Position | Crew Member | CMDR Name |
SRV Banksy | Alec “This is why we can’t have nice things” Turner | Alec Turner |
Head of Health and Safety | Ben Moss-Woodward | Eid LeWeise |
Staff Liaison Officer | Clare Good | Psykit |
Chief Archivist | Colin Ford | Phoenix_Dfire |
Tech Monkey | Norman MacArthur | Ventura_ |
Download the episode directly from here.
Development News – what have the devs said this week?
- Elite Dangerous, Planet Zoo Console Edition gameplay and a BIG giveaway | Frontier Unlocked #2
- 0.06% of the galaxy has been discovered!!! (That’s still 240,000,000 systems successfully explored! 25,945,946 systems a year!)
- Python details revealed
- 6 hard points and 6 utility slots confirmed.
- Might feel different on first launch.
- Internals have not been confirmed.
- Designed as a PvP ship to take on the FDL (and the Mamba).
- Has another use that will become apparent as update 18 unfolds.
- Update 19 is Powerplay 2.0 and will have functionality to “encourage” people to play PPv2.0 in open (not Force them).
- Base Game (Horizons v4.0) – £14.99
- Deluxe Edition (Base Game + Odyssey) – £21.99
- Odyssey Update – £9.99
Community news – what is the community up to??
- Galaxy Map Feedback from Cmdr Terekhov
I just got to finish listening to last night’s show. Certainly as of the end of Update 17, all of the Galaxy map issues that I responded to QOTW with were outstanding.
I’ve verified that the “Apply filter to route” issue still exists in U18.
Try the following (follow very carefully):- Set a Galaxy map filter that uses “apply filter to route” (say the star class filter for scoopables – top 7 stars on list, deselect all of the other shat classes, than add “Apply filter to route” After sitting apply filter to route, click outside the filter dialogs (in the main map area) do dismiss the dialogs.
- Click on Pilots’ federation map mode’ then HOVER OVER (do not click on) the star class filter button – the star class filter list should raise. using the mouse wheel (DO NOT CLICK) scroll down, see “apply filter to route” is still there. click on the rest of the map to dismiss filter dialog.
- If you like you can repeat the above paragraph to show that doing THAT does not affect the filter.
- Then repeat that paragraph, this time clicking on both “Pilots’ federation map mode” and the star class filter button itself.. Using the mouse wheel again, scroll down the list of star classes again, This time “Apply filter o route” is gone.
- It’s THAT easy to disrupt the filter.
- The filter can also go on initial logon. I’ve also seen other corruptions happen on login such as class O stars de-selecting from the list (no great loss)
- (oh and the complexity of the procedure above is to demonstrate what causes the issue – just making the issue happen is much easier)
- Really the takeaways that I would suggest are:
- To avoid the “Apply filter to route” issue (assuming you are using the star class filter to route via scoopable stars): When you log in, Check the entire star class filter, and make a point of scrolling down to check “apply filter to route” , Exit the filter list by clicking on the map background (to avoid mousing over other filter options). Also if you review or accidentally click on any of the filters, again check/correct the star class filter afterwards.
- To avoid the Route Options bug: On first login to the game, Go to route settings. Toggle between fastest/economical route one or more times to end back on your desired routing mode, but do toggle touting mode at least once. (For most at least moderately experienced commanders, that will be toggle Fastest -> Eco -> Fastest.
- NPC startled to death!
- Slow Down Gravity Well
- Python Videos – List of all the videos speculating about the new Ship.
- There’s flippin’ hundreds! Here’s a selection:
- PYTHON MK2: First Details released by Frontier (The Buur Pit)
- ELITE DANGEROUS – Python MK II Footage and the Way Ahead (Cmdr Exorcist)
- Presenting: The Faulcon deLacy Python Mk II (Alec Turner)
In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?
- 29th Feb – The Assault on Taranis
- 4th Mar – Thargoid War Bulletin: Titan Destroyed (from old Galnet site)
Main discussion
- Something went Bang!
- Review of the game loop.
- Removal of the grid for the caustic sinks / pulse wave neutraliser.
- How Many Players?
- Those that were there, what did you think?
- Ex Devs Comment
- Attack on Titan – List of all the videos about hitting the big bad.
There’s flippin’ hundreds! Here’s a selection:- Taranis Explosion: The Fall of a Titan (The Buur Pit)
- The death of Titan Taranis | Elite Dangerous |(Epaphus)
- Destroyed: Victory for Humanity as First Titan Eliminated (Elite Dangerous) (Galnet News Digest)
- Death of Taranis (OrangePheonix)
- ELITE DANGEROUS – The Last Day of Taranis (Cmdr Exorcist)
- The Greatest In-Game Event You Have Never Seen (Indigo)
- [Elite Dangerous] Operation Titanfall **4** – Taranis explosion watch party (Mechan)
- Taranis No More | Elite Dangerous (Psykit)
- https://clips.twitch.tv/AdventurousAstuteRhinocerosWTRuck-KB5cs0tRSJO5Jweo (Colin watching in VR)
- https://massivelyop.com/2024/03/04/elite-dangerous-players-successfully-destroy-the-first-thargoid-titan/ – Lave Radio and Galnet News got a mention.
- Update from Paul Crowther on Titan Rewards
To be eligible for the incremental Titan rewards you will need to do the following:
1) Have done damage to the heat core of a Titan within one week prior to it going into meltdown.
2) You need to have earned a minimum of 2M credits from hitting the core (You earn less credits from the Titan when they still need weakening and have a high damage resistance)
Don’t forget you also receive Arx from taking down hearts and gain more if you are a top contributor. - https://user.frontierstore.net/arx/list – to check your arx
Any other business
- The Dex Legacy is back for season 2.You can find further information at thedexlegacy.com, including links to the paperback book “The Dex Legacy Season 1 – Collected Scripts and Commentary” by Emily Inkpen and also The Complete Season 2 in HD audio.
- THE BRITISH SCIENCE FICTION ASSOCIATION AWARDS Both Allen Stroud’s Europa for Best Short Fiction and Emily InkPen’s The Dex Legacy for Best Audio Drama on the Short List for the Awards 🙂
- QOTW – Where were you when Taranis fell? – the twitter feed is ridiculously wholesome and is worth checking out.
- CMDR Zulu Romeo
I was there. I wanted to bear witness to its demise from the moment the first ring began to be eaten away. I was fortunate enough to be present when the attacks stopped… - Epaphus
I was at Taranis near the asteroid field with a couple of mates and the camera rolling.
Loved the big boom, when the torus field went red I was expecting a rebuy. In the end Taranis was kind and pushed us all to safety. just as I thought it was over I started to hear small booms going off just before the final big one. Amazing, hats off to everyone who worked on that.
When we get inside I suspect there will be a mixture of Titan and other Thargoid bits, damaged bio-storage capsules.
Maybe some damaged human ships which failed to get out in time and a ton of various mats to collect.
I wonder if we will see the Thargoids doing some collecting as well. - Élite Dangereuse
For the very first time since we started Élite Dangereuse we were able to be physically together and stream that historic event.
I (ThArGosu) managed to play the game with my phone through steamlink so I could join OptimusKoala in his imperial clipper for the occasion. - Tom Kewell
16 jumps too far away, but gratefully watching on psykit ‘s stream. Watching it inspired me to write a poem though… - HappyMoonMonkey
Flew in with my 9yo. Him in a hastily put together unengineered KraitMkII on the big screen. Me in a fighter of my cutter on the cr*p laptop. Son is terrified of thargoids, less than 72hours of experience, got hyperdicted and interdicted and still made it through to see the boom. - Kaytianna
I was watching psykit because it turns out I have, in fact, forgotten how to fly a spaceship. Holy balls it was cool. To see the entire community so excited for something was pretty special. 7 more to go eh? - MACH1NE
Looking at an Elite Dangerous crash report screen - LittleBigYin
I was there watching the explosion as I got catapulted back. When we get inside the cloud I think we will find a busted-up Titan that we might be able to fly through and some potential new materials. I look forward to finding out either way. - CMDR Greybeard Seawolf
I was there in my Cutter what an amazing spectacle. - ElvisKremmen
We managed to get a group of us in there a while before it did the explode. What an incredible sight to behold and the 1st major step in ending this part of the war with the bugs. A lot of stuff we need to beat them is just a purchase away so I hope more will jump in now to help. - CMDR Homborger
I was there about 15 minutes early, but got destroyed by a glaive. Managed to make it back to the Titan just in time for the show!
And WHAT a show!
Hoping for lots of bits to collect for exiting new tech once the cloud dissipates. - CMDR Evoflash
As it happened I was just finishing up getting the kids in bed. Hurtled downstairs, flew in to the star system (I forget its name) via hyperdiction…three minutes too late.
Watching the chat was agony. - PKSeven
I was watching from outside the caustic cloud, in VR. There were bright red flashes in the clouds followed by the expanding wave of the explosion. Even 100km+ away it was enough to throw my ship back.
No idea what’s left though; maybe there’s something still alive in some form? - MartGamer01
Ah I remember it well.. I was stuck in system BT 118. Internet was flakey and I was trying to get Open Reach mobilised. Halcyon days! - CMDR P Jarenstad
Right next to it. Fireworks should be experienced up close. - CMDR Kryten Zeroth
It was early doors for us NZ commanders, so after breakfast I settled in for the show with my two young copilots, who were great help reminding me to eject caustic sinks!
Would love to see a Titan husk to explore and salvage. - Ceres_O7
Got up at 5:30 on a work morning to witness it, glad I did.
I think in the middle we’ll find Salvation having tea and biscuits with a little insect man, discussing politics - Saphaia
I spent the day furiously putting together a ship on my second account to witness it in person – no regrets, it was so worth it.
I’m also very grateful to Frontier having timers and messages everywhere, giving us a day to prepare – be it in-game or rescheduling IRL stuff. - CMDRHenryKissinger
I subtracted 5 hours from 18:55 to convert from UTC to EST, but then goofed and thought that 13:55 was 3:55 PM! Yeah, I was 2 hours late. - Lovermstitanic
I was stuck on a planet in a whole other sector because I just started last week and had no idea what was going on - CylusResi
I was at my nephews 3rd birthday party… Gutted, GUTTED I TELLS YA! But at least the cake was good. Hoping for a similar effect when the others fall. O7 - Rocky Star
Right there, waiting to be destroyed along with it. Frontier have nailed “wow” moments and delivered yet another one. No idea what’s going to be inside, but hopefully it will be another fun game loop where I get to use all the new toys. Can’t wait for the next one to blow. - Cmdr Terekhov
I’ve never hidden the fact that I have no interest in participating in any of the Thargoid war content, and I have not participated at all. However that does not mean that I do not admire the design and work that FDev have put into the Spire sites and the Maelstroms.
So, the lead up to Taranis’s destruction saw me sitting in my rat ship at Jackson’s Lighthouse, lurking in Psykit’s stream with some virtual popcorn in hand.
Then at 18:26 a rescue was requested. One of our newer rats picked up the case, but experienced issues reaching the client. At 18:39, I put myself forward to assist. I fuelled the client at 18:43 and commenced the post rescue debrief that we offer (being fairly sure that I’d not be able to turn my attention back to the stream before the Taranis went boom).
As it was, I waved farewell to the client at 18:54!
And that was how I came to watch the destruction of Taranis from my rat ship, 1km above the surface of Arcturus 2!.
FDev did not disappoint. The event was spectacular. It’s incredible to consider the amount of development effort that has gone into creating an event that might only be seen seven more times.
- CMDR Zulu Romeo
- Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at twitch.tv/huttonorbitaltruckers or, for just the audio, at radio.forthemug.com/.
- For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “discord.me/elitedangerouscqc”.
- We’re also giving a shout outs to the following Elite Dangerous podcasts which have appeared over the last year or are standard regular contributors;-
- The Guard Frequency (who do other space games )
- Loose Screws
- Following this we have the latest Galnet News Digest as provided by Cmdr Wotherspoon and Cmdr BeetleJude.
- Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders
- Special Thanks to Cmdr ToCoSo, Jn Tracks and Allen Stroud who created the music used on the Show.