Position | Crew Member | CMDR Name |
Head of Health and Safety | Ben Moss-Woodward | Eid LeWeise |
Chief Archivist | Colin Ford | Phoenix_Dfire |
(in)Human Resources Director | Shan | Shan |
Deputy Trade Attaché | Souv | Souvarine |
Tech Monkey | Norman MacArthur | Ventura_ |
Loose Screw Media Warrior | Kai Zen |
Development News – what have the devs said this week?
- FD wish we were going to Mycapp PW-G C12-6 but other than something looking awesome there’s nothing ‘actually’ there…
- Paige is going to become a Full Time Content creator on Twitch
- Dr Ross is also leaving FD
Main discussion
- Kai from Loose Screw’s Open letter
- Mentioned on FD’s Monday live stream
Basically they say Kai made a good creative letter, well thought out, and constructive criticism etc. FD are passing all the stuff over and are looking to formulate a response - Response from FD
- Mentioned on FD’s Monday live stream
Community Corner
- Elite Shots
- Cmdr Garud has released a lovely Elite Dangerous Screenshot Gallery / Website
- Buur Pit celebrates 5000 subs (5000 Video)
- Competition expiring on the 18th Feb to comment on their video, but grats to them for 5000!
- New funny Thread on the forums look at Breaking News
- Congrats to Musketeer who has just achieved 100,000 CQC Kills.
- Loose Screws has a website!
- Also in monster episode 24, they have a great discussion following on from Exegious’ discussion with “The Pilot” about Pay to Win and Elite Dangerous
- From Mr TeaTime
When playing or thinking about Elite Dangerous, what sci-fi movie or movie franchise(s) do you think most fits the game and which one would you like it to most resemble and why?”- The reason I ask is because I think this colours people’s expectations of the game, its “style”, the content (whatever that means) and also the views on its development…
- Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at tv.forthemug.com/ or, for just the audio, at radio.forthemug.com/.
- For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “discord.me/elitedangerouscqc”.
- Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders
- Breaking News: ECM has only ONE ticket left (as of 22:00 GMT – Tuesday) – 22:13 and they’re all gone!
- Hot mess – 30,479 of 55,242 mugs / 55.17% of stations have a mug.