Remote Outpost Games Episode 3 – Ivan Moltini (Daylight Studios)

Album art for ROG Episode 3

Remote Outpost Games is a podcast celebrating the best video games in history, stranding industry figures on a remote getaway and asking them to justify which 5 games they would take with them to await rescue.

In this episode, hosts Christopher Jarvis and John Stabler talk to Ivan Moltini, community manager for the Holy Potatoes! series and browse through his choices as well as the past, present and future of po-ta-toes! Along we way we reminisce a classic internet meme, delve into some truly historic choices and get down with some MODs. Listen now and enjoy.

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Episode 45 – Christmas Turkey?


The team welcome back Mr Stroud and throw him into his first Live Podcast . We discuss the imminent arrival of updates 1.1 and 1.2 . We ask the question was Elite Dangerous really feature complete when it launched in December or did we all just get a Christmas Turkey?

Download the episode directly from here.