Position | Crew Member | CMDR Name |
Head of Health and Safety | Ben Moss-Woodward | CMDR Eid LeWeise |
Chief Archivist | Colin Ford | CMDR Phoenix_Dfire |
Chief Bar Steward | Grant Woolcott | CMDR Psykokow |
(in)Human Resources Director | Shan | CMDR Shan |
Deputy Trade Attaché | Souv | Cmdr Souvarine |
Water Cabinet Minister | Jon Lunn | Shocken-Orr |
Pan Polisher | Oliver Hulme | Sithrak |
Download the episode directly from here.
Development News
- New Launcher???
- What’s changed??!
- Caused Mayhem with ppl not seeing horizons
- April update live stream on Thursday 18th April 18:00 GMT
- Will, will be showing the new training wheels and starter area
- April Update will be on Tuesday 23rd April
In Game Events
- DW2
- Continuing to WP 11
- Operation IDA
- Zayn Till wants to say that the reception by the community and their enthusiasm in helping us with the repair cause has been overwhelming. With our friends and allies, groups and independent CMDRs both old and new, the past 2 weeks have been incredible. Repairing 2 stations and hauling 1.2 million tons of cargo in one day alone …it’s a testament to what the community can accomplish when we do it TOGETHER.
- Planetary Navigation
- Will be having a meetup near O’Donnell Settlement over the weekend
- Two ideas for the meetup –
- 1) the O’Donnell Leap, basically using the ramp to jump across the base and land on the crane and
- 2) “hide and seek” – basically the nominated “seeker” parks in the middle of the base, turns off their sensors, closes their eyes and counts to 100 while everyone else drives off to find a hiding place within the base. The “seeker” then goes looking for them, recruiting other “seekers” as they are found. Last to be found is the winner.
- Need to be careful of someone “accidentally” turning the base hostile (as has happened every single other time a few of us have spent much time there) – it will almost certainly be carnage!
Newsletter 265
Main Discussion
- April 23rd update too little and too late for new players?
- Additional ship slots 2 for small/ 1 for the others.
- Advanced docking computer and Super Cruise Assist, Are they needed? A license to bot?
- Starter area? What is it for? Will it work? Is it needed?
- UI revamp
Community Corner
- Dear All,
Due to the ongoing hiatus of the Kickstarter Campaign, Frontier Developments have recently offered to help fund the manufacture of the Battle Cards outside of the Kickstarter platform and we have accepted their kind offer.
The help has been offered as long as we can prove to them that there is a demand for this game and that the community wants to see it made. To get the backing of Frontier means the game can move to manufacturing as soon as the few final elements for the game are completed.
What we will need to do is re-open the pre-order on the www.edbattlecards.com website and collect as many of you backers as we can. If we get enough to transfer across, then Frontier can see that there is a customer base for the game and we can get cracking.
Whilst the game will be offered at retail for £60 / €70 / $80, as original backers, we will be offering you the opportunity to pick up a Season Box for the same price as offered through the Kickstarter Campaign. If you wish to be part of this discount offer, please head over to www.edbattlecards.com and make your pre-order purchase.
We have posted a longer and more detailed explanation for our reasons on the ed battle cards blog but you can keep up to date on the progression of the manufacturing on the blog page at www.edbattlecards.com & social channels https://www.facebook.com/edbattlecards/ or https://twitter.com/edbattlecards
Please help us make this game a reality,
Thank you very much,
Jon & Oliver
(Spidermind Games) - Remind all that as well as the pre-order discount for ED Battle Cards there is also an ongoing 25% off all EDRPG products for the duration of Distant Worlds 2. To benefit from this 25% discount, enter the code DW2-9642-1171-8348 at checkout on the EDRPG website. Expiration date is 13th May 2019, so get it while you can.
- Elite Community Meet is on the 20th April we will be at the Renaissance Hotel in Manchester https://elitemeet.info/
- Lavecon 2019 is 4th – 7th July at the Sedgebrook Hall Hotel, and is sponsored by Spidermind Games!
- Our sister station Hutton Orbital Radio Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30 at http://tv.forthemug.com/ or http://radio.forthemug.com/ for just the audio
- CQC Discord – For the Discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action
- In-Game Cmdrs
- Twitch Chat
Some more images by CT Funny because I think they look awesome!