Position | Crew Member | CMDR Name |
SRV, Community And Batch fact collator (or SCAB) | Alec Turner | Alec Turner |
Head of Health and Safety | Ben Moss-Woodward | Eid LeWeise |
Staff Liaison Officer | Clare Good | Psykit |
Chief Archivist | Colin Ford | Phoenix_Dfire |
Tech Primate in Training | Chris Mk V | LittleBigYin |
Download the episode directly from here.
- Lave Radio’s 11th Birthday was last Thursday (22/02/24)
- Colin –
- Lots of on foot missions using the Eagle and got the gunslinger rank (Just call me the Riviera Kid).
- Managed to get back to level 3 with Arrisa in Powerplay.
- Completed ME1 as a Soldier (and with the graphics card upgrade in beautiful 4k).
- Update 18 Hopefully.
Development News – what have the devs said this week?
- Update 18 has arrived and the war with the Thargoids has entered the end game!
- Frontier Unlocked 28th Feb at 6pm. It will have Elite Dangerous News.
Community news – what is the community up to??
Commander Ascorbius has a new videoElite Dangerous: The Collision Event- GUARDIAN FSD BOOSTER – Unlock Guide | Elite Dangerous 2024 (Dituri’s Elite – let him know in the comments what you want to see him cover next)
- Journey to Sol – Part 3 – “Home” [4K] An Elite Dangerous Journey (the conclusion of Cmdr Meek’s journey to Sol)
- THUNDERDANGUS (3310) – Full Movie (Elite Dangerous) (Spatula 007 is back)
- Update 18: Torpedoing Titan Indra – Bringing The Fight To The Thargoid Mother Ships (Foxyloxy is back trying out Nanite Torpedoes at the Titan)
- [Elite Dangerous] Operation Titanfall (Cmdr Mechan’s launch day Titanfall stream)
- Update 18 TITAN ATTACK: What Happens & Everything We Know So Far (Buur’s summary on what we know so far about Titan Torpedoes)
- Watch out for a new Elite Dangereuse adventure coming this Friday The Damocles Hijacking
- EDCoPilot’s “Exo Mastery” features are coming out of Patreon exclusive this week – STOP PRESS – Razzafrag has just made it live now, especially for us! (maybe)
- Elite Racers Winter Olympics 3310 – event 2 results:
SRV Cross
🥇 Sgurr
🥈 Shaye Blackwood
🥉 Alec Turner
SRV Cross Relay
🥇 Shaye Blackwood / Tobias Von Brandt
🥈 Alec Turner / Sulu
🥉 Crank Larson / Walter Wall (Stardust Brothers)
SRV Rally
🥇 Sgurr
🥈 Shaye Blackwood
🥉 Alec Turner - Elite Racers SRV Cross live : “Crash and Burn”
The competition for Week 3 (16th March) will be SRV and On-Foot Agility, including tower climb and parkour events.
In-game events – what’s happened this week?
- 21st Feb – Winters Pauses Inauguration After Rhea Disaster
- 26th Feb – Target the Titans – Guardian Nanite Torpedoes Released
- Thargoid War Update – The thargoids have accelerated their invasion
- 48 Alert
- 28 Invasions
- 535 Control systems
- 10 Recovery.
- With only 1 Alert and 4 invasions stopped so far this cycle, we’re looking at almost 600 systems controlled by the Thargoids next week. They’ve doubled their controlled systems in two months.
Main discussion
- Probably Update 18.
- [Elite Dangerous] Operation Titanfall
- So what we know so far is;-
- Shoot the heat vents and they open
- Bomb the heat vents with the torpedoes.
- You bomb enough enough heat vents and this exposes a massive heat sink at the bottom of the Titan.
- You hammer the exposed core until it retracts again (with the Titan screaming in agony) – enough damage and it triggers the blue pumpkin shield of doom – everyone in the instance(?) get a core damage payment
- This seems to have the effect of lowering the Titan’s Damage resistance on the galaxy map and increase the chevrons on the for the system the titan is in (TBC)
- However, there is a bug. If the Core remains ‘Exposed’ (Oo-er Fnar Fnar), then the issue has occurred and you need to reset the instance. Fdev is working on a fix.
- The outer ring (all the rings?) are actually progress bars, we’d just made so little progress that I hadn’t noticed before (or today’s patch fixed it?)
- Crew Reaction to the above.
- Out of our predictions, Ben was the closest!
- Community Reaction to above and update 18.
Mostly Clueless
- Looking for Manufacturing Instructions and other rare data items, why not try retrieving mines or similar missions in a system with a War state from the ship mission board. Normally, you find a burnt out SRV but also at least 1 wreaked skimmer and those skimmers have datapads you can download items from. Thanks to Cmdr Homburger for this excellent tip (and the reasons I’ve almost got everything I need for a class 5 dominator suit)
Any other business
- The Dex Legacy season 2, returns with an explosive and thrilling adventure, Interlude 5 “Major Problems”, Premiered tonight on Lave Radio. You can find further information at thedexlegacy.com, including links to the paperback book “The Dex Legacy Season 1 – Collected Scripts and Commentary” by Emily Inkpen and also The Complete Season 2 in HD audio.
- What little fixes would you like to see in the patch notes?
- Paul Loader
I would like to see (unless it out there already) tutorials on how to use the in game maps to their fullest. Inara is not reliable
A sneaky drop of some tweaked modules better relating to smuggling and piracy, ie shielded cargo racks ability to hide ship features from scanning. - Sam Semigreen
Main menu colour scheme settings, saves downloading a expansion for it - Polutropos
Make better use of time: shorter carrier jump times, not restarting galaxy map process when carrier jump not possible, magic buttons to take me back to ship from station services or straight to outfitting without all the motions, scanning nav beacons in supercruise. - Cylus Resi
Being able to see what control is bound to your buttons by pressing them in the control menu, rather than having to search the whole thing. - HappyMoonMonkey
The galaxy map not exiting when failing to plot a carrier jump. Supercruise assist button. - Saphaia
Aside from putting the camera on a longer leash, which will never happen – keeping ‘apply filter to route’ checked. I think I’m very close to developing muscle memory for re-enabling it every time I open the game. - Epaphus
Fixes for missions bugging out in teams. Stability improvements for physical multi-crew so ship mates don’t get left behind or disconnected. Longer range on the camera suite, 300m is far too short for ships near a planet surface. VR bug fixes. General performance improvements.
NPCs to have the same rules as CMDRs in stations, no more slot blocking or loitering. FC fuel transfer from cargo hold. Buying and selling of ship engineering materials like we have on foot. Be able to store multiple plant samples while doing bio scans.
DSS data to be available at ground level so I know if I’m still going the right way to find that last sample or start finding the next plant type without having to go into orbit to see where the next cluster is. - Eralm_237
More realistic spacial representations. Let a black hole be ominous. - CMDR Tobias Von Brandt
NPC spawn bug when there are multiple CMDRs at an installation! (i.e. NPCs spawn for every CMDR in the instance, yikes) (I know there are lots more, that was first one that came to mind) - CMDR Schnails
I believe that there is a bug that causes night vision mode to restore the HUD display even if you have a broken canopy. Rumour has it that someone reported it as an issue? - Cmdr Terekov
Multiple fixes to bugs affecting filtering and routing in Galaxy map:
1) Apply filter to route going AWOL on filters (this is an issue with unexpected behaviour of the UI when clicking around filters, but also can occur in game login).
2) Controls from the “Route settings” dialog not getting taken into account immediately after game load. (this can cause some over-length jumps to be plotted when cargo is carried).
3) Jetcone boost always assumed when plotting a route form a neutron or WD system
Filters ignored when plotting to some sub-targets in star systems
These bugs rarely make the tracker as common as they are, most players are used to working around them, or simply thinking it’s their own error. I’ve certainly assisted a fair number of commanders who ran out because of the “Apply filter to route” issue. - Lexi Orchard
oddly can’t think of a bug… wow i really am one of those players that just wants more features 😱
wait is powerplay a bug … technically?… wait they claim to be fixing that - LittleBigYin
I’d love to see an in game neutron plotter, like Spansh etc. Maybe you can only do it from Stations and/or Fleet Carriers. - Alec
I’d love to see that SLOW DOWN message replaced by something more appropr…. oh … never mind. - Psykit
I would like the galaxy map to be more reliable and not get stuck following my mouse (I’m just tot the UI changes, just pissed off with the reliability). I would also LOVE for Elite to not crash OBS multiple times a stream but a girl can dream.
- Paul Loader
- Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at twitch.tv/huttonorbitaltruckers or, for just the audio, at radio.forthemug.com/.
- For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “discord.me/elitedangerouscqc”.
- We’re also giving a shout outs to the following Elite Dangerous podcasts which have appeared over the last year or are standard regular contributors;-
- The Guard Frequency (who do other space games )
- Loose Screws
- Following this we have the latest Galnet News Digest as provided by Cmdr Wotherspoon and Cmdr BeetleJude.
- Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders
- Special Thanks to Cmdr ToCoSo, Jn Tracks and Allen Stroud who created the music used on the Show.