Position | Crew Member | CMDR Name |
SRV Banksy | Alec Turner | Alec Turner |
Head of Health and Safety | Ben Moss-Woodward | Eid LeWeise |
Staff Liaison Officer | Clare Good | Psykit |
Chief Archivist | Colin Ford | Phoenix_Dfire |
Tech Gibbon | Newell Turner | Chris Mk IV |
Station Commander | Allen Stroud | Heldaban Kel |
Download the episode directly from here.
Development News – what have the devs said this week?
- Frontier’s monthly live stream is on Thursday the 20th July at 16:00 BST (15:00 UTC). (We could discuss what we hope to see in update 16 here)
Community news – what is the community up to??
- Elite Dangerous gets a shout out for having an awesome FTL drive by Spacedock on you tube! Top Ten Sci-Fi FTL Systems.. Also also The Culture Series books by Iain M Banks Hyperdrive system gets number 2 slot. Stargate gets the number one slot…
- Thargoid Revenants vs Flak Cannons by CMDR Mechan from the AXI
- Horizon (Music Video) by Özgün Yüzen.
- “The Name Of The Game” (a nice forum thread espousing the virtues of Buckyball, Newtons Gambit and the simple joy of flying spaceships)
- “Hand crafted planets post Odyssey” (another forum thread about Odyssey planets but with some nice reminders about how ED procgen planet tech works and how settlements are placed by Dav’s “bake out” process)
- “A new approach to an anarchy [mat] farm” (3 space ports, 44 settlements and the owning anarchy faction effectively invulnerable at 1% influence)
- Buckyball casual live racing event this Saturday on Wolf 1060 5 C. (Missed this, hopefully Alec can catch us up).
- Ghost Giraffe (newly added the partner program) has been streaming lately using (and this is one for us developer geeks) a google glass to help control elite.
- ECM 2023 more details!
- 19th August 2023. Hilton St Anne’s Manor Hotel
- There are limited (<10) tickets available. So get them while you can
- https://elitecommunitymeet.info/
- A non-exhaustive but pretty full list so far:
- Social Gaming:
- 4 Player “Gangbeasts” chaos & Shenanigans
- 4 Player Nintendo Wii Mariokart racing
- 4 Player Assetto Corsa Racing with Wheels/Pedals
- Artemis Bridge Simulator in the Ascot Suite
- 4 Person Oculus Quest challenges
- 4 Player Playstation 3 Gaming (Little big planet)
- 4 Player Playstation 2 Gaming
- 4 Player Playstation 1 Gaming
- 4 player Elite wing on Steamdeck
- Full Motion VR Rig with some CQC
- Xbox CQC (Yes, we still LOVE the XBox)
- BBC Micro Elite (Disk version)
- BBC Micro Elite (CoPro Version)
- BBC Master System Elite
- Acorn Electron Elite
- ArcElite on An A3010 (and Zarch)
- NES Elite
- Amiga 1200 Frontier Elite II
- Commodore 64 Elite
- Spectrum 128k Elite
- Spectrum NEXT
- Elite in VR (Vive)
- Famicom, PS3, Atari, Megadrive, Sega Saturn
- Full height arcade
- Other Activities:
- Special Guest Norman Lovett
- Team from Frontier Developments joining in the gaming
- BeetleJude LIVE art from the world of Elite
- Event build of TWO Lego SRV’s for the raffle
- “Totally Blank” Quiz
- The raffle
- Hutton Orbital LIVE
- Dockers LIVE
- Mr Pitcher and his magic metal etching machine (get your dog tags!)
- Board & Tabletop games:
- Chess VS Mr Hankey
- Zombicide
- Elite Miniatures game
- Star Wars miniatures game
- Elite Battlecards
- LCU No Fool Like One’s NEW Elite game
- Cards against just about everything + many more group card games
- An assortment of board games including Ticket to Ride, Above and Below, Near and Far, Princess Bride, Hero Quest
- Food:
- Lunch (Included)
- Barbecue style dinner (Optional Extra)
- Bonus:
- The company of the Elite Community
- New Buckyball race (“Double Trouble”) starts Saturday
In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?
Store Alert
- HCS voice packs have announced a new pack to help with exobiology
Community question
- Hints and tips for new and returning players?
- Saphaia (in discord)
Some ‘I wish I knew sooner’-tips on exploration:
You’ll spend a lot of time in the ship you take, so choose one you like flying. Most destinations you might pick on your first trip won’t need a maxed Jumpaconda and are reachable with decently built explorer ships too. If in doubt about a system, check the system on EDSM. Hard to reach ones very often have mentions about routes or minimum jumprange.
Also, if you need to travel fast via Neutron boosts, but you’re in less well-travelled space so route plotters like spansh don’t work very efficient: go above or below the plane until you find Neutron Stars and then stay on this height until you’re closer to your destination. Just don’t forget to exclude White Dwarfs. - Chebs Will (in discord)
for new players, don’t rush to get that next ship/ engineering mod just enjoy the galaxy. If it’s returning players from a long time back enjoy driving on planets 🙂 - Frank EightySeven
Inara.cz - CMDR Dirk Hatch
Try everything! But do it at your own pace. There’s no rush! Savour the little ships… - CMDR Greybeard Seawolf
Enjoy the game, it’s not a race. There is no endgame so take your time and experience it all. Grind is a choice you make and not at all necessary. Learn to fly your ship manually, even after 5 years of playing I still get a buzz landing at a station, settlement or planet. - ElvisKremmen
Get into the habit of honking every system regardless if you have been there before or not so it becomes automatic. Target every ship in front of you as you’re flying around for free engineering data. - LittleBigYin
Never fly without rebuy, there’s no free anaconda at Hutton, if you play in open not every player you meet will be friendly. Oh and never be worried about asking questions. - Eralm_237
Trying to show my mother how to learn the game (she has only done minecraft), here is what I’ve started her with:
1 Learn your keybindings
2 There will be a lot of mistakes
3 We have all rage quit the game at some point
4 Have fun
5 Ask
6 More
7. Questions
8 Than
9 You
10 Think - CMDR FrostyJack
There’s nothing left to explore, is a myth
Docking computers are cool - CMDR Wobbly_
Engineering. Is. Not. Essential. - Angus
Journey not destination.
In combat, rehearse your “get the hell out of Dodge” manoeuvre for when things go wrong.
Remind Frontier that in their Kickstarter they promised ship interiors. It sometimes slips their mind and they love to be reminded. 🙂XXX - Camel Number 1
New Commanders, never take advice from other Commanders, always learn by doing, keep extensive notebooks on your adventures, and they will serve you well when you come to publish your exposé on the real search for Raxxla. - Realdanfitz
Put the term “grind” out of your head, if you find it a grind, you’re not doing it right. Everything comes easy, with the right knowledge and understanding. Do your own research and ask established members of the community. - IgelFox
If it gets boring, try again a different way. There is no rule. Even fly without rebuy – no risk, no fun.
But ask / search, there is a lot one will only figure out with a lot of work. Somebody taught you basic maths too. - Viking Zero
have fun and do what ever you feel like at the moment - Tala
“Never fly without a rebuy” is the biggest tip anyone ever gave me. Don’t fly without enough credits to cover buying the ship back. Also learn about routing and fuel, it’ll help save you. - CMDR indigo
Let the game teach you new things. We talk about the learning cliff and the grind, but if the game requires you to mine or explore to unlock something, embrace it. Somebody out there loves that part of the game enough to make it their main thing. You might, too.
Turn off your docking computer, or better yet, leave it at home. Whether FA-on or FA-off, it will make every landing a mini-game. Your piloting skills will improve quickly, and there are few things that make the game more fun than flying well.
Get to know a few of the less-documented built-in key commands, like:
1. Use Ctrl+Alt+G to turn off/on your HUD. The screen has so much information, sometimes it’s nice to shut it all out and just enjoy the space or terrain around you, unobscured.
2. F10 to capture screenshots, and Alt+F10 to take super duper high resolution screenshots. The latter only work in Solo or PG, because the game essentially pauses to take something like 64 separate shots and stitch them into a huge image.
3. If you find a bug (or accidentally sell your engineered ship), Ctrl+L will capture a ‘Network bookmark’, a text file describing the state of the application and system, plus a snippet of your journal: just what FDev need to help fix what ails you (or what you just screwed up)
And last:
4. Ctrl+F to show your current FPS, and see what careless behavior on your part (like using headlights or landing at a settlement) does to your frame rate.
- Saphaia (in discord)
- Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at twitch.tv/huttonorbitaltruckers or, for just the audio, at radio.forthemug.com/.
- For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “discord.me/elitedangerouscqc”.
- We’re also giving a shout outs to the following Elite Dangerous podcasts which have appeared over the last year or are standard regular contributors;-
- The Guard Frequency (who do other space games )
- Loose Screws
- Following this we have the latest Galnet News Digest as provided by Cmdr Wotherspoon and Cmdr BeetleJude.
- Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders
- Special Thanks to Cmdr ToCoSo, Jn Tracks and Allen Stroud who created the music used on the Show.