Crew Members
Head of health and safety : Ben Moss-Woodward – Cmdr Eid LeWeise
(In)Human Resources Director : Shan – Cmdr Shanaeri
Deputy Trade Attaché : Souv – Cmdr Souvarine
Space Boffin : Cmdr Atrus5060
Download the episode directly from here.
Development News
- Forum Revamp Coming Soon
- A lot of Threads will be being removed!
- If there’s anything you need saved there is an “archive” view of the forums. But that too will be removed soon (possibly as soon as mid March)
https://forums.frontier.co.uk/archive/index.php/t-259014.html where the number is the thread’s ID i.e. https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php/259014-The-brand-new-and-shiny-Official-ABRAKA-DRABBLE-Thread-(-shiny-new-forum)
- Cmdrs have explored 0.036% of the galaxy!

Distant Worlds 2 News
- Elite’s Distant Worlds 2 expedition: A dramatic rescue in the Empyrean Straits
- Waypoint 6 Mass Launch
Dryau Awesomes Mass Jump
Thargoids and let the bubble burn
- Last week, we had 15 incursions. We’re now down to 7
- Thargoids Attacks – Where, When, and What you can do about it
- Thargoid-targeted systems no longer showing as “infested”.
- Information about the Thargoid Incursion State
- Operation IDA’s stat tracker
- Cmdr TheOriginalBastard’s weekly write-up on the Thargoids
- Using Thargoid scout combat to get to Combat Elite
Community Corner
- Ghost Giraffe – Riding an Asteroid into a Planet | Elite Dangerous
- GD 319 – 126 LY from Lave
- Cmdr HighwayWarrior – Fuel Rats Rescue Mission: Beyond The Dark Edge
- ED Index
- Learning Elite: Dangerous can be intimidating and overwhelming. You’re not alone in the universe commander. There are hundreds of us waiting to help you in a variety of ways.
The official release of this site has not happened yet, but you are free to browse around while content is being aggregated and pulled here. A tweet will be made from @EDIEarth and an announcement about EDI by Obsidian Ant. Stay tuned commanders, we’re almost there!
- Learning Elite: Dangerous can be intimidating and overwhelming. You’re not alone in the universe commander. There are hundreds of us waiting to help you in a variety of ways.
- Elite Community Meet 2019
- Renaissance Hotel in Manchester
- Easter Weekend (Sat 20th April)
- Lavecon 2019 is 4th – 7th July.
- Our sister station Hutton Orbital Radio Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30 at http://tv.forthemug.com/ or http://radio.forthemug.com/ for just the audio
- CQC Discord – For the Discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action