded into the chosen and agreed system
      3. C. As soon as TX arrives in that system the Alliance is free to start the process of retreating TX out of Leesti
      4. D. From here TX will take care of the chosen system and the Alliance take care of Leesti with no opposition from either side
      5. E. The Alliance offers to assist in repairing the following TX systems that have suffered during the conflict:
      6. 1. Baris – bring TX to control again
      7. 2. Agatavun – bring TX to control again
      8. 3. Baijio – bring TX to control again.
  2. Turning the Wheel
    1. Gains in LTT 5455 today were significant. There is a strong chance they will trigger a conflict for control of the system with the next tick.
    2. TDW’s  expansion from HR 4979 should complete at the tick and the Rabid Hamsters, and Hamster-Lite forum commanders have prepared everything pretty much perfectly. There is little that can go wrong from here.

Main discussion

  1. With what looked like Galnet Logos on the Mugs of two certain community managers, does this hint for the return of Galnet ? 
    1. If so, what stories do you think they will cover?
    2. As, they’ve said that the old galnet will only cover items you can get involved with, does this mean the return of community goals?
    3. Or even better interstellar initiatives?
    4. I.e When is the Federal Election due?
    5. Reports on an increase of thargoid activity?
    6. Is this what the ‘B’ team have been up to since the fleet carrier’s have settled down.

Community Corner

  1. Congrats to down earth astronomy getting Married.
  2. Cmdr Exigious has done an incredibly detailed deep dive video into the Graphical settings in Elite Dangerous, showing all the settings and the performance hits they cause. Link
  3. SAGI is looking for more writers while you’re at it tonight?


  1. Greetings gents! Love the show!

    In the last two shows, guys have brought up the hope of high gravity worlds greatly affecting personal movement upto the point of not being able to move at all. The conversations make it seem like realistic gravity is a big deal. As it stands now, pun intended, all gravity does is make thrusters less effective. I’m not sure if gravity effects lateral movement or drive speed at all. If Fdev were to do more realistic gravity, wouldn’t we black out in our ships and SRVs before we had a chance to walk?

    Thanks for your time and efforts in the show and thanks for your consideration.

    CMDR SquirrellyPEZ


  1. Cmdr Jules Vern who works for the Charity “Everyone Can” is taking part in a 24 hour Charity Stream, Game Together.

    Everyone Can believes in a society that encourages every disabled person to realise their potential, so they are able to dictate the course of their own lives and play an active role in society. They believe in a society that includes disabled people and not exclude them.

    Game Together will be held from 10am on Saturday 26th September – 10am on Sunday 27th

    More information can be found at
  2. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at or, for just the audio, at
  3. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.

Lave Radio Episode 306 “The One with the Cobra MK IV Skin” – 01/09/2020

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Active Crew
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Tech MonkeyNorman MacArthurVentura_
Inflatable EditorMack WinstonMack Winston
Download the episode directly from here.

Tonight’s activity in-game

  1. The Dark Wheel have expanded out of Anyanwu into LTT5455.

    Immediately upon that expansion cool down dropping HR 4979 expanded as well as it had been above 75% the whole time. TDW  landed in 5455 and immediately won Our invasion in a sweep 4 to nothing.

    The Dark Wheel has a game plan in place to take control of 5455 within a week (with the obvious four day delay for the war) and will look to expand one more time which should take us to our target system to test capital Sol!!! Kai Zen keeps coming back to the fact that there’s only six factions in that Sol and who the hell is supposed to fill the seventh slot if not TDW.

    They are currently shaping the 4979 expansion to make sure that it’s in the direction of Lave. IIRC the NEXT jump after this puts us in the neighborhood so to speak. 

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  1. All Interviews were released 18th Aug with Gareth Hughes, Principal Designer of Elite Dangerous: Odyssey: and Jonathan Bottone, Art Director of Elite Dangerous: Odyssey:
  2. Twinfinite Interview
    1. “Planet ports are ports, as you see in the game already, they are a big sort of draw for a lot of players.

      A lot of commerce happens there… trading. This is where you buy your new gear, it’s where you’ll upgrade that gear. It creates a social space where for the first time players will be able to get out on foot and socialize”
      1. Sc𝐵𝑒𝓃: So ON PLANETS We can get out and walk about, interact etc? What about Star Ports?
    2. “Then, on the slightly smaller scale, we have what we call settlements but actually these are quite big. They range from fairly large industrial kind of endeavors, down to military bases, and to small outposts, almost like little villages right on the frontiers of space.

      Within those settlements, there will obviously be a human population that you will be able to engage with and do missions for. There’s also additional emergent gameplay that is supported there. If you want to raid these settlements as a pirate you can do that. If you want to take stuff that they need and trade with them you can do that.”
      1. 𝐵𝑒𝓃: Settlements give missions and can be killed??? Reminds me of Raids in WoW where we’d go off and kill all the quest givers 🙂
    3. Survival Features “We have navigation…but you might go too far and the journey back can be really intense! Am I going to make it? Or am I going to suffocate in my suit a hundred meters away? So there are some really cool, intimate, and intense moments that come from the foot gameplay”
      1. 𝐵𝑒𝓃: YAY! So long as you have enough time to do what’s needed and replenishing is easy! I.E. I get back to my ship / Enclosed SRV and my O2 quickly replenish… On the other hand if we get set a speeder bike, maybe it doesn’t? Or maybe the suit has connectors in it and the bike can make O2…
  3. Polygon Interview
    1. Developers are also considering allowing them to walk around inside starships, exploring the vessels they’ve owned for years for the first time. The feature won’t be available at launch when Elite Dangerous: Odyssey comes to PlayStation 4, Windows PC, and Xbox One sometime in early 2021.
    2. Also undecided is how players will transition from ships or wheeled vehicles to walking on foot. The team wants players to have their own “Neil Armstrong moment” Hughes said, of being the first person to step on a distant world. Trouble is that they’re just not settled on what that moment will actually feel like.
    1. Clarification from polygon. They got the bit about animals wrong but the lack of walking around ships they’re standing by.
  4. Destructoid–600816.phtml
  5. IGN Interview
  6. WCC Tech interview
    1. Chris Greggory and Luke Betterton
    2. Confirmation of NO Crossplay in Odyssey

Newsletter (every second show)

  1. News Letter #300
    1. Free ASP Skin
    2. We get a mention.

Main discussion

More discussion of the Dev Diary

Community Corner

  1. Apollo 11 50th Anniversary Reunion
    From Cmdr Yanick – Yes ladies, gentlemen, non binary folks and attendant Thargoids…it’s the event you’ve all been waiting for has finally arrived! The Apollo 11 Anniversary Expedition Reunion!
  2. Hopefully both of Allen’s videos will be up on youtube.
  3. Sagittarius Eye Issue 28 is going up as a podcast on Wednesday 2nd September at 
  4. Canonn are doing a film making contest. That expires this THURSDAY (3rd September) Its open to everyone and the prize is a very nice DiHydrogen Monoxide Cannon Containment Flask
  5. The Buur Pit dives into snippets from interviews that haven’t been mentioned by FD
  6. Elite Week Interviewed Elite Product Manager, Al Hibberd for their 33rd Episode
    1. Well worth a listen, and Al makes some interesting comments on his take on Lore and Story in Elite Dangerous. Community Setting the Narrative. And FD are “working on (story) things behind closed doors” — “Excite the community very very soon”


  1. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at or, for just the audio, at
  2. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
  3. Thanks to CMDR Karrde Sun (Excellent Timothy Zahn Ref there) for this thread :-
  4. Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders

Lave Radio Episode 305 – Just One Small Step…- 18/08/2020

Team for this episode ✔/ X

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Deputy Trade AttachéSouvSouvarine
Tech MonkeyVentura_Ventura_
Mac WinstonGuest TraderMac

Download the episode directly from here.

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

That video

And this video

In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?

  1. Everyone is talking about the above

Main discussion

  1. We talk about the two videos above and what we think the implications are for the game.
  2. We give talk about what’s making us look forward to Odyssey.

Community Corner

  1. Congratulations to the Loose Screws Podcast for reaching episode 50.
  2. The 8WD SRV Endurance Time Trials Continues
  3. Top Shift 123 – The Powerplay playthrough continues. This time how to really screw up expanding your power!


  1. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at or, for just the audio, at
  2. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
  3. Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders

Lave Radio Episode 304 “Cliff Notes” – 02/08/2020

Image by Cmdr Pappadopolis
PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
Deputy Trade AttachéSouvSouvarine
Tech MonkeyNorman MacArthurVentura_
Inflatable ManxMack Winston
Inflatable ItalianCmdr Il Senato

Download the episode directly from here.

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  1. VR for Odyssey is ‘being worked on’
  2. Fleet Carriers Update – Patch 4 Patch Notes
    1. Due to an issue found during testing, the date of this patch has been moved to Monday 3 August. It can still be expected at 11:00 UTC with an estimated 15 minutes downtime.
    2. Fixed issues related to diminishing returns for commodities in overlapping hotspots

In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?

  1. AXI – Thargoid hearts total stand at 9368.
  2. Turning the Wheel
    1.  TDW has expanded into the Anyanwu system, and is trying to solidify its position. To improve TDW’s influence, they need to do a variety of work out of Delbruck Outpost in Anyanwu. Profitable trade is probably the most beneficial, but they also need Bounty Hunting, missions for TDW and cartography drops where possible.

      Unknown parties are actively working against TDW so they are calling all friends to come help the cause!

Main discussion

  1. Letter from Last week from Cmdr Cliff?
    Hi Guys,

    I’ve been playing since beta, I am an infrequent player, I don’t do multi-player stuff, I don’t have many credits.

    Having spent most of my in-game time exploring, I have recently decided to try to up my combat rank (and thoroughly enjoying it). What credits I have made from exploration make kitting out a ship for basic combat nice and easy, and makes getting blown up less of a concern.

    I think the progression problem is not a problem with the game, but a problem with the players, and probably with how the game is sold to new players.

    What many “new” players, coming from games with well defined goals, don’t seem to understand is;

    1. ED is not a game you win
    2. Progression is entirely subjective;
    • Ships
    • Credits
    • Ranks
    • Tags
    • Distance
    • Permits
    • Kills (players, npcs or Thargiods)
    • Something you make up yourself

    This can be mitigated with better advertising, more “realistic” trailers, etc, but may not meet with FDev’s need to sell many copies of the game.

    What do I think the real problem is? FDev are chasing the players who loudly complain about the lack of traditional progression mechanics and with how long it takes to progress in their chosen manner (usually ships and credits). In doing this, actual gameplay gets less attention than it needs.

Community Corner

  1. Cambridge Game Company Helps Push the Frontier of Video Game Preservation
  2. Elite name on Brit scene sponsors retro video games preservation project at the Centre for Computing History
    1. Cambridge’s Centre for Computing History harbours the largest documented collection of video games in the UK – real, physical copies along with the computers, consoles, and peripherals needed to experience them…Frontier Developments, the games maker led by Elite creator and Raspberry Pi co-founder David Braben, has stepped in to sponsor the project
  3. The Elite Racers have announced a new racing series:
  4. For those that are fans of the Sanctimonious Stories, There is a new one called Stranded in the Events section of the Forums. Can also be found :-
  5. Back in 2018 Cmdr Jim VR released a video for a hack for the Thrustmaster TWCS Throttle (the one that comes with the T16000M series) that uses magnets to give the throttle a “middle” for Elite Dangerous


  1. From: Adrian Mason
    The one ship if there was a bug and wiped out the rest would have to be the Cobra mkiii, back to the original one ship 80’s version. Multipurpose and a great little ship


  1. To Darren on the Birth of his (and his wife, Clare’s!) new Daughter. Violet.
  2. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at or, for just the audio, at
  3. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
  4. Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders

Lave Radio Episode 303 “Time flies by when I’m the pilot of a ship” – 28/07/2020

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
Chief Bar StewardGrant WoolcottPsykokow
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Deputy Trade AttachéSouvSouvarine
Download the episode directly from here.

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  1. Free tritium for all carriers.
  2. Patch has been delayed until the 3rd of August. Does this mean another free tritium refill in the meantime?

Main discussion

  1. Hello!

    I’ve been playing Elite for 6 months now. I love the game, but after about 3 months I started getting bored with it. Then I started flying FAOFF, and fell in love with it all over again, having been reminded that Elite is, first and foremost, a piloting game. That said, I would like to hear you guys talk more about the ships you have and what you like about piloting them.

    Love the show,

    -CMDR Neuzboy  (pronounced Noise-Boy)

Community Corner

  1. Elite Week has a great interview with ThePilot
  2. 8WD Endurance Rally Race 1


  1. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at or, for just the audio, at
  2. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
  3. Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders

Lave Radio Episode 302 “Press ‘F’ for Mining” – 21/07/2020

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Deputy Trade AttachéSouvSouvarine
Tech MonkeyNorman MacArthurVentura_

Download the episode directly from here.

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  1. Patch 3 Known Issues – Patch 3 was released. It has led to a huge amount of salt on both reddit and the forums. LTD values have been severely affected (apparently intended) but so has Tritium (apparently unintended).
  2. Stephen announced that in August there will be the start of new developer diaries regarding Odyssey. No confirmed dates, just ‘August’.
  3. Arthur is still ‘gathering information’ on VR
  4. Tim slides over to work on Planet Coaster etc and Paul Crowther comes over to Elite

In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?

  1. AXI – Their ‘Unofficial’ Community goal continues there are (Check the number before the show) hearts remaining.
  2. Operation I.D.A. – They’ve finished repairing every thargoid damaged station out there. They are pushing the ‘Haul to end it all!’.
    1. Some of their achievements
  3. Turning the Wheel – The Dark Wheel. managed at the last instant to save their expansion effort and arrive at the intended system HR 4979. They have  also got our conflict for control in Anyanwu (this is pending at time of recording) The Dark Wheel’s  influence levels have stabilised in LFT 926 and Shinrarta saw a small increase in influence.

    Kai Zen would like to point out, that despite Cmdr Wotherspoon’s allegations, Elite Week is  NOT using The Dark Wheel to take over Lave or Alpha Centauri


  1. Beluga Liner Sheer Line and Asp Scout Predator Paint Job

Main discussion(s)

  1. Should VR players have to pay for a VR upgrade to Odyssey? 
  2. With the amount of Salt regarding the LTD fix, do you think the community can take the changes which would be required to ‘Fix’ the economy?

Community Corner

  1. Congrats to the Bur Pit for reaching 10,000 Subs on youtube.
  2. Congratulation to Obsidian Ant for reaching 200,000 Subs on YouTube
  3. If anyone wants to visit the Gnosis as it does it’s Autotour; Cmdr Darvin is offering a shuttle service on his fleet carrier. For details go to here on Inara.
  4. Buckyballer Rejoice! The “Keys to the Carrier Race” is on at the moment and runs till the 26th of July. There is a new race planned in November. Speedball 4 is in the planning stage and the usual Ne’er-Do-Well Cmdr Alex Turner and PrimetimeCasual will supply the details closer to the time. However, we would recommend starting to strip down your ships and work out your racing builds now because these guys are fast.
  5. M Lehman has written some unofficial sequels to Drew Wagar’s Elite Dangerous: Premonition
    1. There’s is a forum post about them and they are hosted on Drew’s Site
  6. Elite Week Interviews Arf and Stephen. (Released just before LR went live, but Wotherspoon says what he’s seen it’s very good)


  1. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at or, for just the audio, at
  2. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
  3. Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders

Lave Radio Episode 301 “The one After Episode 300” – 14/07/2020

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
Chief Bar StewardGrant WoolcottPsykokow
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Deputy Trade AttachéSouvSouvarine
Soggy EdMark WinMack Winston
Download the episode directly from here.

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  1. Fleet Carriers Update – Patch 3
    1. An issue which allowed launching a fighter to restore sub-surface deposits on asteroids was fixed.
    2. A bug with material distribution in overlapping hotspots was fixed and hotspost themselves we rebalanced. Now, the effect that each hotspot has on the base rarity of a commodity has been doubled. To counter this, hotspots of the same type which overlap will be less effective. The aim of thsese changes is to reduce the massive impact of overlapping hotspots while still ensuring they provide a higher yield than non-overlapping hotspots.
    3. Fix Bug about the demand not working properly if there is a BGS State. 

In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?

  1. Turning the wheel
    1. The Dark Wheel won the invasion war in Anyanwu and organized a war of all the other factions in that system which enabled them to leapfrog right into 2nd place. They will be challenging for first (most likely an election this time) by the weekend and are shaping the second expansion (out of 926) now to make sure they end up aiming THAT one toward Lave for phase3.  The project is continuing to grow at an almost scary rate (1400+ discord joiners and more in forum thread who are working it from outside the discord) and not slowing down.  The forum thread is now on PAGE 51… this thing is a MONSTER.

      Within 10 days the Dark Wheel is hoping to expand from Anyanwu and if they get the target system they are working towards that system should be just inside the maximum theoretical range of Sol. They plan to expand once more to get within 10 Ly of Sol and then trigger one more expansion to see if being within 10 Ly and expanding yet again will go INTO Sol. Kai Zen is not banking on it but after it is checked off the list they will be taking The Dark Wheel from Sol to LFT 509 and THAT is where Kai and others believe magic will happen!
  2. 12h update for Rennie Dock – HIP 2843
  3. AXI – Art of War Update.

Main discussion

  1. Normalising Incomes?

Community Corner

  1. Mack takes over from Souv as Chief Ed of SagI – @souv and Mack to take it


  1. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at or, for just the audio, at
  2. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
  3. Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders