Position | Crew Member | CMDR Name |
Staff Liaison Officer | Clare Good | Psykit |
Chief Archivist | Colin Ford | Phoenix_Dfire |
(in)Human Resources Director | Shan | Shan |
Squee’er In Chief | CMDR Kerrash |
Download the episode directly from here.
Development News – what have the devs said this week?
- Not Much. We had a server side patch Friday morning :- https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/elite-dangerous-odyssey-support-missions-and-lost-cargo-fix.588055/ –
- Commanders would sign up to multiple support missions, which require the delivery of commodities, at a station of their choosing.
- They would then complete their missions and return to the station of origin to hand them in.
- Commanders would then go ahead and turn in the first completed mission to find that their commodities required for the remaining completed mission would be…well they would just disappear.
- DB OBE Talks https://www.techradar.com/uk/news/close-encounters-elite-creator-surveys-the-gaming-galaxy-and-talks-starfield
In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?
- 11/08/3307 – Aegis Probed by Board of Inquiry
- 12/08/3307 – Victory Against Federation for Independent Factions
- 12/08/3307 – Marlinist Civil War Declared
- 13/08/3307 – Onionhead Legality Sparks Debate
- 16/08/3307 – Rival Corporations Compete in LTT 198
- 17/08/3307 – Leaked Report Exposes Aegis Failures https://community.elitedangerous.com/galnet/uid/611ba6d5760fa3799e69814d
- Operation IDA – Tilman Point – Hyades Sector RO-P b6-6
- 16/08/3307 – AXI Event – Malzacar’s Multigoid Week(s) Begins 09:00 UTC on the 16th of August and lasts for two whole weeks, until 09:00 UTC on the 29th of August Killing thargoids one by one is boring and inefficient, so you are challenged to kill as many Thargoids at once as you can, with a bonus prize coming from @[PC] CMDR MalzaCAr (TCS) for your efforts!
Store Alert
- The Python Speedway Skin (Much Better than the adder).
- Apparently, Phoenix_Dfire has offended the Adder’s owner club over on twitter and in the Hutton Truckers. #SorryNOSorry you people with no taste! I’d like to officially change my Worst ship in the game category in flight assist to the ADDER!
- There’s also the Motherload style suits https://twitter.com/EliteDangerous/status/1426904015149936642
- Also there’s the TK Eclipse Scatter weapon :- https://twitter.com/EliteDangerous/status/1426515494060937216?s=20
Main discussion
What would have Bethesda done with Elite?
Mostly Clueless
NerfOrNutt – Before engaging in a dogfight, got to subsystems and Target their engines or power plant, and run half lasers and half Gatling guns, maybe some rockets.
Community News.
- Psykit can mention her new race here. https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/fill-the-glass-a-time-trial-race-12-22-august-3307.587739/
Trailer – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SCZwVOnAow
Sign up – https://www.edsm.net/en/expeditions/summary/id/153/name/SWS+HIGH-G+SUMMER+SLAMDOWN+3307+EXPEDITION - Colin For Colonia continues :- The clipper is down to 56% after a Disastrous Landing, can he make it safely through another 30 systems to a safe port. Twitch Stream
- The Squadron Recruitment Center helps you find or promote a squadron. You can promote your own Squadron in your special channel or find one, which matches your playing habits
- Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at twitch.tv/huttonorbitaltruckers or, for just the audio, at radio.forthemug.com/.
- For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “discord.me/elitedangerouscqc”.
- We’re also giving a shout outs to the following Elite Dangerous podcasts which have appeared over the last year or are standard regular contributors;-
- Algorab AM: An Elite Dangerous Podcast
- Black Sky Legion (who also do other space sims as well as ‘RL’ science and tech bits)
- Cannon Podcast
- For Spanish Speakers there is the Elite Cast
- Fatherhood Podcast
- Flight Assist
- The Guard Frequency (who do other space sims)
- Loose Screws
- Squeaking Fuel
- System Chat
- For those who want a literary discussion about Sci-fi and fantasy books. Please subscribe to the Dataslate podcast created by station commander Allen Stroud.
- Following this we have the latest Galnet News Digest as provided by Cmdr Wotherspoon and Cmdr BeatleJude.
- Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders
- Special Thanks to Cmdr ToCoSo who created the music for the Introduction of the Show