We dive off the deepend this week as we try to figure out what the BGS is actually doing and if Horizons is actually worth it.
Aired 12th January 2016
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Show Notes:
- Main Discussion
- Background Sim Discussion
- Is Elite Dangerous Hozizons Worth it?
- The general response to Horizons has been mixed at best with a lot of negative press and reviews. What needs to done to change this perception?
“In summary; Horizons adds no meaningful content to the game, built on the dubious and hollow promise that it’ll be worth the $60 by December 2016. Frontier is financially incentivized not to deliver, and cannot be held accountable until the next paid expansion cycle, when the game will definitely perish forever. Christ, I hope I’m wrong. I so, so want to be wrong.It breaks my heart, but you should pass on this. Instead, consider purchasing the base game for the world’s best deep-space exploration simulator experience, priced at a very reasonable $30.” http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197979999790/recommended/419270/) - Elite: Dangerous – Lack of Content & Gameplay? What Really is the thing Horizons Needs? (Video by Obsidian Ant)
- The general response to Horizons has been mixed at best with a lot of negative press and reviews. What needs to done to change this perception?
- Community Corner
- https://community.elitedangerous.com/node/361 – Nice bit of Comms Chatter. Someone may have found the perfect race-track.
- https://www.reddit.com/r/FuelRats/comments/40gach/fuel_rats_travelled_56000_ly_in_two_days_to/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteHudson/comments/40i5bc/pvp_and_rp_federals_a_call_to_arms/
- Watch out for the ‘Boost’ Voice attack prank!
- Questions
- If you die without insurance, should you be bumped all the way to the beginning of the game? https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php?t=28641&p=3404526&viewfull=1#post3404526
- Shout Outs
- Distant Worlds Expedition – http://tinyurl.com/eddwe Starts on the 14th Jan
Over 600 pilots from across colonized space are joining together in this monumental effort to cross the galaxy as one. To travel out to the furthest depths and catalog data on points of interest that travelers for years to come will talk about and visit. As well as many of the most prominent and dedicated pioneers, explorers and adventures, the fleet will also consist of faction members representing;
- Distant Worlds Expedition – http://tinyurl.com/eddwe Starts on the 14th Jan
Just wanted to comment on that guy who lost his anaconda… No, the game doesn’t treat you differently based on your rank. The NPC spawns are based on the BGS, not your rank. The only thing that will change based indirectly on your rank, is the NPCs spawned by missions, since mission difficulty is, indeed, based on your rank.