Position | Crew Member | CMDR Name |
Head of Health and Safety | Ben Moss-Woodward | Eid LeWeise |
Staff Liaison Officer | Clare Good | Psykit |
Chief Archivist | Colin Ford | Phoenix_Dfire |
(in)Human Resources Director | Shan | Shan |
Tech Gibbon | Chris Mk IV | Newell Turner |
Development News – what have the devs said this week
- Thursday – Frameshift Live #1
- No new dev news, really an overview of what’s in Update 11.
- However, they have stated that CGs and Galnet news will continue as is for both console owners and Beyond Owners. Where there is CG content which can only be accessed by Odyssey players, the CMs will let us know.
- Monday – Discovery Scanner 21st March 2022
- Monday – Hotfix coming on Tuesday
- Tuesday – Patch notes posted on the website; not the forums.
In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?
- Thu 17th – Bounties Placed on Criminal Faction
- Fri 18th – Alliance Strives to Retain Reorte
- Mon 21st – Arissa Convenes Key Imperial Figures
- Operation Ida – Currently Repairing Ezra point in Wellington.
- AXI –
- Gabia in the bubble!
- Malanges in the bubble!
- Lembass in the coal sec (that’s been there for ages, is there just one AXI pilot doing all the work? If so, sir/ madam we salute you! 😉 )
Krait Phantom – Pirate Faction
Multiple Spring Paintjobs (Diamond Back Exp, Anaconda, Type-9, Krait Phantom)
Main discussion
- On foot Thargoid combat, How do we want it to work, look and pan out? E.g Should there be a separate rank or bundle it in with the existing on foot one?
Community Corner
- Psykit and ‘Team Dangerous” raised > $3500 for care.org https://events.softgiving.com/donate/TeamDangerousForCAREUkraine
- Elite Aid raised > $1000 for “Do Good Fund: Ukraine Aid”
- Buckyball Magic 8 Ball Championship Race 2: The Aquarian Job – running until this Sunday (March 27th) at 23:59:59 GMT. Running only in Horizons and including some SRV shenanigans, for more information – https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/the-buckyball-racing-club-presents-the-aquarian-job-magic-8-ball-championship-race-2.599829/
Yes, just me culling in Lembass I think!
Can’t see a download link for the podcast; am I too early?
No, I’m just forgetful 🙂